Midas Consoles XL8 User Manual

n amongst the digital live console launches of late there as been an obvious one missing. Surely Midas
must go digital sometime? Finally, the answer is here, accompanied by the typically bold sell: “Digital Goes Midas.” Inside that clever cliché reversal is an important statement, emphatically backed up by the decision to replace the XL4 analogue with the XL8 digital – Midas claims it has got the new flagship so right that it doesn’t need the old one.
The first thing to note is that ‘XL8’ is the name of a complete system, not just a board and a hunk of DSP – open the box and find everything that you need to rig an FOH or monitor position from stage to stereo.
The standard package includes four DL431 System Input splitters – each with 24 mic/line inputs. Each of those inputs has three mic pre­amps. The two variable gain amps feed two sets of ADCs and two sets of rear panel balanced analogue splits and three splits, while the set of fixed gain amps supply a broadcast/record split on the front panel.
Then there are five DL451 modular I/O boxes – each capable of 24 input and output channels depending on how they’re loaded. Other standard features here include MIDI and GPIO.
System conn ections are all taken ca re of with cable or fibre. While the details of the network are too detailed for this article, a couple of things stand out. First, all connections are dual-redundant at the system’s
96kHz sampling rate. The DL451 system router (two supplied for each system), for example, features ten fully redundant AES 50 connections for local I/O.
Second, the decision to go with AES 50, and specifically the Sony SuperMac and HyperMac standards is wrapped up with ambitious requirements for capacity, laten cy, timing, data tunnellin g, and more. Latency is listed as ‘70µS per link, and the specified total latency, including A/D (often the weak point) is 2ms – which for SR monkeys everywhere, is peanuts. In addition, Midas says it has the whole system phase and sample synchronous. If
you want a comb filter you’ll have to use the EQ.
Even the DSP rack in this system is modular and includes ‘n+1’ redundancy (you only need nine DL471 DSP Engine modules, but you get ten... just in case). In a conversation with Midas it turns out that to lose a DSP module would be the worst failure as recovery for the
affected channels can take around 20 seconds. Losing
A U D I O M E D I A A P R I L 2 0 0 6
M I D A S X L 8
Some assumed Midas had a
little catching up to do. Has it
finally come out in the lead?
PAUL MAC previews the new
‘XL8’ is the name of a complete system, not just a board and a hunk of DSP – open the box and find everything that you need to rig an FOH or monitor position from stage to stereo.
a power supply or the computer in any of the five mixer bays does not cause a problem for the audio and you can run the entire system from any one bay if necessary.
Another standard part of the system is the Klark Teknik DN9331 Helix Rapide. In this case it provides control for the XL8’s graphic EQs via its 31 motorised faders. Indeed, when during the preview experience I asked if the graphic EQ plug-ins could be controlled from the faders, the answer was no: “Our VCA faders are VCA faders and nothing else; our output faders are output faders..” You get the picture. The console screens, however, can do anything you want them to.
So what does all this hardware buy you in terms of channels and busses? Well, as you’d expect we have to separate connections from capability. The mic splitters give 96 mic/line inputs and three lots of 96 channel mic splits. The five local I/O units each house three I/O modules, each with eight analogue channels or 16 digital channels (eight in, eight out). Therefore a standard system has 504 XLR connections, which can be expanded to 720 with extra DL541 I/O modules.
In ternally, c apabili ty start s w ith a fu ll compliment of 96 input channels, 16 auxiliary inputs, 32 auxiliary mix busses, 16 matrix busses, and 12 VCA groups (as these are ‘virtual’ Midas has re-designated the acronym as ‘Variable Control association’. The complicated middle ground is filled by those aspects which use I/O resources depending on your specific needs, such as insert sends and returns, effect sidechains, direct outputs, and direct inputs.
Getting Around
It’s worth stopping here to examine the Midas philosophy on console navigation. In short, you can get around by channel numbering if you want to, but because colouring scribble strips and grouping instruments is generally more intuitive – that’s the way the navigation system works. First, ‘layers’ are a thing of the past. It’s a small distinction, but the basic way of dealing with more input channels than faders is to scroll the channels across the console.
Next is the channel grouping idea – in Midas terms, the ‘population group’. This is basically a surface assignment of channels with its own population group button. Hit the previously user-assigned ‘drums’ button and a bevy of red drums channels appear in front of you. And, good gracious, there’s a red VCA channel that just happens to group the drums. In practice, that drums button might bring the bass up on a channel nearby (coloured blue?), and maybe stick the brass section (yellow?) right down one end where they can’t do any harm to anybody but themselves. Another population group might configure a set-piece mix beneath your fingers, or spread the vocals and acoustic parts across the physical channels – all neatly colour-coded and labelled in cahoots with the VCAs.
As you can tell, if you put the effort in at set-up, the gig should be pretty straightforward.
Strip Show
The Midas solution to dealing with extensive channel strip controls is not new: have one detailed Channel Strip pe r bay t hat gives comprehensive access to the selected channel, while putting ‘essential’ controls in line with the physical faders. It’s the implementation of this ‘assignable’ solution that distinguishes one maker from another. In the Midas case its fader strip (the ‘Fast Zone’) begins with a gain knob. This can be either actual remote pre gain or digital gain, though whichever it is, the Channel Strip will be the other. Next are HP and LP filters, safe switches for automation isolation, and direct output level (plus mute, solo, and source). Single knobs for compressor threshold and noise gate threshold come next, then insert control, EQ navigation buttons, and then onto two auxiliary bus controls. Obviously you simply assign these to be the two most important auxiliaries for that channel, and their colours match the output fader colours.
The Channel Strip on each console bay is a detailed representation of everything available on a console channel. Interestingly, the actual fader
N EW M 7 H EA D S X L 8 Q U EU E
Frankfurt ProLight + Sound exhibition visitors were n ot surpri sed to hea r that Mid as had already got orders on its books for the new XL8, but they we re surpr ised by the nature of the first sales.
Seven major UK rental companies (Britannia Row Product ions, Canegreen, Capi tal S ound, Concert Sound, Skan PA Hire, SSE Audio Group, and Wigwam Acoustics) jointly announced the formation of a new rental company: M7 Audio Ltd. T he comp any has been formed after the seven members reached “a shar ed cons ensus that joint ownership was the best way to launch the XL8 into the UK rental market.”
M7 has already placed orders f or an initial eight systems, worth over one million pounds. The idea is to create a rental struc ture that will maximise the use of the systems and offer all UK rental companies and end users the option to rent from any of the individual M7 partners, as well as providing in-house training and service facilities for the new console. www.m7audio.co.uk
One o f the prot ocols th at sits at t he hear t of the XL8 ’s technology is the audio network – this forms the backbone of any XL8 sy stem. T he ‘trun k route’ for the s ystem is th e Sony Oxford Technologies group HyperMAC technology, which can carry up to 384 bi-directional channels, plus 100Mbit/s Ethernet traffic on CAT6 cable, or fibre. The local networking for the system uses the Sony imp lementation of the AES50 standard (SuperMAC), which c arries up to 48 bi-direc tional channels plus 5Mbit/s of Ethernet traffic.
John Oakley, in a Sony press releas e, comments: “ In live sound applications, we are confident that the AES50 approach has si gnifica nt advant ages over oth er techno logies – in particular, the open standard, exceptionally low latency, and robust error correction which will assure us of the high quality and reliability expected of our products.”
A U D I O M E D I A A P R I L 2 0 0 6
The UK's SR elite gathered in Frankfurt.
The DL431 system splitter - Three mic amps per input for three splits.
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