MicroMod Automation is dedicated to improving customer efficiency by providing the most ost-effective, application-specific process
solutions available. We are a highly responsive, application-focused company with years of expertise in control systems design and
We are committed to teamwork, high quality manufacturing, advanced technology and unrivaled service and support.
The quality, accuracy and performance of the Company's products result from over 100 years experience, combined with a continuous
program of innovative design and development to incorporate the latest technology.
Use of Instructions
∆ Warning. An instruction that draws
attention to the risk of injury or death.
❢ Caution. an instruction that draws
attention to the risk of the product,
process, or surroundings.
Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are associated with equipment or property damage, it
must be understood that operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, re sult in degraded process
system performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore, comply fully with all Warning and Caution notices.
Information in this manual is intended only to assist our customers in the efficient operation of our equipmen t. Use of this manual for
any other purpose is specifically prohibited and its contents are not to be reproduced in full or part without prior approval of MicroMod
Automation, Inc.
✎Note. Clarification of an instruction
or additional information.
i Information. Further reference for
more detailed information or
technical details.
Licensing, Trademarks and Copyrights
Micro-DCI and MicroLink are trademarks of MicroMod Automation, Inc.
Microsoft is a registered trademark, and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
To ensure that our products are safe and without risk to health, the following points must be noted.
The relevant sections of these instructions must be read carefully before proceeding.
1.Warning Labels on containers and packages must be observed.
2.Installation, operation, maintenance and servicing must only be carried out by suitably trained personnel and in
accordance with the information given or injury or death could result.
3.Normal safety procedures must be taken to avoid the possibility of an accident occurring when operating in conditions
of high pressure and/or temperature.
4.Chemicals must be stored away from heat, protected from temperature extremes and powders kept dry. Normal safe
handling procedures must be used.
5.When disposing of chemicals, ensure that no two chemicals are mixed.
Safety advice concerning the use of the equipment described in this manual may be obtained from the Company address on the back
cover, together with servicing and spares information.
All software, including design, appearance, algorithms and
source codes, is copyrighted by MicroMod Automation, Inc.,
and is owned by MicroMod Automation or its suppliers.
Table 4-1. Group Status Conditions.................................................................. 41
Table 4-2. Recommended Point and Format Combinations............................. 46
Table 9-1. Event Historian Time Entries ........................................................... 95
Table 12-1. Time Entry.................................................................................... 156
Contents xi
xii Contents
1.0 Introduction
The Micro-PWC is an operator’s console for use with Micro-DCI instruments. This manual describes the
operations required to use a configured Micro-PWC. It is designed to accomplish the following objectives:
•provide instructions on how to perform operational tasks on the Micro-PWC
•provide suggestions and examples for op er a tor ac tiv itie s
•provide additional information as necessary
1.1 Intended Audience
This manual is intended for use by personnel engaged in operating Micro-DCI equipment.
1.2 Functional Description
Micro-DCI provides the capability to divide process functions among many system components to provide
operating flexibility , system reliability, reduced system costs and ease of implementation. Distribution combined with redundancy also allows system control and operating functions to be divided among system
elements to increase reliability and flexibility, and to reduce risk.
Micro-PWCs can be organized into console groups with a maximum of 10 console-type server nodes in
each group. Many types of data and configuration information are distributed automatically to all server
nodes in the same console group.
Automation of most processes requires more than control at the unit operations level. The system must
also include an inherent ability to provide process management functions such as graphical presentation of
plant process conditions as well as reporting functions. The Micro-PWC and Micro-DCI process control
instruments form the basic building bl ocks of the Micr o-DCI Distributed Control System. Th e Micro-PWC is
the human/machine interface to this system, providing the Process Operator, Process Engineer, Instrument Engineer and Maintenance personnel with global access to all process and system parameters
required by each to perform their respective tasks.
The 53PW6000 (Micro-PWC) on a Pentium-based Personal Computer hardware platform provides the
user interface in a Windows NT environment. Using interactive process graphics and hierarchical displays, the Process Operator can monitor and control all analog loop s and discrete devices interfaced to the
network, as well as sequential batch operations.
