Microtek MiBio Reference Manual

Reference Manual
Copyright 2012 by Microtek International, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Documents that you scan may be protected under copyright law. The unauthorized use of such documents could be a violation of the rights of the copyright holder. Microtek bears no responsibility for the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials.
To obtain optimal results from the Microtek scanning software and user's manual, you should be familiar with such Windows concepts as pointing, clicking, dragging, and selecting from menus and dialog boxed. If these things are new to you, refer to your Microsoft Windows User's Guide.
I49-004828 A April 2012
Microtek International, Inc. 6, Industry East Road 3, Science Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu, 30077, Taiwan Tel: 886-3-5772155, Fax: 886-3-5772598, http://www.microtek.com
Introduction ................................................................................... 1
System Requirements ..................................................................... 2
Launching MiBio ............................................................................ 2
Exiting MiBio .................................................................................. 2
MiBio Control Panel ....................................................................... 3
Scan Button .................................................................................... 6
Open File Button ............................................................................ 7
Compare Button ............................................................................. 8
Compare Function .....................................................................................8
I. At the Same Row .............................................................................. 8
II. At the Equivalence Position ...........................................................10
Spot Finder Function ...............................................................................12
Background Button ....................................................................... 13
Export Button ............................................................................... 15
Rectangle Button .......................................................................... 16
Rectangle Button...................................................................................... 16
Ellipse Button ..........................................................................................17
Copy Button ................................................................................. 19
Tool Button .................................................................................. 20
Text .........................................................................................................20
Arrow ......................................................................................................22
90° Clockwise.......................................................................................... 23
90° Counterclockwise .............................................................................24
Clear Data ............................................................................................... 24
Magnify Sliding Bar ..................................................................... 25
View Area .................................................................................... 26
Data Table ................................................................................... 26
MiBio is Microtek's management software developed exclusively for Bio-tech analysis and research. It features several easy-to-use but very practical functions, supporting users with powerful tools in a clear and simple control panel.
Allows users to get analysis images instantly from a scanner or an assigned folder. There are no requirements for complicated connecting or data transactions.
Allows users to set up searching conditions based on their references, which shortens search timing and therefor enhances the efficiency of researching results.
Allows users to set up background conditions for the research, which enhances the precision probability of final results.
Exports the researching data into Excel format directly, which can be backed up and stored conveniently. If needed in the future, users can withdraw them easily from the database and utilize them immediately.
Microtek MiBio Reference Manual 1
System Requirements
Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
Net Framework 4
1 GB RAM or more suggested for better performance
Free hard disk space as required by the size of your scanned images and for additional working files
CD-ROM drive (internal or external)
“Thousands of colors” display or better
Microtek scanners that support ScanWizard Bio
Launching MiBio
MiBio can be launched in either Plug-in or Stand-alone mode.
• From Plug-in mode: Choose the Import or Acquire command from the File
menu of your application, then select Microtek MiBio.
• From Stand-alone mode: Double-click the MiBio icon on the Windows
desktop, or choose Start, Programs, Microtek MiBio, then Microtek MiBio.
Exiting MiBio
To exit MiBio:
Click the Exit button “X” located at the top right corner of the MiBio control panel; or choose the Close command from the MiBio menu of the Main window.
Click here to exit MiBio
2 Microtek MiBio Reference Manual
Click here to exit MiBio
MiBio Control Panel
The MiBio Control Panel appears after you launch MiBio. To adjust the size of the control panel, simply drag the bottom right corner of the MiBio control panel. From the control panel, you can perform some functions related to your researching projects.
Microtek MiBio Reference Manual 3
A. Scan button: This button enables the ScanWizard Bio program to carry in
the images from the scanner.
B. Open File button: This button opens and generates the saved image files
from assigned folders.
C. Compare button: This button contains two functions. One is the Compare
function and the other is Spot Finder function.
1) Compare function lets users to choose a spot or several spots as
comparing benchmarks and to use them to analyze other spots in the image.
2) Spot Finder button: This button allows users to define the settings of
search conditions for the analysis of images.
D. Background button: This button allows users to set up background
conditions for the analysis of images.
E. Export button: This button allows to save the analyzed data in the Excel
F. Rectangle button: This button allows users to select the area to study by two
different shapes.
Rectangle: Selects the area in a rectangle shape.
Ellipse: Selects the area in an ellipse shape.
G. Copy button: This button makes a reproduction of the same area as the last
drawing did.
H. Tool button: This button allows users to mark some notes or labels on the
scanned image when necessary.
Text: Writes some notes about a pointed spot. Arrow: Draws an arrow on a pointed spot.
90° clockwise: Rotates an image 90 degree in a clockwise direction.
90° counter clockwise: Rotates an image 90 degree in a
counterclockwise direction.
ClearData: Deletes all data displayed in the Data table.
4 Microtek MiBio Reference Manual
I. Magnify sliding bar: Slides right to zoom in (magnify) the view of the image;
slides left to zoom out (reduce) the view of the image.
J. View area: The image imported from a scanner or an assigned folder is
displayed in this area.
K. Data table: Creates a list of detailed information of the image displayed in
the View area.
Microtek MiBio Reference Manual 5
Scan Button
When the Scan button is clicked, the ScanWizard Bio program will be enabled. Users can adjust the scanning settings in the ScanWizard Bio for outputting the scanned images according to their own preferences.
When done, click the Scan button in the Preview window of the ScanWizard Bio; then, the ScanWizard Bio program will be closed and the scanned image will be displayed in the View area of the MiBio control panel.
Click to scan the image and to display it in the View area
of the MiBio
Please take note that the MiBio program only supports scanning of grayscale images less than 16 bits. When clicking the Scan button, a window pops up on the screen to remind you about the settings of image types.
6 Microtek MiBio Reference Manual
View area
+ 22 hidden pages