Midland Radio BTX1 User Manual

Basic Intercom System
Midland BTX1 - 13
Main features .......................................................................................................................................................................................................14
Technical specifications of Midland BTX1 .............................................................................................................................................................14
Charging batteries ................................................................................................................................................................................................14
Unit and fixing system description .......................................................................................................................................................................15
Switching your Midland BTX1 on and o..............................................................................................................................................................16
Operative ‘mode’...................................................................................................................................................................................................16
How to pair two BTX1 ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17
Talk 2 All - Pairing to a dierent brand Intercom .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Pairing the BTX1 to Bluetooth devices ..................................................................................................................................................................18
How to use the wired audio input ........................................................................................................................................................................20
Using a PMR446 transceiver with cable connection .............................................................................................................................................20
Setup and special configurations .........................................................................................................................................................................21
Setup and firmware update .................................................................................................................................................................................22
Warranty .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
European CE Notice Certification and Safety Approval Information ...................................................................................................................... 22
14 - Midland BTX1
Basic Intercom System
BTX1 is an intercom communication system solution for motor cyclists.The design is very slim and aerodynamic, all the main functions are easy to operate thanks to the big three buttons placed on the front of the unit. BTX1 is fixed on the helmet using the adhesive plate or the screw mounting clamp. Thanks to the audio kit with ultra slim speakers you can enjoy high quality stereo music while riding.
Main features
› Intercom driver - passanger (10mt). › Connect your phone to receive and place phone call and listen to stereo music › Connect your GPS for voice street indication › Connection for PMR466 radio with internal or external Bluetooth › AUX wired connection for MP3 player and PMR446 radio › Setup and Firmware update via USB connection to a PC
Midland BTX1 is available in two versions:
› Single BTX1 Intercom kit with one unit only › Twin BTX1 Intercom kit with with two units
Depending on the model purchased, the package contains the following parts:
BTX1 single
› 1 BTX1 communication unit › 1 audio kit with two stereo speakers, microphone with boom and wired mi-
crophone › 1 plate with bi-adhesive strip to fix the unit onto the helmet › 1 clamp to fix the unit onto the helmet › 1 miniUSB wall-mounting power supply
BTX1 Twin
› 2 BTX1 communication units › 2 audio kits with two stereo speakers, microphone with boom and wired mi-
crophone › 2 plates with bi-adhesive strip to fix the unit onto the helmet › 2 clamps to fix the unit onto the helmet › 1 miniUSB wall-mounting power supply with double plug
The units included in the TWIN kit are already paired and can therefore be immedia­tely used in Intercom mode.
Technical specifications of Midland BTX1
› Bluetooth ver. 3.0 stereo (Headset/Handsfree/A2DP protocol)
› AGC system automatically controls the volume in relation to background noise › Voice (VOX) or manual communications activation › Manual controls to enable: telephone, intercom and wire connection › Fully waterproof › Lithium battery with 10 hours talk time › Recharge time: app. 6 hours
Bluetooth connections:
With identical device for Driver to Passanger intercom
Bluetooth devices:
› Mobile phone with MP3 player Stereo (A2DP protocol), GPS (Garmin Zumo and
TomTom Rider 1 and 2)
› PMR446 transceivers (with built-in or external Bluetooth connection) for
group bike-to-bike communications
Wire connections:
› For stereo audio input like iPod/MP3 player (with optional cable) › For PMR446 transceivers (with optional cable)
Attention: Midland BTX1 is designed to withstand rain and water. However, if it is raining, always verify that the rubber caps protecting the sockets are fully fitted.
Charging batteries
Attention: Make sure that the unit is fully charged before use. Allow at least 8 hours for a full charge before using the unit for the first time.
Charge the unit by inserting the wall-charger into the charging socket (lift the rubber cover to insert the plug). The red LED on the unit will start flashing when charging begins. Allow the headset to charge until the unit stops flashing or the blue LED turns on. When the charge is complete (the red LED is not flashing), release the headset from the charger.
Midland BTX1 - 15
Normally, after the first time, it takes 6 hours for a full charge.
Attention: every time the mini USB recharging plug is inser ted (or detached), the device is automatically turned o. To use it while it is in charge, you should turn the device on with the plug already inserted.
Unit and fixing system description
BTX1 description
The BTX1 has five buttons on the front; the main three big button are multi fun­ctions buttons: the Forward (on the left), the middle button and the Rear (on the right), the two small rounded buttons are the Volume + and Volume -.
