Microtek GNC M DROCDSHO XX02REVD User Manual

Digital ROC™ and Digital SHO™
User Guides
Click here for the Digital ROC User Guide.
Click here for the Digital SHO User Guide.
You can return to this page by clicking on in the Taskbar at
the bottom of the window.
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System Requirements 1
Installation from CD 2
Installation from the Internet 2
Purchasing Digital ROC 4
Registering Digital ROC 4
Starting Digital ROC 4
Digital ROC Plug-In Window 6
© 2002 Applied Science Fiction, Inc. All rights reserved. Applied Science Fiction, ASF and Digital ROC are all pending or registered trademarks of Applied Science Fiction, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
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The Digital ROC plug-in is software that automatically restores, balances, and corrects the color quality of any digital image file. It analyzes color gradients to remove color cast, including tungsten and fluorescent light effects, and determines the optimum tonal curve for each color channel. The Digital ROC plug-in will restore some of the original color in a digital image file, despite extensive color deterioration.
The Digital ROC plug-in works with RGB, 8bpp (bits per pixel) digital image files that are larger than 480 x 480. These image files may be from any source, including film scanners, flatbed scanners, digital cameras, CDs and the Internet. It is compatible with Adobe® Photoshop® and other Photoshop plug-in compatible programs and supports both Windows® and Macintosh® platforms. It is available as an Internet download and on a CD.

System Requirements

The Digital ROC plug-in is compatible with Adobe Photoshop (may also work with other Photoshop plug-in compatible applications) and runs on both Windows and Macintosh.
Recommendations for Windows Version
Pentium® II or better with 128 MB of RAM (for typical sized images; very large images
will require more memory)
Windows 98 SE, NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6a), 2000, ME, XP Home, XP Professional
Adobe Photoshop 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, or 7.0; Adobe Photoshop Elements 1.0 or 2.0; Adobe
Photoshop LE 5.0; Adobe PhotoDeluxe® Home Edition 4.0; Jasc® Paint Shop Pro® 7
Minimum display resolution: 800 x 600 pixels (Note: Use only the Small Fonts display
font size at 800 x 600 resolution.)
Recommendations for Macintosh Version
PowerMAC® G3 or better with 128 MB of RAM (for typical sized images; very large
images will require more memory)
Macintosh OS 8.6, OS 9.x, OS X
Adobe Photoshop 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, or 7.0; Adobe Photoshop LE 5.0; Adobe Photoshop
Elements 1.0 or 2.0; Adobe PhotoDeluxe 2.0
Minimum display resolution: 800 x 600 pixels
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Installation from CD

Before installing the Digital ROC plug-in, close all other applications.
Load your Applied Science Fiction plug-ins CD into your CD-ROM drive. The installer will load automatically and will guide you through the installation process.
If the installer does not load automatically, click on Start and then select Run. Enter D:\WIN\setup.exe into the Run dialog box (where D: is the drive letter of your CD ROM). Click on “OK” to start the installation.
Load your Applied Science Fiction plug-ins CD into your CD-ROM drive. The ASF CD
icon will appear on your Macintosh desktop.
Double click on the ASF CD icon.
Double click on the MAC icon.
Double click on the icon for the Digital ROC plug-in installer. The installer will guide
you through the installation process.
NOTE: The default location for the ASF Plug-in Software is in the Applications folder. If you choose the default location for the plug-in, you will need to drag the plug-in from your Applications folder into the Plug-ins folder of your host application, such as Photoshop.

Installation from the Internet

Everyone starts with the Trial software. If you like the ASF Plug-in Software and want full functionality (i.e., no watermarks on future images), pay for the software and ASF will email you a registration code that allows you to convert the Trial software into the full plug-in product.
Before installing the Digital ROC plug-in, close all other applications.
Installing the Digital ROC Plug-in
Go to the Applied Science Fiction Downloads Web page
Enter the information into the required fields and click on “Submit.” The Downloads
screen appears.
Choose the platform on which you want to run the Digital ROC plug-in, as explained
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Windows Platform
If you want to use the Digital ROC plug-in on Windows, complete the following steps:
Click on the ASF plug-in “Windows” entry that matches your operating system (98
SE/ME, NT4 SP6a/2000, XP).
The Security window opens.
Click on “Yes” to accept the security verification. The installer then starts the
When “Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard …” appears, click on “Next.”
Click on the “I accept …” entry to accept the terms of the license agreement. The
Custom Setup screen then appears.
Verify that the plug-ins will be installed in the folder for the host application that you
want to use. If necessary, select an alternative location where you want to install the ASF plug-in software.
Click on “Next.”
Click on “Finished” after the installation is complete. If required, the installer will
automatically restart your PC.
Macintosh Platform
If you want to use the Digital ROC plug-in on a Macintosh, complete these steps:
Double click on either the Digital ROC “Macintosh (hqx)” or “Macintosh (bin)” entry.
The .bin file downloads faster but the .hqx file can be downloaded onto a Windows machine and then copied to a Macintosh. If you are running OS 8.6, you will need a software package such as Stuffit Expander to uncompress the .hqx file. The installer will then create a file named “ASF Digital ROC x.x Installer” on your Desktop (where x.x represents the current version number).
Double click on “ASF Digital ROC x.x Installer.” A blue Digital ROC plug-in screen
Click on “Continue.” The license agreement opens next.
Review the license agreement and click on the “I accept …” entry to accept the terms of
the license agreement. Clicking on “I do not accept …” exits the installation program.
Select a folder where you want to install the Digital ROC plug-in, and click on “Choose.”
You may want to install it in the plug-ins folders for any host applications on which you want to run it. Or you may want to install it in a Downloads folder.
Once the installation is successful, click on “Continue” to install the plug-in in other
locations, or “Quit” to exit installation.
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Purchasing Digital ROC

