12-2. Resetting Internet Explorer ..........................................................77
Appendix: Added functions in Ver. 7.20 ...........................................78
Instruction Book
Before using the controller, please read this Instruction Book carefully to ensure proper operation.
Retain this manual for future reference.
1. Introduction
This Instruction Book explains how to make initial settings for the AE-200A/AE-50A/EW-50A and
AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E using a Web browser.
Note: Initial settings for the connected AE-50A/EW-50A or AE-50E/EW-50E cannot be made on the AE-200A/AE-200E Web
1-1. Terms Used in This Manual
- “Centralized Controller AE-200A/AE-200E” is referred to as “AE-200.”
- “Centralized Controller AE-50A/AE-50E” is referred to as “AE-50.”
- “Centralized Controller EW-50A/EW-50E” is referred to as “EW-50.”
- “Booster unit” and “Water HEX unit” are referred to as “Air To Water (PWFY) unit.”
- “Advanced HVAC CONTROLLER” is referred to as “AHC.”
- “Hot Water Heat Pump unit” is referred to as “HWHP (CAHV, CRHV) unit.”
- A PI controller that is built-in on AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 is referred to as “Built-in PI controller.”
- Screen images used in this manual are from Windows 7
Note: Windows is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
1-2. PC Requirements
CPU1 GHz or faster
Memory512 MB or more
Screen resolution1366 x 768 or higher recommended
On-board LAN port or LAN card100 BASE-TX
Pointing devicee.g., mouse
Note: Microsoft is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Note: Although no particular OS is required, the Web browser will not properly operate when it is started up from the Internet
browser, and must be made on each AE-50A/EW-50A or AE-50E/EW-50E Web browser respectively.
and Internet Explorer 9.0.
Table 1-1 PC Requirements
* Java execution environment is required.
(Verified to run on Oracle
* Install Oracle
using a 64-bit OS, install a 32-bit and a 64-bit Java Plug-in.
* The version of the Oracle
Control Panel.
Oracle and Java are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Explorer on the Windows 8.1 start screen. If the Web browser was started up on the start screen, close the Web browser and
switch the screen to the desktop screen, and then start up the Web browser again. Refer to the help functions of Windows 8.1
for how to switch the screens.
Internet Explorer 8.0
Internet Explorer 9.0
Internet Explorer 10.0
Internet Explorer 11.0
Java Plug-in that is appropriate for your operating system. When
Java Plug-in Ver. 1.8.0_25)
Java Plug-in can be verified by clicking [Java] in the
Start screenDesktop screen
1-3. Notes on using the integrated centralized control software TG-2000A
If the system is connected to a TG-2000A, make or change all settings from the TG-2000A so that the data in the
TG-2000A and AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 will match.
Note: Use TG-2000A Ver. 6.60 or later.
2. Setting the Operating Environment
This chapter explains how to make PC settings and Web browser settings to monitor and operate the air
conditioning units.
2-1. Setting the IP Address of the PC
Follow the instructions below to set the PC’s IP address for the Web browser to recognize the
AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 unit.
The PC’s IP address must have the same network address as the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50’s IP address.
(i.e., AE-200’s IP address: [], PC’s IP address: [])
When connecting an AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 to an existing LAN, consult the system administrator to decide the IP
Note: When using an AE-200/AE-50/EW-50-dedicated LAN, it is recommended that the AE-200 unit and the EW-50 unit (only
when used alone) be assigned an IP address between the range [] and [], the AE-50/EW-50 unit
be assigned an IP address between the range [] and [], and that the PC connected to the
AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 be assigned an IP address between the range [] and [].
Click [Control Panel] in the Start menu.
Click [Network and Sharing Center]>[Local Area Setting].
In the [Local Area Connection Status] window, click [Properties].
Click [Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)] to select it, and click
In the [Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties] window,
check the radio button next to [Use the following IP address].
Enter the PC’s IP address (e.g., []) in the [IP address]
field, and enter the subnet mask [] (unless otherwise
specified) in the [Subnet mask] field.
