Micro Motion 5700 Operating Manual

Micro Motion® Model 5700 Ethernet Transmitters
Ethernet Installations
Installation Manual
MMI-20029768, Rev AA
March 2016
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Chapter 1 Planning ...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 About this document ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Related documentation ................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Installation checklist .......................................................................................................................2
1.4 Additional considerations for retrofitting existing installations .......................................................3
1.5 Power requirements .......................................................................................................................4
1.6 Model 5700 transmitters in Ethernet networks ...............................................................................5
Chapter 2 Mounting and sensor wiring .............................................................................................8
2.1 Mounting and sensor wiring for integral-mount transmitters ......................................................... 8
2.2 Mount the 4-wire or 9-wire remote-mount transmitters .................................................................8
2.3 Wire the 4-wire or 9-wire remote-mount transmitter to the sensor .............................................. 12
2.4 Ground the meter components ....................................................................................................16
2.5 Rotate the transmitter on the sensor (optional) ........................................................................... 19
2.6 Rotate the user interface on the transmitter (optional) ................................................................ 22
2.7 Rotate the sensor wiring junction box on a remote-mount transmitter (optional) ........................ 24
Chapter 3 Wiring the channels ....................................................................................................... 28
3.1 Wire the I/O channel .................................................................................................................... 28
3.2 Wire the Ethernet channels .......................................................................................................... 36
Chapter 4 Power supply wiring ...................................................................................................... 40
4.1 Wiring the power supply .............................................................................................................. 40
4.2 Wire the power supply using an M12-terminated cable (optional) ................................................41
Chapter 5 Power up the transmitter ............................................................................................... 43
Chapter 6 Guided Setup ..................................................................................................................44
Chapter 7 Using the Display controls .............................................................................................. 45
Chapter 8 Available Service Port connection ...................................................................................49
Installation Manual i
ii Micro Motion® Model 5700 Ethernet transmitters
1 Planning
Topics covered in this chapter:

About this document

Related documentation

Installation checklist
Additional considerations for retrofitting existing installations
Power requirements
Model 5700 transmitters in Ethernet networks
1.1 About this document
This manual provides information on planning, mounting, wiring, and initial setup of the transmitter. For information on full configuration, maintenance, troubleshooting, or service of the transmitter, see the configuration and use manual.


The information in this document assumes that users understand:
Basic transmitter and sensor installation, configuration, and maintenance concepts
and procedures
All corporate, local government, and national government safety standards and
requirements that guard against injuries and death
1.2 Related documentation
You can find all product documentation via the Micro Motion product documentation DVD shipped with the product or at www.micromotion.com.
Additional documentation and resourcesTable 1-1:
Topic Document
Sensor Sensor documentation
Transmitter configuration and use
Product Data Sheet Micro Motion Model 5700 Product Data Sheet (PDS)
Ethernet EtherNET/IP Micro Motion Model 5700 Transmitters Ethernet EtherNet/IP Rockwell
PROFINET Micro Motion Ethernet PROFINET Siemens Integration Guide
Modbus configuration Modbus Interface Tool (MIT) — available at www.micromotion.com
Micro Motion Model 5700 Transmitters Ethernet Configuration and Use Manual
RSLogix Integration Guide
Installation Manual 1
Additional documentation and resources (continued)Table 1-1:
Topic Document
Hazardous area installation See the approval documentation shipped with the transmitter, or
download the appropriate documentation from the Micro Motion web site at www.micromotion.com.

1.3 Installation checklist

Safety messages are provided throughout this content to protect personnel and
equipment. Read each safety message carefully before proceeding to the next step.
If possible, install the transmitter in a location that will prevent direct exposure to
sunlight. The environmental limits for the transmitter may be further restricted by hazardous area approvals.
If you plan to mount the transmitter in a hazardous area:
- Verify that the transmitter has the appropriate hazardous area approval. Each
transmitter has a hazardous area approval tag attached to the transmitter housing.
- Ensure that any cable used between the transmitter and the sensor meets the
hazardous area requirements.
- For ATEX/IECEx installations, you must strictly adhere to the safety instructions
documented in the ATEX/IECEx approvals documentation available on the Micro Motion Product Documentation DVD shipped with the product or at
www.micromotion.com. Be sure to reference this documentation in addition to
the information shown in this guide.
Verify that you have the appropriate cable and required cable installation parts for
your installation. For wiring between the transmitter and sensor, verify the maximum cable length does not exceed 1000 ft (300 m).
Ensure that you use the following cable for the different connections:
- A twisted-pair instrument cable for the Channel C I/O connection
- A shielded Cat5e or higher rated instrumentation cable for the Ethernet
You can mount the transmitter in any orientation as long as the conduit openings or
transmitter display do not point upward.
Installing the transmitter with the conduit openings or transmitter display facing upward risks condensation moisture entering the transmitter housing, which could damage the transmitter.
Following are examples of possible orientations for the transmitter.
2 Micro Motion® Model 5700 Ethernet transmitters
Possible transmitter orientationTable 1-2:
Preferred orientation Alternate orientations
Mount the meter in a location and orientation that satisfies the following conditions:
- Allows sufficient clearance to open the transmitter housing cover. Micro Motion
recommends 8–10 inches (200–250 mm) clearance at the wiring access points.
- Provides clear access for installing cabling to the transmitter.

