Millipore ZRXQ0XXT0 Users Manual

Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................3
About this User Manual .......................................................................................................4
About Millipore....................................................................................................................5
Legal Information.................................................................................................................6
Safety Information................................................................................................................8
Where to find information....................................................................................................9
Product Information...................................................................................................................10
Cabinet ...............................................................................................................................11
Q-POD Dispenser...............................................................................................................13
Consumables ......................................................................................................................16
Specifications and requirements.........................................................................................18
Mechanical installation..........................................................................................................22
Q-POD Dispenser...............................................................................................................23
Main Cabinet tubings, cables and power cord ...................................................................25
Consumable installation.........................................................................................................27
Installing/flushing the Progard Pack, rinsing the RO.........................................................28
Installing the Quantum Cartridge.......................................................................................32
Installing a POD Pak..........................................................................................................35
Software used during installation...........................................................................................37
Cleaning the A10 TOC Monitor.........................................................................................38
Registering UV Lamp timers .............................................................................................40
Flow Calibration.................................................................................................................42
Section A Software Map................................................................................................45
Section B Standby Mode ...............................................................................................46
Standby Mode - General information.................................................................................47
Description of Standby Menu ............................................................................................48
Manager Menu.......................................................................................................................51
Description of Manager Menu ...........................................................................................52
Ready Mode...........................................................................................................................56
Ready Mode - General information ...................................................................................57
Description of Ready Menu ...............................................................................................58
Using the Milli-Q System..........................................................................................................61
Dispensing water................................................................................................................62
Main Keypad, Display and LEDs ......................................................................................63
Q-POD Keypad and Display..............................................................................................65
Maintenance Schedule........................................................................................................67
Replacing the Progard Pack ...............................................................................................68
Replacing the Quantum Cartridge......................................................................................70
Replacing a POD Pak.........................................................................................................73
Cleaning the A10 TOC Monitor.........................................................................................76
Sanitising or cleaning the RO Cartridge ............................................................................78
Cleaning the Inlet Strainer..................................................................................................79
Replacing the Tank Vent Filter..........................................................................................80
Alarms and Alerts......................................................................................................................81
Alert messages....................................................................................................................82
Alarm messages..................................................................................................................83
Summary of Alert and Alarm messages.............................................................................84
Ordering information.................................................................................................................89




This chapter contains topics related to this User Manual. Some of the more important topics in this chapter are:
Safety Information
Where to find information
This chapter contains the following topics:
Topic See Page
About this User Manual 4 About Millipore 5 Legal Information 6 Safety Information 8 Where to find information 9

About this User Manual

Document Revision
This User Manual is intended for use with a Milli-Q® Integral Water Purification System. This User Manual is a guide for use during the installation, normal operation and maintenance of a Milli-Q Integral Water Purification System. It is highly recommended to completely read this manual and to fully comprehend its contents before attempting installation, normal operation or maintenance of the Water Purification System. If this User Manual is not the correct one for your Water Purification System, then please contact Millipore.
The term “Milli-Q Integral Water Purification System” is replaced by the term “Milli-Q System” for the remainder of this User Manual unless otherwise noted.
Rev. D1.00, 06/2007

About Millipore

Manufacturing Site
See the business card(s) on the inside cover of the User Manual binder.
The Millipore Internet site address can be used to submit a question to Millipore via electronic mail. The Millipore Internet site can be used to find addresses, telephone/fax numbers and other information. Internet site address:
Millipore SAS 67120 Molsheim FRANCE

Legal Information

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Millipore Corporation. Millipore Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that might appear in this document. This manual is believed to be complete and accurate at the time of publication. In no event shall Millipore Corporation be liable for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising from the use of this manual. We manufacture and sell water purification systems designed to produce pure or ultrapure water with specific characteristics (μS/cm, T, TOC, CFU/ml, Eu/ml) when it leaves the water purification system provided that the Milli-Q System is fed with water quality within specifications, and properly maintained as required by the supplier. We do not warrant these systems for any specific applications. It is up to the end user to determine if the quality of the water produced by our systems matches his expectations, fits with norms/legal requirements and to bear responsibility resulting from the usage of the water.
Millipore Corporation (“Millipore”) warrants its products will meet their applicable published specifications when used in accordance with their applicable instructions for a period of one year from shipment of the products. MILLIPORE MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The warranty provided herein and the data, specifications and descriptions of Millipore products appearing in Millipore’s published catalogues and product Literature may not be altered except by express written agreement signed by an officer of Millipore. Representations, oral or written, which are inconsistent with this warranty or such publications are not authorised and if given, should not be relied upon. In the event of a breach of the foregoing warranty, Millipore’s sole obligation shall be to repair or replace, at its option, the applicable product or part thereof, provided the customer notifies Millipore promptly of any such breach. If after exercising reasonable efforts, Millipore is unable to repair or replace the product or part, then Millipore shall refund to the customer all monies paid for such applicable product or part. MILLIPORE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR ANY OTHER INDIRECT DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ECONOMIC LOSS OR PROPERTY DAMAGE SUSTAINED BY ANY CUSTOMER FROM THE USE OF ITS PRODUCTS.
Continued on next page
Legal Information, Continued
Millipore, A10, Elix, Q-Gard, Milli-Q, Millipak and Milli-RO are registered trademarks of Millipore Corporation. BioPak, Quantum, Milli-RX, RiOs and Q-POD are trademarks of Millipore Corporation. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective manufacturers.