In the [Default gateway] field, enter the gateway address as
necessary. (Refer to section 4-2-5 for details.)
Note: Consult the system administrator to decide the IP, subnet mask, and
Keep clicking [OK] or [Close] to close all windows.
gateway addresses.
2-2. Setting the Web Browser
Web browser setting varies with the Internet connection type. See the sections below for how to make Web
browser settings for different types of Internet connection.
To prevent unauthorized access, always use a security device such as a VPN router when
connecting the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 to the Internet.
2-2-1. No Internet connection
To monitor and operate the air conditioning units from a PC with no Internet connection, follow the instructions
below to set the environment for the Web browser.
Click [Tools] in the menu bar, then click [Internet options].
In the [Internet Options] window, click the [Connections] tab.
Check the radio button next to [Never dial a connection] in the middle
of the window, and click [OK] to close the window.
2-2-2. Dial-up Internet connection
To monitor and operate the air conditioning units from a PC that connects to the Internet through a dial-up
connection, follow the instructions below to set the environment for the Web browser.
Click [Tools] in the menu bar, then click [Internet options].
In the [Internet Options] window, click the [Connections] tab.
Check the radio button next to [Dial whenever a network connection
is not present] in the middle of the window, and click [OK] to close the
By making these settings, a message will appear asking whether
or not to use a dial-up connection when an Internet connection is
necessary. Follow the message to connect to the Internet.
2-2-3. Connecting to the Internet via proxy server using an existing LAN
To monitor and operate the air conditioning units from a PC that connects to the Internet through a proxy server
by connecting to an existing LAN, such as a LAN within your company, follow the instructions below to set the
environment for the Web browser.
Click [Tools] in the menu bar, then click [Internet options].
In the [Internet Options] window, click the [Connections] tab.
Check the radio button next to [Never dial a connection] in the middle
of the window.
Click [LAN settings] under [Local Area Network (LAN) settings].
In the [Local Area Network (LAN) Settings] window, check [Bypass
proxy server for local addresses], and click [Advanced].
In the [Proxy Settings] window, enter the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50’s
IP address (e.g., in the [Exceptions] field. Then, keep
clicking [OK] or [Close] to close all windows.
If connecting multiple AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 units, enter their
addresses (e.g., [;]). It is also possible to use
an asterisk as a wildcard (e.g., [192.168.1.*]).
2-3. Java settings
2-3-1. How to register exception site list
Click [Control Panel]>[Java].
Note: If [Category] is selected in the top right corner, next to [View by:], change it to [Large icons] or [Small icons].
Java Control Panel will open.
Click the [Security] tab.
The security setting window will open.
Click the [Edit Site List...] button.
The [Exception Site List] dialog will appear.
Click [Add].
The [Exception Site List] dialog will appear.
In the white box, enter the following, and then click [OK].
http://[IP address of AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50]
Note: If the IP address of the AE-200 is [], enter
Note: When using HTTPS (SSL) connection, prefix the web address with
The security warning screen will appear.
[http: //].
[https]. (https: //[IP address of AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50])
Click [Continue].
Note: The security warning screen will not appear when HTTPS (SSL)
connection is used.
Add all AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 to the list in the same manner, and
click [OK].
If a PC with 32-bit OS is used, after completing the settings, close all Internet Explorer windows, and access
the Web page again to make sure the appropriate window will appear.
If a PC with 64-bit OS is used, go to step (9) below.
Click [My Computer]>[Local Disk (C:)]>[Program Files (x86)]
>[Java]>[jre*] (The asterisk indicates a version
number. (i.e., jre1.8.0_31))>[bin] to open the [bin] folder.
*1 If a PC with 64-bit OS is used, both [Program Files] and [Program Files (x86)] folders will appear. Make sure to select [Program
Files (x86)].
Double click the “javacpl.exe” file in the [bin] folder.
Java Control Panel will open. Follow the steps (3) through (8) again.
2-3-2. How to enable Java content
Open the security setting window. (See section 2-3-1 “How to register exception site list”.)
Click on the checkbox next to [Enable Java content in the browser]
unless it is already checked.
