MIDI hardware MBBS User Manual

MBBS – MIDI controller
firmware version 2.0
Roman Sowa 2011
Table of contents
1 Overview..............................................................................................4
2 Connections & Power Supply..................................................................4
3 Keyboards.............................................................................................5
4 Potentiometers & Control Voltages..........................................................7
5 MIDI settings and special functions........................................................9
5.1 Transposition (starting note)...................................................................10
5.1.1 Middle "C" select - #1................................................................................10
5.1.2 Transpose +/- buttons................................................................................10
5.1.3 Transpose +/- command - #10, #11...........................................................10
5.1.4 Global Transpose........................................................................................11
5.2 MIDI event assignment for keyboards and analog inputs..........................11
5.2.1 Control Change - #2 CC.............................................................................11
5.2.2 Pitch Bend - #2128....................................................................................11
5.2.3 Program Change - #2129...........................................................................12
5.2.4 Channel After Touch - #2130......................................................................12
5.2.5 Standard keyboard action – single notes - #2131.........................................12
5.2.6 Note on only - #2132.................................................................................12
5.2.7 Note off only - #2133.................................................................................12
5.2.8 One-touch Patch Recall - #2134..................................................................12
5.2.9 CC keyboard - #2135.................................................................................13
5.2.10 MIDI channel shift for all controls - #2136.................................................13
5.2.11 Small Transposer - #2137.........................................................................13
5.2.12 Big Transposer - #2138............................................................................13
5.2.13 Velocity - #2139.......................................................................................13
5.2.14 Native Instruments B4 chorus/vibrato - #2140...........................................14
5.2.15 MidiTzer stops control - #2141..................................................................14
5.2.16 Ahlborn Archive module stops control - #2142...........................................14
5.2.17 Ahlborn Organs stops control - #2143.......................................................14
5.2.18 Program selector - #2144.........................................................................14
5.2.19 Bank selector - #2145..............................................................................15
5.2.20 Ahlborn Common Functions - #2146.........................................................15
5.2.21 3-note chord collect - #2147.....................................................................15
5.2.22 Dual note (layered sound) - #2148...........................................................15
5.2.23 One time velocity setup - #2149...............................................................15
5.2.24 Single keyboard transposition buttons - #2150 to #2153............................16
5.2.25 Channel set buttons - #2154 & #2155......................................................16
5.2.26 All keyboards transposition - #2156 to #2159............................................16
5.2.27 MIDI notes for stops control - #2160........................................................16
5.2.28 Reversed notes action- #2161..................................................................16
5.3 MIDI Channel - #3.................................................................................17
5.4 Program Change - #4.............................................................................17
5.5 Keyboard split - #5.................................................................................17
5.6 Programming Patch Recall Buttons - #6...................................................18
6 MIDI utilities.......................................................................................19
6.1 MIDI monitor - #971..............................................................................19
6.2 Factory defaults - #979..........................................................................19
7 Scanners.............................................................................................20
7.1 PDS - diode matrix pedal scanner............................................................20
7.2 DMS-2K dual keyboard matrix scanner.....................................................20
7.3 BBSP - common ground pedals scanner...................................................21
7.4 BBS-1K common ground keyboard scanner..............................................22
7.5 BBS24 little scanner for contacts & pots...................................................22
7.6 LITSW - button scanner with LED drivers.................................................23
7.6.1 Split point - #905.......................................................................................24
7.6.2 Independent mode - #908..........................................................................24
7.6.3 Dependent mode - #909............................................................................24
7.6.4 Bank/preset select - #910...........................................................................25
7.6.5 Disable bank/select mode - #911................................................................25
7.6.6 Contact on/off (keyboard scanner) mode - #912..........................................25
7.6.7 CC value (pot scanner) mode - #913...........................................................25
7.6.8 Left split blink - #916.................................................................................25
7.6.9 Right split blink - #917...............................................................................25
7.6.10 All LEDs blink - #918................................................................................25
7.6.11 Reset to defaults - #929...........................................................................26
7.7 POT12 - potentiometer scanner...............................................................26
7.8 MiDisp - 2x16 characters display..............................................................27
7.8.1 Toggle mode - #908...................................................................................27
7.8.2 Momentary mode - #909............................................................................27
7.8.3 Device ID set - #911..................................................................................27
7.8.4 Device ID show - #920...............................................................................28
7.8.5 Display blink - #918...................................................................................28
7.9 KEYPAD - numeric entry for user MIDI settings........................................28
MIDI controller boards described here are products of: "MIDI-hardware" Roman Sowa ul. Azotowa 15B 41-503 Chorzów Poland
phone +48 32 7633 931 email info@midi-hardware.com www.midi-hardware.com www.midimplant.com
© 2011, Roman Sowa boards made and manual printed in Poland, EU manual edition 9

