Midland Radio 88182 Owners Manual

Read this manual carefully before operating this unit.
Thank you for purchasing this product.
Read this manual carefully before operating the unit, and retain it for future reference.
Particularly important information is distinguished in this manual by the following notations:
This is the safe ty ale rt symb ol. It is use d to ale rt you to potent ial pe rsonal injur y hazards . Ob ey all sa fe ty m e ssag e s that fo llow this symbo l to avoid possibl e inju­ry or death.
*Product and specications are subject to change without notice.
A WARNING indicate s a ha z ard ous si tuat io n which , if no t avoide d , coul d re sul t in death or serious injury.
A NOTICE indic ates special p recautions th at must be taken to avoid damage to the unit or other property.
A TIP provides key information for a better understanting of the system.
For better legibility, the following terms and expressions are used in this manual.
Terms and expressions Operation
Press Use your nger to press a hardware button on the vehicle. Touch Use your nger to touch a button, an icon, or other item on the screen.
Indicates a button on the screen accompanied by a term enclosed in brackets. Example: [Audio] indicates the following button.
Also indicates a title of the screen or a message that appears on the screen. Example: [Phonebook]
Go to [Setting] menu.
You are inst ructed to touch the button, then the [COMMS] button and th e [Phone] button in this order.
You are inst ructed to touch the [General] setting menu shown below.
button, then touch the [Sett ings] button to open the
Thank you fo r choosing Yamah a. We hope you will e njoy using th e audio and n avigation sys tem. Thi s motorcycle wa s design ed to be use d with variou s option p ackage s. The refor e, some fu nction s of the audi o and navig ation syste m requi re acce ssory p arts , third ­part y con trac ts , comp ati ble e quip me nt (such as a sm ar t phon e and h ea dse t), and t he navi gat ion fun cti on re quir es r egi stra tio n by your Yamaha deal er bef ore use. Pl ease con tact your Yamaha d eale r regar ding optio nal acce ssorie s to maximi ze the cap abilitie s of your motorcycle.
©2017 by Yamaha Motor Corporation,
1st edition, March 2017
All rights reserved.
Any reprinting or unauthorized use
without the written permission of
Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A.
is expressly prohibited.
Printed in Japan.
SAFETY INFORMATION ....................1-1
FCC WARNING................................1-2
Safety Notice ......................................1-2
DESCRIPTION ....................................2-1
Front and left view ..............................2-1
Rear and right view ............................2-2
CONTROLS .........................................3-1
System outline....................................3-1
Handlebar switches............................3-1
Passenger switches .......................... 3-3
BASIC OPERATIONS .........................4-1
HOME screen operation ....................4-1
Selecting a target object
on the screen ..................................4-4
Moving back to the previous screen/
HOME screen ................................. 4-5
Map screen ....................................... 4-6
Software keyboards .............................4-8
Voice recognition function................4-11
Rear view camera.............................. 4-12
[FUNCTION] screen .........................4-13
Registering your Yamaha dealer ...... 5-3
Registering a Bluetooth device .........5-3
Subscribing to the
Sattelite Radio ...............5-4
Radio: FM/AM/weather band .............6-1
Media playback: Bluetooth/USB/AUX Pandora
Internet Radio ..................6-10
... 6-5
SiriusXM Sattellite Radio .................6-11
ENJOYING 2 ZONE AUDIO ................7-1
Activating the 2 zone audio function How the 2 zone audio function works
COMMUNICATION ..............................8-1
[Communication] menu ......................8-1
Making a phone call .......................... 8-2
Creating a phone book ...................... 8-6
Voice communication using intercom
CB (citizens band)
radio communication....................... 8-8
Receiving text messages from
other cell phones/smartphones ...... 8-9
Reading messages sent from
the vehicle ......................................8-10
SIRIUSXM ..........................................10-1
Receiving information
from SiriusXM ................................10-1
Using the SiriusXM
tuner ............... 10-4
SETTINGS .........................................11-1
[Setting] menu ..................................11-2
General settings ...............................11-2
Communication settings ................ 11-14
Audio settings ................................11-25
Navigation mode settings ..............11-27
Sirius XM settings ..........................11-40
APPENDIX .........................................12-1
Care and maintenance .....................12-1
Updating the unit's software ............12-1
Specications ...................................12-2
Audio and navigation unit warranty ...12-5
INDEX ................................................13-1
THINGS TO DO FIRST ........................5-1
Selecting the language ......................5-1
Clock ..................................................5-1
Registering your home ...................... 5-2
NAVIGATION ...................................... 9-1
Searching for your destination ...........9-1
Route guidance ................................9-16