Click [Apply] at the right bottom corner of the screen, and then click
After completing the settings, close all Internet Explorer windows, and access the Web page again to make
sure the appropriate window will appear.
3. Logging in to the Web Browser for Initial Settings
Enter the web page address in the address field of the Web browser as follows:
http://[IP address of each AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50]/init/administrator.html
Press the [Enter] key. A login screen will appear.
Note: If the IP address of the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 is [],
Note: Default IP address of AE-200, AE-50, and EW-50 is
Note: When one or more AE-50/EW-50 controllers are connected, log
Note: If the login screen does not appear then take the steps explained
Note: The web page will be displayed in the same language as the operating system on the PC.
the web page address is [http: //
When one or more AE-50/EW-50 controllers are connected,
none of their IP addresses should overlap. The recommended IP
address ranges are as follows.
AE-200: Between [] and []
AE-50/EW-50 (when used for system expansion):
Between [] and []
EW-50 (when used alone):
Between [] and []
Refer to section 4-2 “Basic System” for how to change the IP
in to all AE-200, AE-50, and EW-50 Web browsers to make initial
settings for AE-200, AE-50 and EW-50 respectively. The Web
browser cannot be switched among the AE-200, AE-50, and
in chapter 12 to delete the temporary files.
The web page can be displayed in other languages by entering the web page address as follows:
Chinesehttp://[IP address of each AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50]/init/zh/administrator.html
Englishhttp://[IP address of each AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50]/init/en/administrator.html
Frenchhttp://[IP address of each AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50]/init/fr/administrator.html
Germanhttp://[IP address of each AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50]/init/de/administrator.html
Italianhttp://[IP address of each AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50]/init/it/administrator.html
Japanesehttp://[IP address of each AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50]/init/ja/administrator.html
Portuguesehttp://[IP address of each AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50]/init/pt/administrator.html
Russianhttp://[IP address of each AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50]/init/ru/administrator.html
Spanishhttp://[IP address of each AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50]/init/es/administrator.html
Note: You can add the web page address to your Favorites on the login screen for easy access in the future.
Enter the user name and the password in the login screen, and click [Login]. A setting screen will appear.
The table below shows the default user names, passwords, and functions that are available for maintenance
users and building managers.
user name
Initial Settings
Functions 1
Functions 2
Available functions
Date and Time, Basic System, Groups,
Interlocked LOSSNAY, Blocks
E-Mail, Peak Cut, Measurement,
Energy Management Settings
Set Temperature Range Limit,
Night Mode Schedule, System-changeover
External Temperature Interlock,
Functions 3
Night Setback Control, Interlock control,
AHC Port Name Settings
User SettingsUser Settings
UtilityBack up/import settings data
Note: A building manager will use the same user name and password for the Web Browser for System Maintenance Engineer.
Note: A maintenance user can specify the functions to be made available for building managers. Refer to chapter 8 “User
Settings” for details.
Note: It is recommended to change the default user name and password so that the users other than the maintenance users
and building managers will not be able to change the settings.
Note: When one or more AE-50/EW-50 controllers are connected, log in to all AE-200, AE-50, and EW-50 Web browsers
to make initial settings for AE-200, AE-50, and EW-50 respectively. The Web browser cannot be switched among the
AE-200, AE-50, and EW-50.
Out of the functions listed above, the items to which access rights
have been given on the User Settings screen are available.
Encrypting the communication data and logging in to the Web browser
(HTTPS connection)
AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 can encrypt communication data using HTTPS (SSL).
When connecting the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 to the LAN that is accessible to the general public, it is
recommended that the following settings be made so that the units are monitored and controlled on the
encrypted web page.
Note: Depending on the operating system or the Java version, HTTPS encrypted communication may not be enabled properly.
If this happens, use an HTTP connection as explained in the previous page.
Prefix the web address with [https], enter the rest of the address, and
press the [Enter] key.
https://[IP address of each AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50]/init/
Note: If the IP address of the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 is [], the web page
address is [https: //].
The encrypted data communication will begin, and the Login screen
will appear.