The Micro-PWC provides the Engineer with an interface through which to configure and change Graphic
and Hierarchical Displays, database I/O, Micro-DCI process contr ol functions and sequences, Log (repor t)
formats, and security features (including access levels for opera ting personnel). Most cha nges are immediate, on-line and distributed to all Micro- PWCs within the same co nsole group, requiring no com pilation time
before downloading and therefore no interruption of the process.
The Micro-PWC provides Maintenance Personnel with the capability to globally monitor the operating status of any system component on the network, and to diagnose component failures.
1.2.1 User Interface
The Micro-PWC provides the Process Operator, Engineer, and Maintenance Technician with a windowbased interface to both the process and the Micro-PWC itself. The user interface is described in detail in
Section 2.
Introduction 1
1.2.2 Micro-PWC Management Features
The Micro-PWC contains many items which aid in managing use of the system. These include:
•User Logins
•Security Features
•Message Routing
•System Status Display
These items are described in Section 3.
1.2.3 Hierarchical Displays
Hierarchical displays are a set of pre-configured, console group-wide, graphical representations emulating
traditional instrument displays. A three-tiered hierarchy of displays exists to provide the user with inform ation about the process. This hierarchy consists of Summary, Group, and Point displays, which are available
on all console nodes in the same console group.
A summary display provides an overview of 24 groups, arranged in six rows of four blocks. There are
1,000 summary displays available.
A group display provides an operation overview of four, six, or eight points simult aneously. All process control actions and alarm acknowledgment for po ints within a group can be performed from the group display
on a point-by-point basis.
A point display provides the most detailed information and operation functions about a single point in the
hierarchical display system. From this level the operator can perform regulatory changes. Hierarchical displays are described in Section 4.
1.2.4 Graphic Displays
Up to 10,000 group wide graphic displays can be configured on the Micro-PWC. A graphic display configured on any Micro-PWC is distributed (when saved or installed) to all Micro-PWCs on the same network.
The operator may control a process by using control pushbuttons located on graphic displays. The display
vector pushbutton allows the user to move quickly and easily to other graphics or displays of other types.
Graphic displays, control through graphics, and display vectoring are discussed in Section 7.
1.2.5 Logging
Logs are used to collect and format data for use in repo rts and spreadsheet calculations. The two types of
logs available on the Micro-PWC include event lo gs and spreadsheet logs. Logs are available group wide.
Logs are covered in Section 5.
1.2.6 Trends
Trend traces display the values of one to eight points in an analog trend format similar to tha t presented b y
a conventional strip chart recorder. Three types of trend recording are provided on the Micro-PWC, including current trending, historical trending and archival trending. Trend displays are available group wide.
Trends are covered in Section 6.
1.2.7 Process Alarms
A process alarm is generated when a pro cess variable is in a n abnormal condition . Process alarms are displayed in the top two lines of the Mini-Alarm Window, in the Alarm Review display, and are accompanied
2 Introduction
by audible alarms. The optional annunciator display panel (ADP) and the other process alarms are covered in Section 8.
1.2.8 Events
System events occur when a problem or change-of-state is detected with the control system, as opposed
to abnormal conditions, problems, or changes-of-state associated with the process which is being monitored. System event messages are displayed in the third lin e of the Mini-Alar m Window, the Event Review
display, and the Event Historian. System events are covered in Section 9.
1.2.9 Message Review
Operator messages are used to provide the operator with information and instructions for performing
actions, and can be generated from any Micro-PWC. Operator messages are displayed in the fou rth line of
the Mini-Alarm Window and in the Message Review display, and ca n be accomp anied by an aud ible alarm.
Message review is covered in Section 10.
1.2.10 Micro-PWC Utilities
A number of useful maintenance and information management functions are provided as Micro-PWC utilities. Utilities covered in this manual include:
•CRT Print
•Release All Configuration Locks
•System Help
•User Help
•Quick Keys
•CRT Context Keys
These utilities are covered in Section 11.
1.2.11 Printer Review
Messages which have been sent to a printer or to a file ca n be d i splayed using th e Printer Review display.
Printer review is covered in Section 12.
1.3 Document Conventions
This document uses standard text conventions to represent keys, display items and user data inputs:
Display itemAny item displayed on a screen appears as italic text. Example: Running
User data input
BoldIdentifies any part of a command line that is not optional or variable and
must be entered exactly as shown.
ItalicIdentifies a variable parameter entered in a command line.
