Mitel 6510 UMS User Manual

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6510 Unified Messaging Client Application User Guide
Release 1.1 November 2002
®,™ Trademark of MITEL Networks Corporation ©Copyright 2002, MITEL Networks Corporation All rights reserved
MITEL and Mitel Networks are trademarks of Mitel Networks Corporation.
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Table of Contents
About This Guide 7
Document Overview 8 Intended Audience 8 Before You Begin 8 Conventions 8 Contacting Mitel Networks
Using the UM Client Manager 11
Overview 12
Signing On 12 Signing Off 13 Configuring the Application 14 Using the UM Call Manager 24 Using the Toolbar Buttons 25 Answering a Call 26 Transferring a Call 26 Putting a Call on Hold 28 Taking a Message 28 Pulling a Caller out of Voicemail 29 Dialing a Number 29 Specifying DND 31 Adding a Call to the Contact Manager 31 Changing your Present Status 32 Using Lan Talk 34 Using the UM Client Manager Toolbar (In Outlook) 48
Using the Web Client 61
Overview 62
Enabling SSL for Web Client 62 Starting Web Client 64 Using the Scroll Buttons 66 Using the Main Toolbar Functions 66
6510 UM Client Application User Guide 3
Table of Contents
Using the Inbox 67 Playing a Voice Message 70 Viewing a Fax 72 Reading an E-mail 73 Composing a Message 74 Maintaining Folders 83 Maintaining the User Settings 89 Using the Toolbar Buttons 90 Specifying General Options 91 Creating a Status Schedule 92 Specifying Message Options 97 Defining Call Options 102 Adding a Phone Address 105 Creating a Phone Addresses Schedule 107 Specifying E-mail Addresses 110 Configuring an E-mail Settings Schedule 112 Specifying Fax Addresses 113 VPIM Addresses 115 WAP Addresses 116 Other Addresses 117 Maintaining a Distribution List 118 Creating a Private Distribution List 119 Maintaining Notifications 120 Creating a Notification Sche d u le 128 Maintaining Greetings 133 Collaborate 138
Using the Fax Client 139
Overview 140
Opening the Fax Client 140 Navigating the Administration Console 141 Organization of the Administration Console 141 Creating a Fax 144
4 6510 UM Client Application User Guide
Table of Contents
Displaying and Modifying Fax Properties 153 Changing a Cover Sheet 158 Printing Offline 160 Receiving and Viewing Faxes 162 Broadcasting a Fax 165
Index 171
Flags 167
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Table of Contents
6 6510 UM Client Application User Guide

About This Guide

In This Chapter...
Document Overview on page 8 Intended Audience on page 8 Before You Begin on page 8 Conventions on page 8 Contacting Mitel Networks on page 9
6510 UM Client Application User Guide
About This Guide
Document Overview
This guide provides detailed instructions on configuring the 6510 Unified Messaging (UM) system after you have installed the software. Detailed information is provided on modifying the PBX, creating a company, mailboxes, and feature groups. In addition, this guide also contains information on setting the different configuration parameters.
Note: Some screen captures in this document may not reflect the Mitel Networks™ 6510 UM software exactly. All screens will be updated in the next release of the 6510 UM documentation.
Intended Audience
This guide is intended for anyone responsible for maintaining the 6510 UM.
Before You Begin
Before you configure the 6510 UM system, make sure that you have read the Server Installation Guide.
This guide contains three types of help:
Note: contains additional information about the task you are
Hint: contains an alternative method of performing the task or
offers a solution if you run into a problem.
Warning: contains critical information relating to the task.
8 6510 UM Client Application User Guide
Contacting Mitel Networks
Contact us by mail at:
Mitel Networks Corporation
350 Legget Drive
Ottawa, ON K2K 2W7
Contact us by phone:
Tel: 613-592-2122
Fax: 613-592-4784
About This Guide
Contact us on the Web:
6510 UM Client Application User Guide 9
About This Guide
10 6510 UM Client Application User Guide

CHAPTER 1 Using the UM Client Manager

In This Chapter . . .
Overview on page 12 Signing On on page 12 Configuring the Application on page 14 Using the UM Call Manager on page 24 Using Lan Talk on page 34 Creating a Buddies List on page 39 Using the UM Client Manager Toolbar (In Ou tlook ) on page 48
6510 UM Client Application User Guide


The 6510 Unified Messaging system is an IP-based desktop application that allows you to access several unique communication features, such as Call control, instant messaging, and unified messaging.
You can log into the UM server from any PC connected to the Internet. After you enter the IP address of the UM server, you are logged in and can access all of the available communication functionality.

