Before servicing this chassis, it is important that the service person read the "SAFETY PRECAUTIONS" and
"PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE" contained in this manual.
• Power Input: AC 120V, 60Hz
• Power Usage: 82W
• Frequency Range: VHF 54 ~ 470MHz
UHF 470 ~ 806MHz
Analog Cable - 1 ~ 125
Digital Cable - 1 ~ 135
TUNER-2 [Main A TSC / NTSC Demodulators] ...............................................................................14
PWB LA YOUT DIAGRAMS .............................................................................................................. 15
Page 4
This service manual provides service instructions for STB model HD-6000 which uses the V26S chassis. Service
personnel should read this manual thoroughly before servicing these chassis.
This service manual includes:
1. Safety Precautions
2. Assembly and disassembly instructions.
3. Servicing printed circuit boards (PCBs).
4. Electrical adjustments.
5. Chip parts replacement procedures.
6. Circuit path diagrams.
The parts list section of this service manual includes:
1. Cabinet and screen parts.
2. Electrical parts.
Schematic and block diagrams of the above listed models are included in this service manual for better understanding
of the circuitry . PCB drawings are also included for easy location of p arts and test points.
Many electrical and mechanical parts in television receivers have special safety related characteristics. These characteristics are often not evident from visual inspection nor can the protection afforded by them necessarily be obtained by
using replacement components rated for higher voltage, wattage, etc.
Replacement parts which have special safety characteristics are identified in this service manual.
Electrical components having such features are identified by shading on the schematic diagrams and by bold type in
the parts list of this service manual. and by marking on the supplementary sheet for this chassis to be issued subsequently. The replacement for any safety part should be identical in value and characteristics.
Page 5
NOTICE:Observe all cautions and safety related notes located inside the receiver cabinet and on the
receiver chassis.
1.Operation of this receiver outside the cabinet or with the cover removed presents a shock hazard
from the receiver's power supplies. Work on the receiver should not be attempted by anyone who is
not thoroughly familiar with the precautions necessary when working on high voltage equipment.
2.When service is required, observe the original lead dress. Extra precaution should be taken to
assure correct lead dress in the high voltage area. Where a short-circuit has occurred, replace those
components that indicate evidence of overheating.
Leakage current check
Before returning the receiver to the customer, it is recommended that leakage current be measured according to the
following methods.
1. Cold Check
With the alternating current (AC) plug removed from the AC source, place a jumper across the two AC plug
prongs. Connect one lead of an ohm meter to the AC plug and touch the other lead to each exposed metal part
(i.e. antennas, handle bracket, metal cabinet, screw heads, metal overlay , control shaf ts, etc.), particularly any
exposed metal part that has a return path to the chassis. The resistance of the exposed metal parts having a
return path to the chassis should be a minimum of 1Mega Ohm. Any resistance below this value indicates an
abnormal condition and requires corrective action.
2. Hot Check ...Use the circuit shown below to perform the hot check test.
1. Keep switch S1 open and connect the receiver to the measuring circuit. Immediately after
connection, and with the switching devices of the receiver in their operating positions, measure
the leakage current for both positions of switch S2.
2. Close switch S1, energizing the receiver. Immediately af ter closing switch S1, and with the
switching devices of the receiver in their operating positions, measure the leakage current for both
positions of switch S2. Repeat the current measurements of items 1 and 2 after the receiver has
reached thermal stabilization. The leakage current must not exceed 0.5 milliampere (mA).
Page 6
Disassembly Sequence
Page 7
Page 8
HDD (Hard Drive) Removal
NOTE: Prior to HDD replacement, perform the prodedure
“Replacing the HDD” described on page 15.
Page 9
PWB Removal
Page 10
MODEL: HD-6000
Note: Perform only the adjustments required.
Do not attempt an alignment if proper equipment is not available.
Test Equipment
•Oscilloscope (Unless otherwise specified, use 10:1 probes)
•Signal Generator (both SD and HD capable)
Test Signal
A. Color Bar Signal
Use the color bar signal shown below , unless otherwise specified in this manual.
Page 11
MODEL: HD-6000
1. Press the “MENU” button on the remote hand unit.
2. Press the buttons “2”, “4”, “7” and “0” in order.
(The screen will change to the option menu.)
