A servo amplifier is equipped with various servo parameters that can be used to adjust operation status. To maximize the
machine's performance , these servo parameters are required to be set in accordance with the machine's characteristic. The
gain adjustment is set to "Auto tuning mode 1" at the factory setting. Use each adjustment function to improve the
• MR-J5-_G_-RJ and MR-J5-_A_-RJ will be available in the future.
• When using the torque mode, gain adjustment is not required.
• Before adjusting gains, check that your machine has not been operated at the maximum torque of the servo motor. If
operated in excess of the maximum torque, the machine may vibrate and operate unexpectedly. In addition, adjust gains
taking into account that each machine is different. It is recommended to keep the torque of the servo motor generated
during operation to be under 90 % of the maximum torque of the servo motor.
• If the torque of the servo motor reaches the torque limit value, even if the gain is changed, the response of the servo motor
does not change and the gain adjustment cannot perform accurately.
• When using a linear servo motor, replace the wording of the sentence as follows.
Load to motor inertia ratio → Load to motor mass ratio
Torque → Thrust
1.1Adjustment function available to servo amplifier
The following table shows the adjustment functions available to servo amplifier alone.
Functions to automatically adjust machine stability
Adjustment functionOutlineReference
Quick tuningUse this function to prioritize reduction of the overshoot rather than shortening the settling time. An
adjustment is enabled without the positioning operation.
Auto tuning mode 1Use this function to adjust the machine while checking the response waveform when the load to motor
inertia ratio of the device is unknown. Also use this function when the load to motor inertia ratio of a
machine varies during operation.
Auto tuning mode 2Use this function to adjust the machine while checking the response waveform when the load to motor
inertia ratio of the device is known.
2 gain adjustment mode 1Use this function for auto tuning a machine that requires path accuracy improvement, such as XY table
and tandem mechanism, and to suppress inter-axis interference.
2 gain adjustment mode 2Use this function to adjust settling time and overshoot amount after the quick tuning or one-touch tuning
was performed.
Page 12
Quick tuning
Page 37 Auto
tuning mode 1
Page 41 Auto
tuning mode 2
Page 43 2
gain adjustment
mode 1
Page 44 2
gain adjustment
mode 2
1.1 Adjustment function available to servo amplifier alone
Adjustment functions to suppress vibration and to obtain a high
level of responsiveness
Adjustment functionOutlineReference
One-touch tuningUse this function to reduce settling time within the designated In-position range.Page 16 One-
touch tuning
Machine resonance
suppression filter
Adaptive filter IIUse this function to adjust the machine resonance suppression filter automatically.Page 53
Robust filterWhen the load to motor inertia ratio of a machine is 10 times or more, use this function to more increase
Advanced vibration
suppression control II
Command notch filterUse this function to suppress vibration easily, if the vibration during setting is large at high-speed
Use this function if machine resonance occurs when the response level in the auto tuning and manual
mode is increased.
the response level of the machine.
Use this function to reduce settling time as the vibration is being suppressed, if the vibration during setting
is large at high-speed positioning.
Page 50
suppression filter
Adaptive filter II
Page 59
Robust filter
Page 60
control II
Page 66
Command notch
Manual adjustment functions to obtain the maximum
Adjustment functionOutlineReference
Manual modeUse this function if the performance of the quick tuning, one-touch tuning, and auto tuning is not
Gain switching functionUse this function for:
Speed feed forwardUse this function to improve path accuracy by decreasing droop pulses at the constant speed.Page 88
Overshoot suppression
Slight vibration suppression
Unbalanced torque offsetUse this function for freefall prevention on vertical axis at servo-on.Page 94
Path tracking model
adaptive control
Lost motion compensation
1) Reducing the stop settling time
2) Increasing the gain during servo-lock while suppressing vibration sound during rotation
3) When load fluctuation is large
Use this function to decrease the overshoot.Page 90
Use this function to suppress vibration at a servo motor stop.Page 92
Use this function to suppress overshoot in path control.Page 98 Path
Use this function to suppress quadrant projections at speed switching in path control.Page 99 Lost
Page 45
Manual mode
Page 73
tracking model
adaptive control
1.1 Adjustment function available to servo amplifier alone
1.2Adjustment functions available in combination
with MR Configurator2
By combining with MR Configurator2 and a servo amplifier, the following adjustment functions can be used additionally.
