Micro Motion ProLink III Operating Manual

User Manual
MMI-20020246, Rev AE
March 2016
ProLink® III
Configuration and Service Tool for Micro Motion® and Rosemount Flow Devices
About this manual
This user manual explains how to navigate and use the Emerson Flow ProLink III software program, v1.0 or later. Before using this instruction manual, the reader should be familiar with the Microsoft Windows operating system.
For detailed information on configuring and using device-specific or application-specific features, see the appropriate configuration and use manual. If you need additional help, contact Emerson Flow Customer Support.
Emerson Flow customer service
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Chapter 1 Working with ProLink III ...................................................................................................1
1.1 Obtain a site key for ProLink III ........................................................................................................1
1.2 Available ProLink III features per edition ......................................................................................... 1
1.3 Transfer an existing license for ProLink III ........................................................................................3
1.4 The ProLink III interface .................................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Explore ProLink III software .............................................................................................................7
1.6 Enable inventory reset ....................................................................................................................8
1.7 Search in ProLink III .........................................................................................................................8
1.8 Show Help for software interface options .......................................................................................9
Chapter 2 Connect to one or more devices ......................................................................................11
2.1 Connect to a device ......................................................................................................................11
2.2 Default communication values .....................................................................................................13
2.3 Make an additional device connection ..........................................................................................15
2.4 Use the guided connection wizard ................................................................................................16
2.5 Device wiring terminals ................................................................................................................17
2.6 Troubleshoot a device connection ................................................................................................20
2.7 Work with one device when several are connected .......................................................................22
2.8 View the device status and alerts ..................................................................................................22
2.9 Disconnect from a device ............................................................................................................. 23
Chapter 3 Use configuration data ................................................................................................... 24
3.1 Configuration data transfer between devices ............................................................................... 24
3.2 Save a device configuration ..........................................................................................................24
3.3 Restore or load a configuration file ...............................................................................................25
3.4 Import data from a previous version of ProLink .............................................................................25
3.5 Configure a device offline .............................................................................................................26
3.6 Print a configuration report .......................................................................................................... 27
3.7 Restore the factory configuration .................................................................................................27
Chapter 4 Use the process variables view ....................................................................................... 28
4.1 Set up the process variables view ................................................................................................. 28
4.2 Reset totals .................................................................................................................................. 30
Chapter 5 Monitor the process, device, or device health ................................................................. 31
5.1 Monitor process trends ................................................................................................................ 31
5.2 Create data logs ........................................................................................................................... 34
5.3 Compare multiple devices ............................................................................................................37
User Manual i
ii Micro Motion ProLink III
1 Working with ProLink III

1.1 Obtain a site key for ProLink III

You must obtain and enter a site key to validate a permanent or new license for ProLink III.
When you first install the software, you are prompted to generate a temporary license. Depending on the version you are installing, the temporary license allows you to run ProLink III for a specific number of days, starting from the current date and time. For the Basic edition, you can run ProLink III for 30 days. For the Professional edition, you can run ProLink III for seven days.
Be sure to obtain the site key before the temporary license expires. Once the trial period completes, you will not be able to use ProLink III.

Working with ProLink III

1. Start ProLink III.
2. In the ProLink III start-up screen, choose File > License.
3. Enter your serial number in the Serial Number field.
4. Select Get Site Key.
The Site Key field is automatically populated.
5. Select Validate.
See the ProLink III Help box on the License dialog for other methods of obtaining a license.

1.2 Available ProLink III features per edition

ProLink III is available in two editions: Basic and Professional for either Micro Motion or Rosemount Flow. Depending on the edition you purchased, you have specific features enabled.
ProLink III Micro Motion Basic and Professional features per editionTable 1-1:
Basic Professional
Full device configuration
Alert notification
User Manual 1
Viscosity Meters
Viscosity Meters
Working with ProLink III
ProLink III Micro Motion Basic and Professional features per edition (continued)Table 1-1:
Basic Professional
Alert resolution guide
Diagnostics/inputs/outputs display
Smart Meter Verification launch
Load and save the device configura­tion
Known density verification launch
Known density verification reports
Smart Meter Verification reports
Process variable trending (one or more devices)
Offline configuration management
Device simulation
Data logging
Multidevice comparison tool
Guided process support tools
Modbus/TCP support
Viscosity Meters
Viscosity Meters
ProLink III Rosemount Flow Basic and Professional features per editionTable 1-2:
Basic Professional
Full transmitter configuration
Alert notification
Alert resolution guide
Diagnostics/inputs/outputs display
Smart Meter Verification launch
Load and save the device configura­tion
Known density verification launch
Known density verification reports
Smart Meter Verification reports
Process variable trending (one or more devices)
Offline configuration management
2 Micro Motion ProLink III
Working with ProLink III
ProLink III Rosemount Flow Basic and Professional features per edition (continued)Table 1-2:
Basic Professional
Device simulation
Data logging
Multidevice comparison tool
Guided process support tools
Modbus/TCP support
Filter visualization tool

1.3 Transfer an existing license for ProLink III

Both the ProLink III temporary license and permanent license are keyed to a specific disk and specific folder or directory on your computer. You can move the ProLink III installation to a different folder on the same computer, or to a different computer. For additional information on transferring an existing license, contact customer support at

1.3.1 Transfer ProLink III to another location on the same computer

1. Choose File > License.
2. Select the down arrow next to Transfer License.
3. Select To Directory.
4. Specify the directory where ProLink III will be transferred.
5. Install ProLink III in this new directory.