When the first time the Web browser is accessed, a security certificate
error page appears instead of the Login screen. Go to step (2) below.
Enter the following web page address in the address field of the Web browser, and press the [Enter] key:
http://[IP address of each AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50]/cacert.cer
A notification bar or a window to confirm about file download will
Click [Open].
A certificate dialog will appear.
Click [Install Certificate...].
A Certificate Import Wizard window will appear.
Click [Next].
Choose [Place all certificates in the following store] and click the
[Browse...] button.
Select [Trusted Root Certification Authorities], click [OK], and then
click [Next].
Click [Finish] on completing the Certificate Import Wizard.
Click [Yes] on the security warning to install the certificate.
Certificate import process starts. A window will appear when the import
completes successfully.
Click [OK].
Note: The valid period of the certificate is from April 1st, 2014 to January 1st,
2051. The system date and time of the PC must be within the period.
4. Initial Settings
This chapter explains how to set the initial settings on the Web Browser for Initial Settings.
Note: When one or more AE-50/EW-50 controllers are connected, initial settings must be made on each AE-50/EW-50’s Web
Ɣ If the system is connected to a TG-2000A, make or change all settings from the TG-2000A so that the data in the
TG-2000A and AE-200 will match.
Ɣ Any control (such as interlock control or Peak Cut control) between the outdoor and indoor units connected to the AE-200,
AE-50, and EW-50, as well as between the units connected to different AE-50/EW-50 controllers, cannot be performed.
browser. However, only Date and Time settings (section 4-1) and Basic System settings (section 4-2) must be made on
the AE-200 Web browser.
4-1. Date and Time
Click [Initial Settings] in the menu bar, and then click [Date and Time] to access the date and time settings
Set the current date and time, and then click [Save Settings].
Note: The date and time settings may not be accessible if logged in as a building manager.
Note: The date and time settings made on this screen will be reflected on all the units in the M-NET system, all connected
Note: The date and time cannot be set on this screen if the [Time Master] setting is set to [Sub].
Note: The daylight saving time setting is required only on the AE-200.
Note: Changing the date and/or time when the charging function is in use can affect the calculation of the charges.
Note: When AE-50/EW-50 controller, DIDO controller (PAC-YG66DCA), AI controller (PAC-YG63MCA), or PI controller (PAC-
Note: Although date and time settings can be made on each AE-50/EW-50, the date and time synchronization from AE-200 is
Click to enable the daylight
AE-50/EW-50 units, and the AE-200 units whose [Time Master] setting is set to [Sub].
YG60MCA) is added to the system, set the current date and time on this screen to synchronize the date and time on the
added controller.
performed once a day. Make the date and time settings on the AE-50/EW-50 only after the AE-50/EW-50 is replaced.
Current date and time
Enter the current date and
Daylight saving time
saving time setting.
Click to acquire the current
date and time from the
Enter the current date and time.
To adjust the daylight saving time automatically, check the [Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving
Save Settings
Click to save the changes
changes] checkbox, and select the applicable country in the pulldown menu.
If the applicable country is not in the pulldown menu, select [Custom Settings] instead. A [Custom Settings]
button will appear on the right of the pulldown menu.
Click the [Custom Settings] button to open the Custom Settings screen, and configure the daylight saving
time setting.
Custom Settings screen
4-2. Basic System
Click [Initial Settings] in the menu bar, and then click [Basic System] to access the Basic System settings screen.
Make necessary basic system settings such as AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 unit settings, network settings, and M-NET
settings, and then click [Save Settings] to send the settings to the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50. A message will appear
asking whether or not to restart the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50. Click [OK] to restart the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 to
reflect the changes.
Note: The Basic System settings may not be accessible if logged in as a building manager.
M-NET Settings
Set the
M-NET address and range
Unit Settings
Set the
AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 name
and unit ID.
Network Settings
Set the
AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 IP
address and subnet mask.
Display Format
Set the screen display items
for the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50
and the Web browser.
of prohibited controllers.
External Input Setting
Set the
external signal input mode.
Advanced Setting
Click to display the screen
for making advanced
Click to import the settings
from AE-200/AE-50/EW-50.