Safety Information

Your Milli-Q System should be operated according to the instructions in this manual. In particular, the hydraulic and electrical specifications should be followed and met. It is important to use this equipment as specified in this manual; using this equipment in a different manner may impair the safety precautions of the Milli-Q System.
Do not remove the covers of the Milli-Q System at any time. Electrical and mechanical components inside the Milli-Q System could pose a hazard. A qualified Millipore® Service Representative should perform any work that needs to be done while the Milli-Q System is opened.
Symbol Meaning
This HAZARD symbol is used to refer to instructions in
this manual that need to be done safely and carefully. This ATTENTION symbol is used to refer to
instructions in this manual that need to be done carefully.
This UV RADIATION sticker is used to refer to a position on the Milli-Q System Cabinet or inside of it where exposure to UV light is possible. This DANGER sticker is used to refer to a position on the Milli-Q System Cabinet or inside of it that could be hazardous. This ELECTRICAL GROUND sticker is used to refer to a position on the Milli-Q System Cabinet or inside where an electrical ground connection is made. This ELECTRICAL DANGER to a position on the Milli-Q System Cabinet or inside where an electrical danger could exist.
sticker is used to refer

Where to find information

Organisation of this User Manual
Cross reference table
This block will explain how this manual is organised.
This block will contain a cross reference table. The table will be a quick way for the reader to find information about items that might have different names than those used in this manual.



Product Information

This chapter contains topics related to the Milli-Q System. Some of the more important topics in this chapter are:
Installation requirements
Consumable information
Dimensions of various components of the Milli-Q System
This chapter contains the following topics:
Topic See Page
Cabinet 11 Q-POD Dispenser 13 Tank 15 Consumables 16 Specifications and requirements 18


Part Function
A Main Display B LEDs C Main Keypad D Door for Quantum Cartridge
E Door for Progard Pack F Connections for ports and cables
Ports and cables
Port 9
Port 1
Item Description Item Description
Port 1 RO Reject
tubing to drain
Port 2 Feedwater to
Milli-Q System
Port 3 Water to Q-POD
Port 4 Water from Q-
POD Dispenser
Port 5 Water from E-
POD Dispenser (Accessory)
Port 6 EDI Waste
tubing to drain
Port 7 Not used E Ethernet
Port 8 Water to E-POD
Dispenser (Accessory)
Port 9 Water to and
from Reservoir
A Power Cord
(100 – 240 V)
B Accessories
(maximum 24 V)
C PS/2 connection
(maximum 5 VDC)
D Level Sensor
Input (maximum 5 VDC)
connection (maximum 5 VDC)

Q-POD Dispenser

Ports and cables
Part Function
A Plunger B POU Dispenser C POD Pak (BioPak Ultrafilter pictured here) D Mast
E Base F Q-POD Dispenser Display
G Q-POD Dispenser Keypad
Part Function
A Printer cable connection B PS/2 cable connection + Termination Plug connection
C Footswitch connection D Tubing connections
The entire RC-Link is pictured here. The RC-Link is the set of tubings and the PS/2 cable inside a sheath.
Height adjustment
Part Function
A Termination Plug B PS/2 Cable C Tubings
Step Action Result
1 Press the button on the Q-POD
picture here
2 Hold the button in while
picture here moving the Q-POD Arm up or down.
3 Release the button. picture here


Millipore recommends
Millipore recommends using a Tank having the following catalogue number: XXXXXXXXX (please list this in the Customised Data File).
A picture of a Tank alongside a fully installed Milli-Q Integral System will be shown here.