Click on the Buy and Register button in your Digital ROC plug-in window and then click on the Purchase Online button. Alternatively, you can launch your Web browser and go to the ASF Web site store at www.asf.com/store instructions.
After buying the Digital ROC plug-in, you will receive a purchase confirmation email that contains the information you will need to register your ASF Plug-in Software.

Registering Digital ROC

Make sure you have handy your purchase confirmation email which contains your registration information. Start your host application, and open an image file. Select Digital ROC from the Applied Science Fiction option under the Filter/Effects pull down menu. The Digital ROC plug­in window will open. Click on the “Buy and Register” button. A Registration window will open. Be sure to enter your Registered name, Registered email address, and Registration code exactly as they appear in your purchase confirmation email. Click on “OK” and a Thank You window opens. Click on the Thank You window “OK” and both the Registration and Thank You windows will close. You have completed your registration.
, which will bring up the ASF storefront page with

Starting Digital ROC

After loading your copy of the Digital ROC plug-in, you will need to start your host application, open an image, and start Digital ROC. Two examples with different host applications are listed below. For more information on using plug-ins, please refer to the documentation that came with your host application.
Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Photoshop Elements
Start your host application (Photoshop or Photoshop Elements).
Select the File menu.
Select the Open entry.
Select the image file you want to change.
Click on Open.
Click on the Filter menu.
Select Applied Science Fiction.
Select Digital ROC.
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Adobe PhotoDeluxe
Start PhotoDeluxe.
Select the File menu.
Select Open File.
Select the image file you want to change.
Click on Open.
On Windows, click on the Advanced Menus button on the lower left side of the screen.
Or, on a Macintosh, click on the Advanced button on the upper left side of the screen.
On the main toolbar at the top of the menu, click on the Effects button.
Select Applied Science Fiction.
Select Digital ROC.
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The Digital ROC plug-in window offers a few simple controls for operating its features. These are easily accessible in the Digital ROC window, as shown below in Figure 1.
NOTE: The Trial version places a watermark in processed images. Watermarks in saved images can never be removed. To convert the Trial version into the non-watermarking version, buy a Registration Code and register your plug-in.

