Midmark 409-005, 409-006, 409-004, 409-007 Parts Manual

-004 thru -007
Pediatric Examination Table
Serial Number Prefixes: RG, RH, RJ, RK, RL, RM, & V
Parts Manual
409-004 & 409-005
409-006 & 409-007
-00 thru
SF-1561 Part No. 004-0070-00 Rev. K (4/04/08)
Section/Paragraph Page Section/Paragraph Page
General Safety Instructions ...........................................ii
Safety Alert Symbols .....................................................ii
Warranty Instructions .................................................. ii
1.1 Scope of Manual .......................................... 1-1
1.2 How to Use Manual ...................................... 1-1
1.3 Description of 409 Pediatric Examination
Table.......................................................... 1-1
1.4 Specifications ............................................... 1-3
1.5 Standard Torque Specifications.................... 1-5
1.6 Parts Replacement Ordering........................ 1-5
1.7 Special Tools ................................................ 1-7
2.1 Operational Test (Models 409-004 and
409-005).................................................... 2-1
2.2 Operational Test (Models 409-006 and
409-007).................................................... 2-3
2.3 Troubleshooting Procedures (Models
409-004 and 409-005)............................... 2-4
2.4 Troubleshooting Procedures (Models
409-006 and 409-007)............................... 2-6
3.1 Scheduled Maintenance (Models
409-004 and 409-005).............................. 3-1
3.2 Scheduled Maintenance (Models
409-006 and 409-007).............................. 3-2
4.1 Introduction................................................... 4-1
4.2 Beam Scale Components Removal /
Installation (Mechanical Scale Only)....... 4-1
4.3 Zero Balance Adjustment (Mechanical
Scale Only)............................................... 4-2
4.4 Beam Scale Calibration Check
(Mechanical Scale Only)......................... 4-3
4.5 Platform Components Removal / Installation or Table Top Locking
Mechanism Access (Mechanical
Scale Only)............................................... 4-4
4.6 Linear Scale Alignment (All Models)........... 4-6
4.7 Digital Display Removal / Installation
(Digital Scale Only) ................................. 4-6
4.8 Platform Scale Components / Load Cell
Assembly Access (Digital Scale
Only)......................................................... 4-7
4.9 Platform Load Cell Removal / Installation
(Digital Scale Only)................................. 4-9
4.10 Platform Assembly Removal / Installation
(Digital Scale Only)................................. 4-9
4.11 Display Board Assembly Removal /
Installation (Digital Sca le Only)............. 4-10
4.12 Digital Scale Calibration............................. 4-12
4.13 Digital Scale Gravitational Compensation
Adjustment.............................................. 4-13
4.14 Display Board Assembly Mode Setting
Procedure (Digital Scale Only) ............. 4-13
4.15 AUTO Power Off / Continuous Use
Selection Procedure (Digital Scale
Only)....................................................... 4-14
6.1 Introduction ................................................ 6-1
6.2 Description of Columns................................ 6-1
6.3 Torque Specifications And Important
Assembly Notes........................................ 6-1
Pictorial Index [s/n prefix “JS”] ..................... 6-2
Pictorial Index [s/n prefix “PP”]..................... 6-3
Cabinet Assembly ....................................... 6-4
Upper Wrap [s/n prefix “JS”]:
w/ Mechanical Scale............................... 6-5.*
w/o Mechanical Scale............................. 6-6.*
Table Top Assembly [s/n prefix “JS”]:
w/ Mechanical Scale................................. 6-7
w/o Mechanical Scale............................... 6-8
Upper Wrap [s/n prefix “PP”] ....................... 6-9
Table Top Assembly [s/n prefix “PP”]:
w/ Digital Scale ....................................... 6-10
w/o Digital Scale..................................... 6-11
Tanita Scale Components ........................ 6-12.*
Weight Calibration...................................... 6-13
Key And Lock Assembly............................. 6-14
COMMENTS ............................................................. 7-1
FAX ORDER FORM.................................................. 7-2
(*) Indicates that there has been a serial number break for the illustration
and that there are additional point page(s) following the original page.
