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Meet the new Windows.
Windows has been reimagined to be all about you. Put what matters most right
on your Start screen, and get instant access to your people, apps, sites, and more,
so you can spend less time searching and more time doing.
Browse the Windows Store and download apps that help you work more
efciently. Apps work together so you can share photos, maps, contacts, links,
and more.
No matter what you want to do, you can get it done quickly in Windows 8.
Whether you’re completing a project, playing a game, or reading a book, with
Windows 8, you can use touch, mouse, and keyboard together—seamlessly—to
do what you want, the way you want. Windows 8 starts quickly and is cloudconnected so you can access your photos, documents, and settings on almost
any Windows 8 PC.

Go back to the Start.
In Windows 8, you can return to
the Start screen no matter where
you are. Just swipe from the right
edge to reveal the charms, and
then tap the Start charm.

Know your corners.
Use the corners on the Start screen to navigate Windows 8 with your mouse.
Place the mouse pointer in the
upper or lower right corner of the
screen to reveal the charms.
Place the mouse pointer in the
upper left corner of the screen to
see open apps and switch between

Discover the edges.
Use the edges on the Start screen to navigate Windows 8 with touch.
Swipe from the right edge to
reveal the charms and return
to the Start screen.
Swipe from the left edge to switch
between open apps.
Swipe from the bottom or top
edge to reveal app commands.
Swipe down from the top edge to
the bottom edge to close apps.

Swipe down to select.
Swipe down or right-click on a live
tile, photo, or folder to select it and
reveal app commands.

With Snap, do two things at once.
Swipe from the left edge and hold to Snap an app in place. Switch to other apps
by swiping in from the left. Drag the line to adjust the size of the snapped apps.*
*Monitor must support a resolution of at least 1366 x 768.

Zoom out.
Zoom out by pinching two ngers
or by holding down the control
key while using the mouse wheel
to expand your view.

Discover the Start screen.
Your Start screen has all of the information that matters most. Your favorite
people, apps, sites, and more are front and center. Live tiles update right
before your eyes.
The live tiles on your Start screen
are brimming with information;
they change and update in real
time so you can see what’s going
on and stay connected.
Windows 8

Rearrange apps. Create groups.
Make Windows 8 uniquely yours by personalizing the Start screen to match your life.
To move a tile, pull it down and drag
it to another location.
To create a new group, pull down
and drag tiles, one by one, to a
break in between groups.
To name a group, pinch two ngers
together to zoom out, swipe down
to select the group, and tap Name
To move entire groups, pinch two
ngers together to zoom out, pull
a group down and drag it to where
you want it.
Windows 8

Search across your PC.
Find what you need fast with the Search charm. It locates information on your
PC, on the Internet, or within an app.
On the Start screen, swipe from
the right edge and tap Search.
Search within apps, les, settings
or Internet Explorer 10.
Windows 8

Share the good stuff with your friends.
Share something interesting—like a photo—with your friends using
the Share charm.
In the Photos app, in Pictures
library, swipe down on a photo to
select it.
Swipe from the right edge and tap
Share. Tap Mail, type an email
address and tap the Send icon.
Windows 8