[ ]Brackets indicate an optional parameter; text within the bracke ts follows the
previously described conventions. For example:
CUP [port] [baud] [file_name.CSP]
Introduction 3
Special KeysIdentifies a specific key that is not alphabetic, numeric or punctuation.
Press ENTER.
Press ESCV M. (Press and release each key in sequence.)
Press CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-DEL. (Press all keys in sequence without releasing any one key
until you have pressed them all.)
File name Indicates a file or directory name. Example:
Revision variable A ? indicates a value that may change depending on the version of an item.
Part number: 1234567?0
Part number: 1234567??
1.4 Reference Documents
This manual provides information only for the operation of the Micro-PWC. Table 1-1 lists additional documents that relate to the operation of the available control systems.
Table 1-1. Reference Documents
SystemNumberDocument Title
GeneralPN26005Micro-PWC Configuration
PN26001Micro-PWC Introduction an d In stallation
1.5 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
This glossary provides definition for terms used in the Micro-PWC Operator’s Manual. Where alternate
usage is defined in the glossary, the first listed term is considered the preferred usage.
Table 1-2. Glossary
Atom A single data element in the global database. Atoms can exist in various
forms, including (but not limited to) a single bit (e.g., Auto/Manual), a
floating point number , a t agname or a multi-chara cter legend; there is no
predefined limit to the size of an atom.
4 Introduction
The Mini-Alarm Window is located to the right of the System Window on
the Micro-PWC screen. It automatically appears upon system startup
and is visible at all times. The Mini-Alarm Window provides a title bar, an
alarm display area, an event display area, Alarm Acknowle dge buttons
to acknowledge alarms and events, a Filter button, and a More Alarms
Table 1-2. Glossary (Continued)
NodeA point of interconnection to a network. On the process control network
operator and process control stations connections are considered
nodes, and on the Ethernet all Micro-PWCs and servers are nodes.
Process Area A functional partition of the process. A tag is assigned to and often
Quick Key A menu option available from the Micro-PWC Operator Window menu
System Window
Located on the Micro-PWC screen below the System Window and MiniAlarm Window, the Oper ator Window provides the operator interface to
the process, and displays program outpu t fro m Ope ra to r Win dow
applications such as Hierarchical Displays, Trends, Graphics, Alarm
Review, etc. The Operator Window is composed of a title bar , a menu
bar, and a display area. Up to four Operator Windows may be present
simultaneously on a Micro-PWC.
located in a particular process area. Micro-PWC functions can be
assigned by area.
bar, which, when selected, provides the user with the ability to vector
directly to one of 64 possible displays.
A software license conveys to the purchaser the right to use a defined
software product. Local software products are licensed for a specific
platform, while global application product s are licensed for network-wide
usage. Software licenses are enforced with PICs and with a software
licensing manager program.
A small window located at the top left corner of the Micro- PWC screen. It
appears automatically upon system startup and is visible at all times.
The System Window provides a date/time indicator and a Menu button
for access to other system features and utilities.
Introduction 5
6 Introduction
2.0 User Interface
2.1 Introduction
The Micro-PWC user interface provides:
•Window management
•One System Window
•One Mini-Alarm Window
•Up to four Operator Windows
The function and use of these user interface elements are explained in this section.
2.2 Micro-PWC Appearance
Visually, the graphical user interface is presented in a window based format. Multiple windows can be
opened simultaneously, allowing the user to view up to four different process displays at once.
The window format provides a three-dimensional (3D) appearance to such screen objects as buttons,
scroll bars and window frames. A pointing device, such as a mouse or track ball (refer to Section 2.3,
Input Devices), is used to select objects on the screen.
2.3 Input Devices
Operation of Micro-PWC functions is most conveniently accomplished by the use of a pointing device,
such as a mouse or track ball. Although it is possible to access all displays and all menu bar choices via
the keyboard, a pointing device is required to access the object-oriented graphical functions such as pushbuttons, toggle buttons, radio buttons and so on. (Section 2. 4, Micro -PWC Disp lay provides a detailed discussion of these items.)
✎NOTEWhile it is possible to perform all process operation functions at the
PC using only a pointing device, a keyboard is required for some
configuration activities.
2.3.1 Pointing Devices
The pointer cursor (also known as the mouse cursor) is a small, mobile image on the screen, which is controlled by a pointing device such as a mouse or track ball. In this manual, the term pointer refers to the
pointer cursor, while the term mouse refers to the pointing device.