© Midmark Corporation 1998 SF-1561 Page i Printed in U.S.A.
Rev. 8/02
General Safety Instructions
Safety First: The primary concern of Midmark Cor­poration is that this table is maintained with the safety
of the patient and staff in mind. To assure that services and repairs are completed safely and correctly, proceed as follows:
(1) Read this entire manual before performing any
services or repairs on this table.
(2) Be sure you understand the instructions con-
tained in this manual before attempting to ser­vice or repair this table.
Safety Alert Symbols
Throughout this manual are safety alert symbols that call attention to particular procedures. These items are
used as follows:
A DANGER is used for an imminently
hazardous operating procedure, prac­tice, or condition which, if not correctly followe d, will result in loss of life or serious personal injury.
A NOTE is used to amplify an operating procedure, practice or condition.
Warranty Instructions
Refer to the Midmark “Limited Warranty” printed in the Installation and Operation Manual for warranty informa­tion. Failure to follow the guidelines listed below will void the warranty and/or render the 409 Pediatric Examination Table unsafe for operation.
In the event of a malfunction, do not attempt to operate the table until necessary repairs have been made.
Do not attempt to disassemble table, replace mal­functioning or damaged components, or perform adjustments unless you are one of Midmark’s authorized service technicians.
Do not substitute parts of another manufacturer when replacing inoperative or damaged compo­nents. Use only Midmark replacement parts.
A WARNING is used for a potentially
hazardous operating procedure, prac­tice, or condition which, if not correctly followe d, could result in loss of life or serious personal injury.
A CAUTION is used for a potentially haz-
ardous operating procedure, practice, or condition which, if not correctly followed, could result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
An EQUIPMENT ALERT is used for an
imminently or potentially hazardous oper­ating procedure, practice, or condition which, if not correctly followed, will or could result in serious, mod­erate, or minor damage to unit.
© Midmark Corporation 1998 SF-1561 Page ii Printed in U.S.A.
1.1 Scope of Manual
This manual contains detailed troubleshooting, sched­uled maintenance, maintenance, and service instruc­tions for the 409 Pediatric Exam Table. This manual is intended to be used by Midmark’s authorized service technicians.
1.2 How to Use Manual
A. Manual Use When Performing Scheduled Mainte-
(1) Perform inspections and services listed in
Scheduled Maintenance Chart (Refer to para 3.1 or 3.2).
(2) If a component is discovered to be faulty or out
of adjustment, replace or adjust component in accordance with maintenance / service instruc­tions (Refer to para 4.1).
B. Manual Use When Table Is Malfunctioning And
Cause Is Unknown.
(1) Perform an operational test on Table (Refer to
para 2.1 or 2.2).
(2) Perform troubleshooting procedures listed in
Troubleshooting Guide (Refer to para 2.3 or
(3) If a component is discovered to be faulty or out
of adjustment, replace or adjust component in accordance with maintenance / service instruc­tions (Refer to para 4.1).
1.3 Description of 409 Pediatric Exam Table
A. General Description (See Figure 1-1).
The 409 Pediatric Examination Table is a table designed to be used by physicians and office staff to conduct rou­tine medical examinations and measurements on pedi­atric patients weighing between 7.0 to 40.0 lbs (3.2 to
18.1 kg) and measuring 15.0 to 36.0 in. (38.1 to 91.4
cm) in length. Listed below are the four different models available:
409-004............. Exam Table with mechanical scale
409-005............. Exam Table without mechanical scale
409-006............. Exam Table with digital scale
409-007............. Exam Table without digital scale
The major serviceable components of the 409-004 table (table with mechanical scale) are the beam scale com­ponents which include the “0” balance screw & weight, platform components, linear scale, and table top locking mechanism. The major serviceable component of the 409-005 table (table without mechanical scale) is the linear scale (See Figure 1-1).
The major serviceable components of the 409-006 table (table with digital scale) are the digital display (which includes display board assembly), platform components (which includes load cell assembly), and linear scale. The major serviceable component of the 409-007 table (table without digital scale) is the linear scale (See Fig­ure 1-1).
