Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan PUHZ-W50VHA-BS, Ecodan PUHZ-W85VHA-BS, Ecodan PUHZ-HW140VHA-BS, Ecodan PUHZ-HW140YHA-BS Homeowner's Manual

Ecodan® Air Source Heat Pump
Home Owner Guide
Heat Pump Overview 3
Co-efficient of performance 3
Varying Factors 3
How a heat pump works 4
Room thermostat 5
Controller PAR-W21MAA 5
Hot Water / Space Heating 5
Selecting cylinder thermostat 5
Weather Compensation 5
Key Parts 6
Display and Operation 10
Change Language 11
Setting Day and Time 11
Heating Set-up 12
Recommended Settings 13
Radiators 13
Hot water Set-up 13
Available Modes 14
How to lock/unlock buttons 15
Error codes indication 15
Displays 16
Flow Rates 17
Start Up 17
Control Strategy 17
Running Costs 18
Time Clock Set-Up/ Patterns 19
Domestic Hot Water Immersion Heater 20
Legionnaires Disease 20
FAQ’s 20
Troubleshooting 21
Maintenance 21
Abbreviations / Glossary of terms
Ambient Temperature The outdoor temperature Anti freeze mode Heating to prevent water pipe from freezing ASHP Air source heat-pump boiler COP Coefficient of performance, see page 3 for full explanation ∆T / Delta Change in temperature between two variables Flow Rate The speed the water travels within the circuit that is heated by the Ecodan® unit Flow Temperature The temperature of the water within the circuit that is heated by the Ecodan® unit FTC Flow Temperature Controller, see page 6 for full explanation Heating Eco mode Similar to ’heating mode’ with weather compensation Heating Mode For heating space either through radiators or under floor heating Hot water mode Heating of the tank to provide hotwater Immersion Heater Booster heater to raise temperatures, see page 21 for use with Ecodan® unit Refrigerant A compound used within a heat cycle that goes through a phase change during this cycle changing from gas to liquid and back again UFH Under Floor Heating Weather compensation Flow temperatures change dependent on outdoor conditions, see page 5 for full explanation
Heat Pump Boiler Overview
A heat pump works in a similar way to that of a domestic fridge, although in re­verse. Heat is moved from one source to another. The outdoor based Ecodan exploits the physical properties of a refrigerant to heat water that flows into the dwelling to the radiators/ under-floor heating and the hot water cylinder for hot water usage. This is a very efficient way to heat water compared to conventional gas, oil and solid fuel boilers.
Co-efficient of Performance
Sometimes referred to as COP, it is the amount of heat energy provided by the heat pump, divided by the electrical energy consumed by the heat pump.
The efficiency of a heat pump boiler is high compared to a gas boiler. Typically for every 1kW of input energy, 3kW of outputted heat energy can be achieved, that creates a COP of 3.0. If heat energy increases for the same input the COP would rise.
Compared to a gas fired conventional boiler, 1kW of input energy provides less than 1kW of output energy or heat. A heat pump boiler utilises heat energy from the outside air even at low temperatures to provide either central heating or hot water for the house.
The COP for an ASHP will vary as it is dependent on the outside temperatures and the desired temperature of hot water/ space heating. The smaller the differ­ence between these figures the more efficient the Ecodan® will become. When it is cold outside power input increases as the Ecodan® works harder to extract heat from the air, thus COP drops in cold conditions.
Varying Factors
The table below shows how performance will vary. The Inlet/ Outlet temperature
represents the water temperature progressing through the Ecodan® unit and heating up.
Figures for 8.5kW heat pump
* Ambient Temperature –10°C
°C ambient
Water temp °C
Inlet / Outlet
30 / 35 40 / 45 50 / 55
-15 1.77 1.41 1.37*
-7 2.41 1.89 1.46
2 2.97 2.27 1.81
7 3.96 3.05 2.28
20 5.39 3.90 2.87
COP at varying factors
How a heat pump works
The heat pump essentially works the same way as your refrigerator but in reverse.
The Ecodan® is hermetically sealed (no refrigeration piping involved) with R410A refrigerant, the cycle it completes to produce heat is known as the vapour­compression refrigeration cycle:
The first phase begins with the refrigerant being cold and low pressure.
The refrigerant within the circuit is compressed as it passes through the compressor. It becomes a hot highly pressurized gas. The temperature also rises typically to 60°C
The refrigerant is then condensed as it passes across a plate heat ex- changer. Having a cooler side to the heat exchanger it decreases the tem­perature, so it changes the property of the refrigerant from a gas to a liquid.
Now a cold liquid it still has a high pressure. For expansion to occur it passes through an expansion valve. The pressure drops but it is still a cold liquid.
The final stage of the cycle is when the refrigerant passes into the evaporator and evaporates. It is at this point when some of the free heat energy in the outside air is absorbed by the refrigerant.
