Safety Precautions
Safety Precautions....................................................................................................
Overview of Washing Machine..................................................................................
Install Washing Machine............................................................................................
Operate Washing Machine.........................................................................................
Checklist and Preparation before Washing Clothes...........................................
View of Control Panel.........................................................................................
Select the procedure..........................................................................................
Table of Washing Procedures............................................................................
Remove the problems..............................................................................................
Appen dix
Technic al S pecif ication s........... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....
..... ..... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... ............ ...
Before op erating this mach ine
- Pac king ma teria ls may be d anger ous to the kid s. Plea se keep all pa cking m aterials
(pl astic b ags, fo ams etc ) far awa y from the kid s.
- Washin g mac hine sh all not b e insta lled in b ath roo m or very wet ro oms as we ll as in the
roo ms with e xplos ive or ca ustic g ases.
- Mak e sure th at the wa ter and e lectrica l devic es must b e connecte d by a qual ified
tec hnici an in acc ordan ce with t he manufac turer 's instruc tions ( refer t o page 7 “Inst alling
Washin g Mac hine) a nd loca l safet y regul ation s.
- Bef ore ope ratin g this ma chine, all p ackag es and tr ansport bo lts mus t be removed .
Oth erwis e, the wa shing m achine may b e serio usly da maged whil e washi ng the cloth es
(re fer to pa ge 6 “Rem ove Tran sport B olts”.)
- Bef ore was hing th e cloth es at first ti me, the w ashing mac hine sh all be op erated in on e
rou nd of the w hole pr ocedu res withou t the clo thes insid e (refe r to page 1 4 “Washi ng
Clo thes at F irst Time”).
- Thi s washi ng mach ine is fo r indoor use o nly.
Safety Ca utions
- Pul l out its p lug fro m the pow er socket be fore cl eaning or ma inten ance.
- Mak e sure th at all po ckets a re empt ied.
- Sha rp and ri gid ite ms such a s coin, broo ch, nai l, scre w or stone etc . may cau se serious
dam ages to t his mac hine.
- Pul l out its p lug and c ut off water s upply a fter the ope ratio n.
- Ple ase che ck whet her the w ater insid e the dru m has been dra ined be fore openi ng its
doo r. Pleas e do not op en the do or if there is a ny wate r visible,
- Pet s and kid s may cli mb into t he machine . Check t he mach ine before e very op eration.
- Gla ss door m ay be ver y hot dur ing the oper ation . Keep ki ds and pets fa r away from th e
mac hine du ring th e opera tion.
- Thi s mac hine is n ot inte nded fo r use by pe rsons (inc ludin g kids) w ith reduce d physi cal,
sen sory or m ental c apabi litie s, or lack of ex perie nce and know ledge , unles s they have
bee n given s uperv ision o r instr uction con cerni ng use of the ma chine b y a person
res ponsi ble for t heir sa fety.
- Kid s shoul d be supe rvise d to ensu re that they d o not play wit h thema chine.
- Do no t try to re pair th e machi ne by yourse lf. The mach ine may b e damaged or m ore
tro ubles ome rep air wor k may be ca used and eve n dange rous opera tion ma y take place
if it i s repai red by an y inexp erienced o r unqua lifie d staff.
- If th e plug (p ower co rd) is da maged, it sh all be re placed by th e manuf acturer or a s ervic e
age nt to avo id any da nger.
- Take ca re th at powe r volta ge and fr equen cy shall be id entic al to those of w ashin g
mac hine.
- Do no t use any s ocket w ith rat ed current l ess tha n that of wash ing mac hine. Neve r pull
out p ower pl ug with w et hand .