Adjustment functionOutlineReference
Machine analyzerUse this function to accurately adjust the mechanical resonance suppression filter, when the characteristic
One-touch tuning in the
amplifier command method
of mechanical resonance is known.
With the machine and servo motor connected, the characteristic of the mechanical system can be
measured by giving a random vibration command from a personal computer to the servo amplifier, and by
measuring the responsiveness of the machine.
Use this function to prioritize time reduction of settling and gain adjustment over overshoot suppression.
To generate an optimum command inside the servo amplifier and perform the one-touch tuning, input the
travel distance (permissible travel distance) on MR Configurator2 that avoids collision with the machine
when driving the servo motor.
Page 16 One-
touch tuning
1.2 Adjustment functions available in combination with MR Configurator2
Is the system for
Interpolation of 2 or
more axes?
2 gain adjustment mode 1
Quick tuning
Is the adjustment
Load to motor inertia ratio
monitor mode
Adjustment for large load fluctuation
Is load fluctuation
large during operation?
One-touch tuningHandling the error
Is handling an error
Successfully completed?
Auto tuning
Is the adjustment
2 gain adjustment mode 2
Is the adjustment
Is the adjustment
Manual adjustment
Resonance suppression
Is the adjustment
Adjust the servo amplifier with the following procedure.
(1)Change [Pr. PA08.0 Gain adjustment mode selection] to "0".
(2)This mode can adjust the servo amplifier without driving the servo motor.
(3)Change the mode to the load to motor inertia ratio monitor mode if the adjustment result of the quick tuning has no problem.
Use this mode to set the same setting value in [Pr. PB07 Model control gain] to all axes when performing interpolation such as path control or
tandem drive for a system with 2 axes or more.
Do not use this for other purposes.
Page 43 2 gain adjustment mode 1
Adjust the servo amplifier with this mode when not executing the interpolation control.
Page 12 Quick tuning
Page 12 Quick tuning
(4)To start the one-touch tuning, push the "Start" button for one-touch tuning on the engineering tool during the positioning operation.
Use this adjustment if the conditions for the quick tuning are not fulfilled. A higher response level than that of the quick tuning can be obtained,
enabling a quicker positioning.
Page 16 One-touch tuning
(5)Set [Pr. PA08.0 Gain adjustment mode selection] to "1" or "2".
Page 37 Auto tuning mode 1
(6)[Pr. PA08.0 Gain adjustment mode selection] is automatically set to "4" (2 gain adjustment mode 2) once the one-touch tuning is complete.
Page 16 One-touch tuning
(7)Set [Pr. PA08.0 Gain adjustment mode selection] to "3".
Use the manual adjustment for fast settling or high accuracy path control.
Page 45 Manual mode
3.1Quick tuning
To use quick tuning, set [Pr. PA08.0 Gain adjustment mode selection] to "5". When the SON is on, the servo amplifier adjusts
the gain. The characteristic of quick tuning is shown as follows:
• Effective when to reduce the overshoot rather than to shorten the settling time because of the ability to reduce the
overshoot regardless of the machine type or the load size
• Adjustment available without the positioning operation
Restrictions on quick tuning
Quick tuning is not available in the following situations:
• During one-touch tuning
• In torque control
• When using adaptive filter II
Precautions on quick tuning
• Do not use quick tuning in a tandem system.
• Some noise due to the applied vibration torque may occur during quick tuning, but the noise is not an abnormality.
• When the load to motor inertia ratio is more than 100 times, quick tuning cannot adjust the gain appropriately. Adjust the
gain by using an alternative method such as auto tuning.
