Midas Consoles SR35 User Manual

MIDAS experiment „alc“
SR35, 05.07.2006
Data acquisition is running on psw407 (DELL Power Edge 2600). AFS users can logon to pc5145, the local user account is l_musr_alc. Data files are stored locally on psw407 in /home/l_musr_alc/exp/alc and automatically copied to /afs/psi.ch/project/bulkmusr/data/alc/ti
start web browser: http://psw407:8080 (PSI only!): Status page
(the following screenshots are taken from pc4244…)
NOT USE ‘Konqueror’ !!!! (only IE, Mozilla, or Firefox)
Start a run
for autorun sequence: set autorun_active = 1 (if 0: only single run) there are no ‘scans’ anymore!
Stop a run
Do not interfere the stopping procedure – wait until the pages refreshes and shows status ‘stopped’.
Set Magnet change Demand value
read Hall probe
read NMR probe
- field >= 0.0 * - probe is locked * - readout unit is Tesla * - sum of returned errors (returned value < 0.0) * status unit * -1.0 BUS DRIVER I/O TIMEOUT I * -2.0 BUS DRIVER ERROR B * -4.0 not in state LOCKED !L * -8.0 state NOT LOCKED N * -16.0 state WRONG W * -32.0 state NMR signal S * -64.0 unit not Tesla !T * -128.0 invalid channel number C * * status = I|B|L|N|W|S|C|E * unit = T|F|U
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