C. Manual Use When Damaged Component Is Known.
(1) Replace or adjust component in accordance
with maintenance / service instructions (Refer to para 4.1).
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Rev. 3/01
409-004 and 409-005
409-006 and 409-007
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Rev. 3/01
Figure 1-1. Major Components
1.4 Specifications
Factual data for the 409 Pediatric Examination Table is provided in Table 1-1. Also, see Figure 1-2.
Table 1-1. Specifications
Description Data
Patient Weight (409-004/409-005):
Maximum For Examination.................. 40 lbs (18.1 kg)
Maximum For Weighing ...................... 40 lbs (18.1 kg)
Patient Weight (409-006/409-007):
Maximum For Examination.................. 40 lbs (18.1 kg)
Maximum For Weighing ...................... 40 lbs (18.1 kg)
Weight of 409-004 Unit:
Boxed Weight ............................. 242.0 lbs (109.8 kgs)
Unboxed Weight ............................188.0 lbs (85.3 kgs)
Weight of 409-005 Unit:
Boxed Weight .............................. 215.0 lbs (97.5 kgs)
Unboxed Weight ............................161.0 lbs (73.0 kgs)
Weight of 409-006 Unit:
Boxed Weight ............................. 242.0 lbs (109.8 kgs)
Unboxed Weight ............................188.0 lbs (85.3 kgs)
Weight of 409-007 Unit:
Boxed Weight .............................. 215.0 lbs (97.5 kgs)
Unboxed Weight ............................161.0 lbs (73.0 kgs)
Overall Depth (w/o scale)...................... 21.5 (54.6 cm)
Overall Width ..............................41.875 in. (106.4 cm)
Beam Scale Accuracy (409-004):
up to 18.0 lbs (8.2 kg) is: ...................... ±1 oz. (28.3 g)
between 18-40 lbs (8.2 - 18.1 kg) is: ... ± 2 oz. (56.6.g)
over 40.0 lbs (18.1 kg) is:................... ± 4 oz. (113.3 g)
Beam Scale
Readout Increments (409-004):..................... minimum
increment is 1 oz. (20 g)
Digital Scale Accuracy (409-006):
0 - 11 lbs (0 - 5 kg) is: ........................... ±1.75 oz. (50 g)
11 - 40 lbs (5 - 18 kg) is: ....................... ±3.5 oz. (100 g)
[Serial #’s PP1143 thru present only register to 40 lbs]
40 - 100 lbs (18 - 45 kg) is: ................. ±5.25 oz. (150 g)
Digital Scale Readout Minimum Increments (409-006):
Serial #’s: PP1000 thru PP1142 .............0.2 lb (0.09 kg)
Serial #’s: PP1143 thru present ..................1 oz (.01 kg)
Digital Scale Specifications:
Type Measurement ........ Electrical Resistance Method
Power Source ..................... Six LR6 Alkali Batteries or
AC Adapter - 9V, 300mA or more
center minus plug
Battery Life........................ 100 Hours Continuous Use
Power Consumption.................... 0.25 Watts maximum
Display ...................... LCD with 1 in. (25mm) numerals
Shipping Carton: ........... 45.0 in. "L" x 28.75 in. "W" x
43.0 in. "H"
Linear Scale
Accuracy:......................................... ± 1/8 in. (0.32 cm)
(114.3 cm x 73.0 cm x 109.2 cm)
Linear Scale Readout
Dimensions (409-004/409-005):
Minimum Increments: ...........................1/8 in. (0.5 cm)
Upholstered Top ..............20.75 in. wide x 42.0 in. long
(52.7 cm wide x 106.7 cm long)
Certifications:..................................ISO-9001 Certified
Table Top Work Height ................... 35.75 in. (97.2 cm)
Overall Height (w/scale) .................... 54 in. (137.2 cm)
Overall Height (w/o scale) .......... 40.625 in. (103.2 cm)
Overall Depth (w/scale) .................... 25.5 in. (64.8 cm)
Overall Depth (w/o scale) .................... 21.75 (55.2 cm)
Overall Width.................................. 42.0 in. (106.7 cm)
Dimensions (409-006/409-007):
Upholstered Top ..........20.75 in. wide x 41.875 in. long
(52.7 cm wide x 106.4 cm long)
Table Top Work Height ..................... 36.0 in. (91.4 cm)
Overall Height (w/scale) ............... 51.25 in. (130.2 cm)
Overall Height (w/o scale) ............ 40.75 in. (103.5 cm)
Overall Depth (w/scale) .................... 22.5 in. (57.1 cm)