User Interface 7
2.3.2 Keyboard
The IBM A T comp atible 101-ke y keyboard provides the function keys (F1 through F12) and ALT-function key
combinations. They are used to perform the functions listed in Table 2-1 Where an A
nation is specified, press and hold A
LT simultaneously with the specified function key.
RAPHICDisplays the graphic selection box. Enter the number of the graphic (one to
10,000), then click OK (or press R
ETURN) to display a specific graphic. To view
an index list of all graphics which have been defined, click List located at the
bottom of the graphic selection box.
F2 S
UMMARYDisplays the summary selection box. Enter the number of the summary (one
to 1,000) to be displayed, then click OK. To view an index list of all summaries
which have been defined, click List located at the bottom of the summary
selection box.
After viewing a point or group display called up via the hierarchy (i.e., the user
first called up a summary, then a group from that summary, then a point from
that group), recall the last summary displayed by pressing F2. This is the only
instance in which the system will automatically vector to the last summary
display shown.
8 User Interface
F3 G
ROUPDisplays the group selection box. Enter the summary number (one to 1,000)
and group number (one to 24) for the group to be displayed (separated by a
period [.]), then click OK. To view an index list of all groups which have been
defined, click List located at the bottom of the group selection box.
After viewing a point display called up via the hierarchy (i.e., first a group was
called up, then a point from that group), the last group displayed can be
recalled by pressing F3. This is the only instance in which the system will
automatically vector to the last group display shown.
F4 P
OINTDisplays the point box. Enter the tagname of the point to be displayed (up to
16 alphanumeric characters), then click OK.
F5 Q
UICKCalls up the Quick Key keypad for the Operator Window which has keyboard
F6 T
RENDCalls up the trend selection box. Enter the number of the trend (one to 512) to
be displayed, then click OK. To view an index list of all trends which have been
defined, click List located at the bottom of the trend selection box.
F7 A
LARM REVIEWShows the Alarm Review display, a list of all active process alarms captur ed
on the system. The order in which process alarms are listed on the Alarm
Review display is the same as that used in the Mini-Alarm Window. The configurer can elect to display either the newest or oldest high priority alarm, and
this can depend on whether or not unacknowledged alarms exist.
If more than one page of process alarms exists, use the scroll bar or P
and P
AGE DOWN to view the additional alarms.
F8 E
VENT REVIEWShows the Event Review display, a list of all active process alarms and system
events captured on the system.
If more than one page of system alarms exists, use the scroll bar or P
and P
AGE DOWN to view the additional alarms.
F9 D
Use F9 and F10 to move forward and backward between the last 10 displays
which have appeared in the window with keyboard focus, regardless of display type. These keys correspond to the Display Forward and Display Back
functions available from the window option on the menu bar of each Operator
Changing displays by any means other than Display Forward and Display Back will affect the list which keeps track of the last 10 displays viewed. For
example, if the user is on display n (where n is greater than one and less than
10) and selects another display by any means other than Dis pla y Fo rward or
Display Back, then displays n+1 through 10 will be discarded, and the new
display will be placed at the end of the list (i.e., it becomes display n +1).
✎NOTEUse F9 display forward and F10 display back function keys to move
through displays of different types, which h ave already appeared on
the screen; these keys should not be confused with P
AGE DOWN, which are used to move through different pages of one
AGE UP and
display type.
ISPLAY BACKSee Display Forward.
F10 D
F12 H
ELPCalls up context sensitive help displays.
User Interface 9
LT-F7 PRINT LOGDisplays the log print window. This window provides access to lists of
summary logs, event logs and spreadsheet logs, and also provides access to
the printing mechanism for the logs which appear in these lists.
LT-F9 ALARM ACK Acknowledges the alarm in the top line of the Mini-Alarm Win dow and silences
Returns all windows to their original size and location, and moves the pointer
to the upper left hand corner of the screen.
the audible alarm.
Acknowledges all alarms associated with the page on display. This button is
functional only on Point and Group displays, Alarm and Event Review
displays, and on Graphic displays. Use of this button is equivalent to clicking
the Acknowledge item on the menu bar of an Operator Window.
LT-F11 SILENCESilences the audible alarm. Does not perform alarm acknowledgment.
