Homeowner Quick Start Guide
Version 2

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This booklet has been created to enable you to quickly personalise
the Heating System controls to provide the best operation conditions
for your home. If you require more in depth information and
system settings please refer to the instruction booklet provided
with the cylinder unit.
Your heating system consists of:
Introduction to Your
New Mitsubishi Electric
Ecodan Heating System
Ecodan Air Source
Heat Pump
(Located outside)
Radiators or
Underfloor Heating
Control Panel
Cylinder Unit

Heat energy from the outside air and mains
electricity are used by the Air Source Heat Pump
to heat refrigerant to a high temperature. This
heat is then transferred to water which flows into
your home for central heating and also for
domestic hot water. The way the heat pump
works is similar to a refrigerator in reverse.
Ecodan Air Source Heat Pump
The cylinder unit is used to store your hot water as well as
containing various heating parts essential to operating your
heating system, such as water pumps and safety valves.
Your hot water and central heating system is
operated by the control panel, which will either
be attached to the front of the cylinder unit or
attached to a wall in your home. The control panel
allows you to customise the settings to your requirements.
Ecodan Cylinder Unit
This is the method used to transfer heat from the Ecodan to the home.
Most often large radiators, but sometimes under floor heating.
Your radiators may be fitted with Thermostatic
Radiator Valves (TRV’s). These will adjust the
amount of heat emitted from the radiator,
dependent on the demand. Each valve can be
adjusted by turning the top of the valve. The
higher the number displayed on the valve, the
warmer your room will become and the more
energy you will use. Check your TRV’s to make
sure they are not set too high.
Heating System
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