• When quick tuning is enabled (performed), the time until the servo amplifier actually becomes in the servo-on state after
turning on the servo-on command gets 300 ms longer at a maximum.
• When the torque limit value is less than 30 % of the rated torque, the torque required for quick tuning cannot be generated,
and quick tuning may fail. Set the torque limit value to exceed 30 % of the rated torque for quick tuning.
• If the travel distance in quick tuning exceeds the set value in [Pr. PA34 Quick tuning - Permissible travel distance], the
quick tuning will be stopped.
• [Pr. PB11 Speed differential compensation] will be changed to the initial value if quick tuning is used.
• When friction is 30 % or more of the rated torque, quick tuning may fail. In this case, adjust the gain with one-touch tuning
or auto tuning.
3.1 Quick tuning
Setting method for quick tuning
How to use quick tuning
Servo parameterNameDescription
PA08.0Gain adjustment mode selectionSelect the gain adjustment mode. The initial value is "1".
0: 2 gain adjustment mode 1 (interpolation mode)
1: Auto tuning mode 1
2: Auto tuning mode 2
3: Manual mode
4: 2 gain adjustment mode 2
5: Quick tuning mode
6: Load to motor inertia ratio monitor mode
PA08.4Quick tuning - Load to motor
inertia ratio setting
PA08.5Quick tuning - Execution selection Set when to execute quick tuning. The initial value is "0".
PA34Quick tuning - Permissible travel
Execute one-touch tuning with the following procedures.
Select the load to motor inertia ratio of the equipment. The initial value is "0".
0: A load to motor inertia ratio of 30 times or less
1: A load to motor inertia ratio of 100 times or less
0: At the initial servo-on after cycling the power (Execute quick tuning at the initial servo-on after
turning on the power)
1: At every servo-on (Execute quick tuning every time the SON is turned on.)
Set the permissible travel distance in quick tuning.
If the travel distance in quick tuning exceeds the setting value, the quick tuning error occurs.
When "0" is set, the permissible travel distance of quick tuning is 1.0 rev (10 mm when using a
linear servo motor).
Setting range: 0 to 100
■When executing quick tuning at the initial servo-on after turning on the power
1. Switch to the servo-off status.
2. Set "5" (quick tuning) to [Pr. PA08.0].
3. Set "0" (at the initial servo-on after cycling the power) to [Pr. PA08.5].
4. Check the load to motor inertia ratio.
• When the load to motor inertia ratio is 30 times or less
Set "0" (a load to motor inertia ratio of 30 times or less) to [Pr. PA08.4].
• When the load to motor inertia ratio is over 30 times and 100 times or less, or unknown
Set "1" (a load to motor inertia ratio of 100 times or less) to [Pr. PA08.4].
5. Set the permissible travel distance for quick tuning with [Pr. PA34].
6. Switch to the servo-on status to adjust servo parameters automatically.
Quick tuning will be executed at every initial servo-on after turning on the power thereafter.
7. Set "6" (load to motor inertia ratio monitor mode) to [Pr. PA08.0] to retain the tuning results.
3.1 Quick tuning
■When executing quick tuning at every servo-on
1. Switch to the servo-off status.
2. Set "5" (quick tuning) to [Pr. PA08.0].
3. Set "1" (at every servo-on) to [Pr. PA08.5].
4. Check the load to motor inertia ratio.
• When the load to motor inertia ratio is 30 times or less
Set "0" (a load to motor inertia ratio of 30 times or less) to [Pr. PA08.4].
• When the load to motor inertia ratio is 100 times or less, or unknown
Set "1" (a load to motor inertia ratio of 100 times or less) to [Pr. PA08.4].
5. Set the permissible travel distance for quick tuning with [Pr. PA34].
6. Switch to the servo-on status to adjust servo parameters automatically.
Quick tuning will be executed at every servo-on thereafter.