Save Settings
Click to save the changes
4-2-1. Unit Settings
Follow the instructions below to set the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 unit name and unit ID in the [Unit Settings] section.
The AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 serial number and software version will appear.
(1) Enter the unit name in the [Name] field in 40 alphanumeric or symbol characters or less. The name entered
here will be used on the screen of the software that controls multiple AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 units and will
also be used as a sender name in the error notification e-mail and e-mail alarm.
Note: The following characters cannot be used in the [Name] field: <, >, &, “, or ‘
(2) Enter the unit ID in the [Unit ID] field in 6 figures. Use this setting to manage the multiple unit IDs. The unit
ID entered here will be used on the screen of the software that controls multiple AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 units
and will also be used as a sender ID in the error notification e-mail and e-mail alarm.
4-2-2. M-NET Settings
(1) Enter [0] in the [M-NET Address] field (unless otherwise specified).
(2) When the local remote controller operation is prohibited on the Web Browser for System Maintenance
Engineer, this setting determines the scope of its applicability. Select [SC/RC] to prohibit the operation from
both the sub system controllers and the remote controllers. Select [RC Only] to prohibit the operation only
from the remote controllers.
4-2-3. External Input Setting
Using the external signal input function, the following types of collective operations can be performed for all
connected air conditioning units: Emergency stop, ON/OFF operation, and Prohibit/Permit local remote controller
A separately-sold external input/output adapter (PAC-YG10HA-E) is required for each AE-200, AE-50 and EW-50.
Select the external signal input mode, referring to the explanations below.
Note: Peak Cut control is performed based on the demand level signal (level 1 to 4) input from the connected demand
Note: If an external signal is input to the AE-200 only, the collective operations will not be performed for the units connected to
Note: Refer to the AE-200 Installation Manual for details about the external signal input function.
Note: General equipment connected via DIDO controller (PAC-YG66DCA) cannot be collectively run or stopped by using the
controller. (A separate license is required to use the Peak Cut function.)
the AE-50/EW-50 controllers.
external signal input function unless [Emergency Stop (Level signal)] is selected and relevant switches on the DIDO
controller are set.
(1) Select [Demand(Level signal)/Not in use] when using a level signal to receive a demand level or when not
using the external signal input function.
Note: Refer to the AE-200 Installation Manual for details about the demand level.
(2) Select [Emergency Stop (Level signal)] when using a level signal to collectively run or stop all the air
conditioning units connected to the AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50 in an emergency. During an emergency stop,
the ON/OFF operation from the local remote controllers will be prohibited, and the ON/OFF operation and
Prohibit/Permit settings on the AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50 will be prohibited.
Note: Refer to the AE-200 Installation Manual for details about the demand level.
12 or 24 VDC
Demand level 4
Demand level 3
Demand level 2
Emergency stop/
Normal operation
Connection to AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 (CN5)
Contact ON
Contact OFF
Contact ON
Contact OFF
Demand ONDemand
(3) Select [ON/OFF (Level signal)] when using a level signal to collectively run or stop all the air conditioning
units connected to the AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50. The ON/OFF operation from the local remote controllers
will be prohibited, and the ON/OFF operation and Prohibit/Permit settings on the AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50
will be prohibited.
Connection to AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 (CN5)
12 or 24 VDC
ON signal,
OFF signal
Contact ON
Contact OFF
(4) Select [ON/OFF/Prohibit/Permit (Pulse signal)] when using a pulse signal to collectively run or stop all the
air conditioning units connected to the AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50, or to collectively prohibit or permit the
operation from the local remote controllers.
12 or 24 VDC
Connection to AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 (CN5)
(Example) ON/OFF
Contact ON
Contact OFF
Contact ON
Contact OFF
(Example) Prohibit/Permit
Contact ON
Contact OFF
Permit signal
Prohibit signal
OFF signal
ON signal
: Pulse generator
0.5–1.0 second
0.5–1.0 second
0.5–1.0 second
0.5–1.0 second
Contact ON
Contact OFF
4-2-4. Advanced Setting
4-2-4-1. Time Master/Sub
In the [Time Master] section, select [Master] or [Sub]. The default setting is [Master].