1.3.2 Transfer ProLink III from one computer to another

1. Go to the target computer (the computer where you are transferring the license)
and do the following steps.
a. Install ProLink III, but when it asks to make a temporary license, click Cancel.
User Manual 3
Working with ProLink III
For installation instructions, see the ProLink III Quick Start Guide.
b. Start ProLink III.
c. Choose File > License.
d. Select the down arrow next to Transfer License.
e. Select Into Computer.
The location window pops up.
f. Select a storage location (CD-RW, DVD, USB Flash, or Floppy (real or image file)).
ProLink III writes a system transfer file to the storage device.
g. Insert the storage device when requested.
A success message pops up when the transfer is complete.
h. Disconnect the storage device.
2. Go to the source computer (the computer with the original ProLink III license) and
do the following steps.
a. Insert the storage device.
b. Start ProLink III.
c. Choose File > License.
d. Select the down arrow next to Transfer License.
e. Select Out of Computer.
The location window pops up.
f. Select the storage location (CD-RW, DVD, USB Flash, or Floppy (real or image file)).
ProLink III adds two more system transfer files to the storage device.
A success message pops up when the transfer is complete.
g. Disconnect the storage device.
The license window will not display No License until you close the window and then reopen it.
3. Go to the target computer (the computer where you are transferring the license)
and do the following steps.
4 Micro Motion ProLink III
a. Insert the storage device.
b. Start ProLink III.
c. Choose File > License.
d. Click the down arrow next to Transfer License.
e. Click Into Computer.
ProLink III copies the license to the new installation and deletes all three
system transfer files.
A success message pops up when the transfer is complete.
The license window refreshes and shows activated. The window will not show
the original serial number.
f. Close ProLink III and install any upgrades.
ProLink III is now functional at the new computer.

1.4 The ProLink III interface

Working with ProLink III
See Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 for a quick reference to the information and tools available in ProLink III.
To view and navigate ProLink III without a physical device connection, you can simulate a device. This feature allows you to become more familiar with the interface and the different options available for use. See Section 1.5 for more information.
User Manual 5
Working with ProLink III
Viewing process performance on the ProLink III main screenFigure 1-1:
A. The device tab displays the transmitter type, address, and alarm status for each connected device, simulated
configuration, or offline configuration. B. The process variable view provides quick access to your process measurements. C. You can easily view other process measurements and have quick access to view and change the configured settings. D. View active alerts for the connected device, and easily view recommended actions for troubleshooting each alert
6 Micro Motion ProLink III
Working with ProLink III
Navigating menus on the ProLink III main screenFigure 1-2:
A. The Device Tools menu is the main point of access to all configuration options available for each connected device,
simulated configuration, or offline configuration. B. The Connect To options allow you to easily connect to another device or open a simulated or offline configuration. C. Additional access to configuring specific parameters is available through the field menus provided at the various process
views. D. Quick access to the monitoring options is available from the main screen.

1.5 Explore ProLink III software

In ProLink III, you can simulate device connections to view and navigate the software interface without a physical device connection.
1. To use device simulation, do one of the following:
From the start-up screen, select Simulate Device.
User Manual 7
Working with ProLink III
From the main screen, select Simulation under Connect To, and select Go.
2. In Device Type, select a type of device.
3. Select Connect.

1.6 Enable inventory reset

Inventories can be reset from ProLink III only if this function is enabled in ProLink III.
1. Choose Tools > Options.
2. Select Reset Inventories from ProLink III.

1.7 Search in ProLink III

ProLink III provides a searching capability that allows you to find specific parameter names within the software interface. You must be connected to a physical device or simulating a device connection to use this feature (see Figure 1-3).
Search featureFigure 1-3:
A. The Search feature allows you to find specific features or parameters in the software interface.
8 Micro Motion ProLink III
Working with ProLink III
1. Connect to or simulate a device.
2. (Optional) Click the down arrow next to Search to change the search options.
You can choose to see recent searches, highlight the words you are searching for, or search all connected devices.
3. In Search, enter the parameter name you are searching for.
As you type your search entry, one or multiple instances of the search results are displayed directly below the Search field. The search results display the specific device and data item found, and provide a hyperlink to the target location where the item exists.
If no search results display, try changing your search entry to be less specific to the label text or item description in the software, if possible.
4. To go to the desired location in the software, click the hyperlink under Target in the search results table.

1.8 Show Help for software interface options

In ProLink III, you can choose to show or hide field or parameter descriptions for a displayed interface. Depending on the field or parameter selected, a description appears in the Help screen to explain more about the selected option. The default setting is to hide, or not show, the Help screen.
Using the Help featureFigure 1-4:
A. Display the Help screen to view descriptive information about a selected parameter.
User Manual 9
Working with ProLink III
1. To show helpful information about a field in the active interface:
a. Click Show Help.
Show Help is the blue icon with the question mark.
A Help screen displays to the right of the interface options.
b. To view a description of a specific control, place the cursor over an active field or
A description of the field/feature appears in the Help screen.
2. To hide or close the Help screen, click Hide Help.
10 Micro Motion ProLink III
+ 30 hidden pages