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409-004 and 409-005
409-006 and 409-007
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Rev. 3/01
Figure 1-2. Dimensions
1.5 Standard Torque Specifications
The following standard torque specifications in Table 1-2 apply to the various hardware used on the units unless otherwise listed elsewhere in service procedures or parts illustrations:
Table 1-2. Torque Specifications
Hardwa r e S ize Torque Values
#6 ............................11 to 21 inch / lbs. (1.2 to 2.3 N•M)
#8 ............................20 to 30 inch / lbs. (2.2 to 3.3 N•M)
#10 ..........................32 to 42 inch / lbs. (3.6 to 4.8 N•M)
1/4" .........................75 to 85 inch / lbs. (8.5 to 9.6 N•M)
5/16" .....................18 to 22 foot / lbs. (24.4 to 29.8 N•M)
3/8" .......................31 to 35 foot / lbs. (42.0 to 47.5 N•M)
1/2” .......................50 to 60 foot / lbs. (67.8 to 81.4 N•M)
1.6 Parts Replacement Ordering
If a part replacement is required, order the part directly from the factory as follows:
(1) Refer to Figure 1-3 to determine the location of
the model number and serial number of the table and record this data.
(2) Refer to the Parts List to determine the item
numbers of the parts, part numbers of the parts, descriptions of the parts, and quantities of parts needed and record this data (Refer to para 6.1).
Ask the Purchasing Department of the company that owns the unit for this information. Otherwise, this information may be obtained from the dealer that sold the unit.
(3) Determine the installation date of the table and
record this data.
(4) Call Midmark with the recorded information and
ask for the Medical Products Technical Services Department. See back cover of this manual for the phone number or use the Fax Order Form (See page 7-2 for Fax Order Form).
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Rev. 3/01
409-004 and 409-005
409-006 and 409-007
Figure 1-3. Model Number / Serial Number Location
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1.7 Special Tools
the table, how to obtain the special tools, and the pur­pose of each special tool.
Table 1-3 lists all of the special tools needed to repair
Table 1-3. Special Tool List
Description of Special Tool
Calibrated Test Weight (included with & applies only to 409-004 table)
200kg or 440 lb Calibrated Test Weight (applies to 409-006 table)
50 lb Calibrated Test Weight Commercially Available Any Type Used to check digital scale calibration.
Soldering iron & solder Commercially Available Any Type Used to desolder/solder two battery leads to dis-
Torque Wrench Commercially Available Any Type Used to tighten nuts or screws to specified values.
Name / Address / Phone
Midmark Corporation 60 Vista Drive Versailles, Ohio 45380 937-526-3662
Commercially Available Any Type Used to calibrate digital scale.
Part N umbe r
050-4086-10 Used to calibration of the beam scale. A calibrated
test weight is included with each table from the fac­tory. The test weight should be hanging on the right rear of the table on a hook.
play board assembly when it is being replaced.
Purpose of Special Tool
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2.1 Operational Test (Models 409-004 and 409-005) (See Figure 2-1)
In order to effectively diagnose a malfunction of the 409­004 and 409-005 Pediatric Examination Table, it may be
necessary to perform an operational test as follows:
Refer to the Operator Manual for com-
plete instructions on operating the table. Failure to do so could result in personal injury.
The Operational Test, for the most part, only describes what should happen when the table is operated. If the table does something other than described, a problem has been discovered. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide to determine the cause of the problem and its correction.
Also, this operational test procedure is based on units that have a beam scale; some units do not have a beam scale - For these units skip to step 14.
