Microtek GNC M SWPROTX 0501 User Manual

ScanWizard Pro TX
User's Guide
for Windows & Mac OS
2001 by Microtek International, Inc.
Microtek™, Artix™, ScanWizard™ Pro TX, and ArtixScan™ are trademarks of Microtek International, Inc. Macintosh® and Apple® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer , Inc. W indows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other products or name brands are trademarks of their respective holders.
Documents that you scan may be protected under copyright law . The unauthorized use of such documents could be a violation of the rights of the copyright holder. Micr otek bears no responsibility for the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials.
T o obtain optimal results fr om the Microtek scanning software and user's manual, you should be familiar with such Windows concepts as pointing, clicking, dragging, and selecting from menus and dialog boxed. If these things are new to you, refer to your Microsoft Windows User's Guide.
May 2001 I49-003047 A
Photo Credits: Hon F. Lee, photo on pages 4-7, 4-8, 4-10, 4-12, 4-14, 4-20, 4-22; Calvin Chen, photo on page 4-18; Microtek Lab, Inc., file photo on page 4-16.
Microtek Lab, Inc.Microtek Lab, Inc.
Microtek Lab, Inc.
Microtek Lab, Inc.Microtek Lab, Inc. 3715 Doolittle Drive Redondo Beach, CA 90278-1226 Main: 310-297-5000 Sales: 800-654-4160 FAX: 310-297-5050 BBS: 310-297-5102 T echnical Support: 310-297-5151 AutoT ech fax back system: 310-297-5101 http://www.microtekusa.com
Microtek International, Inc.Microtek International, Inc.
Microtek International, Inc.
Microtek International, Inc.Microtek International, Inc. 6, Industry East Road 3 Science Based Industrial Park Hsinchu, 30077, Taiwan TEL: 886-3-5772155 FAX: 886-3-5772598 http://www.micr otek.com
otek Eurotek Eur
otek Eur
otek Eurotek Eur Max Euwelaan 68 NL-3062 MA Rotterdam The Netherlands TEL: 31-10-2425688 FAX: 31-10-2425699 http://www.micr otek.nl
ope B.Vope B.V
ope B.V
ope B.Vope B.V
1 Introduction 1-1
What is ScanWizard Pro? ...........................................................................................1-1
A Powerful New Software...................................................................................1-1
The ScanWizard Pro TX Interface.....................................................................1-2
Settings window (LCH mode) .........................................................................1-2
Job Panel window............................................................................................1-2
Information window ......................................................................................... 1-2
Preview window................................................................................................1-3
System Requirements ..................................................................................................1-4
Installing ScanWizard Pro TX ....................................................................................1-4
About this Manual ........................................................................................................1-5
2 Getting Started 2-1
Using the Scan Mode..................................................................................................2-1
Using the Batch Mode ................................................................................................ 2-1
Exiting ScanWizard Pro TX .........................................................................................2-2
Color Matching .............................................................................................................. 2-3
3 Basic Scenarios 3-1
How to Scan a Color Positive Slide...........................................................................3-2
How to Scan Image from a Color Negative Filmstrip ............................................3-4
How to Scan Images from the APS Film Cartridge.................................................3-6
4 Using the Advance Image Correction Tools 4-1
The LCH Color Model ...................................................................................................4-2
Selecting LCH or Native Color Space.......................................................................4-3
Workflow for Optimizing Images ................................................................................4-4
Adding a Custom Setting ............................................................................................ 4-5
How to Choose the Correct Image Category ..........................................................4-6
Using the Dynamic Range Tool ..................................................................................4-8
Using the White & Black Points Tool.....................................................................4-10
Using the Gradation Tool (LCH Mode only) ..........................................................4-12
Using the Color Cast Tool (LCH Mode Only)..........................................................4-14
Using the Saturation Curve Tool (LCH Mode Only) .............................................4-16
Using the Selective Color Tool (LCH Mode Only) .................................................4-18
Using the Tone Curve Tool ........................................................................................4-20
Using the Filter Tool ................................................................................................... 4-22
5 Special Features & Advanced Scenarios 5-1
How to Edit and Scan Multiple Scan Jobs .............................................................5-2
How to Use the ScanWizard Pro TX Working Folders ..........................................5-4
How to Use the Magic Diamonds .............................................................................5-8
How to Customize Negative Film .............................................................................5-10
Appendix A Color Matching for Advanced Users 1
For Macintosh users
Calibrating your monitor................................................................................................. 2
Setting up the System (Monitor) Profile ..................................................................... 2
Using images in third-party applications ................................................................... 3
For Windows users
System Monitor Profile Setup ....................................................................................... 5
ICC Profile-Aware vs. non-ICC Profile-Aware applications .................................... 6
Color Matching Setup using ICC Profile-Aware applications................................ 7
Color Matching Setup using non-ICC Profile-Aware applications ....................... 8
Color Matching Setup dialog button functions........................................................ 9
B Available File Formats for "Scan to File" Function 10
1 Introduction
What is ScanWizard Pro TX?