1 Overview

This manual describes the use and functionality of MBBS, a small MIDI controller for one 5-octave keyboard, as well as all compatible scanners. The board described here is intended for small 1-keyboard controllers, and smaller organ consoles. Apart from direct inputs for 5-octave keyboard with common bus bar, there are 2 scanner inputs. Each of them can take up to 128 keys if keyboard scanner is connected, or up to 64 potentiometers if pot scanner is used. This way up to 5 keyboard scanners can work together but only one input at a time can work with a chain of potentiometer scanners. It is possible to combine keyboard and potentiometer scanners on one input, thus 319 keys and 64 pots.
63 direct inputs for keyboard switches
2 scanner inputs, for keyboards and potentiometers
user defined split for every keyboard
independent transposition for all keyboards/splits
user defined MIDI channel for each keyboard/split and pot
user defined MIDI event for each pot and keyboard split
up to 15 special function, user defined inputs (transpose, channel, etc.)
select Program Change from keyboard by entering number 001-999.
all settings remain after disconnecting power
DC power supply (5V-12V DC)

2 Connections & Power Supply

Recommended power supply range is between 5 and 12V DC. It is possible to run this board from lower voltage, but its operation is not guaranteed then. Current consumption depends on the number of attached scanners and varies between 1 to 5mA, making it suitable for battery operation. This figure doesn't include the load caused by potentiometers if they are used with appropriate scanners. If LCD module takes more current, about 15mA per display. The board comes with screw terminals for power. Make sure to use proper polarity of power supply. Connecting power in reverse will not cause any damage, but of course it will only work with proper power polarity.
The last (64th) contact pin marked in the picture as "EDIT" should be connected to momentary switch. This allows changing al user settings as described in chapter 5. You don't need that if special programing KEYPAD is present in the MIDI system or if you don't want to change any default settings. Typical DIN5 MIDI output is available with supplied special cable connected to 3­way connector as indicated.

3 Keyboards

Main keyboard connects to 4 on-board IDC headers according to the schematic below.
Each black connector holds 16 inputs for keyboard switches. The pin numbering within one connector is shown here. Notice orientation of the keying slot:
At the edge of the board there are 3 soldering pads (holes) to connect common ground of all switches in a keyboard. The common may be connected there, or at the minus (GND) supply lead of MBBS, whatever is more convenient. Additional keyboard switches may be connected to keyboard scanners. There are several scanners available: for 32, 64, 128 keys, with switches organized in 8x8 matrix and single-rod bus-bar. All are described in chapter 7. Type of the scanner is determined by keyboard size and the way how switches are organized. Connection between keyboard scanner and MBBS main board is always the same, regardless of the type of scanner. MIDI settings of those keyboards can be changed by the user after all connections are in place. Most commonly found in modern keyboards is 8x8 diode matrix. 8x8 scanner driver can be used in such keyboards. The matrix is very simple circuit, made of diodes forming electric XY array of 8 rows and 8 columns. It is integral part of the contacts board found beneath the keys. Those kind of keyboards can work directly with DMS-2K scanner. Its advantage is that you can connect 2 keyboards to one board.
Older keyboards, and especially those used in old analog organs, usually don't have such a thing, so in order to use 8x8 scanner, you must build diode matrix yourself, assuming it is possible to separate the contacts into groups of 8 keys. In other cases, when making diode matrix is impractical, you may use bus-bar type of scanners (BBS), where all keys share only one common bus. This is typical keyboard arrangement in all old organ consoles. Below is a short table showing which scanner type can be used with different keyboards:
Keyboard type DMS BBS PDS
Independent switches, no connections Switches organized in 8x8 diode matrix Switches organized in 6x12 and other One common rail for all switches
● - can be used directly ◊ - with additional diodes ‡ - requires rewiring of existing contacts.
● ‡
‡◊ ‡◊