This setting is required to change only for a system with multiple AE-200 controllers. Set to [Master] on only
one of the AE-200 controllers in a system, and set to [Sub] on the rest of the AE-200 controllers. The date and
time synchronization is performed from the AE-200 whose [Time Master] setting is set to [Master] to the AE-200
whose [Time Master] setting is set to [Sub].
Note: When only one AE-200 controller is connected to the system, leave the default setting [Master] as it is.
Note: When multiple AE-50 controllers are connected to the system, leave the default setting [Master] as it is on all AE-50
4-2-4-2. Schedule: Season setting
In the [Schedule: Season setting] section, select [Available] to enable the seasonal settings of the weekly
schedules and [Not Available] to disable. Unless otherwise specified, leave the default setting [Available] as it is.
Note: The settings made on this screen on the AE-200 will be reflected on this screen on the AE-50/EW-50.
4-2-4-3. Hold type
In the [Hold type] section, select [Normal] or [Forced].
The Hold function is a function to disable the operations that were scheduled for air conditioning unit groups.
If the setting for [Hold] is set to [ON] on the Condition List screen of the Web Browser for System Maintenance
Engineer and the [Hold type] on the screen above is set to [Forced], the [Hold] setting can be cancelled only
from the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50. If the [Hold type] is set to [Normal], the [Hold] setting can be cancelled from
AE-200/AE-50/EW-50, other system controllers, or remote controllers.
Note: The Hold function can be used on the AE-200A/AE-50A/EW-50A, but not on the AE-200E/AE-50E/EW-50E.
Note: The Hold function cannot be used on general equipments.
Note: The setting [Forced] will not be effective on Air To Water (PWFY) unit groups, LOSSNAY unit groups, and air conditioning
unit groups that do not support the Hold function (i.e., Mr. Slim M-Series/P-Series indoor units).
If the setting for [Hold] is set to [ON] on those unit groups on the Condition List screen and the [Hold type] on the screen
above is set to [Forced], the setting [Normal] will be effective.
4-2-4-4. Old model compatibility mode
In the [Old model compatibility mode] section, select [ON] or [OFF].
Select [ON] when not using the Dual set point function.
When [ON] is selected, the Prohibit Remote Controller function (Timer, Air Direction, Fan Speed) cannot be used.
Note: If the setting is changed, the controller will reboot.
4-2-5. Network Settings
Network settings vary depending on whether the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 is connected to a dedicated LAN or an
existing LAN. See the sections below for how to set the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 IP, subnet mask, and gateway
addresses in the [Network Settings] section.
Note: Do not use the LAN2 port.
Note: Although the settings for LAN1 (Network Settings) and LAN2 (Network Settings 2) will appear on the screen, only the
Note: After the AE-200 IP address is changed, the AE-50/EW-50 power will be reset.
4-2-5-1. Settings for connecting the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 to a dedicated LAN
(1) Enter the AE-200, AE-50, or EW-50’s IP address in the [IP Address] field. If the LAN has been newly set up,
settings for LAN1 is required. However, only when the LAN1 IP address is required to be set to [], change the
default LAN2 IP address to avoid address overlap.
allocate IP addresses to the AE-200 units in a sequential order starting with []. For example, the
first AE-200 unit will have an IP address of [], the second AE-200 unit will have an IP address of
[] and so on.
Allocate IP addresses to the AE-50/EW-50 units in a sequential order starting with [].
Note: The recommended IP address ranges are as follows.
AE-200: Between [] and []
AE-50/EW-50: Between [] and []
PC: Between [] and []
[IP address setting example]
100 BASE-TX LAN straight cable
Note: Some hubs have dedicated ports for connection with another hub.
Connect the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 and PC to the normal ports.
(2) Enter [] in the [Subnet Mask] field (unless otherwise specified).
(3) When monitoring the system remotely or using e-mail function via a dial-up router, enter the router IP
address in the [Gateway] field.