Description of the wired connections
On the bottom of the unit you can find three wired connection: Charger jack: enables to recharge the unit using a standard miniUSB power supply
Audio kit jack: enable to connect an audio kit (stereo headset and microphone) Auxiliary audio jack (AUX) 2.5mm: can be used to connect an audio source, like
a stereo iPod/MP3 player or PMR446 transceiver
Description of the audio kit
The audio system includes two ultra-flat stereo speakers and two interchangeable microphones, which are both supplied with a bracket and wired connection.
Fixing the stereo speakers
The two stereo speakers have a Velcro/adhesive strip that aids their fixing into your helmet. Beware not to completely cover your ear with the speakers, you must always be able to listen to the trac sound and your indicators. The microphone can be fixed onto the helmet in two ways:
Boom Microphone
Place the section with the Velcro/adhesive strip between the padding and the rigid cover of the helmet, so that the microphone is correctly positioned in front of your mouth and that the white symbol is facing your mouth. This type of micro­phone is suited for Open Faced and Flip Front helmets.
Wired microphone
Using the Velcro/adhesive strip, place the microphone inside the helmet in front of your mouth. This type of microphone is more suited for Full Faced helmets. The mini connector on the microphone allows you choose the microphone that best suits the helmet you are using.
Audio kit jack
The audio kit must then be connected to the central jack of the Midland BTX1 unit using the “L” shaped connector.
Middle button
Volume -Volume +
Forward button Backward button
Charger jack
Audio kit jack
Auxiliary audio jack (AUX)
16 - Midland BTX1
Description of the installation brackets
The Midland BTX1 can be fixed onto the helmet in two dierent ways: By either using the plate with bi-adhesive strip, or the clamp. These methods allow you to safely “fix” the BTX1 unit onto your helmet and to remove it at any time in order to recharge or store it.
Plate with bi-adhesive strip
The fixing plate has a bi-adhesive strip on one of its sides. To fix the plate in place, clean the appli­cation area on the helmet surface, remove the bi­adhesive film and place the fixing plate on the helmet by keeping it contact with the surface for a few seconds.
Screw Clamp
Using the Allen Key, loosen the two screws on the clamp and place the rear plate between the helmet padding and the external rigid protection. Then, tighten the two screws in order to firmly fix the clamp in place. Inside the clamp is included a small plastic spacer that can be removed to give a tighter fit if required.
Fitting and removing your Midland BTX1
The BTX1 can be easily fitted onto the helmet by sliding it downwards so that it fits into the slot of the selected fixing device (plate with bi-adhesive strip or clamp). BT X1 is maintained in position thanks to the fixing clip located on the upper section (A). To detach the BTX1, simply press the fixing clip and push the unit upwards.
Switching your Midland BTX1 on and o
Switching the unit on:
Press and hold “Middle” button down for approximately 3 seconds until the BLUE indicator lights.
Switching the unit o:
Press and hold both “Middle” and “Rear” buttons together for approximately 3 se­conds until the RED indicator flashes 3 times, thus lessening the chances that you might turn o the unit accidentally (especially whilst wearing gloves).
Operative “mode”
The BTX1 can operate in two main “mode”: Intercom and Phone. The 3 multi function buttons can have dierent functionality depending on which mode the unit is at that moment.
› In “Intercom mode” the middle buttons let you manage the communications
between driver and passanger
› In “Phone mode” you can manage your Bluetooth cellular phone to place/
answer a phone call or to listen to the music (in stereo mode). Please use your
phone responsibly and safely. You can switch (toggle) from one mode to the other simply pressing the Middle button for 3 seconds. A voice announcement will tell in which mode you are on. The toggle sequence is the following:
Intercom mode (if another unit has been paired) Phone mode (if a phone has been paired)
Every time you turn on the unit, the default mode is Intercom (if it was previously paired to another unit), otherwise it will be Phone (If was paired to a phone).
If you need to know in which mode the unit currently is, just press the “Volume + “ and “Volume –“ button together. A voice announcement will tell you the current mode.
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How to pair two BTX1 unit
The two units supplied in the same BTX1 box, are already paired and ready to use, which mean you don’t need to perform this procedure. The unit are already paired using the Middle button. If the devices are not par t of the same kit, or the units has been purchased sepa­rately, you need to first pair it in order to use it.