7. Set "6" (load to motor inertia ratio monitor mode) to [Pr. PA08.0] to retain the tuning results.
How to restore servo parameters before quick tuning
Servo parameterNameDescription
PA08.6Quick tuning - Restore selectionSet whether to restore the servo parameter values before quick tuning. The initial value is "0".
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
When [Pr. PA08.6] is set to "1" (Enabled), the following servo parameters return to the values before quick tuning. If quick
tuning has never been performed after power on or software reset, setting [Pr. PA08.6] to "1" only keeps the current servo
PB01FILTAdaptive tuning mode (adaptive filter II)
PB07PG1Model control gain
PB08PG2Position control gain
PB09VG2Speed control gain
PB10VICSpeed integral compensation
PB11VDCSpeed differential compensation
PB13NH1Machine resonance suppression filter 1
PB14NHQ1Notch shape selection 1
PB15NH2Machine resonance suppression filter 2
PB16NHQ2Notch shape selection 2
PB18LPFLow-pass filter setting
PB23VFBFLow-pass filter selection
PB50NH5Machine resonance suppression filter 5
PB51NHQ5Notch shape selection 5
PE41EOP3Function selection E-3
3.1 Quick tuning
Operation of quick tuning
Start of quick tuning Gain adjustment complete
60 % of rated
-60 % of rated
Approx. 300 [ms]
When quick tuning is started, the servo amplifier applies vibration torque instantly, and adjusts each gain and the machine
resonance suppression filter by using the response from that excitation. Vibration torque is applied by 60 % at the maximum
of the rated torque. However, vibration torque is limited by the torque limit value when the torque limit value is less than 60 %
of the rated torque. The adjusting time is approximately 300 [ms]. When the magnetic pole detection is executed, quick tuning
will be started after the magnetic pole detection.
Once gain adjustment by quick tuning is complete, the gain can be changed as in the manual mode. Also, the load to motor
inertia ratio will be always estimated as in the auto tuning mode 1 after the gain adjustment.
The following servo parameters are adjusted automatically in quick tuning.
When the following conditions are met, quick tuning may fail:
• When torque is reached to torque limit value during quick tuning
• When the travel distance in quick tuning exceeds the set value in [Pr. PA34 Quick tuning - Permissible travel distance]
When quick tuning fails, the servo parameters before quick tuning will be restored.
3.1 Quick tuning
3.2One-touch tuning
By turning on the one-touch tuning during servo motor operation, the one-touch tuning performs an adjustment in accordance
with the machine characteristic. The one-touch tuning has two methods: the user command method and the amplifier
command method.
User command method
The user command method performs the one-touch tuning by inputting commands from outside the servo amplifier. Although
it is necessary to input commands from the outside of the servo amplifier, the optimum adjustment can be made by taking both
the mechanical characteristics and the commands into accounts.
Amplifier command method
The amplifier command method generates an optimum tuning command inside a servo amplifier and performs the one-touch
tuning by simply inputting travel distance (permissible travel distance) that avoids collision with the machine during servo
motor driving. The one-touch tuning in this method can be performed easier than the user command method, and does not
require to generate commands from the outside of a servo amplifier. However, MR Configurator2 is required for performing
the one-touch tuning in the amplifier command method.
• When the following servo parameters are set in [Pr. PA08.0 Gain adjustment mode selection], [Pr. PB06 Load to motor
inertia ratio/load to motor mass ratio] is estimated at the start of one-touch tuning.
"0" (2 gain adjustment mode 1 (interpolation mode))
"1" (Auto tuning mode 1)
"2" (Auto tuning mode 2)
"4" (2 gain adjustment mode 2)
"6" (Load to motor inertia ratio monitor mode)
Restrictions on one-touch tuning
The one-touch tuning cannot be performed in the following conditions.
