Mikasa MVC-40G, MVC-50GB Instruction Manual

We thank you for selecting Mikasa Plate Compactor. For your safe and proper operation, please read this manual and be always sure to keep it ready for reference.
Pleasereferthe ECDECLARATIONOFCONFORMITY inthismanualaswell.
5) model
6) Equipment item number
352062 352067 352068 352069 352070 352073
7) Serial number
8) power source cont. output <m
Robin EH09
Robin EX-13
9) Measured sound power
97 101
10) Guaranteed
sound power
105 105
11) Max. Sound
pressure level(dB)
84 91
For serial number, please refer it on front page.
Director, Product Control Division
Mikasa Sangyo Co., Ltd.
18) Place and date of the declaration
Tokyo, Japan Feb, 2010
Signed by:
16) Other related Community Directives
2006/42/EC, 2005/88/EC, 2004/108/EC, 2002/88/EC(2004/26/EC)
EN500-1, EN500-4
4) Type: Vibratory Plates
Société Nationale de Certification et d’Homologation (SNCH) 11, route de Luxembourg L-5230 Sandweiler LUXEMBOURG
15) Declaration
The equipment referred in this document, fulfills with all the requirements of Directive 2000/14/EC
17) EC Conformity Certificate No:
14) Related Directive
Directive 2000/14/EC and, to be followed by Directive 2005/88/EC, relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors.
2) Manufacturer’s name and address.
3) Name and address of the person who keeps the
technical documentation.
Mikasa Sangyo Co., Ltd. 4-3, Sarugaku-cho 1 chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo101-0064, Japan
Yoshiharu Nishimaki, engineer R. & D. Division, Mikasa Sangyo Co., Ltd. Shiraoka-machi, Saitama, Japan
12) Conformity assessment according to Annex: VIII (Full Quality Assurance procedure)
13) Name and address of the Notified Body
1. Preface
2. Applications, Warnings, Structure and Power Transmission
3. Warning Symbols
4. Safety Precautions
4.1 General precautions
4.2 Refueling precautions
4.3 Location and ventilation precautions
4.4 Precautions before starting
4.5 Precautions during work
4.6 Lifting precautions
4.7 Transportation and Storage precautions
4.8 Maintenance precautions
4.9 Labeling Position
4.10 Description of symbols used warning labels
5. Specifications
5.1 Machine specifications
5.2 Engine specifications
6. Appearance
6.1 Overall Dimensions
6.2 Control Unit Positions and Names
7. Inspection Before Operation
8. Operation
8.1 Starting
8.2 Operation
9. Stopping the machine
10. Transportation
10.1 Loading and Unloading
10.2 Transportation precautions
11. Storage
12. Regular Check and Adjustments
12.1 Inspection and maintenance schedule table
12.2 Changing the engine oil
12.3 Cleaning the air cleaner
12.4 Checking/Changing V-belt and Clutch
12.5 Inspection and Change of vibrator oil
13. Troubleshooting
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13 13
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14 15 15 15 15
1. Preface
This operation manual describes the proper operation, basic inspection and maintenance procedures of the plate compactor. Please read this operation manual before use in order to maximize the excellent performance of this machine and make your work more efficient and effective.
After reading the manual, please keep it in a handy location for easy reference.
For the handling the engine, please refer to the separate engine operation manual.
For inquiries about repair parts, parts lists, service manuals, and repairs, please contact the store where you purchased the product, our sales office, or the Mikasa Parts Service Center. For parts lists, please visit our homepage at: http://www.mikasas.com/ where you can access Mikasa WEB parts lists.
The illustrations in this manual might slightly differ in part from the machine you actually purchased due to design changes.
2. Applications, Warnings, Structure and Power Transmission
Plate compactor is the machine that compacts the ground and it intends to make the surface smooth, by transmit­ting vibration through vibrating plate, which power generated from single rotor in vibrator case. This machine is suitable for making the ground surface smooth, such as leveling the soil and beaching, finishing the asphalt paving.
Warning about incorrect applications and techniques
This machine is hard to move forward on a soil with much water (especially clay soil). It is not suitable for such application. This machine is difficult to level a ground include big stones due to insufficient compacting force. Plate compactor is mainly applied for compacting surface smooth and it is not effective for jobs that requires heavy compaction. In case of compacting ground deeply into lower layer, it is recommended to use Tamping Rammer, Vibro Compactor or Vibration Roller of which compacting force is rather effective. Please use this compactor for compacting surface on soil, sediment, beaching and asphalt. It is not recommended for use this machine for the other applications.