Digital ROC Plug-In Window

Windows Macintosh
Figure 1. Digital ROC Window
Check for Update Button
The Check for Update Button will launch your default browser and open the ASF Update site so you can check whether you have the latest version of the plug-in software. If you do not have the latest version, this site can facilitate acquiring the latest version if you should choose to do so.
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Buy and Register Button
In the trial version of the Digital ROC plug-in, each processed image is watermarked with “Applied Science Fiction™.” To prevent the watermark from appearing on future images, you need to purchase and register the Digital ROC plug-in. Until you register your plug-in, a “Buy and Register” button will appear in the top left corner of the Digital ROC window. If your computer is currently connected to the Internet, clicking on “Buy and Register” brings up a Purchase Online button that you can then click on to buy your copy. This launches a default browser window that will bring up the ASF store (www.asf.com/store will remain open. Follow the on-line instructions to complete your purchase. If your computer is not currently connected to the Internet, the browser will display a "Page not found" error message. Connect to the Internet and then click on “Buy and Register.”
After purchasing, you will be emailed registration information that you will use to register your plug-in. To register, click on the "Buy and Register" button to open the Registration window. Complete the entry areas using the Registered name, Registered email address, and Registration code exactly as they appear in the email. The easiest way to enter your registration information is to copy and paste it from the email, making sure there are no blank spaces before or after the code. Once you complete registration, the "Buy and Register" button will disappear.
). The plug-in window
Preview Window
The Preview window shows you your image after Digital ROC processes it with the current settings. If you change the settings on Tint, the preview window will reprocess the image accordingly.
The red box in the Preview window outlines an area that appears in the Before and After windows for your review. This allows you to focus on a specific area within the image to see the overall effect of Digital ROC. You can shrink or enlarge the box with the Zoom buttons. To review a different area, click on that area and the red box will outline it. Or click and hold on the box and drag it to the new area.
Zoom Buttons
The Zoom buttons let you change the size of the area displayed in the Before and After windows. The red box in the Preview window outlines the area that appears in the Before and After windows for your review. To zoom in on a smaller area, click on the “+” button. To zoom out, click on the “–” button. The zoom buttons do not restrict where Digital ROC will be applied in the image. Digital ROC is applied to the entire image in the Preview window.
Before Window
The Before window shows how a specified area of your image looks before Digital ROC processes it, so that you have a constant to compare your changes against. It presents the area of your image enclosed in the red box in the Preview window. The After window shows the same area after Digital ROC processes it.
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You can shrink or enlarge the area displayed in the Before window by altering the box with the Zoom buttons. To review a different area of the Preview window, click on that area and the red box will outline it. Or click and hold on the box and drag it to the new area.
After Window
The After window shows how a specified area of your image looks after Digital ROC processes it. It presents the area of your image enclosed in the red box in the Preview window. The Before window shows the same area before Digital ROC processes it.
You can shrink or enlarge the area displayed in the After window by altering the box with the Zoom buttons. To review a different area of the Preview window, click on that area and the red box will outline it. Or click and hold on the box and drag it to the new area.
Tint Controls
The Tint Controls allow you to fine tune the color balance of the automatic result of Digital ROC process. You can adjust Red, Green and Blue colors to your desired result. The default settings are 0 for all three colors. To change the mix, adjust the color controls by clicking on a slider bar with your mouse pointer, holding the left mouse button down, and sliding the bar left or right.
Moving the Cyan/Red slider bar to the left decreases the red values in your image, which increases the cyan values. Moving the same bar to the right increases the red values in your image, decreasing the cyan values.
In the same way, moving the slider bar on the middle control regulates the amount of magenta and green in your image. And moving the slider bar on the bottom control regulates the amount of yellow and blue in your image.
If you are using Windows, you can move a slider in single increment steps using the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard once you have selected it by clicking on it or using the tab key. You can also use the page up and page down keys to move the slider in larger increments, or the home and end keys to move the slider to the minimum and maximum values.
In all, you have a very simple set of controls that let you create the color effects you want to achieve with Digital ROC. Any settings you change are automatically shown in the Preview and After windows.
OK Button
Click on “OK” to apply the current Digital ROC processing results to your image. Remember that to save your image, you will need to use the Save command in your host application.
Cancel Button
To decline the current Digital ROC processing of your image and end your Digital ROC session, click on “Cancel.”
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Help Button
Clicking on “Help” brings up an index of useful topics about how to use the Digital ROC plug­in. Click on the topic you need. If you cannot find the information you need, click on the “Technical Support” entry in the help index for how to obtain further information. The Help window also has an About entry that you can click on to see the version and date of your copy of the Digital ROC plug-in.
About Plug-In Window
Some image editing applications provide an About Plug-In feature under the application’s Help menu. The About Plug-In window for Digital ROC shows the version and date of your plug-in software. It also has a Buy and Register button, for quick access to those processes
Defaults Button
The Defaults Button sets the ASF plug-in slider controls back to the default values.


Monitor Display Settings.
The ASF Plug-in Software may not function properly when your monitor is set for 800 x 600 resolution and large fonts. To insure proper operation and avoid error messages, set your monitor for greater than 800 x 600 resolution. In Windows, you can set the resolution to 800 x 600 if you also set the display to use small fonts.
Crop print borders.
The Digital ROC plug-in works best on images that are evenly faded. Prints that faded while they were in a picture frame will often have a border of less faded image where the frame protected the print, and Digital ROC will work best if you remove the less faded area. Older snapshots often have a white frame around the image. Although Digital ROC will correct the border and the image, you may find that you get slightly better results by cropping out the border.
Dealing with difficult prints.
Certain photographic papers lose all the information in one of the dye layers when they fade, making it impossible for the Digital ROC plug-in to determine the original colors. The most common examples are prints from the 1950s that have faded to a bright magenta and that become purple and green after correcting with Digital ROC. Your host application may have an image­editing tool that can blend information from the existing layers to replace the missing dye layer (for example, on the Photoshop pull down menu it is under Image-Adjust-Channel Mixer). To make these prints look more natural, process them with Digital ROC, then use your image­editing tool to mix the channels like this:
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