ScanWizard Pro TX is an advanced scanner controller program that provides many powerful, professional-level features for film and slide scanning.
One important feature of ScanWizard Pro TX is that it lets you work in the LCH color space, which is based on the LCH (Lightness, Chroma, Hue) model of colors. The LCH model is a more intuitive way of editing and working with colors because it defines colors the way we understand them-- based on the properties of brightness (how light or dark a color is), saturation (how rich or dull a color is), and hue (“red” as opposed to “blue”).
Another important function of ScanWizard Pro TX is the batch scan feature, a separate but integrated program that lets you create and manipulate specific “Working Folders” or batches of jobs. With Batch Scanning, you can lay out your jobs beforehand, make adjustments to each scan, then start the scan when you are ready. The result? A tremendously improved workflow and savings in time, with the additional advantage of being able to retrieve the various “Working Folders” or batch jobs when required.
ScanWizard Pr o TX is also ColorSync™-savvy, allowing you to use standard ICC color profiles for accurate color matching when outputting your images under the Macintosh environment.
A Powerful New Software
With ScanWizard Pro TX, you can achieve a new level of efficiency in scanning. The many powerful tools of the program work together to help you obtain the superior color images you need, as well as provide you with the flexibility to adjust or improve the images as needed.
As you become increasingly familiar with the program, you will also see how ScanWizard can open up a whole new vista for organizing your workflow and boosting your scanning productivity in as many ways as your creative imagination will allow.
Introduction 1-1
Settings window (LCH mode)
Film Type setup
(Negative film scan material only)
The ScanWizard Pro TX Interface
Shows the current scan job Current scan job Image Type Resolution settings
Scan Frame, Scaling, Output controls, Scan Frame options, Unit of measurement, Transform
Scanner profile setup and info (Available only for Positive slide scan material. Item changes to show film type status when scan material is negative film)
Image category selections
Advanced Image Correction (AIC)
controls for adjusting and
enhancing image quality
Reset custom settings
Adjusted scan frame
for cropped pre-
Check mark: Indicates job will be scanned when you
press the Scan button
Tool bar with
Function buttons for
manipulating scan
Information window
Job Panel window
(showing overview images)
Selected scan job, which is the highlighted job. There can be multiple selected scan jobs (several highlighted)
Status bar showing scan jobs status
1-2 ScanWizard Pro TX User’s Guide
The ScanWizard Pro TX Interface
Prescan button: Previews a
high-resolution image of the
selected scan job
Prescan Frame Option: When option is set to “Scan Frame,” only the area enclosed by Scan Frame is prescanned
Scan button: Starts the scanning process.
Overview button: Previews
the entire film holder in Job
Preview window
(showing prescan image)
Unit of
Choose from inch,
cm, mm, point, pica,
& pixel
Cursor Locator: Shows x, y position of mouse cursor on the current prescan image on preview.
Color Meter Display: Displays input and output pixel values of the selected area in the prescan image on preview
Color Meter Options: Provides further options for the Sample Display of the Information window (see below)
Toolbar: (Left to right) Scan Frame,
Prescan Frame option showing “Scan Frame” setting icon
Zoom, Pane, and Dropper Tools
Scan Material icon: Selects the type of scan material (Negative or Positive Film)
Preview of prescan image or the currently selected scan job in Job Panel
Eject button: Ejects the filmstrip/slide/ APS cartridge holder from the scanner
Scan Frame: Selects the area for final scan. Drag on corner/ side to resize
High & Low (White & Black) Points Markers:
Pinpoint to the white & black points of current prescan image
Pixel Sample Preview area: Shows pixelized display of the spot in the prescan image where mouse pointer is pinpointed
Prescan image
Zoom in/out ratio
buttons for
Zoom in/out
Switch for momentary flashing of White & Black
Points Markers
Status bar: Provides tips
relative to the selected
tool in the Toolbar
Window Corner: Drag to propor­tionally resize the Preview window
Introduction 1-3
System Requirements
• Power Mac (except iMac) or IBM-PC Pentium III; or their equivalent com­patibles
• System 8.6 or later for Power Mac; Windows 95/98/2000 or Windows NT4.0SP3 or later for PC.