The upper part is made up of Power source, Handle, Belt Cover, Water Tank for sprinkling and Guard Hook which are fixed by Engine Base. The Engine base is fixed on Vibrating Plate by Shock Absorbing Rubber. The lower part is made up of Vibrating Plate and Vibrator Unit that has an Eccentric rotary shaft built in. The power source is transmitted from the centrifugal clutch on engine output shaft to the Eccentric rotary shaft through V-belt.
Power transmission
Air-cooled Single Cylinder Engine is amounted as power source and Centrifugal Clutch is fixed on engine output shaft. Centrifugal Clutch engages by running up the engine and engine R.P.M. is reduced to suitable number for compacting. The rotation of engine is transmitted from V-pulley integrated with Clutch Drum to Vibrator Pulley through V-belt. Vibrator Pulley rotates Eccentric Rotor Shaft that is contained in Vibrator Case. The generated vibration created from Eccentric Rotor is transmitted to Vibrating Plate. Vibration of Vibrating Plate carries the machine forward; the vibration with the weight of the machine makes the compaction of the ground possible.
The triangle marks ( ) used in this manual and on the decals on the machine are warning symbols. Please follow these precautions.
Warning symbols indicating personnel hazards
Extremely hazardous. If the warning is not followed, it is likely to result in serious injury or death.
Hazardous. If the warning is not followed, it is likely to result in serious injury or death.
Potential hazard. If the warning is not followed, it may result in injury.
      If the warning is not followed, it may result in property damage.
4.1 General precautions
4.2 Refueling precautions
Precautions (without mark)
3. Warning Symbols
4. Safety Precautions
○ ○ ○
Do not operate the machine,
Read this manual carefully and handle the machine as described to ensure safe work. For details about the engine, refer to the separate manual for the engine. Make sure you understand the structure of the machine well. For safe work, always wear protective gear (helmets, safety shoes, ear plugs, etc.) and work in appropriate clothes. Always check the machine before your work to make sure it is in normal condition. Decals on the machine (operation method labels, warning labels, etc.) are very important for your safety. Keep the machine clean so that the decals can be read all the time. Replace a decal if it becomes illegible. Before performing maintenance work, be sure to turn the engine off. It is very dangerous if children come into close contact with the machine. Have the utmost concern about how and where to store the machine. In particular, for an engine with a cell, always remove the starter key and keep it in a designated place. Before inspection and maintenance work, stop the engine, and do your work on a flat surface area. If a cell is attached, remove the battery wiring before your work. Mikasa does not accept any responsibility for accidents caused by remodeling or rework done on the machine.
When adding fuel,
Do not fill to the rim due to potential spillage. After adding the fuel, tightly close the tank cap.
Make sure you work in a well ventilated location.Make sure the engine is stopped and wait until it cools down.Take the machine to a clear flat location without any combustibles nearby.
Be careful not to spill the fuel. Wipe well if any spill occurs.
If you do not feel well due to overwork or illness. If you are taking any medicine. If you are under the influence of alcohol.
4.3 Location and Ventilation precautions
4.4 Precautions before starting
4.5 Precautions during work
4.6 Lifting precautions
For unloading using a crane, a licensed crane operator is needed. An operator should be qualified for crane and hooking work.
4.7 Transportation and Storage precautions
Do not run the machine in an unventilated location, such as indoors or inside a tunnel. The exhaust gas from the engine contains toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and is very hazardous. Do not operate the machine near open flames.
Check each part to see if it is tightened properly. Vibration causes loosening of bolts, which results in unexpected serious malfunctions of the machine. Tighten the bolts securely.
Before starting the machine, make sure it is safe to start by checking your surroundings for people and objects. Always pay attention to your footing. Work in an area where you can maintain a good balance of the machine and a safe comfortable posture. The engine and muffler become very hot. Do not touch immediately after the machine stops because they are still very hot. If you notice deterioration of machine operation during your work, stop your work immediately. Before moving away from the machine, be sure to turn the engine off. Also when the machine is transported, stop the engine and close the fuel cock.
Before lifting, check the machine parts (especially the hook and anti-vibration rubber) for any damage and loosened or missing bolts. Stop the engine and shut the fuel cock while lifting. Use a wire rope with sufficient strength. For lifting, use only one point hoisting hook, and do not lift at any other part. When the machine is hoisted, never let people or animals come underneath. For safety reasons, do not lift to a height that is higher than necessary.
Stop the engine during transportation. Transport after the engine and the machine are cooled down. Always drain the fuel before transporting. Securely fix the machine to prevent it from moving or falling during transportation.
Burn warning
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