2.4 Micro-PWC Display
The Micro-PWC provides a window-based user interface to the process. Windows contain displays which
can be accessed by the user via the input devices available on the system. The standard input devices are
the keyboard and the mouse.
Three key types of windows which appear on the Micro-PWC are the System, Mini-Alarm, and Operator
Windows. One System Window, one Mini-alarm Window, and up to four Oper ator Windo ws can a ppear on
the display. Each of these window types has a different purpose and appearance.
The Micro-PWC default display consists of the System Window , the Mini- Alarm Window, and one Operator
Window, as shown in Figure 2-1. This default window configuration is used at system startup. If no other
default window configuration has been configured, it is also used when an operator logs out.
Figure 2-1. Micro-PWC System Default Window
2.4.1 System Window
The System Window (Figure 2-2) is a small window located in the top left corner of screen, immediately to
the left of the Mini-Alarm Window. The System Window appears automatically upon system startup and is
visible at all times, unless it is intentionally covered by the operator or is temporarily covered by a pop-up
10 User Interface
window. The System Window cannot be moved, closed, or resized. Normal window operations such as
opening an Operator Window or maximizing a window will not cover or overlap the System Window.
Figure 2-2. System Window
2.4.2 System Window Components
The System Window is composed of three main parts:
•Micro-DCI logo pushbutton
•Date and time indicator
•Menu pushbutton and Help icon
The Micro-DCI logo pushbutton identifies the system as a member of the Micr o-DCI p roduct line ; pre ssing
the button causes the Micro-PWC software version number to be displayed (Figure 2-3).
Figure 2-3. Micro-DCI Logo Pushbutton
The date and time indicator continuously displays the date and time.
The Menu pushbutton provides access to the System Window menu functions.
2.4.3 Menu Functions
The Menu button on the System Window provides access to configuration of Micro-PWC parameters,
security parameters, and network parameters. Micro-PWC Parameters
The following Micro-PWC setup parameters are available for user configuration from the System Window:
•System name (title bar in Mini-Alarm Window)
•PC network name
•Alarm presentation on top line of Mini-Alarm Window
•Priority color assignments
User Interface 11
Micro-PWC OPERATOR’S MANUAL Security Parameters
The following security parameters are configurable for each user logged into Micro-PWC:
•Operator access level
•Area access
•Priority access
•Node access
•Initial displays
•64 Quick Keys per login name (single window display)
•16 CRT context keys per login name (multi-window display)
•Message filtering
The following security parameters are configurable for a Micro-PWC with no user logged in (default security):
•Operator access level
•Area access
•Priority access
•Node access
•Initial displays
•64 Quick Key assignments
•16 CRT context key assignments
•Message filtering Network Parameters
The following network parameters allow for configuration of parameters that are global to the network:
•Alarm setup
•Alarm vectors
•Area names
•Event bit names
•Printer assignment
•Message routing
•Network device assignments
•Operator Window parameters
✎NOTEIf a client is being run, the event bit configuration can be run only
from the node where the data base resides. This node should be a
server node.
2.4.4 Mini-Alarm Window
The Mini-Alarm Window appears to the right of the System Window on the scr een (Figure 2-4). Like the
System Window, the Mini-Alarm Window appears automatically upon system start up and is visible at all
times, unless it is intentionally covered by the operator or is temporarily covered by a pop-up window.
12 User Interface
The Mini-Alarm Window appears on all screens and cannot be maximized, minimized, closed or resized.
Two alarm lines, one event line, and one operator message line are displayed.
The Mini-Alarm Window (Figure 2-4) is composed of the following parts:
•Title bar
•Process alarm display area
•System event display area
•Operator message display area
•Alarm Acknowledge buttons to acknowledge alarms, events and messages
•a Vector button on each process alarm line (lines 1 and 2), used to call up a predetermined
display associated with the point which is in alarm.
•a Filter button and More Alarms (+ALARMS) indicator.