The water flow through a Milli-Q System is shown here in a flow diagram. The various consumables are described below. For more information about the flow diagram, please refer to the Milli-Q System brochure. Please contact Millipore if you would like to have a brochure.
(A simplified flow diagram will be shown here. Only the consumables will be explained through the use of the diagram. The reader/customer will be able to learn more from the Marketing Brochure which typically has a flow diagram and description).
Item Description Item Description
A Progard Pack D UV 254 nm Lamp B UV 185 nm Lamp E A10 TOC Monitor
C Quantum Cartridge F POD Pak
Progard Pack
UV 185 nm Lamp
Quantum Cartridge
The purpose of the Progard Pack is to protect the RO Cartridge. The Progard Pack is a consumable.
Note to Millipore reviewers Æ Do you want a table showing the differences between the various Progard Packs (i.e. with Chlorine tablet, without chlorine tablet, …)?
The dual wavelength UV 185 nm Lamp emits light at 185 nm (for TOC reduction) and at 254 nm (Germicidal action). The UV 185 nm Lamp is used to kill bacteria and to reduce the levels of organic molecules in the water. The UV 185 nm Lamp is a consumable.
The Quantum Cartridge is used to remove trace levels of ions and organic molecules. The Quantum Cartridge is a consumable.
Item Description
Quantum TIX Cartridge
The Quantum TIX Cartridge contains only ion exchange resin. This type of Quantum Cartridge is used when maintaining absolutely trace levels of ions is
critical. Quantum TEX Cartridge
The Quantum TEX Cartridge contains ion exchange
resin and synthetic carbon. These purification media
are used when the Milli-Q Water needs to have both
trace levels of ions and trace levels of organic
UV 254 nm Lamp
A10 TOC Monitor Lamp
The UV 254 nm Lamp emits light at 254 nm. The UV 254 nm Lamp is used to kill bacteria. The UV 254 nm Lamp is a consumable.
The A10 TOC Monitor uses a small lamp during its TOC Analysis Mode. This is called the A10 Lamp. The A10 Lamp is a consumable.
The POD Pak is a water purification device that is attached to the Q-POD Dispenser outlet. It is the final purification device used before Milli-Q Water is dispensed. The POD Pak provides additional quality and insurance that trace contaminants related to specific applications are removed just before ultrapure water is delivered. The POD Pak is a consumable. The LCD messages sometimes refer to POD Pak 1 or POD Pak 2 (or 3). POD Pak 1 means the POD Pak on the 1st Q-POD Dispenser. POD Pak 2 refers to the POD Pak installed on a second Q-POD Dispenser. Note to Millipore reviewer Æ The various POD Paks are not described in this section. There are new POD Paks coming out in Y2007 and it is better to avoid revising the User Manual frequently.

Specifications and requirements

Q-POD Dispenser water quality
E-POD Dispenser water quality
The water delivered from a Q-POD Dispenser has the following characteristics.
Item Description
18.2 MΩ.cm @25°C
0.055 μS/cm@ 25°C
Flow Rate 0.05 – 2 Lpm
Pyrogens < 0.001 EU/ml
Rnase < 0.01 ng/ml Dnase
< 4 pg/μL
TOC < 5 ppb
Silica < 1 ppb
The water delivered from an E-POD Dispenser has the following characteristics.
The E-POD Dispenser is an accessory device.
Item Description
> 5 MΩ.cm @25°C
< 0.2 μS/cm@ 25°C
TOC < 30 ppb
Product Flow
1 CFU/ml
System Flow Rate
Milli-Q Integral 3 > 2.5 Lpm Milli-Q Integral 5 > 4.25 Lpm Milli-Q Integral 10 > 8 Lpm Milli-Q Integral 15 > 13 Lpm
RO Ionic
Typical 94-99%; minimum 90%
RO Rejection of
> 99%
The weight specifications and data are found in the table below.
Item Shipping
Dry Weight Wet Weight
The electrical specifications and data are found in the table below.
Item Description
Voltage Frequency
100-230 VAC ±10% 50-60 Hz. ±10%
Main Fuse 3.15 Amp Time Lag; 5 mm x 20
mm; 250 V Safety Voltage. The fuse should be serviced by a qualified Millipore Service
Representative. Power Used 160 VA Power Cord Length 2.5 metres Electrical Ground Earth Grounded Power Cord The power cord should be plugged into a wall outlet that is accessible.
The Milli-Q System is powered on
and off by removing the power cord
from the wall outlet.
Note to Millipore reviewer Æ Drawings or photos will be used here with dimensions indicated
Materials of construction
Please contact Millipore for a list of the Materials of Construction.
The Feedwater requirements are listed here.
Item Description
Aluminum < 0.05 ppm Chlorine < 3 ppm Conductivity
< 2000 μS/cm Dissolved CO2 < 30 ppm Fouling Index < 12 Free Chlorine < 0.1 ppm Iron < 0.1 ppm Manganese < 0.05 ppm Maximum pressure 6 bar Maximum TOC < 2000 ppb Minimum pressure 1 bar pH 4 – 10 Temperature 5 – 35°C Type of Feedwater Pre-treated water including one or
several of the following
technologies: RO; RO + EDI; RO +
DI; Distillation; DI.
Environmental and Noise Level
The Environmental requirements are listed here. In addition, the noise level of the Milli-Q System is listed.
Item Description
Altitude < 3000 metres Ambient operating temperature 4 – 40°C Ambient storage temperature 4 – 40°C Installation Category II Location The Milli-Q System is intended for
indoor use only. Noise level 45 dB at a distance of 1 meter Pollution Degree ?? Relative humidity during storage and operation
Maximum relative humidity 80%
for temperatures up to 31°C
decreasing linearly to 50% relative
humidity at 40°C.
The consumable requirements for installation are:
1 Progard Pack
1 Quantum Cartridge
1 POD Pak
Please note that these items are not included with the Milli-Q System.