Common restrictions on user command method and amplifier command method
• When [Pr. PA21.0 One-touch tuning - Function selection] is "0" (disabled)
• In the torque mode
• When an alarm or a warning which disrupts the motor driving occurs
• In output signal (DO) forced output and motor-less operation
Restrictions on user command method
• The one-touch tuning in the user command method cannot be performed at servo-off.
Restrictions on amplifier command method
• The one-touch tuning in the amplifier command method cannot be started during servo motor driving.
• The one-touch tuning in the amplifier command method cannot be performed when the positioning operation, JOG
operation, program operation, and test operation mode of machine analyzer function are being carried out.
3.2 One-touch tuning
Instructions on one-touch tuning
Instructions on amplifier command method
• Once one-touch tuning is performed, control by commands from a controller will not be available. To enable control from the
controller again, reset the controller, cycle the power of the servo amplifier, or reset software.
• Set the permissible travel distance for not to collide with a machine. In addition, the permissible travel distance may be
exceeded because of an overshoot during one-touch tuning. Therefore, set the permissible travel distance with a margin to
avoid exceeding the range of a limit switch.
• When the manual mode is selected in [Pr. PA08.0 Gain adjustment mode selection], a load to motor inertia ratio is not
estimated. Optimum acceleration/deceleration commands are generated by [Pr. PB06 Load to motor inertia ratio/load to
mass ratio] at the start of the one-touch tuning. When the load to motor inertia ratio is not accurate, optimum acceleration/
deceleration commands may not be generated, causing the tuning to fail.
• When the one-touch tuning is started by using USB communication, if the communication between MR Configurator2 and a
servo amplifier is interrupted during the tuning, both the servo motor and the tuning stop. In addition, the servo parameters
returns to the status at the start of one-touch tuning.
• When the one-touch tuning starts during the velocity mode, the mode is switched to the position mode automatically. As a
result, the tuning result may differ from the results obtained by using the speed command.
One-touch tuning procedure
Procedure for one-touch tuning in user command method by MR Configurator2
Perform the one-touch tuning with the following procedure.
1. Start
2. Overshoot permissible level setting
Set the permitted overshoot level for the one-touch tuning in [Pr. PA25 One-touch tuning - Permitted overshoot level].
3. Operation
Rotate a servo motor by a controller. In the user command method, the one-touch tuning cannot be performed during a servo
motor stop.
4. One-touch tuning start, mode selection
On MR Configurator2, select "One-touch tuning" from the tuning tab of MR Configurator2. Select "User command method".
5. Response mode selection
Select the response mode (High mode/Basic mode/Low mode) in the one-touch tuning window of MR Configurator2.
6. One-touch tuning execution
Click “Start” during servo motor driving.
7. One-touch tuning in progress
Gains and filters are adjusted automatically. During the process of the tuning, the progress status is displayed in % on MR
8. One-touch tuning complete
Once one-touch tuning is complete, the parameters will be set automatically. If tuning did not complete properly, a tuning error
will be displayed.
Page 29 Servo parameters adjusted with one-touch tuning
9. Tuning result check
Check the tuning results.
When the tuning result is not satisfactory, the servo parameters can be returned to the value before the one-touch tuning or
the initial value.
Page 34 Initializing one-touch tuning
10. End
3.2 One-touch tuning
■Overshoot permissible level setting
[Pr. PA14]
[Pr. PA14]
× [Pr. PA25]
Position command frequency
Droop pulses
Reduced settling time
Increased overshoot
[Pr. PA14]
[Pr. PA14]
× [Pr. PA25]
Position command frequencyDroop pulses
Reduced overshoot
Increased settling time
Set the permitted overshoot level for the one-touch tuning in [Pr. PA25 One-touch tuning - Permitted overshoot level]. The
one-touch tuning adjusts the settling time to the shortest within the range of the overshoot permissible level. Therefore, when
the value set in [Pr. PA25] is large, reduction of the settling time is prioritized. When the value set in [Pr. PA25] is small, then
reduction of the overshoot is prioritized.