It is only the refrigerant that is being passed through this cycle; the water is heated up by the plate heat exchanger. The cooler water extracts energy from the hotter refrigeration cycle, the water heats up as it passes across the exchanger. This wa­ter flows towards the heating system and hot water storage tank.
Boiling points:
The refrigerant used within the cycle has a different boiling point to water, which boils (turns from liquid to gas) at 100°C. This is only true at atmos­pheric pressure. When the pressure increases so does the boiling tempera­ture; decrease the pressure and boiling temperature drops. Liquid turns to gas at a lower temperature. The boiling point changes when the pressure changes. Refrigerants have different properties to water and have much lower boiling temperatures. During the fourth stage of the cycle the outside ambient temperature is much hotter than the temperature of the refriger­ant and will heat it.
Step 1
Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Heat Exchanger
1 compressed
2 condensed
3 expansion
4 evaporates
Outside Air
Sealed Ecodan® Unit
Hot water for heat-
ing and hot water
Room Thermostat
The aim of the thermostat is to control the room temperature, although one model used will vary from one home to another its function will not. This is the homeowner’s connection to the heat pump boiler. The room thermostat and the time clock (both supplied by 3rd party manufacturers.) are the 2 main con­trols for the home owner to use.
Controller PAR-W21MAA
This controller is supplied with the Ecodan® heat pump. Its primary function is as a commissioning tool to set the target flow temperature. It has a display to show the actual flow temperature and the target tem­perature. The set-up, displays and modes available are explained later in the manual. Once installed there are factory settings that will allow the heat pump boiler to start operating immediately, optimising these temperatures to suit your home will improve running conditions and lower your energy consumption. These temperatures should be selected during the commissioning stage.
Hot water / space heating
Space heating and hot water heat up cannot be performed at the same time. Hot water will always take priority over space heating should there be a demand for both; once the tank is heated and up to tem­perature the unit will change over to the heating of the property. This setting cannot be changed.
Due to lower flow temperature provided by a heat pump boiler additional care must be taken when sizing the radiators. Ensure that the total heating demand of the property is met by the correct size of heat pump.
Selecting cylinder thermostats
Care should be taken when selecting a cylinder thermostat. If the thermostat is set higher than the achiev­able storage temperature of 55°C then space heating will be held off due to hot water priority. It is rec­ommended that a thermostat on which the maximum temperature can be locked is used. This will prevent the stat asking for a temperature that cannot be achieved thus preventing space heating from occurring. (See page 18 for typical heat up times for the hot water tank).
Weather Compensation
The Ecodan® system has a weather compensation mode. This feature is called Eco-heating. This mode offers varying flow temperatures to the radiators depending on the outside temperature. These tempera­tures are selected and set by the installer when commissioning the Ecodan® system for further details see the controller set-up. It is recommended that Eco-heating mode is used for central heating.
Hot water tank: Within this tank the water is heated via a coil positioned inside, the heated water leaves the top of the tank for showers, baths and taps.
Pump: This moves the flow of heated water from the Ecodan® to the heating system and hot water tank.
Controls, pumps and other com­ponents supplied and packaged together
Component Parts
The installed Ecodan® will include several key parts. Some of their func­tions will require human input to con­trol the effect of the unit,
Main Home Owner Controls
Room Thermostat: Used by homeowner to set the re­quired temperature of the household
Two Channel Timer Clock: Used by homeowner to set on/off running periods
Mitsubishi Supplied Parts
PAR-W21MAA: Controller used to activate set­tings on Ecodan®. These settings are explained in later pages.
Flow Temperature Controller:: Within this box is the brains be­hind the system that allows the Ecodan® to speak to the boiler
Specifications PUHZ-W50VHA-BS
Dimensions (mm) Width 950
Depth 330+30*
Height 740
Weight (kg) 64
Airflow (m3/min) 50
Nominal sound level (dBA) 45 ◊
Low noise mode (dBA) @ 7°C 40
Guaranteed operating range (Outdoor) - 15 ~ +35°C
Electrical Supply 220-240v, 50Hz
Phase Single
Running current (A) [Max] 5.4 [13]
Fuse Rating (A) 16
Heating A2/W35 Capacity (kW) 5.0
COP 3.13
Power Input (kW) 1.6
Nominal Flow Rate (L/min) 14.3
Heating A7/W35 Capacity (kW) 5.0
COP 4.1
Power Input (kW) 1.22
Nominal Flow Rate (L/min) 14.3
Primary Flow Rate Maximum (L/min) 25.8
Minimum (L/min) 10
Nominal Conditions A2 / W35 A7 / W35
Outside air temperature (humid) 1°C 6°C
Water temperature (inlet/outlet) 30 / 35°C 30 / 35°C
* Grille
◊ At distance of 1m from the outdoor unit
Outside air temperature (dry) 2°C 7°C
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