Right Glass Open
Right Glass Open
Right Glass Open
Left Glass Open
Left Glass Open
Left Glass Open
Scan Images
SXRD™ 24 0Hz Pa nel Dri ve
Side-by-side format
Top-and-bottom format
Power ful, exciting three-dimensional (3D) full-high-definition images using the la test technologies
projected onto a large 100-inch screen.
Enjoy breathtaking experiences anytime you want in the privacy of your home.
Whether watching movies, live sports or nature documentaries, Mitsubishi Electric’ s HC9000D
home theater projector offers a new dimension of reality, placing you right in the middle of the action.
One look is all it will take to realize that everything else produced to date fails to compare.
The HC9000D uses an advanced frame sequencing method to reproduce 3D images.
Normal frame sequencing reproduces 120 frames per second; 60 each for the left and right eyes
alternately. However, the advanced reflective full-high-definition SXRD™ panels of the HC9 000D
make it possible to reproduce 240 frames per second, twice that of the conventional method.
Along with the high-speed re production of images, the open time of the shutters in the special
active-shutter glasses is synchronized to ensure that images for the left and right eyes are not
mixed. Crosstalk, a phenomenon common in the reproduction of 3D images to date, has been
reduced a minimum, realizing amazingly detailed, high-definition 3D images that are so real you’ll
think you can reach out and touch them.
Reproduction of Extraordinarily Clear 3D Images at 240 Frames/Second
Made Possible by Cutting-edge, Reflective Full-high-definition SXRD™ Panels
The use of 3D content is spreading and applications
are becoming more diversified. Following these
ongoing advance ments closely, in addition to
introducing the new frame sequencing method,
Mitsubishi Electric has incorporated a side-by-side
projection function currently being used for 3D
television broadcasts, and plans to introduce
a function to support top-and-bottom projection.
The ability to switch between projection formats
ensures compatibility with the various 3D contents
being made available.
Wide Compatibility with 3D Television Broadcasts
Full-scale Use Available Soon
The shutter glasses design features not only the use of a lightweight resin frame,
but also a specially curved form for the temple section that sits on the ear and an
ergonomic bridge to fit this nose comfortably. These efforts ensure that
the glasses are easy to wear and use, and prevent them from shifting out of
position or becoming annoying when worn for a long period of time. For people
who wear prescription glasses, needless to say, these active-shutter glasses can
be used comfortably together with them without
any adjustment. Additionally, to ensure max imum
3D-set ting flexibilit y, a function for adjusting
image brightness has been incorporated.
Special Active-shutter Glasses
Lightweight, Stylish Design
Stunning Detail
Distinctively Dynamic
Welcome to the Era of 3D Home Theater
100-in screen and true 3D thrill – The real movie theater experience at home
*Compo site imag e used for explaini ng projection ef fect.
*Both 3D gl asses and E mitter (Op tional par ts) are necessa ry for viewing 3D pi ctures.