Figure 2-4. Mini-Alarm Window
The title bar identifies the window by Micro-PWC name. The nam e of the current host node is displa yed to
the right of the Micro-PWC address. If the system (i.e., Micro-PWC1) communicating with the Micro-PWC
is the primary node assigned to the Micro-PWC1 (refer to the Micro-PWC Configuration Guide), it will be
displayed in normal video. If the host node is a backup node, the host node name will be displayed in
reverse video. The title bar also contains a string which can be configured to provide further information,
such as plant name and location. The login name of the user currently logged in on the Micro-PWC
appears on the title bar, followed by the +ALARMS indicator (if more alarms exist), a Silence button, and
the Filter button. The Silence button contains a horn icon on the button face, and is visible only when audi-
ble alarms exist.
The process alarm display area has a black background, on which up to two process alarms appear. The
data contained in each line of the process alarm display area is displayed in a number of fields; the width of
each field is configurable. The fields are:
•Alarm tag
The system event display area appears below the process alarm display ar ea. Event messages r eport th e
occurrence of system events (as opposed to process events) such as database loading and serve r status
(e.g., Server is Offline). One event message is displayed in this area.
The operator message display area appears below the system event display. Operator messages are sent
to all operators in an area of the plant to provide information. This feature provides the users with online
User Interface 13
communication between areas which are distant from o ne ano ther. Refer to Sectio n 3 .3, System Fe atures
for details on use of the operator message feature.
An Alarm Acknowledge button is located at the left side of each alarm line. This button is displayed in the
priority color of the alarm, and contains the letter A until the associated alarm is acknowledged. If the associated alarm has been acknowledged, the button is displayed in the priority color of the alarm, but is othe rwise blank. Individual alarms can be acknowledged by clicking this button.
A Vector button is located immediately to the right of the Alarm Acknowledge button. This button contains the letter V. If alarm vectoring (see Section, Display Vectoring from the Alarm Review Display)
has been configured for the point named in that alarm line, the display assigned via alarm vectoring will
appear in the Operator Window which has the lowest number. If no display has been assigned via alarm
vectoring, the point display for the point in alarm will be used. If no Operator Window is open when the
Vector button is clicked, no display appears. To cause the display to appear in an Operator Window other
than the one with the lowest number, drag and drop the Vector button inside the frame of the window
where the resulting display will be contained. If the user attempts to place the display in a window other
than an Operator Window (e.g., a pop-up window), the Micro-PWC will emit a beep to indicate an error,
and no further action will be taken. If the contents of the alarm line change during the drag operation, the
alarm vectoring configuration in effect when the Vector button was selected will remain in effect until the
operation is completed.
The +ALARMS indicator is located immediately to the right of the title bar. This indicator appears when
more process alarms exist than can be shown in the alarm display area (i.e., when there are more tha n two
process alarms).
The Filter button is located to the right of the title bar, beyond the +ALARMS indicator. Clicking on th is button causes the Mini-Alarm Filtering window to appear. This window contains options which can be used to
filter process alarms by Priority and Area. If all alarms will be d isplayed the la bel on this button reads Filter;
if some alarms will not be displayed due to filtering configured for the user’s login, the label reads Filtered.
The Mini-Alarm Filtering window also provides a toggle button with which to enable or disable audible
alarms. This toggle button always present when audible alarms have been enabled for the local MicroPWC via the Device Type Assignment window described in the Micro-PWC Configuration Guide.
✎NOTEThe message filtering configured for a user’s login takes
precedence over filtering configured at any other level. If access to
a particular Message Type is filtered out at the login level, it cannot
be turned on using Filter on the Mini-Alarm or using the filter o ptions
which appear on the menu bars of the Alarm Review, Event
Review, Message Review, or Event Historian displays. All
messages which are accessible to the us er can be fur th er filter ed
using these items. If the user elects to filter the contents of a display
using a Filter option from a window menu bar or the Mini-Alarm
Window Filter, the menu bar item will change to L-FILTERED, to
indicate that filtering is local (L) to the window.
2.4.5 Operator Window
The Operator Window provides the operator interface to the process, and can display output contained in
process displays. These process displays include:
•Hierarchical displays (including Summary, Group and Point displays)
•Trend displays
•System Status Display (SSD)
•Process Alarm Review
14 User Interface
•System Event Review
•Printer Review
•Event Historian
•Message Review
By default, one Operator Window automatically appears at system startup (when the Default account logs
in) or when a new user logs in, if no default CRT contexts (describ ed in Section 11.12, CRT Context Keys)
have been defined for these accounts. Under these conditions, additional Operator Windows will not automatically appear, but can be opened by the user.