• When the permitted overshoot level is high
• When the permitted overshoot level is low
3.2 One-touch tuning
0 r/min
One cycle time
Forward rotation
Travel distance
Dwell time
Servo motor
time constant
time constant
Reverse rotation
Inputting commands to the servo amplifier that satisfy the following conditions is recommended. If the one-touch tuning is
performed with commands that do not satisfy the condition are inputted to the servo amplifier, a one-touch tuning error may
Travel distanceSet 100 pulses or more in the encoder pulse unit. Setting less than 100 pulses causes the one-touch tuning error "C_04".
Servo motor speedSet 50 r/min (mm/s) or higher. Setting less than 50 r/min may cause the one-touch tuning error "C_05".
Acceleration time constant
Deceleration time constant
Dwell timeSet 200 ms or more. If the value is small, the one-touch tuning error "C_04" may occur.
One cycle timeSet 30 s or less. Setting over 30 s causes the one-touch tuning error "C_04".
Set the time to reach 2000 r/min (mm/s) to 5 s or less.
Set an acceleration time constant/deceleration time constant so that the acceleration/deceleration torque is 10 % or more
of the rated torque. The estimation accuracy of the load to motor inertia ratio improves as the acceleration/deceleration
torque is larger, and the one-touch tuning result is closer to the optimum value.
■Command method and response mode selection
Select the user command method in the one-touch tuning window of MR Configurator2 and then select a response mode from
three modes. If no vibration sound occurs during tuning, perform the one-touch tuning again in the high response mode.
High modeThis mode is for a high-rigid system.
Basic modeThis mode is for a standard system.
Low modeThis mode is for a low-rigid system.
3.2 One-touch tuning
Refer to the following table for selecting a response mode.
Low response
High response
Response modeResponsivenessMachine characteristic
Low modeBasic modeHigh modeGuidelines for corresponding mode and machinery
Arm robot
General machine tool
Precision working
■One-touch tuning execution
Clicking "Start" after selecting a response mode starts the one-touch tuning in the user command method.
Page 19 Command method and response mode selection
For the one-touch tuning in the user command method, clicking "Start" during a servo motor stop causes "C_02" or "C_04"
shown at the status of the error code. (Refer to the following for the error code.)
Page 31 One-touch tuning error
3.2 One-touch tuning
Procedure of one-touch tuning in the amplifier command method with MR
Perform the one-touch tuning with the following procedure.
1. Start
2. Moving to tuning start position
Move the moving part to the center of the movable range.
3. Overshoot permissible level setting
Set the permitted overshoot level for the one-touch tuning in [Pr. PA25 One-touch tuning - Permitted overshoot level].
4. One-touch tuning start, mode selection
On MR Configurator2, select "One-touch tuning" from the tuning tab of MR Configurator2. Select "Amplifier command
5. Permissible travel distance input
In the one-touch tuning window of MR Configurator2, input a maximum travel distance to move the moving part at one-touch
6. Response mode selection
Select the response mode (High mode/Basic mode/Low mode) in the one-touch tuning window of MR Configurator2.
7. One-touch tuning execution
Click the "Start" button to start the one-touch tuning during a servo motor stop. On starting the tuning , the servo motor
reciprocates automatically. Performing the one-touch tuning during a servo motor rotation causes an error. Once performed,
the one-touch tuning in the amplifier command method cannot be controlled by commands from the controller.
8. One-touch tuning in progress
Gains and filters are adjusted automatically. During the process of the tuning, the progress status is displayed in % on MR
9. One-touch tuning complete
Once one-touch tuning is complete, the parameters will be set automatically. When the tuning is not completed normally, a
tuning error is displayed.
Page 29 Servo parameters adjusted with one-touch tuning
10. Tuning result check
Check the tuning results.
When the tuning result is not satisfactory, the servo parameters can be returned to the value before the one-touch tuning or
the initial value. Refer to the following.
Page 34 Initializing one-touch tuning
11. Controller reset, servo amplifier power cycling
After executing the one-touch tuning, to restore the control from the controller, reset the controller or cycle the power of the
servo amplifier.