• 128 MB RAM required
• Free hard disk space as required by the size of your scanned images and for additional working files
• CD-ROM drive (internal or external)
• “Thousands of color” display or better
• Microtek ArtixScan 4000t scanner and other scanner models that are supported by ScanWizard Pro TX
Installing ScanWizard Pro TX
For Macintosh users
1. Insert the Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click the CD-ROM icon when it appears on your desktop to open it.
3. When the CD-ROM opens, double-click the follow screen instructions to install the desired profiles.
: If the ICC profile for your monitor is not found, contact your monitor
manufacturer. You may skip Step #3 and install the ICC pr ofiles later.
4. Next, double-click the instructions to install the program.
: When Step #4 is run, some profiles will be installed as the default.
5. Restart your computer.
ScanWizard Pro TX InstallerScanWizard Pro TX Installer
ScanWizard Pro TX Installer icon, and follow screen
ScanWizard Pro TX InstallerScanWizard Pro TX Installer
ICC Profile Installer ICC Profile Installer
ICC Profile Installer icon, and
ICC Profile Installer ICC Profile Installer
For Windows users
1. Insert the Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The Microtek Software Installer screen will come up automatically.
2. Double-click the installation button following the option, and follow screen instructions until the installation is completed.
3. Next, double-click the follow screen instructions until the installation is completed.
: If the ICC profile for your monitor is not found, contact your monitor
manufacturer. You may skip Step #3 and install the ICC pr ofiles later.
4. Restart your computer.
1-4 ScanWizard Pro TX User’s Guide
Microtek ScanWizard Pro TXMicrotek ScanWizard Pro TX
Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX
Microtek ScanWizard Pro TXMicrotek ScanWizard Pro TX
Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler
Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler installation button and
Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler Microtek Scanner ICC Profiler
About this Manual
This manual provides basic information on the program and sketches out a variety of scenarios that illustrate ScanWizard Pro TX’s versatility and how best to use the program for specific scanning tasks on either Power Macintosh or PC platform.
The User Interface (UI) graphics shown in this manual are derived mostly from the Macintosh version of ScanWizard Pro TX, and the UI for the Mac version is almost identical to that of the PC version. Where the UI for both versions differ significantly, these differences will be clearly emphasized. For a comprehensive listing of individual features, please refer to the companion Reference Guide included in your documentation package.
Introduction 1-5
2 Getting Started
ScanWizard Pr o TX operates in two operating modes, namely, modes:
1) The
2) The
Scan (or scan-to-application) mode , where ScanWizard Pro TX is “ac-
ScanScan quired” through an image-editing software program like Adobe Photoshop. The output images are scanned and directly delivered (individually or in batches) to the image-editing application for further processing.
Batch (or scan-to-file) mode launches ScanWizard Pro TX as a stand-alone
BatchBatch application from the desktop program icon (and/or from the Apple menu for Mac / Windows Start menu for PC). The output images are scanned and saved to files individually or in batches.
Scan Scan
Scan and
Scan Scan
Using the Scan mode
Scan Scan
Scan mode refers to launching ScanWizar d Pro TX fr om a TW AIN-compatible
Scan Scan
image-editing software such as Adobe Photoshop. T o operate ScanW izar d Pro TX in the
software. When the software program is ready, go to the File menu, and choose Import Import
Import or
Import Import This will automatically launch ScanWizard Pro TX. The four major windows that form the interface of ScanWizard Pro TX will then appear on your screen.
Acquire (depending on the software you are using) from its submenu.
Scan mode, launch your image-editing
Using the Batch mode
Batch mode of operating ScanWizard Pro TX allows you to set up scan jobs
BatchBatch individually or in “batches.” It auto scans multiple selections of your originals and directly save them to a predesignated file.
For more details, refer to How to Do Multiple Scan Jobs scenarios and information presented in Chapter 5 (Special Features & Advanced Scenarios) of this manual.
T o launch ScanW izard Pro TX in the
For Macintosh users
Click the ScanWizard Pro TX application icon on your desktop or the Applet located in the ScanWizard Pr o TX folder. You can also start the program from the Apple menu.