Signing On

Signing on allows you to begin the UM Client Manager program.
To log onto the UM server:
Hint: You can also double-click on the UM Client Manager icon on
Using the UM Client Manager
1. Click Start>Programs>UM Client Manager>UM Client Manager.
the desktop.
The UM Client Manager will automatically load into your system tray after authentication, and will sit awaiting call activity. The status of your UM Client
Manager session is represented by four icons:
Icons Session Status
Logged In
Logged In with New Message Awaiting
Logged Out
System detects Client Manager settings, but no connection is established
12 6510 UM Client Application User Guide
Using the UM Client Manager
Note: When UM Client Manager is enabled, a notification window
will pop up above the UM Client Manager icon whenever new messages are received. The notification window will display the number of new voice, text, and fax messages if the Show Message Count option is enabled (this is done in the Administration console. See Feature Groups>Mailbox Options in the Server Configuration Guide).

Signing Off

Signing off closes the UM Client Manager and ends your session.
To sign off from LanTalk:
1. Right-click on the UM Client Manager icon and click Exit. The following message appears:
2. Click Yes.
6510 UM Client Application User Guide 13
Using the UM Client Manager

Configuring the Application

Before you can use UM Client Manager, you must configure the application. While this is normally done when the application is installed on your PC, you have the option of changing the settings.
There are four main settings to configure for the application.
Main Settings
Call Handling
LanTalk (Instant messaging) Settings
Notification Settings
14 6510 UM Client Application User Guide
Using the UM Client Manager
Configuring Main Settings
The Main tab allows you to change the personal settings required to log in successfully.
Caution: This information must be correct in order for UM Client Man-
ager and the forms to work properly.
To configure main settings:
1. Click Start>Programs>UM Client Manager>Configuration. The Main dialog appears.
Note: You can also access the Call Handling Dialog by right-clicking
on the UM Client Manager icon, then selecting Options.
2. In the Company field, enter the company number or company name that your account is associated with on the UM.
6510 UM Client Application User Guide 15
Using the UM Client Manager
Note: Ask your UM administrator for more information.
3. In the Mailbox field, enter your Mailbox number for voice mail.
4. In the UMST Server IP Address field, enter the UMST Server IP address so the system can authenticate you using TCP/IP.
5. In the UMST Server Port field, enter the UMST server port number.
6. In the Web Server IP Address field, enter the web server IP address so that the system can authenticate you.
7. In the UM Client Language drop-down list, select the language that is to be used.
8. In the Fax Viewer field, click Browse to view the specific fax viewer application you already have loaded on the PC, or leave the field blank for the system to use the Windows default.
9. Click Change Password if you want to change the existing password.
10.Click OK to finish the configuration, or click another tab to continue the configuration.
16 6510 UM Client Application User Guide
Using the UM Client Manager
Changing your Password
Your password was set when UM Client Manager was installed on your PC. However, you can change the password if you feel that it is no longer secure.
To change your password:
1. Click Change Password. The Change Password dialog appears.
2. In the Old Password field, enter the existing password.
3. In the New Password field, enter the new password.
4. In the Confirm Password field, enter the new password again and click OK. The new password takes effect the next time that you start UM Client Manager.
6510 UM Client Application User Guide 17
Using the UM Client Manager
Specifying Call Handling Settings
The Call Handling tab allows you to define the call handling settings, including PIM Integration, Default Action, New Call Popup, Public Contact Search, Auto Add Record and User Extension.
To specify call handling:
1. Click the Call Handling tab. The Call Handling tab appears.
2. Select New Call Popup to activate screen pops on incoming calls. When you receive a new call, the Call Manager screen will appear.
3. Select the Use Phone Formatting checkbox to enable phone formatting.
4. From the PIM Integration drop down list, select reverse lookups into PIM application on incoming calls for database pops.
18 6510 UM Client Application User Guide
Using the UM Client Manager
Note: PIM stands for Personal Information Manager.
Function Related Fields
Maximizer Select Auto Add record on Not Found to add the call
record if it isn’t found in the database. This takes the caller ID information of name and number, and creates a new contact in Outlook or Act if they do not already have the record.