3.1 Split for special function inputs - #905

By default all 63 on-board inputs are treated as keyboard interface, playing notes, or other similar MIDI events as described in chapter 5. But you can designate a few inputs for other tasks if less keyboard inputs are required. Such altered inputs work like they would be potentiometer inputs, but only with min and max values (0 and
127) possible. If those buttons are assigned this way, each of them can be individually set to different event type and MIDI channel. It creates some new possibilities - for example you can assign transpose/octave +/- buttons, channel +/- buttons, and a few non-continuous CCs, with most obvious examples like Sustain or Portamento.
There can be up to 15 such inputs, and they are always placed at the top of note contacts, in the last, 4th connector (J4) of MBBS. This special mode is available only in MBBS and not in any of connected scanners.
To define the split point between normal note inputs, and special CC inputs, play any note at MBBS on-board inputs, enter command #905 from the keypad (or use on-board inputs in sequence: 64, 10, 1, 6), and then press the top key of desired note part. All inputs above this point, up to the EDIT input, will be now acting like inputs of POT scanner and can be individually programmed. To cancel this setting, and turn the whole range as normal inputs, repeat the procedure, but now set the split point at the last note input (63). Do NOT connect any potentiometer, or variable voltage to those inputs. They are only capable of working with switches, or logic levels. Applying other voltages may damage the board.
This kind of split has nothing to do with keyboard split described in chapter 5.5 and can be used independently of that one.

3.2 Keyboard contacts debouncing - #99

Every kind of contact bounces sometimes. This is very short series of contact closures and openings, making instable signals for detecting key on and key off. To prevent the controller from sending MIDI notes on every bounce, a special technique is performed, called debouncing. All boards from midi-hardware.com perform contact debouncing, but MBBS also provides possibility to adjust the strength of this process. By default debouncing is set to 20ms, but you can change it to one of 10 steps from 2ms to over 40ms. If there are no bouncing effects apparent in your keyboard, there's no need for long debouncing, and it can be shortened to reduce latency. But wwith old rusty wire contacts, it may be necessary to set the debouncing to a higher level. This increases latency, but prevents from burst of unwanted notes with every key going up or down. To change debouncing time, you must play any note on the keyboard connected to internal inputs of MBBS (not on the scanners) and use command #99x, where 3rd digit (x) determines debouncing strength. 0 means almost no debouncing and minimum latency, while 9 is maximum debouncing and biggest latency. See chapter 5 for general guidelines on how to enter commands. If you have dedicated LCD module ­setting is easier to follow because short prompts are displayed after each digit.
, this

4 Potentiometers & Control Voltages

Pot inputs are available with use of proper expanders, like POT12, BBS24, PDS or BBSP. They can be used as continuous controllers for things like volume, modulation etc. Usually those inputs would be connected to potentiometers, but it's possible to use them as analog inputs with range of 0..+5V. Applying voltage of 0V causes generation of CC with lowest value, while +5V makes highest possible value of assigned MIDI parameter. Each input in the system has separately assigned MIDI event and channel. This assignment can be easily changed by the user with use of special programing keypad, or lowest 10 keys of any connected keyboard. Every potentiometer scanner is described in chapter 7, with connection schematics.
All potentiometers must be linear taper (not audio) in range 10-50k, preferably 20k.
If there are 2 or more potentiometer scanners in the system, they must be chained, i.e. first board is connected to MBBS, and second one is connected to first POT board, etc. If you use 2 inputs of MBBS to connect POT boards, they both will share the same settings. That means it would be like having 2 potentiometers for the same MIDI parameter on the same channel. The chain of potentiometer scanners can be connected to any one of the MBBS inputs, or any daisy-chain input of other connected scanners, but only one. Only keyboard scanners can be connected to all inputs at the same time. You can mix different kinds of POT scanners in one chain. There can be for example two POT12, and BBSP at the end. The total number of potentiometer inputs should not exceed 64. All additional inputs will be ignored. Every POT scanner has pins for connecting outer leads of the pots. They are
described as +5V and GND. You must not connect any power to those pins, they are only for connection end potentiometer taps. All cables leading from POT scanners to potentiometers should be either shielded or very short (no more than 30cm). Using long non-shielded cable may generate spurious MIDI messages when unexpected. Typical microphone cable is good enough for preventing this, even the low-cost one.