Read the motor cycle owner ’s man­ual caref ully before oper ating the vehicle. Do n ot attempt to ope rate the motorcycle until you have at­tained a dequate knowled ge of its controls and operating features. Read this audio and navigation system owner’s manual before attempt ing to operate the audio and navigation system. Become familiar with all controls and stop the vehicle as ne ce ssa ry wh en op­erating th e audio and navigation system.
Failure to pay atte ntion while rid­ing could result in death or serious injury. Always concentrate on ri ding by keeping your eyes and mind on the road. Read your owner’s manual.
Safe riding and operation tips
Set-up the audio and navigation system (audio sources, volume controls, destinati on and route, etc) before starting off.
Stop the motorcycle in a safe area
when making adjustments to the
audio and navigation system. Some features are disabled when the vehicle is in motion. Check vehic le messages and take corre ctive action as necessary. (See page 8-10.)
Set volume setting levels low enough
that trafc noise (sirens, horns, other
vehicles) can still be heard. When using the navigation system,
always give precedence to current
road and trafc conditions.
The displayed sp eed limit is t aken from information re gistered in the navigation system. The actual sp eed limit may be dif ­ferent . Always ride according to
current trafc conditions.


Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authorit y to operate the equipment.
This device com plies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs.
Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause
interference; and
(2) This device must accept any
interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Le manuel d’utilisation des appareils radio exempts de licence doit contenir l’énoncé qui suit, ou l’équivalent, à un endroit bien en vue dans l e manuel d’utilisation ou sur l’appareil, ou encore aux deux endroits.
Le présent appareil est co nforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada appli cables aux appareils radio exempts de
licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
(1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de
(2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit
accepter tout brouillage radioélectri que subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.

Safety Notice

The antenna used for this radio must be properly installed and
aintained and must provide a
m separation distance of at least 56 cm (22 Inches) from all persons and must not be located or op erated in
conjunction with any other antenna
or transmitter. Never transmit if any person is clos er than the specified distance to the antenna. While a 0 dBi gain antenna is normal for a typical installation, the above limit applies to any antenna with up to 3 dBi gain. Any changes made to this device not expressly approved by Midland Radio Corporation or any use of it in any other manner than that described in this manual may void your authorization to operate this device.
The Citizens Band Radio Serv ice is
under the jurisdiction of the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC).
Any adjustments or alterations which
would alter the performa nce of the transceiver’s original FCC type
acceptance, or which would change the freque ncy determining meth od, are strictly prohibited. Replacement or substitution of crystal, transistors, ICs, regulator diodes, or any other part of a unique nature, with parts other than those recommen d by Midland Radio Corporation, may cause violati ons of the technical regulatio ns in Part 95 of the FCC Rules or in violation of type acceptanc e requirements in Part 2 of the rules.


System outline

The audio and navigation system (hereafter referred to as "the system") allows you to perform variety of operations via its touchscreen or by using the handlebar mounted controls. (Voice activated co ntro ls are also available for equipped models.)
You can, for example:
play back audio sources such a s an FM broadcast, Pandora Internet Radio, etc.
make and receive phone calls, SNS messages, and make CB communications. (Some features require accessory parts and compatible phones.)
use the unit as a navigation device (for GPS equipped models) and
look up destinations nationwide.
make customized settings according to your preference