12. End
■Overshoot permissible level setting
Refer to the following for the settings of overshoot permissible level.
Page 18 Overshoot permissible level setting
3.2 One-touch tuning
■Mode selection and permissible travel distance input
Movable range
Permissible travel
Permissible travel
Limit switchLimit switch
Servo motor
Starting position
of tuning
Movable range at tuning
Select "Amplifier command method" in the one-touch tuning window of MR Configurator2. Input permissible travel distance of
the amplifier command method. For the fully closed loop control mode, input permissible travel distance in the load-side
resolution unit. For other control modes, input it in the servo motor-side resolution unit. In the amplifier command method, a
servo motor drives in a range between "current value ± permissible travel distance". Input the value of the permissible travel
distance as large as possible within a range that the movable part does not collide against the machine. Inputting a small
permissible travel distance decreases the possibility that the moving part collides against the machine. However, the
estimation accuracy of the load to motor inertia ratio may be lower, resulting in inaccurate tuning.
■Response mode selection
Refer to the following for response mode.
Page 19 Command method and response mode selection
3.2 One-touch tuning
■One-touch tuning execution
0 r/min
Servo motor
Travel distance
Forward rotation
Dwell time
Servo motor
Acceleration time
Deceleration time
Reverse rotation
Clicking "Start" after selecting a response mode starts the one-touch tuning in the amplifier command method.
Page 19 Command method and response mode selection
In servo-off status, clicking "Start" for the one-touch tuning in the amplifier command method, servo-on is automatically
enabled and the one-touch tuning starts. For the one-touch tuning in the amplifier command method, an optimum tuning
command as follows is generated inside the servo amplifier after servo-on. Then the one-touch tuning is performed with the
servo motor reciprocating.
*1 These items are automatically generated in the servo amplifier.
Travel distanceAn optimum travel distance is automatically set in the range not exceeding the user-inputted permissible travel distance
with MR Configurator2.
Servo motor speed[A]: A speed not exceeding 1/2 of the rated speed and the overspeed alarm detection level is automatically set.
[G] [WG]: A speed not exceeding 1/2 of the rated speed and the overspeed alarm detection level ([Pr. PC08]) is
automatically set.
Acceleration time constant
Deceleration time constant
Dwell timeA dwell time in which the one-touch tuning error "C004" does not occur will be automatically set.
An acceleration time constant/deceleration time constant is automatically set so as not to exceed 60 % of the rated torque
and the torque limit value set at the start of one-touch tuning in the amplifier command method.
3.2 One-touch tuning
Procedure of one-touch tuning via controller [G] [WG]
Perform the one-touch tuning with the following procedure.
1. Start
2. Overshoot permissible level setting
Set the in-position range for one-touch tuning in [Pr. PA25 One-touch tuning - Permitted overshoot level].
3. Operation
Rotate a servo motor by a controller. The one-touch tuning via a controller cannot be performed during a servo motor stop.
2D53h0VAROne-touch tuning ClearU16wo0Servo parameters that were changed in the
2D54h0VAROne-touch tuning Error
U16ro0The following shows the details of the one-
tuning. After one-touch tuning is completed,
the setting value automatically changes to
0: During one-touch tuning stop
1: Basic mode
2: High mode
3: Low mode
is properly completed or not, the setting
value is 100 % at the completion.
Unit: %
one-touch tuning can be restored to the
original status.
0000h: Restores factory setting
0001h: Restores the value before one-touch
When servo parameters are restored, the
setting value of the restored servo
parameter is stored to the EEP-ROM.
touch tuning error codes.
0000h: Properly completed
C_00h: Tuning canceled
C_01h: Overshoot exceeded
C_02h: Servo OFF during tuning
C_03h: Control mode error
C_04h: Time-out
C_05h: Load to motor inertia ratio
C_06h: Servo amplifier built-in command
start error
C_07h: Servo amplifier built-in command
generation error
C_08h: Stop signal
C_09h: Parameter
C_0Ah: Alarm
C00Fh: One-touch tuning disabled
■Overshoot permissible level setting
Refer to the following for the settings of an overshoot permissible level.