1.4 Additional considerations for retrofitting existing installations

The transmitter installation may require 3–6 inches (76–153 mm) of additional
wiring for the input/output and power connections. This length would be in addition to the currently installed wiring. Confirm you have the additional wiring necessary for the new installation.
Before removing the existing transmitter, be sure to record the configuration data
for the currently installed transmitter. At initial startup of the newly installed transmitter, you will be prompted to configure the meter via a guided setup.
Micro Motion recommends that you record the following information (if applicable):
Variable Setting
Mass flow units
Volume flow units
Density units
Temperature units
Channel configuration
mA output 1 - Power (Internal or External):
- Source:
- Scaling (LRV, URV):
- Fault Action:
mA output 2 (optional) - Power (Internal or External):
- Source:
- Scaling (LRV, URV):
- Fault Action:
Installation Manual 3
M = 18V + (R × L × 0.7A)
Variable Setting
Frequency output (optional) - Power (Internal or External):
- Source:
- Scaling (LRV, URV):
- Fault Action:
- Dual output:
Discrete output (optional) - Power (Internal or External):
- Source:
- Scaling (LRV, URV):
- Fault Action:
Discrete input (optional) - Power (Internal or External):
- Source:
- Scaling (LRV, URV):
- Fault Action:
Calibration parameters (for 9-wire installations only)
Flow calibration factor - FCF (Flow Cal or Flow Calibration Factor):
Density calibration factors - D1:
- D2:
- K1:
- K2:
- TC:
- FD:

1.5 Power requirements

Self-switching AC/DC input, automatically recognizes supply voltage:
85 to 265 VAC, 6.5 watts typical, 9 watts maximum
18 to 100 VDC, 6.5 watts typical, 9 watts maximum
For DC power:
Power requirements assume a single transmitter per cable.
At startup, the power source must provide a minimum of 1.5 amps of short-term current per
Length and conductor diameter of the power cable must be sized to provide 18 VDC
minimum at the power terminals, at a load current of 0.7 amps.
Table sizing formula
M: minimum supply voltage
R: cable resistance
4 Micro Motion® Model 5700 Ethernet transmitters
L: cable length (in Ω/ft)
Typical power cable resistance at 68 °F (20 °C)
Wire gauge Resistance
14 AWG 0.0050 Ω/ft
16 AWG 0.0080 Ω/ft
18 AWG 0.0128 Ω/ft
20 AWG 0.0204 Ω/ft
2.5 mm
1.5 mm
1.0 mm
0.75 mm
0.50 mm
0.0136 Ω/m
0.0228 Ω/m
0.0340 Ω/m
0.0460 Ω/m
0.0680 Ω/m
1.5.1 Maximum cable lengths between sensor and transmitter
The maximum cable length between the sensor and transmitter that are separately installed is determined by cable type.

Maximum cable lengths between sensor and transmitterTable 1-3:

Cable type Wire gauge Maximum length
Micro Motion 4-wire Not applicable 1000 ft (300 m) without Ex-
500 ft (150 m) with IIC rat-
ed sensors
1000 ft (300 m) with IIB rat-
ed sensors
Micro Motion 9-wire Not applicable 1000 ft (300 m)
User-supplied 4-wire VDC 22 AWG (0.35 mm2) 300 ft (90 m)
VDC 20 AWG (0.5 mm2) 500 ft (150 m)
VDC 18 AWG (0.8 mm2) 1000 ft (300 m)
RS-485 22 AWG (0.35 mm2) or larger
1000 ft (300 m)

1.6 Model 5700 transmitters in Ethernet networks

You can install the Model 5700 transmitter in star, ring, or daisy-chain networks using industrial-rated shielded Ethernet cables.
Make sure that each cable is no longer than 100 meters.
Installation Manual 5
Connect the Model 5700 transmitter to the host system via a LAN (Local Area
Network) and not a WAN (Wide Area Network).
Follow all network security best practices.