To pair the BTX1 to another BTX1 unit
To pair the BTX1 to another BTX1 unit, you must first enter the setup mode:
1. Turn o the unit
2. Press and hold down the middle button about 7 sec., until the Red light is on permanently.
3. Now press the Middle button for 3 seconds. The Blue and Red light will flash.
4. Do the same procedure on the other unit, When successfully paired, each unit will have the Blue light on for one second and than go back to the setup mode (Red light always on).
5. Now the pairing procedure is complete, you just need to exit the setup mode before you can use the units:
6. Double click on the Middle button, the Red light will turn o and the Blue light will start flashing.
You can use now your BTX1.
How to use the Intercom
To use the intercom feature, be sure the both units are turned on and correctly paired together.
Manual activation
Press the Middle button on one of the two units. Communication is enabled and remains active until you press again the middle button. The intercom need some second to activate, you will hear a beep tone when the intercom is open.
Voice activation (VOX)
Simply start talking, after some seconds the communication will be opened and will remain active for the time you are talking. If there is no conversation the intercom will be closed after 40 seconds. If needed you can close the intercom
manually without waiting 40 seconds (just press the middle button). If needed, you can temporarily disable the VOX feature simply by pressing the Backward button for 7 sec. Two sound beep will advise you when the VOX is di­sabled. To turn the VOX on again, just press the same button, one beep sound will advise you that the VOX is now active (or just turn the unit o and on again).
Adjusting the volume
Your Midland BTX1 uses AGC technology, which automatically adjusts the liste­ning volume in relation to background noises. However, it is also possible to manually adjust the volume by means of the “Volu­me +” and “Volume -“buttons.
Attention: volume can be adjust only when an audio connection is active. Attention: the volume buttons (Vol + and Vol -) cannot be used to adjust the vo-
lume of the wired audio source. The AGC system with automatically increase the volume on higher speed.
How to pair the BTX1 to Midland BT line units
The BTX1 is compatible with all the BT line unit from Midland. You can pair the BTX1 to a BT2, BT1 or BTX2 unit and the max distance of the intercom is defined from the lower possible. To pair the BTX1 to another BT line unit, you must first enter the setup mode:
1. Turn o the unit
2. Press and hold down the Middle button about 7 sec., until the Red light is on permanently.
3. Now press long (3 sec) the Middle buttonich button, the Blue and Red light will flash.
4. Follow the procedure on the other unit’s instruction manual (normally you can use the “Volume +” button on all the previous BT line units).
5. When successfully paired, each unit will have the Blue light on for one second and than go back to the setup mode (Red light always on).
Exit the setup mode from both units before you can use them: for BTX1 double click on the Middle button, the Red light will turn o and the Blue light will start flashing. For the other devices of BT line, please refer to their own user manual.
A- Manual activation Mode Forward button Middle button Rear button
Intercom Short press: Open/Close intercom to paired
Long press: Change mode
Long press: Toggle on/o wired
18 - Midland BTX1
Talk 2 All - Pairing to a dierent brand intercom
Thanks to the “Talk2 All - Universal Intercom” feature it is now possible to pair your BTX1 to a dierent brand intercom available on the market.
1. On the BTX1 enter the setup mode: (With the unit OFF press and hold down the Middle button about 7 sec., until the Red light is on permanently.
2. Press the “Forward” button for 3 seconds, the Red and Blu LED light will flash.
3. On the other intercom (not Midland brand) follow the procedure to pair to a phone.
When successfully paired (no red/blue flashing light), to open the intercom com­munication on the BTX1 follow the instruction “Manual activation”; on the other intercom just press the phone redial button.
Attention: when using this configuration, the other intercom (not Midland brand) will not be able to be paired to a phone.
Pairing the BTX1 to Bluetooth devices
The BTX1 unit can be paired to other Bluetooth devices, like Phone, GPS Navigator or PMR446 Radio with built-in or external Bluetooth. The pairing procedure must be done using the “Volume +” buttons.
Pairing to the “Volume +” button: for Phone or GPS. All devices paired to
this button have higher priority and will interrupt all the other communica­tion .
Pairing to a phone
The cellular phone can be paired only to the “Volume +”, when paired the “phone mode “ is active. In this way it is possible to manage all the phone functio­nalities and listen to the stereo music. An incoming call the higher priority, that means all other communications will be closed (Intercom, Music).
Pairing to a GPS navigator
The GPS can be paired on the “Volume +” button, when paired the “phone mode “ is active.