4.1 Analog inputs update rate - #98

All analog inputs of potentiometer scanners (POT12, BBS24, PDS, BBPS) translate input voltages, or potentiometer position into MIDI. Actual pot position is updated via MIDI every time it changes. This update is however not immediate - this is common to any MIDI knob box. The fastest response for potentiometer movement on a single input is about 5ms. It means that when you constantly move the pot, MBBS will update the MIDI parameter every 5ms. This is more than enough for most of uses. In some instruments, either hardware, or virtual, some problem may occur when there is heavy MIDI load. It is also sometimes desirable to limit MIDI traffic e.g. to minimize the size of MIDI file recorded in a sequencer. It is possible to change this setting using command "#98n" from the keypad, where "n" determines update rate according to the table below. More on how to enter digits and setting procedures, in chapter 5. Default factory setting is 18ms.
keypad sequence
pot latency 5ms 7ms 9ms 13ms
update rate
This setting is available for all pot-capable boards (POT12, BBS24, BBSP, PDS) connected to MBBS board. Each board can have different update rates, but all inputs in one POT board work with one rate. For example you can set it to 50ms on first POT scanner, and 13ms on second one (assuming you have 2). As usual, to change any settings for particular board, select it first by moving a bit any potentiometer connected to board in question. Then using your keypad enter the code from above table. New settings will be activated and remembered.
#980 #981 #982 #983
200Hz 145Hz 115Hz 80Hz 55Hz 40Hz 30Hz 20Hz 15Hz 10Hz
#985 #986 #987 #988 #989
25ms 35ms 50ms 70ms 0.1s

4.2 Bitwise resolution of analog inputs - #96

Usually all MIDI parameters have 128 possible levels, determined by 7 bit nature of MIDI standard. In some cases it may be useful to reduce the number of possible levels, or in another words - number of information bits. For example if you want to use MIDI channel rotary selector, described in chapter 5.2.10, it's better to reduce resolution to 4 bits, and have only 16 levels in full pot rotation. In some software synthesizers you can select parameters using only a fraction of the full CC range. And in organ emulators it's also sometimes desirable to have only a few steps in full
pedal travel if it's used e.g. for crescendo. Bit resolution is user adjustable in a similar way as update rate described above, by
using command #96x, where "x" is desired bit resolution. For example #967 makes the pot input 7-bits wide (128 levels), this is default mode of operation. For example #963 sets it to 3-bit resolution, allowing for only 8 levels (and 8 possible MIDI messages sent) per full pot rotation.
It's adjustable per single input, so you can set every analog input in the system individually To change resolution of the input, turn the potentiometer connected to that input, and then enter #96 from the keypad, followed by number of bits you want to set. If this potentiometer was previously set to very low resolution, like 1 or 2 bits, you have to turn the pot almost full rotation to select it for EDIT operations. To start any pot for any kind of configuration (event, channel, resolution) it must first make some action, and when you have only so little levels, it takes much more rotation to cross next valid level and indicate to MBBS board "hi, I'm the last used pot, any setting changes apply to me now!"
Bit resolution is available only with the following boards: POT12 v1.2 and higher, PDS, BBS24 and BBSP v1.0 and higher.

5 MIDI settings and special functions

All settings are accessible from any keyboard connected to MBBS. Last contact pin of MBBS should be connected to momentary switch. This is the entry to EDIT mode and allows changing all settings of entire set. Detailed procedures for all settings are described later in this chapter. To make the settings more ergonomic and easier, there's optional numeric keypad available, similar to phone keypad. It is connected the same way as any keyboard scanner with 4-wire cable, and works like actual keyboard, meaning it is possible to play notes with it. But the advantage is the „#” key, which duplicates the EDIT button. To change any settings in EDIT mode, you must enter new value of given parameter. To do so, use lowest 10 keys of the keyboard as numeric entry. Lowest key is digit „0”, while 10th key is digit „9”. This becomes obvious with mentioned numeric keypad. As a general rule, any change to a controller (keyboard, or potentiometer) requires selecting this controller first before making change. For example, if you want to change MIDI channel of certain potentiometer, move it enough to generate some action (see 4.2.), and go into MIDI channel settings mode. Or to change the split point – first play any note on the keyboard to be split, and enter split-point change mode. In this chapter, describing how to set all parameters, whenever „#” sign is mentioned, it means the "EDIT" key, connected to last pin shown in the layout section, or the „#” or "*" key on numeric keypad if one is present in the system. All three have exactly the same function. Numeric entries are provided with the assumption that numeric keypad is used, but the same can be achieved with lowest 10 keys of any keyboard. It helps to add a sticker over those keys with numbers
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