Handlebar switches

Left/right/up/down buttons / /
Press these buttons to c hange the
currently highlighted object on the
screen. Press
preset stations. Press to per form seek function an d search for the next receivable frequency.
Select button
Press this button to select the
/ to rotate among the
currently highlighted object on the
screen. Press and hold this but ton to turn off
the display (the audio source wil l not be turned off).
See also “Selecting a target object on
the screen” on page 4-4.
Home button
Press this button to return to the HOME screen at any time, or when on the HOME screen, to cycle between the Audio, Information, and Map HOME screens.
Pressing and holdin g this button sets the currently displayed HOME s creen as the default HOME screen.
See also “HOME s creen operation” on page 4-1.
Volume up/down button
Press to increase volume. Press Press and hold
to decrease it.
to mute the audio
Talk button (rider)
This button is used to open the [Teleprompter] screen (act ivate voice recognition), and activate the CB or intercom.
Press and release The [Teleprompter] screen appears, if
so set in advance.
For details, see “Voice recognit ion function” on page 4-11.
To start intercom When the intercom function is
activated, press and hold the button is bein g pressed and h eld, you can have a conversation with the passenger using the headset and microphone.
See “Voice communication using intercom” on page 8-7.
Adjust the microphone sensitivity and
the volume of the headset correctly.
. Wh ile
When a CB (citizens band) radio is connected and activated
Pressing and holdin g radio communication.
See “CB (citizens band) radio communication” on page 8-8.
When a CB radio is connected to the vehicle and is act ivated, and the intercom function als o is activated, pressing and hol ding radio communication.
starts CB
starts CB

Passenger switches

Talk button (passenger) ( )
When the intercom function is activated, pressing and hol ding ( ) star ts inte rcom.
When a CB (citizens band) radio is connected
Pressing and holding CB radio communication.
Audio connectors
( ) starts
These connectors accept USB memory devices and an auxiliary device as audio sources.
Pressing will decrease the audio source volume. Pressing wil l increase the volume.
REV/FWD buttons
These buttons c ontro l the pl ayback of the currently selected audio source.
When listening to FM, AM or weather band broadcast
Pressing stations with lower frequencies.
Pressing stations with higher frequencies.
starts search for the
starts search for the
When playing back music stored in a Bluetooth device
Pressing previous track.
Pressing next track.
When playing back music stored in a USB device
Pressing previous track.
Pressing next track.
When listening to Pandora Internet Radio
Pressing next track.
When using the SiriusXM tuner Pressing
starts playbac k of the
starts playbac k of the
starts playbac k of the
starts playbac k of the
starts streamin g of the
starts rewinding. starts fast-forwarding.
SRC (source) button
Press this button to chan ge the audio source.
Function of this button is the s ame as the
button on the screen.


HOME screen operation

The following screens can be assigned as the HOME screen.
Information screen Example:
Audio screen Example:
Map screen Example:
You ca n cycle through the available
HOME screens by press ing the h ome
button .
To assign the displayed screen as the
HOME screen
If you want to set the currently
displayed screen as the HOME
screen, press and hold
How to read the HOME screen
Information on the HOME screen
Current time
Street name of the current loca-
tion Displayed only when the naviga-
tion function is activated. Current speed and speed limit
indication Displayed only when the navi-
gation function is activated, and route guidance is in progress.
Currently played audio
Shows the currently played audio. You cannot select another audio
source from this screen. Turn-by-turn information
Indicates the direction and dis­tance to turn.
Displayed only when the navi­gation function is activated, and route guidance is in progress.
Icons on the HOME screen These icons appear when the
relevant function is activated.
Passenger’s seat heater
Rider’s seat heater
Grip heater
Unread vehicle-related messag­es (such as low tire air pressure)
Sound volume muted
 
Headset’s microphone
Intercom function activated
Intercom being used
CB radio communication activated
CB radio communication being per­formed
Mobile service provider
Unread SMS messages
Bluetooth communication acti­vated
Bluetooth communication being performed
SiriusXM tuner
Vehicle information screen
Vehicle information
You can change the content of information shown here.
HOME screen buttons
Touch this button to open the [Menu] screen.
This is called the home right button. You can assign here one of the
following three or four buttons according to your preference.
(Audio button) (Phone button) (Function button)
(Destination button, available only when the navigation func­tion is activated)
To assign a desired button here, see “To change the HOME screen and the home right but­ton” on page 11-4.
This button changes the audio source.
Additionally, the passenger can press the SRC (source) button
to change the currently played
Touch this button once to change the Information screen.
Touch the button repeatedly to change the displayed information on the screen.
All the informations displayed are listed in “To view and reset vehicle information” on page 1 1-2.
+ 35 hidden pages