Defaults After Initialization
Audio / VideoCaptions Menu (continued)Setup Menu
Language:EnglishBackground:GrayA/V Memory Reset:Ant-1
Color Balance- -Digital Captions:On if MuteAudio
TV Pause:On Requ estAppear ance:Default Bas s:50%
Side Bar Color:GrayDigital S ettings Treble:50%
NetCommand Menu
Edit-- Size:Large Surround:Off
Transport Menu:On Color:W hite Sub W oofer:On
Default PVR-- Background:Black Listen To (Analog Only):Stereo
Icon Order-- Opacity:Translucent Level Sound:On
Analog Quality:High Bac kground Opacity :Translucent Languag e (Digital Onl y):English
Anten na Menu
Antenna:1V-Chiip:Off Contrast:50%
Memorize--TV Rating:TV-PG Brightness:50%
Prefer Digital--FV-Fantasy Violence:Enable Sharpness:50%
Channel:3D-Sexual Dialog:Enable Color:50%
Memory:DeletedL-Adult Language:Enable Tint:50%
Name--S-Sexua l Situations:Enable Video noise:Standard
SQV--V-Violence:Enable Film Mode (Auto):On
Time Menu
Clock Setting:ManualMovie Rat ing:PGFix/Variable:Variable
Time:12:00AMV-Chip TimeScan Rate Setting:Automatic
Date:1/01/00 Start:12:00pm
Time Zone:Eastern Stop:12:00pmPIP Sourc e:A nt-1 003
Daylight Savings Time :AppliesLock by TimePIP Position:Lower Right
Timer-- Lock by Time:OffPOP Pos ition:Right Half
User Menu A/V Reset, resets only the selected input A/V settings.
Page 12
MODEL: HD-6000
A. A/V Memory
Each of the external inputs has its own Audio/Video Memory. A change in an A/V setting at a specific input is
stored in memory for that specific input.
B. A/V Reset
1. Press the GUIDE and FORMA T buttons on the front panel to reset all A/V Memories to default.
2. The AV Reset in the user’s menu initializes only the selected input’s A/V Memory.
LED Indicator Diagnostics
The “POWER/TIMER” LED provides an indication of the sets operation, and the possible cause of a malfunction.
1. Initial Control Circuitry Check
Immediately after the TV is connected to an AC power source:
LED Indi c a tionsCond itionsProbable C a use
OffAfter AC is appliedStandby Power Supply or TV µPC not running
Fast Bllink for 70 sec.After AC is appliedNormal DM µPC is booting up
Fast Blink (doesn't stop)After AC is appliedDM µPC failed to boot up
Slow BlinkSet in OffNormal - Timer is set for Automatic Turn ON
2. Error Code Operational Check
Note: The Set T op Box must be in “Shut Down” and not have been switched Of f, to perform the Error Code
Operational Check. When the unit is switched Off, the code automatically resets to “12” No Error .
Pressing the front panel “DEVICE” and “MENU” buttons at the same time, and holding for 5 seconds,
activates the Error Code Mode. The LED flashes denoting a two digit Error Code, or indicating no problem
has occured since the last Initalization.
Note: The front panel buttons must be used, NOT those on the Remote Control.
• The number of flashes indicates the value of the MSD (tens digit) of the Error Code.
• The flashing then pauses for approximately 1/2 second.
• The LED then flashes indicating the value of the LSD (ones digit) of the Error Code.
• The Error Code is repeated a total of 5 times.
Example: If the Error Code is “35”, the LED will flash three times, pause, and then flash five times.
4. Error Codes
The Error Code designations indicating malfunction, or no malfunction, are listed below:
Error CodeProbable Cause
12Normal Operation - No Error Detected
35Fan Stopped
41Short Detected
Remote Control Operational Modes
There are two Remote Hand Unit Operational Modes, “Standard” and “NetCommandTM”. The Remote is initially
in the “Standard” mode. The “NetCommandT” mode is used when controlling Home Theater devices using
NetCommand. T o change the Remote Operational Mode:
• Set the Remote to the CABLE/DBS/DTV Layer.
• Point the Remote away from the STB.
• To change to “Netcommand” ... Hold the “Power” button and press “1-9-7” in sequence.
• To change to “S tandard” ... Hold the “Power” button and press “0-0-0” in sequence.
Page 13
MODEL: HD-6000
Electrical Adjustments
Electrical Adjusments are performed in Service Adjustment Mode.
1. Activating the adjustment mode
1. Press the “MENU” button on a remote hand unit.
(The “MENU” display will appear .)
2. Press the buttons “2”, “4”, “5” and “7” in that order . (The screen will change to the adjustment mode.)
If not changed to the adjustment mode, repeat steps 1 and 2.
2. Adjustment Function Selection
Use the “AUDIO” button to select a specific Adjustment Function.
3. Adjustment Selection
Use the “VIDEO” button to select a specific elecrtrical ajustment.
4. Adjusting Data
After selecting an adjustment item, use the “UP” and “DN” buttons to change adjustment data.
ª If the “UP” button is pressed, the adjustment data increases.
ª If the “DN” button is pressed, the adjustment data decreases.
5. Saving data
Press “ENTER” to save the adjustment data in memory .