Goldmine No related fields.
ACT! Select Auto Add record on Not Found to add the call
record if it isn’t found in the database. This takes the caller ID information of name and number, and creates a new contact in Outlook or Act if they do not already have the record.
Outlook Select Auto Add record on Not Found to add the call
record if it isn’t found in the database. This takes the caller ID information of name and number, and creates a new contact in Outlook or Act if they do not already have the record.
Select Search Public Contacts to search the database for public contacts.
Select Eliminate New call Popup, if found to disable the new call popup if the number is found.
Custom ACTIVEX This allows a user with VB Script experience to integrate
the screen pops and call controls into custom databases and applications.
In the ActiveX Class Name field, enter the class name of the Custom ActiveX you are using.
5. Select the Auto Add Record on Not Found checkbox to take the caller ID information of the caller’s name and number a nd create a new contact in Outlook if it is not found in the database. With Outlook, you can define the public folders as the database you want reverse lookups for, instead of your PST file.
6. Select the Search Public Contacts checkbox if you want the system to search the database for matching public contacts when an incoming call occurs.
6510 UM Client Application User Guide 19
Using the UM Client Manager
7. Select Eliminate New Call Popup, If Found if you do not want a new call popup when a matching information is found for the incoming call by the system.
8. From the Default Action drop-down list, select a default action if you do not click on any actions on the incoming screen pop.
These default actions will be overridden by the actions you may choose on an incoming screen pop.
Action Function
Take Call Take the call automatically
Take Message Take a message automatically
Transfer Call By default, transfer the call to another extension
9. In the Use Ext. field, enter the phone extension you are currently sitting at. This extension is used to transfer a call, play back a voice message, and dial a number.
10. In the Country drop-down list, select the country that is associated with the external extension.
11. In the City/Area Code field, enter the city area code for the external extension.
12. In the Number field, enter the extension number you are using.
Note: If you do not enter a phone extension, the system will use
your extension.
13. Click OK to end and finish the configuration, or click another tab to continue the configuration.
20 6510 UM Client Application User Guide
Using the UM Client Manager
Configuring LanTalk
LanTalk is the instant messaging module of the UM that allows you to chat with other users over an IP.
To configure LanTalk:
1. Click the LanTalk tab. The LanTalk dialog appears.
2. Click Background Color to set the background screen.
3. Click Foreground Color to set the color of the text.
4. Click Font to configure font type and size.
Note: For information on changing the color and font, refer to your
Windows NT documentation.
5. Select the LanTalk Popup checkbox to turn instant messaging on.
6510 UM Client Application User Guide 21
Using the UM Client Manager
6. Select the New LanTalk Window for every Session checkbox to indicate that a new window should be used for every new LanTalk session.
7. Click OK to save the LanTalk settings.
Configuring Notifications
To configure notifications:
1. Click the Notificaton tab. The Notification dialog appears.
Select the When new messages arrive, make the icon flash check-
box to enable the 6510 UM Client Manager icon to flash when you receive a new message.
22 6510 UM Client Application User Guide
Using the UM Client Manager
Select the When new messages arrive, popup notification win-
dow checkbox to enable the screen popup that notifies you of incom-
ing calls.
Select the When others log in, popup notification window check-
box to enable the screen popup that notifies you of every user that logs in.
2. Customize the sounds you wish to use for each function by using the Browse button to select the appropriate sound files within the following fields:
Option Function
New Message
Urgent Message
Record Beep
New Call
Logged in User
Select the sound file you want played when you receive a new message.
Select the sound file you want played when you receive an urgent message.
Select the sound file you want played for the record beep.
Select the sound file you want played when you receive a new call.
Select the sound file you want played when you receive a LanTalk message.
Select the sound file you want played when a user logs in.
3. Click OK to save your Notification settings.
Note: The Notification sounds feature only supports sound files in
.WAV format.
6510 UM Client Application User Guide 23
Using the UM Client Manager