It is possible to have up to four Operator Windows open simultaneously on a Micro-PWC. Section 2.4.6,
Operator Window Operations, provides further information on the default arrangement of Operator Win-
dows. A user’s login account can be configured to automatically open up to four Operator Windows each
time that user logs in. The Operator Window can be maximized, closed and resized.
Because each Operator Window operates independently, a different process display can be run in each
Operator Window. For example, while Window 1 displays a Summary Page, Window 2 could display a
Graphic, Window 3 a Trend display, and Window #4 a Process Alarm display. Operator Window Components
The Operator Window is composed of the three main window components: a title bar, a menu bar, and a
display area.
The title bar identifies the number of the Operator Window and type of process display, if any, running in
the window. At the left end of the title bar is a small square button (which contains a horizontal bar) known
as the Window Menu button, which pro vide s ac cess to the window control functions Move, Resize, and
The menu bar provides the user with the following items:
•Maximize/Restore button
•Redraw (depends on display type)
•Zoom (depends on display type)
The Window option on the menu bar provides access to a casca ding submenu of additional window cont rol
functions, including Page Up, Page Down, Display Back, Display Forward, Acknowledge, and Close.
The Maximize/Restore option on the menu bar is used to change the size of the Operator Window. Click
this button to enlarge a small Operator Window to fill the entire display area below the System and MiniAlarm Windows. Click this button again to return the window to its previous size.
The Select option on the menu bar provides access to a cascading submenu of process interface features,
such as Graphics, Trends, Summarie s, Point s, Group s, Quick Keys, various Review displays, and the System Status Display. If the security level of the current operator does not allow access to an option, that
option is unavailable. (It is present, but appears in a lighter shade, and is said to be “stippled out”.
The Redraw option refreshes the Operator Window display.
The Zoom option allows you to resize the contents of the Operator Window without changing the size of
the window boundaries.
User Interface 15
The Help icon on the menu bar allows the user to access online, context sensitive system help, as well as
user generated user help.
2.4.6 Operator Window Operations
A maximum of four Operator Windows can be opened on each Micro-PWC. As windows ar e opened on the
screen, the size and location of each window and its contents are automatically adjusted to fit in the available space.
The Micro-PWC is designed to open one Operator Window automatically when the system is st arted, when
the Default Login state exists, or when a new user logs in (if no CRT Context has been assigned for that
user). The first Operator Window to be opened occupies the entire work area below the System and MiniAlarm Windows.
If a second Operator Window is opened, Operator Window #1 is resized to occupy the left half of the
screen; Operator Windows #1 and #2 are displayed side by side. The windo w content s are scaled to fit the
new size.
Operator Window #3 will occupy the lower left quadrant of the screen work area, with Operator Window #1
being resized and scaled to fit in the quadrant above it.
Operator Window #4 will occupy the lower right quadrant of the screen work area, with Operator Window
#2 being resized and scaled to fit in the quadrant above.
Although the initial size and location of each window are pre-determined, this can be modified by the operator, using the options available from the Window option on the Operator Window menu bar, or by using
the resize handles.
The windows can be restored to their original size and shape at any time by selecting Menu > Arrange Windows discussed in Section 2.4.8, Arrange Windows Function. This function can also be accessed by
pressing the A
RRANGE WINDOWS key on the keyboard. Open an Operator Window
To open an Operator Window manually, the System Window must first have keyboard focus. From the
System Window, select Menu > Windows > Open New Window.
Selecting this option causes an Operator Window to be opened in the display area of th e screen be low the
Mini-Alarm Window. Page Up/Page Down Operator Window Comman ds
The Window option on the menu bar provides Page Up and Page Down functions. These functions are
used to move through other pages of the display currently o n view in the display area, such as p ages of an
Alarm Review display. Page Down moves the user from a display with a lower page number to a display
with a higher page number; e.g., from Alarm Review page 1 to Ala rm Review page 2. Page Up reverses
the process.
Page Up and Page Down can also be used to move through displays of the same type, such as the 1,000
Summary displays.
The same functionality is provided by the P
AGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys on the keyboard. Display Back/Display Forw ard
The Window option on the menu bar provides Display Back and Display Forward functions. These functions are used to move backward and forward between the last 10 displays which have appeared in the
window, regardless of the display type. For example, a user might view a Group display, then a Point dis-
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