The purpose of this chapter is to explain how to install the Milli-Q System.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Topic See Page
Mechanical installation 22 Consumable installation 27 Software used during installation 37



Mechanical installation

The purpose of this section is to explain how to perform the mechanical tasks associated with the Milli-Q System installation.
This section contains the following topics:
Topic See Page
Q-POD Dispenser 23 Main Cabinet tubings, cables and power cord 25

Q-POD Dispenser

Step Action Result
1 Open the Q-POD Dispenser
2 Screw them together picture will be shown here 3 Locate the Q-POD Dispenser
picture will be shown here box. Locate the Q-POD Dispenser base and the Q-POD Dispenser mast.
picture will be shown here arm. Press on the locking handle and slide the Q-POD Dispenser arm onto the Q-POD Dispenser mast. Note that the height can be adjusted up or down.
Connecting the RC-Link
Step Action Result
1 Locate the two tubing ports on
picture will be shown here the back of the Q-POD Dispenser Base.
2 Connect the RC-Link tubing to
picture will be shown here the Q-POD Dispenser Ports:
Unscrew the 2 nuts from the
Q-POD Dispenser ports.
Push the end of each piece of
tubing through the nuts.
Push this end of the pieces of
tubing onto the plastic stem.
Tighten the 2 nuts.
Either end of the RC-Link can be attached to the Q-POD Dispenser.
3 Connect the RC-Link PS/2
picture will be shown here cable to either PS/2 port on the Q-POD Dispenser base.
4 Connect the Termination Plug
picture will be shown here the other PS/2 port on the Q­POD Dispenser base.
Make sure the PS/2 cable and the Termination Plug are well connected to the Q-POD Dispenser.

Main Cabinet tubings, cables and power cord

Note to Millipore reviewer Æ picture here or drawing showing the left side (all ports and places where cables and the power cord get connected). Note:
The Milli-Q System must be powered off before connecting the items
listed below.
Item Description
Port 1 Tubing connected here goes to a drain Port 2 Tubing connected here goes to a Feedwater supply Port 3 Tubing connected here goes to RC-Link (either piece of
RC-Link tubing can be used). Port 4 Tubing connected here goes to RC-Link Port 6 Tubing connected here goes to a drain Port 9 Tubing connected here goes to the bottom of the Tank
Item A Power cord connected here (do not power the system at
this time however. See the information blocks below
before proceeding).
Item C PS/2 cable connected here Item D Level Sensor from Tank connected here
Important! Fill Tank partially before proceeding
Powering the system
Make sure the PS/2 cable and the Tank Level Sensor are well
connected to the Milli-Q System Cabinet.
The Milli-Q System automatically displays a TANK EMPTY Alarm when there is no water in the Tank. The Tank is empty when the Milli-Q System is being installed. To avoid this alarm during the installation of the Milli-Q System, put 10-20 litres of water in the Tank before powering the Milli-Q System. The type of water should match the one of the feedwater types specified in this User Manual.
Step Action Result
1 Locate the electrical power
receptacle on the Milli-Q
picture will be shown here of the Power Entry Module.
System Cabinet.
2 Plug the power cord into the
Milli-Q System Cabinet.
picture showing the power cord being plugged into the water system.
Displays shown when powering the system
The following table describes the first displays shown when the Milli-Q System is powered on.
Description Main Display Q-POD Display
The Main Display and the Q-POD Display look like the LCDs shown to the right. Note that your Milli-Q System may have a different Serial Number, Manufacturing Date (MFG Date) and Installation Date (Inst Date) than shown here. An AUTOTEST is
Q-POD Display here.
being done
The Milli-Q System goes to STANDBY Mode.
Because the Progard Pack and the Quantum Cartridge are not installed, the LCD looks like this. At this time, do not scroll to the right. Do not press the Keypad buttons at this time.
Q-POD Display here.
Q-POD Display here



Consumable installation

The purpose of this section is to explain how to install the consumables.
This section contains the following topics:
Topic See Page
Installing/flushing the Progard Pack, rinsing the RO 28 Installing the Quantum Cartridge 32 Installing a POD Pak 35
+ 63 hidden pages