Using the UM Call Manager

When a call comes through to your extension, the UM Client manager displays a screen pop that displays information about the phone call.
Note: The Contacts feature and button will only appear if you set
your PIM Integration Settings to use Outlook.
24 6510 UM Client Application User Guide
Using the UM Client Manager

Using the Toolbar Buttons

There are nine buttons that allow you to perform various tasks within the eCall Manager display.
Button Function
Transfers the call to the active extension that your user account has been defined to. For more information, refer to “Using Web Client.”
Transfers the call to another extension. Click the arrow key to define the extensions.
Puts the incoming call on hold. Click the arrow key to select the length of time that the call will be on hold.
Sends the call to voice mail. Click the arrow to select what greeting to play the caller.
Allows you to pull a caller out of voice mail while they are leaving a message.
Allows you to dial back a number that left a message or called. You can go into contacts and used the dial button as well.
This button allows you to turn your do not disturb status on or off at any time.
This launches the embedded UM Client Manager Contact database to log call statistics and dial back. (Only functional in conjunction with Outlook).
6510 UM Client Application User Guide 25
Using the UM Client Manager

Answering a Call

When a call appears on the UM Call Manager display, click Answer to transfer the call to your extension.
Note: The Answer button is disabled until you receive another call.
Removing a Call
UM Client Manager gives you the option of removing one or all of the calls on the display.
To remove a call:
1. Highlight the call to be removed and click Clear. A dialog appears, prompting you to confirm the deletion.
Note: To remove all calls from the display, click Clear.
2. Click OK. UM Client Manager removes the calls from the screen.

Transferring a Call

When a call comes to your extension, you can transfer the call to another extension. After you specify the extension, it will be displayed in the Transfer drop down list and is available to use again.
Note: The extension numbers that you enter are available until you
exit UM Call Manager.
26 6510 UM Client Application User Guide
Using the UM Client Manager
To transfer a call:
1. Click the arrow key to select the extension to transfer the call to. To specify an extension, click Other. The Transfer Call dialog appears.
2. Enter the mailbox number associated to the phone extension that you want to transfer the call to and click OK.
Note: The Transfer button is disabled until you receive another call.
6510 UM Client Application User Guide 27
Using the UM Client Manager

Putting a Call on Hold

When a call comes through to your extension, you can put the call on hold until you have an opportunity to answer it.
To put a call on hold:
1. Click the arrow key to select the length of time that you want to put the call on hold for. The Hold Call dialog appears.
2. Enter the number of minutes that you want the call held for, then click OK. After the time has expired, the system will play your voice mail greeting.
Note: The Hold button is disabled until you receive another call.

Taking a Message

When a call comes through to your extension, you can choose to send the call directly to your voice mail. When enabling this option from the UM Client Manager interface, you can select which pre-recorded greeting to use to greet the caller.
28 6510 UM Client Application User Guide
Using the UM Client Manager
To take a message:
1. Click the Take Msg arrow key and select the greeting type you want the caller to receive. The UM Call Ma nager sends the caller to the selected greeting to record a message.

Pulling a Caller out of Voicemail

When a caller is in the process of leaving a message in your voice mailbox, you can choose to retrieve the caller from voicemail and speak to them directly.
To pull a caller out of voicemail:
1. While a caller is in a message recording session, click Recall. The caller is transferred to your extension.

Dialing a Number

The UM Client Manager allows you to use its interface to dial outgoing calls.
To dial a number:
1. Click Dial. The following dialog appears:
6510 UM Client Application User Guide 29
Using the UM Client Manager
2. From the Phone Number to Call drop down list, select a phone number to dial. You can also enter a number manually.
3. From the Dialer Type drop down list, select a dialer type.
Dialer Type Function
Server Dialer Sends data to the server and the server dials to the PBX
Local Dialer Sends data to the TAPI dialer and the TAPI dialer dials to the PBX.
4. Select Long Distance if it is a long distance call.
5. Click Go to dial.
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