The display characters go red for approx. one second in this step.
Note: If the circuit adjustment mode is terminated without pressing
“ENTER”, changes in adjustment data are not saved.
6. T erminating the circuit adjustment mode
Press the “MENU” button on the remote hand unit twice to terminate the adjustment mode.
Note: The adjustment mode can be also terminated by turning the
power off.
Page 14
MODEL: HD-6000
Replacing the HDD
Prior to replacing the HDD Assembly , perform the following step s.
1 )Disconnect all external IEEE1394 devices.
2 )Enter the Option Menu ... Press “MENU-2-4-7-0”
3)Select TV Disc. Press “Enter.” Wait for confirmation and press “Enter” again.
Transferring Data
1 )Enter the Service Adjustment Mode ... Press “MENU-2-4-5-7”
2 ) Press “0” when in the Service Mode ... Three choices appear at the top of the screen.
3 ) User UP & DN keys to highlight the desired choice, the Press “ENTER”
Data Transfer Defini tions
Bac k up DVC files to CFCopies A li gnment dat a to c ompact flas h
Restore DVC files from CFLoads A lignm ent data from com pac t flash
Copy WB AlignmentUsed t o transfer WB data from si gnal E2P to DM E 2P
SERVICE MODE - Adjustment Items and Initial Data Values
Item #Abbrev. Descript ionData RangeInitial Data
1TNTMMain Tint adjustment0~6328
4COLMMain Color adjustment0~6320
14YDRMMain Y gain control0~315
18UPDMMain Pb Pedestal adjustment0~157
19VPDMMain Pr Pedestal adjustment0~157
Item #A bbr ev. Desc riptionData RangeInitial Data
1TNTSSub Tint adjustment0~6328
4COLSSub Color adjustm ent0~6318
14YDRSSub Y gain control0~315
18UPDSSub Pb Pedestal adjustment0~157
19VPDSSub Pr Pedestal adjustment0~157
Item #Abbrev. DescriptionData RangeInitial Data
12ROFFRed Offset0~2755
14BOFFBlue Offset0~2759
Page 15
Test PointExt. Trigger
Input Signal
Input Terminal
MODEL: HD-6000
PWB-SIGNAL (Partial)
[Video Circuit]
1. Main-Y Gain
Test Point
Ext. Trigger
Input Signal
Input Terminal
------Color bars
External Input
1. Supply a Color Bar pattern with 100% white signal to an External Input. Select
the Color Bars as the source (Device button).
2. Connect a scope to TPY (Main Luminance).
3. Enter the Alignment Mode (MENU-2-4-5-7)
4. Select the MMTX function (AUDIO button).
5. Select adjust item #14 YDRM (VIDEO button).
6. Set the data so the waveform at TPY is 0.7 Vp-p ±0.03 Vp-p (ADJUST buttons).
7. Press “ENTER” to save data.
8. Press “MENU” twice to exit the service mode.
T o set the main picture Y level
Incorrect analog source main picture brightness level.
PWB-SIGNAL (Partial)
Page 16
[Video Circuit]
MODEL: HD-6000
To set the sub picture Y level
2. Sub-Y Gain
Test Point
Ext. Trigger
Input Signal
Input Terminal
------Color bars
External Input
Incorrect analog source sub picture brightness level.
1. Supply a Color Bar pattern with 100% white signal to an External Input.
2. Select the Color Bars as the source for both the main and sub pictures.
2. Connect a scope to TPY (Main Luminance) & TPSY (Sub Luminance).
3. Enter the Alignment Mode (MENU-2-4-5-7)
4. Select the SMTX function (AUDIO button).
5. Select adjust item #14 YDRS (VIDEO button).
6. Set the data so the waveform at TPSY equals TPY. (ADJUST buttons).
7. Press “ENTER” to save data.
8. Press “MENU” twice to exit the service mode.
PWB-SIGNAL (Partial)
[Video Circuit]
3. Sub Picture Offset
Test Point
Ext. Trigger
Input Signal
Input Terminal
------Full White Raster
External Input
T o match sub picture white to main picture white
Sub picture white differs from white in the main picture.
1. Supply a full white raster signal to an External Input.
2. Select the White raster as the source for both the main and sub pictures.
3. Use the PIP/POP buttion to select the Single PIP mode.
4. Enter the Alignment Mode (MENU-2-4-5-7)
4. Select the AD9883A function (AUDIO button).
5. Select item #12 ROFF and #14 BOFF (VIDEO button).
6. Set the data fore items #12 and #14 so the sub picture white is close to that in
the main picture. (ADJUST buttons).
7. Press “ENTER” to save data.
8. Press “MENU” twice to exit the service mode.
Page 17
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