Batch mode-
Getting Started 2-1
For Windows users
Click on the ScanWizard Pro TX program icon on your desktop or go to the Start menu and simply follow the steps as illustrated below .
1. Start button
2. Program
3. Microtek Scanwizard Pro TX
4. Microtek ScanWizard Pro TX 6.0
Exiting ScanWizard Pro TX
T o exit ScanW izard Pro TX, go to the choose the Quit command. You may also quit fr om the pr ogram by-
Mac users:Mac users:
Mac users: Press the
Mac users:Mac users: PC users:PC users:
PC users: Click on the
PC users:PC users:
2-2 ScanWizard Pro TX User’s Guide
eview window, and from the File menu,
Apple+Q combination keys on your keyboard.
Close b ut t o n at t h e to p -right corner of the
eview window.
Monitor selection shown here is set in ColorSync™ Control
Color Matching
Color Matching
Color Matching is an important feature of ScanWizard Pro TX that ensures color consistency — from the initial input phase when an image is captured by the scanner, to the final output pr ocess when the image is output to your monitor or printer. Color Matching allows you to gain the assurance that the colors captured by the scanner are the same when they are displayed on your monitor and will be reproduced as closely as possible when they are printed.
To use Color Matching:
For Macintosh users
Y ou will be prompted to select color matching settings immediately after you launch ScanWizard Pro TX the first time.
See the
Appendix A
section of the manual for more details.
Immediately updates the Preview window image when a new setting is selected. This will reflect colors consistent with the newly selected profile.
This is dimmed when
operating under LCH
For Windows users
Y ou will be prompted to select color matching settings immediately after ScanWizard Pro TX installation.
Monitor selection shown here is set at default profiles for monitor and printer
CMYK printer profile. No default provided. Must select one if required.
Getting Started 2-3
At any point in the future, you may redefine color matching settings whenever
required to change your color profile. To do this, go to the Preview window , and choose the
Color Matching Setup Color Matching Setup
Color Matching Setup command.
Color Matching Setup Color Matching Setup
ences menu in the
For more detailed information on color matching, see Color Matching for Advanced Users in Appendix A of this manual.
2-4 ScanWizard Pro TX User’s Guide
3 Basic Scenarios
This section of the manual sets out a few scenarios on how to do some basic scans of an image from a positive slide, negative filmstrip, and APS film cartridge. The basic steps are laid out on the left-hand column of the page, and supplementary information for each scenario can be found in a shaded sidebar next to the procedures. Information on multiple scanning and on how to enhance or adjust images, as well as more advanced scanning scenarios, are provided in Chapter 5 of this manual.
Basic Scenarios:
• How to Scan a Color Positive Slide
• How to Scan a Color Negative
• How to Scan Color Negative Film from APS Cartridge
Basic Scenarios 3-1
How to Scan a Color Positive Slide
1. Place the color slide to be scanned on the slide holder, and insert the holder into the scanner.
2. Go to the
Material Material
Material icon. From the submenu that appears,
Material Material choose
Preview window and click the
Positive FilmPositive Film
Positive Film. You will notice the change in
Positive FilmPositive Film
the appearance of the icon if the submenu was previously set for negative film.
3. Click the
Overview button to start a thumbnail
overview of your original.
: If you do not need to overview the original, skip Steps 3 & 4 and directly pr escan the original after selecting its frame position in the
Job Panel Job Panel
Job Panel window.
Job Panel Job Panel
4. Select the image you want to scan by clicking on its thumbnail in the
Job PanelJob Panel
Job Panel window (at the same time,
Job PanelJob Panel making sure the corresponding checkbox is checked). The selected image is highlighted. Before you perform the actual scan, you need to do a prescan to see the zoom-in and clearer view of the image.
5. Click the
escan button in the
eview eview
eview window. At
eview eview
the end of the prescanning process, the zoom-in
image will appear in the
eview window. The image
is now ready for image editing.
6. Click the
Scan FrameScan Frame
Scan Frame tool from the
Scan FrameScan Frame
Preview Preview
Preview window
Preview Preview T oolbar, and adjust the flashing scan frame (mar ­quee) around the selected area of the image that you wish to scan. Alternatively, you can click and hold pointer inside the frame and drag the frame to the selected area.
7. If you like what you see in the Preview window , click ScanScan
Scan button to start scanning.
If you want to....