(6) Remove any items from table top. Set large
poise weight to zero, making sure it is seated in notch and set small poise weight to zero, mak­ing sure small poise weight is pushed firmly against shoulder of beam.
(7) Observe. The beam pointer should balance in
center of trig square, indicating scale is zeroed.
Use the calibrated test weight which should be hang­ing on a storage hook on the right rear of the table. The test weight will have a label indicating the cali­brated weight of the test weight.
(8) Place the calibrated test weight on center of
upholstered table top.
(9) Using the large poise weight and small poise
weight, set beam scale to a setting which is equal to calibrated test weight.
(10) Observe. The beam pointer should center in
the trig square indicating beam scale is within tolerance.
(1) Move table top locking handle to LOCK posi-
tion. Attempt to move table top (See Figure 2-1).
(2) Observe. The table top should be firmly locked
into a stationary position.
(3) Move table top locking handle to UNLOCK posi-
(4) Observe. The table top should not be locked
into a stationary position anymore. Look between table top and base. There should be approximately a 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) gap between locking rails and bottom of table top; at the very least, there should not be any contact.
(5) Push down on center of table top a few times to
align and exercise all internal scale parts.
(11) If beam scale does not center, adjust the small
poise weight and/ or large poise weight as nec­essary to center beam pointer in trig square.
(12) Determine how much beam scale reading dif-
fers from weight of calibrated test weight. The allowable tolerance is ±1 oz. (28.3 g).
(13) Hang the calibrated test weight on its storage
hook, located on right rear of table.
(14) Remove any items from table top and then
move table top locking handle to LOCK posi­tion.
(15) Extend linear scale fully. Using a carpenter
square, check to see if the linear scale is square with back of table top when scale is fully extended.
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Rev. 3/01
Figure 2-1. Operational Test (Models 409-004 & 409-005)
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Rev. 3/01
2.2 Operational Test (Models 409-006 and 409-007) (See Figure 2-2)
In order to effectively diagnose a malfunction of the 409­006 and 409-007 Pediatric Examination Table, it may be
necessary to perform an operational test as follows:
Refer to the Operator Manual for com-
plete instructions on operating the table. Failure to do so could result in personal injury.
25 lb (11.3 kg) TEST WEIGHT
The Operational Test, for the most part, only describes what should happen when the table is operated. If the table does something other than described, a problem has been discovered. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide to determine the cause of the problem and its correction.
Also, this operational test procedure is based on units that have a digital scale; some units do not have a digital scale - For these units skip to step 7.
Figure 2-2. Operational Test (Models 409-006 & 409-007)
(1) Press ON / ZERO button to turn digital scale
© Midmark Corporation 1998 SF-1561 Page 2-3 Printed in U.S.A.
Rev. 6/07
(2) Observe. The display should flash
momentarily and then the display should dis­play
Make sure all LCD segments illuminate prop­erly.
(3) Check all functions of digital display (Reference
TANITA BWB-800 operating Instructions Man­ual).
(4) Press KG / LB button until display is set to LB.
Use the calibrated test weight to perform the follow­ing procedure.
(6) Determine how much digital scale reading dif-
fers from weight of calibrated test weight. The allowable tolerance is ±5.25 oz. (150 g).
(7) Remove calibrated test weight and then press
ON / ZERO to turn digital scale OFF.
(8) Extend linear scale fully. Using a carpenter
square, check to see if the linear scale is square with back of table top when scale is fully extended.
2.3 Troubleshooting Procedures (Applies to 409-004 and 409-005)
Table 2-1 is a Troubleshooting Guide which is used to determine the cause of the malfunction. This guide cov­ers problems with scale platform components, beam scale components, and linear scale components which the model 409-004 has. The model 409-005 does not have a scale platform or beam scale; it only has a linear scale. For this model, only use the portion of the guide which is applicable.
(5) Place a calibrated 25 lb (11.3 kg) test weight on
center of table top.
Table 2-1. Troubleshooting Guide (Models 409-004 & 409-005)
Problem Symptom Probable Cause Check Correction
Table top will not lock into stationary position prop­erly.
Weight scale does not measure weight accurately.