Leave the [Gateway] field blank when not connecting a dial-up router.
[Remote Monitoring System example]
Telecommunication Network
Dial-up router
Dial-up router, cellular phone etc.
IP Address:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Note: [] is recommended for use as the IP address of the dial-up router. Refer to the dial-up router
instruction manual for details of how to set the IP address.
Note: The use of a dial-up router with no modem requires a modem (for analog or ISDN) to be connected between the
router and the public phone line.
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Gateway: Blank
4-2-5-2. Settings for connecting the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 to an existing LAN
(1) When connecting the AE-200/AE-50/EW-50 to an existing LAN, consult the system administrator to decide
the IP, subnet mask, and gateway addresses.
[Existing LAN System example]
Backbone LAN
Obtain the addresses from
the system administrator.
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Obtain the addresses from
the system administrator.
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
4-2-6. Display Format
Follow the instructions below to set the items in the [Display Format] section.
(1) In the [Unit of Temperature] section, select [ºC] or [ºF].
(2) In the [Pressure unit of measure] section, select [MPa], [PSI], or [kgf/cm
(3) In the [Date Format] section, select the desired display format for year, month, and date.
(4) In the [Time Format] section, select the desired display of time format.
(5) In the [Group Names on Overview Monitor] section, select [ON] to display the group names under the icons
on the Condition List screen. Select [OFF] not to display the group names.
Note: Only the first 8 characters will be visible under the icons. To display all characters, move the cursor to the icon.
Icons with group names
Icons without group names
(6) In the [Filter Sign Display] section, select [ON] to display the filter sign, and select [OFF] not to.
When the [Filter Sign Display] is set to [OFF], the filter sign will not appear on the Condition List screen even
when the indoor unit detects a filter cleaning signal.
If the filter is regularly cleaned and the sign display is unnecessary, set it to [OFF].
(7) In the [Room temp. display (except for group list)] section, select the desired temperature display option to
be used on the Block display of the Condition List screen.
Select [Always show] to display the temperature at all times, [Show during operation] to display the
temperature only during operation, and [Hide] not to display the temperature.
(8) In the [Occupancy sensor display] section, make the Show/Hide setting for the occupancy/vacancy status
that is detected by the built-in occupancy sensor on the ME remote controller (North America: PARU01MEDU, Europe: PAR-U02MEDA).
Select [Hide] not to display the occupancy/vacancy status on the Condition List screen.
Select [Show occupancy icon] to display the occupancy icon when the sensor on the remote controller
detects occupancy.
Select [Show vacancy icon] to display the vacancy icon when the sensor on the remote controller detects
Select [Show both icons] to display the occupancy or vacancy icon according to the occupancy status of the
Note: If the ME remote controller has no built-in occupancy sensor, the occupancy/vacancy icons will not be displayed on
the Condition List screen.
Occupancy iconVacancy icon
(9) In the [Brightness sensor display] section, make the Show/Hide setting for the brightness/darkness status
that is detected by the built-in brightness sensor on the ME remote controller (North America: PARU01MEDU, Europe: PAR-U02MEDA).
Select [Hide] not to display the brightness/darkness icons on the Condition List screen.
Select [Show bright symbol] to display the brightness icon when the brightness level in the room reaches the
predetermined brightness level.
Select [Show dark symbol] to display the darkness icon when the darkness level in the room reaches the
predetermined darkness level.
Select [Show both symbols] to display the brightness or darkness icon according to the brightness/darkness
level of the room.
Note: If the ME remote controller has no built-in brightness sensor, the brightness/darkness icons will not be displayed on
Note: The brightness/darkness detection thresholds are set on the ME remote controller (North America: PAR-U01MEDU,
the Condition List screen.
Europe: PAR-U02MEDA).
Brightness iconDarkness icon
(10) In the [Humidity sensor display] section, make the Show/Hide setting for the humidity reading of the built-in
humidity sensor on the ME remote controller (North America: PAR-U01MEDU, Europe: PAR-U02MEDA).
Select [ON] to display the humidity reading on the Block display of the Condition List screen.
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