Before the Final Scan
Select an output image type (after step 2)
Go to the TT
yp e box, choose the appropriate output
type for the image to be scanned.
Specify output dimensions (after step 2)
Go to the the desired output dimensions (width and height) in the output dimension edit boxes. The scan frame may change slightly, and you may want to go back to the frame for the selected area.
Change output image resolution (after step 6)
Go to the the resolution value in the edit box.
Fine-tune preview image with Advanced Image Correction (AIC) tools (after step 6)
Go to the the desired image-processing option from the appropriate AIC tool from the window. The dialog box for the corresponding AIC tool will then appear. Details on usage for each tool is discussed in the next chapter, Using the Advanced Image Correction T ools .
See a preview image of the selected/fine tuned image in scan frame (after step 6)
Go to the Frame Option Frame Option
Frame Option (arrow located at right
Frame Option Frame Option end of “Scan Frame” option from the resulting menu. Then click the again.
Settings window, and from the
Settings window, and enter
Preview wi ndow to readjust the scan
Settings window, and enter
eview eview
eview window, and select
eview eview
Correction Correction
Correction menu, or click an
Correction Correction
Preview window and click the
Prescan button) and select the
Prescan button
3-2 ScanWizard Pro TX User’s Guide
Scanning a Color Positive Slide
Frame Option: When set to “Scan Frame,” only the
area enclosed by the scan frame is prescanned and previewed. “Full Frame” prescans and previews the whole image
65 27
Basic Scenarios 3-3
How to Scan Images from a Color Negative Flimstrip
1. Place the 35mm color negative filmstrip (6­frame length maximum) to be scanned on the filmstrip holder, and insert the holder into the scanner.
2. Go to the Material Material
Material icon. From the submenu that appears,
Material Material choose
Preview window and click the
Negative FilmNegative Film
Negative Film. You will notice the
Negative FilmNegative Film
change in the appearance of the icon if the submenu was previously set for positive film.
3. Click the
Overview button to start a thumbnail
overview of your original.
: If you do not need to overview the original, skip Steps 3 & 4 and directly pr escan the original after selecting its frame position in the
Job PanelJob Panel
Job Panel
Job PanelJob Panel
4. Select the image you want to scan by clicking on its thumbnail in the
Job PanelJob Panel
Job Panel window (at the
Job PanelJob Panel same time, making sure the corresponding checkbox is checked). The selected image is highlighted. Before you perform actual scan, you need to do a prescan to zoom-in and see a clearer view of the image.
5. Click the
escan bu tton in the
eview eview
eview window.
eview eview
PrPr At the end of the prescanning process, the zoom-in image will appear in the
PreviewPreview window . The image is now r eady for image editing.
6. Click the
Scan FrameScan Frame
Scan Frame tool from the
Scan FrameScan Frame
PreviewPreview window T oolbar , and adjust the flashing scan frame (marquee) around the selected area of the image that you wish to scan. Alternatively, you can click and hold pointer inside the frame and drag the frame to the selected area.
7. If you like what you see in the Preview window , click the
Scan button to start scanning.
If you want to....
Before the Final Scan
Select an output image type (after step 2)
Go to the box, choose the appropriate output type for the image to be scanned.
Specify output dimensions (after step 2)
Go to the desired output dimensions (width and height) in the output dimension edit boxes. The scan frame may change slightly, and you may want to go back to the the scan frame for the selected area.
Adjust Film T ype (after step 6)
If you need to adjust the film type setting or create a customized film profile, go to the TT
ype ype
ype list box in the
ype ype select a new film type from the list; or click CustomCustom
Custom (at the bottom of the list) to create a
CustomCustom new customized film profile.
Change output image resolution (after step 6)
Go to the resolution value in the
Fine-tune preview image with Advanced Image Correction (AIC) tools (after step 6)
Go to the desired image-processing option from the Correction Correction
Correction menu, or click an appropriate AIC
Correction Correction tool from the for the corresponding AIC tool will then appear. Details on usage for each AIC tools are discussed in the next chapter, Using the Advanced Image Correction Tools.
See a preview image of the selected/fine tuned image in scan frame (after step 6)
Go to the Frame Option Frame Option
Frame Option (arrow located at right end of
Frame Option Frame Option PrescanPrescan
Prescan button) and select the “Scan Frame”
PrescanPrescan option from the resulting menu. Then click the PrescanPrescan
Prescan button again.