When table top locking handle is moved to the LOCK position, the table top is not locked into sta­tionary position (can still be moved).
The beam pointer will not center when the large and small poise weights are set to zero.
The measured weight of the patient is inaccurate.
Table top locking mechanism has bent, broken, or missing components.
Platform has worn “V” bear­ings or a broken pivot.
The beam scale is not zeroed.
Paper roll is interfering with table top.
Locking rails are not releas­ing properly when table top locking handle is moved to the UNLOCK position.
Check for bent, broken, or missing components.
Check for worn “V” bear­ings or a broken pivot.
Check to see if the beam pointer centers when the large and small poise weights are set to zero.
Check to see if paper roll is in contact with bottom of table top.
Check for bent or missing components in table top locking mechanism. See why locking rails are “hanging up”.
Replace any bent, broken, or missing components on the table top locking mechanism. Refer to para 4.5 to gain access.
Replace platform assembly and beam scale assembly (are a factory matched unit). Refer to para 4.2 and 4.5.
If beam pointer does not cen­ter when the large and small poise weights are set to zero, perform a zero balance adjust­ment. Refer to para 4.3.
Reduce thickness of paper roll or remove paper roll.
Repair or replace any bent, broken, or missing compo­nents on the table top locking mechanism. Refer to para 4.5 to gain access.
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Table 2-1. Troubleshooting Guide (Models 409-004 & 409-005) - Continued
Problem Symptom Probable Cause Check Correctio n
Linear scale seems to be inaccurate.
Beam pointer does not move at all during weigh­ing.
Arm of linear scale is not perpendicular to uphol­stered top when extended or height measurements seem inaccurate.
Table is not level. Check to see if table top
Beam pointer is touching the the side of the trig square during its travel.
Patient is not being cen­tered on the table top before being weighed.
Platform is rocking exces­sively or touches its base at any corner as a result of a worn or broken “V” bearing or a broken pivot.
Steel connecting rod which connects beam scale and weight platform is rubbing against inside of scale pillar.
Beam scale is out of calibra­tion.
Connection rod is incor­rectly connected or has become disconnected from linkage rods.
Scale label is not positioned properly.
Linear scale is out of align­ment (not square with back of table top).
is level.
Press down on the center of the table top while observing the beam pointer.
Check to see if table operator is positioning patient properly.
Check for worn or broken “V” bearings or a broken pivot.
Check to see if all wire hooks of steel connecting rod face toward the right side of the table.
Check accuracy of scale with the calibrated test weight.
Check connection rod connections.
Use tape measure to check if scale label is positioned properly.
Use a carpenter square to check squareness of linear scale with respect to the back of table top.
Adjust four leveling screws, located on base of table, to level table.
Replace platform assembly and beam scale assembly (are a factory matched unit). Refer to para 4.2 and 4.5.
Inform operator of correct patient positioning for weigh­ing.
Replace platform assembly and beam scale assembly (are a factory matched unit). Refer to para 4.2 and 4.5.
Position all wire hooks so they face the right side of table. Refer to para 4.2.
Check the calibration of the beam scale using the cali­brated test weight. Refer to para 4.4. If scale is out of cali­bration, replace platform assembly and beam scale assembly (are a factory matched unit). Refer to para
4.2 and 4.5.
Connect disconnected con­nection rod. Make sure all other linkage is correctly posi­tioned and connected to con­nection rod.
Reposition scale label or if necessary, replace with new scale label.
Align linear scale. Refer to para 4.6.
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2.4 Troubleshooting Procedures (Applies to 409-006 and 409-007)
Table 2-2 is a Troubleshooting Guide which is used to determine the cause of the malfunction. This guide cov­ers problems with scale platform components and digi­tal display which the model 409-006 has. The model
Table 2-2. Troubleshooting Guide (Models 409-006 & 409-007)
Problem Symptom Probable Cause Check Correctio n
Digital Scale is malfunc­tioning.
Nothing is displayed on digital display when ON / ZERO switch is pressed.
Digital display acts errati­cally.
Digital display works, but measured weight stays at zero even with weight on table top.