1.6.1 Star topology

Model 5700 transmitters can be installed in a star network.
Model 5700 star networkFigure 1-1:
A. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) B. Model 5700 with Ethernet output C. External Ethernet switch

1.6.2 Ring topology

Model 5700 transmitters can be installed in a ring network.
6 Micro Motion® Model 5700 Ethernet transmitters
Model 5700 ring networkFigure 1-2:
A. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) B. Model 5700 with Ethernet output

1.6.3 Daisy-chain topology

Model 5700 transmitters can be installed in a daisy-chain network.
Model 5700 daisy-chain networkFigure 1-3:
A. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) B. Model 5700 with Ethernet output
Installation Manual 7

Mounting and sensor wiring

2 Mounting and sensor wiring
Topics covered in this chapter:

Mounting and sensor wiring for integral-mount transmitters

Mount the 4-wire or 9-wire remote-mount transmitters

Wire the 4-wire or 9-wire remote-mount transmitter to the sensor
Ground the meter components
Rotate the transmitter on the sensor (optional)
Rotate the user interface on the transmitter (optional)
Rotate the sensor wiring junction box on a remote-mount transmitter
2.1 Mounting and sensor wiring for integral­mount transmitters
There are no separate mounting requirements for integral transmitters, and no need to connect wiring between the transmitter and the sensor.
2.2 Mount the 4-wire or 9-wire remote-mount transmitters

2.2.1 Mount the transmitter to a wall or instrument pole

There are two options available for mounting the transmitter:
Mount the transmitter to a wall or flat surface.
Mount the transmitter to an instrument pole.
If you are mounting the transmitter to a wall or flat surface:
- Micro Motion recommends the use of 5/16-18 (M8X1.25) fasteners that can
withstand the process environment. Micro Motion does not supply bolts or nuts as part of the standard offering (general purpose bolts and nuts are available as an option).
- Ensure that the surface is flat and rigid, does not vibrate, or move excessively.
- Confirm that you have the necessary tools, and the mounting kit shipped with
the transmitter.
8 Micro Motion® Model 5700 Ethernet transmitters
Mounting and sensor wiring
If you are mounting the transmitter to an instrument pole:
- Ensure that the instrument pole extends at least 12 inches (305 mm) from a rigid
base, and is no more than 2 inches (50.8 mm) in diameter.
- Confirm that you have the necessary tools, and the instrument-pole mounting
kit shipped with the transmitter.
1. Attach the mounting bracket to the transmitter and tighten the screws to 80-90 in­lbs.
Mounting bracket to transmitterFigure 2-1:
2. Using a wall-mount or pole-mount:
For wall-mount installations, secure the mounting bracket to the prepared
Installation Manual 9
Mounting and sensor wiring
Wall-mounting bracket dimensionsFigure 2-2:
A. 2.8 in (71.4 mm) B. 2.8 in (71.4 mm)
For pole-mount installations, attach the U-bolt mounting piece to the
instrument pole.
10 Micro Motion® Model 5700 Ethernet transmitters
Mounting and sensor wiring
Pole-mounting bracket attachmentFigure 2-3:
3. Place and attach the transmitter-mounting bracket to the mounting bracket secured to the wall or instrument pole.
Installation Manual 11
Mounting and sensor wiring
Attaching and securing transmitter to mounting bracketFigure 2-4:
To ensure the mounting bracket holes are aligned, insert all attachment bolts into place before tightening.

2.3 Wire the 4-wire or 9-wire remote-mount transmitter to the sensor

Prepare 4-wire or 9-wire cable as described in the sensor documentation.
Connect the cable to the sensor-mounted core processor or junction box as
described in the sensor documentation. You can access all product documentation online via the Micro Motion product documentation DVD shipped with the product or at www.micromotion.com.
1. Remove the transmitter-to-sensor wiring compartment cover to reveal the terminal
12 Micro Motion® Model 5700 Ethernet transmitters
Mounting and sensor wiring
Removal of the transmitter-to-sensor wiring compartment coverFigure 2-5:
Installation Manual 13
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