Settings window, and from the
Settings window, and enter the
Preview window to readjust
Settings Settings
Settings window and
Settings Settings
Settings window, and enter the
eview eview
eview window, and select the
eview eview
Settings window. The dialog box
Preview window and click the
Resolution edit box.
3-4 ScanWizard Pro TX User’s Guide
Scanning a Color Negative
Frame Option: When set to “Scan Frame,” only the area
enclosed by the scan frame is prescanned and previewed. “Full Frame” will prescan and preview the whole image
Film Type: Sets film type to conform with actual filmstrip
type of original. If your film type is not listed, create a customized film profile by clicking on Create Custom Film Type at the bottom of the list
Basic Scenarios 3-5
How to Scan Images from the APS Film Cartridge
1. Place the APS cartridge holder into the scanner. Scan Material Scan Material
2. The
Scan Material icon in the
Scan Material Scan Material
will automatically change to
Preview Preview
Preview window
Preview Preview
Negative FilmNegative Film
Negative Film
Negative FilmNegative Film status. Y ou will notice the change in the appear ­ance of the icon if the submenu was previously set for positive film.
3. Click the overview of all your originals in the
Overview button to start a thumbnail
Job PanelJob Panel
Job Panel
Job PanelJob Panel
: If you do not need to overview the originals, skip Steps 3 & 4 and directly pr escan the original after selecting its frame position in the
Job Panel Job Panel
Job Panel
Job Panel Job Panel
4. Select the image you want to scan by clicking on its thumbnail in the
Job PanelJob Panel
Job Panel window (at the
Job PanelJob Panel same time, making sure the corresponding checkbox is checked). The selected image is highlighted. Before you perform the actual scan, you need to do a prescan to zoom-in and see a clearer view of the image.
5. Click the
escan bu tton in the
eview eview
eview window.
eview eview
PrPr At the end of the prescanning process, the zoom-in image will appear in the
PreviewPreview window . The image is now r eady for image editing.
6. Click the
Scan FrameScan Frame
Scan Frame tool from the
Scan FrameScan Frame
PreviewPreview window T oolbar , and adjust the flashing scan frame (marquee) around the selected area of the image that you wish to scan. Alternatively, you can click and hold pointer inside the frame and drag the frame to the selected area.
7. If you like what you see in the Preview window , click the
Scan button to start scanning.
If you want to....
Before the Final Scan
Select an output image type (after step 2)
Go to the TT
yp e box, choose the appropriate output type
for the image to be scanned.
Specify output dimensions (after step 2)
Go to the desired output dimensions (width and height) in the output dimension edit boxes. The scan frame may change slightly, and you may want to go back to the the scan frame for the selected area.
Adjust Film T ype (after step 6)
If you need to adjust the film type setting or create a customized film profile, go to the Film TFilm T
Film T
Film TFilm T and select a new film type from the list; or click create a new customized film profile.
Change output image resolution (after step 6)
Go to the resolution value in the
Fine-tune preview image with Advanced Image Correction (AIC) tools (after step 6)
Go to the desired image-processing option from the Correction Correction
Correction menu or click an appropriate AIC
Correction Correction tool from the box for the corresponding AIC tool will then appear. Details on usage for each AIC tools are discussed in the next chapter, Using the Advanced Image Correction T ools .
• See a preview image of the selected/fine tuned image in scan frame (after step 6)
Go to the Frame Option Frame Option
Frame Option (arrow located at right end of
Frame Option Frame Option PrescanPrescan
Prescan button) and select the
PrescanPrescan option from the resulting menu. Then click the
Settings window, and from the
Settings window, and enter the
Preview window to readjust
ype ype
ype list box in the
ype ype
Custom (at the bottom of the list) to
Settings window, and enter the
eview eview
eview window, and select the
eview eview
Settings window. The dialog
Preview window and click the
Prescan button again.
Settings Settings
Settings window
Settings Settings
Resolution edit box.
Scan FrameScan Frame
Scan Frame
Scan FrameScan Frame
3-6 ScanWizard Pro TX User’s Guide
Film Type: Sets film type to conform with actual filmstrip type of original. If your film type is not listed, create a customized film profile by clicking on Create Custom Film Type at the bottom of the list
Frame Option: When set to “Scan Frame,” only the area enclosed by scan frame is prescanned and previewed. “Full Frame” will prescan and preview the whole image
Basic Scenarios 3-7
+ 45 hidden pages