Page 18 Overshoot permissible level setting
Refer to the following for operation.
Page 19 Operation
■Response mode selection
Refer to the following for response mode.
Page 19 Command method and response mode selection
3.2 One-touch tuning
One touch adjustment procedure with push button [A]
Perform the one-touch tuning with the following procedure.
1. Start
2. Overshoot permissible level setting
Set the in-position range for one-touch tuning in [Pr. PA25 One-touch tuning - Permitted overshoot level].
3. Operation
Rotate a servo motor by a controller. In the user command method, the one-touch tuning cannot be performed during a servo
motor stop.
4. Switching to one-touch tuning mode
Push "MODE" during motor driving to switch to the initial screen ("AUTO.") of the one-touch tuning. While "AUTO" is being
displayed, push the "SET" button for 2 s or more to switch to the response mode selection ("AUTO.").
By pushing "MODE" and "SET" at the same time for 3 s or more, switching to the response mode selection ("AUTO.") can be
done without going through the initial display of the one-touch tuning ("AUTO").
5. Response mode selection
Push the "UP" or "DOWN" , and select either one of the response mode from "AUTO.H" (High mode), "AUTO." (Basic mode),
and "AUTO.L" (Low mode).
6. One-touch tuning execution
Push "SET" to start the one-touch tuning. Push the "SET" during servo motor driving.
7. One-touch tuning in progress
Gains and filters are adjusted automatically. During the process of tuning, the progress status is displayed in % on the display
(five-digit, seven-segment LED).
8. One-touch tuning complete
Once one-touch tuning is complete, each parameter will be set automatically. When the tuning is not completed normally, a
tuning error is displayed. Refer to the following.
Page 34 Initializing one-touch tuning
9. Tuning result check
Check the tuning results.
When the tuning result is not satisfactory, the servo parameters can be returned to the value before the one-touch tuning or
the initial value.
Page 34 Initializing one-touch tuning
10. End
■Overshoot permissible level setting
Refer to the following for the settings of the overshoot permissible level.
Page 18 Overshoot permissible level setting
Refer to the following for operation.
Page 19 Operation
3.2 One-touch tuning
■Response mode selection
Response mode selection display
Low mode: This mode is for a low-rigid system.
Basic mode: This mode is for a standard system.
High mode: This mode is for a high-rigid system.
Select a response mode of the one-touch tuning from three modes with the "UP" button or the "DOWN" button. Refer to the
following for guidelines of response mode.
Page 19 Command method and response mode selection
■One-touch tuning execution
After the response mode is selected, pushing "SET" starts one-touch tuning.
Page 19 Command method and response mode selection
3.2 One-touch tuning
Progress display during one-touch tuning
On MR Configurator2
In servo-off status, clicking "Start" for one-touch tuning in the amplifier command method, servo-on is automatically enabled
and the one-touch tuning starts. For the one-touch tuning in the amplifier command method, an optimum tuning command is
generated inside the servo amplifier after servo-on. Then the one-touch tuning is performed with the servo motor
reciprocating. After the tuning is completed or canceled, the servo amplifier is automatically switched to the servo-off status.
When the servo-on command has been input from outside, the servo amplifier maintains the servo-on state.
During one-touch tuning, the progress status is displayed in the progress window as follows. One-touch tuning completes
when the progress reaches 100 %.
Completing the one-touch tuning starts the writing of servo parameters to the servo amplifier. Also, the following dialog is
displayed after completing the one-touch tuning. Select whether or not to reflect the tuning result in the project.
After the one-touch tuning is completed, "0000" is displayed in the status of the error code. Settling time and overshoot
amount are displayed in "Adjustment result".
3.2 One-touch tuning
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