Attention: If you need to connect both Phone and GPS, you must pair the Phone to the GPS itself.
Pairi ng to a PMR446 radio with in tegrated or ext ernal B luetoot h
The PMR446 Radio must be paired to the “Volume +“ button.
Attention: if you pair a PMR446 with Bluetooth, it will not be possible to pair the Phone or the GPS.
Bluetooth connection always in Background
This feature let you keep the Bluetooth connection on the “Volume+” button always in background also if the Intercom is open (very useful to keep the GPS navigator announcement in background while the intercom is open).
Enabling/Disabling the Background feature:
Keep pressed for three second the “Volume -” button, a voice announcement will tell you the status. The background feature is active by default.
How to pair the BTX1 to a Phone
To pair the BTX1 to a Phone, you must first enter the setup mode:
1. Turn o the unit
2. Press and hold down the middle button about 7 sec., until the Red light is on permanently.
3. Now press for 3 seconds the “Volume +” button, the Blue and Red light will flash.
4. Enable the Bluetooth device search feature on your mobile phone
5. After some seconds, “Midland BTX1” will be displayed on your mobile phone. Follow the pairing procedure of your Phone. If a pin code is requested you must enter “0000” (four time zero).
When successfully paired, the Blue light of the unit will be on for one second and than the unit will exit the setup mode and switch to the working mode (the Blue light will start flashing). You can use now your BTX1 together with the Phone.
How to use a Phone
in order to use all the phone/MP3 music player feature. If you are in “Intercom” mode you can only manage the incoming phone call. To activate the “phone” mode, press the middle button until you hear “Phone” from the voice announce ­ment. Now all the three main button are dedicated to the phone (see Table B)
Answering a call in both Phone/Intercom mode
When you hear the phone ring, you can answer in two dierent ways:
› Background
feature ON/ OFF
› Phone › GPS › GPS + Phone › PMR446 Radio
Midland BTX1 - 19
Simply say one word to answer the call and start talking. Remembering that you can only do this if you answer the call after the third Ring.
Attention: be aware that some phones may not support voice answering
Tap the “Forward” button and start speaking.
Rejecting a call in both Phone/Intercom mode
If you don’t wish to answer, you can let the mobile phone ring or press the “For­ward” button for a few seconds (you will hear one audio confirmation tone).
Making a call only in Phone mode
There are several ways to make a call.
From the mobile keypad:
Dial the number on the mobile keypad: Press “Send” on the mobile phone.
To redial the last number:
Press “Forward” button for 3 seconds in order to redial the last number (you will hear one audio confirmation tone).
To make a voice call:
Briefly press “Forward” button. If your mobile phone supports voice calls, you will be asked to speak the name of the contact you wish to call.
Priority: Calls have a high priority, which means that all other communications are temporarily disabled when a call arrives and automatically re-enabled once the call ends.
Ending a callin both Phone/Intercom mode
There are several ways to end a call:
› Wait for the called person to end the call. › Press the “Forward” button (you will hear an audio confirmation tone). › Press “End” button on the mobile phone.
Using the MP3 player feature of the mobile phone only in Phone mode
Many mobile phones are now designed to be used as stereo MP3 players. The BTX1 device fully supports the A2DP and AVRCP protocols that enable you to listen to stereo music and remotely control your mobile phone’s MP3 player. You can even use the buttons on the BTX1 unit to control the following play options: Play, Pause, Forward and Backward.
Available controls:
› To play/pause music: click on the “Middle” button. › To skip forward to the next song: press the “For ward” button. › To skip backwards to the previous song: press the “Rear” button..
Priority: the music listening mode has the lowest priority. Therefore, it will always be disabled when another type of communication is enabled.
How to pair the BTX1 to a GPS
In general is possible to pair the BTX1 to all the GPS for motorbike that support Bluetooth headset connection. To pair the BTX1 to a GPS, you must first enter the setup mode:
1. Turn o the unit
2. Press and hold down the “Middle” button about 7 sec., until the Red light is on permanently.
3. Now press firmly (3 sec) the “Volume +” button, the Blue and Red light will flash.
B-Phone mode Mode Forward button Middle button Rear button
Phone Short press: Voice dial /accept or close if it is
in progress Long press: redial last number/ or reject incoming call
Long press: Change mode Long press: toggle on/o wired
Phone (when music play) Short press: Forward the song Short press: Play/pause
Long press: Change mode
Short press: Backward the song
Play/PausaForward Backward
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