The measured weight of the patient is inaccurate.
AC adapter is malfunctioning or disconnected (applies only if AC adapter is being used instead of batteries).
Batteries are too weak to operate digital scale (applies only if batteries are being used instead of AC adapter).
Display board assembly is malfunctioning.
The mode setting for the dig­ital display has been lost due to a power surge or replace­ment of display board assembly.
Display connector (connects to underside of digital dis­play) is loose or discon­nected from digital display.
Wiring / connector between display board assembly and platform scale load cell is disconnected or torn.
Platform scale load cell assembly is malfunctioning.
Paper roll is interfering with table top.
Table is not level. Check to see if table top
Table is located where excessive vibration occurs.
409-007 does not have a scale platform or digital dis­play; it only has a linear scale. For this model, only use the portion of the guide which is applicable.
Check the connection of the AC adapter jack to the AC jack port and the connection of AC adaptor plug to the wall outlet.
Replace suspect batter­ies with known working batteries or use an AC adapter.
Replace suspect display board assembly with known working display board assembly.
Check mode setting for unit.
Check if display connec­tor is loose or discon­nected.
Check for disconnected, torn, or damaged con­nector / wiring.
Replace suspect platform scale load cell with known working platform scale load cell.
Check to see if paper roll is in contact with bottom of table top.
is level.
Check for signs of exces­sive vibration at table location.
Correct bad connection. If necessary, replace AC adapter (Call TANITA Corpora­tion @847-640-9241 to order parts /accessories).
Replace six used batteries with six new LR6 Alkali batter­ies (“AA” Batteries).
Replace display board assem­bly (Call TANITA Cor poration @847-640-9241 to order parts /accessories).
Adjust mode setting for digital scale to code:H8830. This is the type of scale used on this table. Refer to para 4.14.
Make sure display connector is properly connected to digital display.
Connect loose connector or replace any torn or damaged connector / wiring. (Call TAN­ITA Corporation @847-640­9241 to order parts /accesso­ries.) Refer to para 4.8.
Replace platform scale load cell. Refer to para 4.9. (Call TANITA Corporation @847­640-9241 to order parts / accessories.)
Reduce thickness of paper roll or remove paper roll.
Adjust four leveling screws, located on base of table, to level table.
Accurate measurement may be impossible if the product is used where there is excessive vibration. Try using the table at another location.
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Table 2-2. Troubleshooting Guide (Models 409-006 & 409-007) - Continued
Problem Symptom Probable Cause Check Correctio n
Linear scale seems to be inaccurate.
Arm of linear scale is not perpendicular to uphol­stered top when extended or height measurements seem inaccurate.
Digital scale is out of calibra­tion.
Display board assembly is malfunctioning.
Wiring / connector between display board assembly and platform scale regulator is disconnected or torn.
Platform scale load cell assembly is malfunctioning.
Scale label is not positioned properly.
Linear scale is out of align­ment (not square with back of table top).
Check accuracy of digital scale with a calibrated 50 lb (22.7 kg) test weight. The allowable tolerance
± 5.25 oz. (150 g).
Replace suspect display board assembly with known working display board assembly.
Check for disconnected, torn, or damaged con­nector / wiring.
Replace suspect platform scale load cell with known working platform scale load cell.
Use tape measure to check if scale label is positioned properly.
Use a carpenter square to check squareness of linear scale with respect to the back of table top.
Check the calibration of the digital scale using the cali­brated test weight. If digital scale is out of calibration, cali­brate digital scale. Refer to para 4.12.
Replace display board assem­bly. Refer to para 4.11. (Call TANITA Corporation @847­640-9241 to order parts / accessories.)
Connect loose connector or replace any torn or damaged connector / wiring. (Call TAN­ITA Corporation @847-640­9241 to order parts /accesso­ries.) Refer to para 4.8.
Replace platform scale load cell. Refer to para 4.9. (Call TANITA Corporation @847­640-9241 to order parts / accessories.)
Reposition scale label or if necessary, replace with new scale label.
Align linear scale. Refer to para 4.6.
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Rev. 3/01
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