MicroMod Automation is dedicated to improving customer efficiency by providing the most cost-effective, application-specific process
solutions available. We are a highly responsive, application-focused company with years of expertise in control systems design and
We are committed to teamwork, high quality manufacturing, advanced technology and unrivaled service and support.
The quality, accuracy and performance of the Company's products result from over 100 years experience, combined with a continuous
program of innovative design and development to incorporate the latest technology.
Use of Instructions
∆ Warning. An instruction that draws
attention to the risk of injury or death.
❢ Caution. an instruction that draws
attention to the risk of the product,
process, or surroundings.
Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are associated with equipment or property damage, it
must be understood that operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result in degraded process
system performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore, comply fully with all Warning and Caution notices.
Information in this manual is intended only to assist our customers in the efficient operation of our equipment. Use of this manual for
any other purpose is specifically prohibited and its contents are not to be reproduced in full or part without prior approval of MicroMod
Automation, Inc.
✎ Note. Clarification of an instruction
or additional information.
i Information. Further reference for
more detailed information or
technical details.
Licensing, Trademarks and Copyrights
MOD 30 and Micro-PWC are trademarks, and MOD 30ML and Micro-DCI are registered trademarks of MicroMod Automation, Inc.
To ensure that our products are safe and without risk to health, the following points must be noted.
The relevant sections of these instructions must be read carefully before proceeding.
1.Warning Labels on containers and packages must be observed.
2.Installation, operation, maintenance and servicing must only be carried out by suitably trained personnel and in accordance with
the information given or injury or death could result.
3.Normal safety procedures must be taken to avoid the possibility of an accident occurring when operating in conditions of high
pressure and/or temperature.
4.Chemicals must be stored away from heat, protected from temperature extremes and powders kept dry. Normal safe handling
procedures must be used.
5.When disposing of chemicals, ensure that no two chemicals are mixed.
Safety advice concerning the use of the equipment described in this manual may be obtained from the Company address on the back
cover, together with servicing and spares information.
All software, including design, appearance, algorithms and
source codes, is copyrighted by MicroMod Automation, Inc.,
and is owned by MicroMod Automation or its suppliers.
Table 7-4. Cable Assemblies 61
Table 8-1. Options for Use When Starting a Server 66
Contents v
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
vi Contents
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
Do not install, maintain, or operate this equipment without
reading, understanding and following the proper MicroMod
Automation Inc. instructions and manuals, otherwise injury or
damage may result.
Read these instructions before starting installation;
save these instructions for future reference.
Contacting MicroMod Automation Inc.
Should assistance be required with any MicroMod Automation Inc. product, use the follo wing contact
MicroMod Automation Inc., Rochester NY:
Phone: 1 (585) 321-9200
Fax: 1 (585) 321-9291
MicroMod Automation Inc., Southampton, PA:
Phone: 1 (215) 355-4377
Fax: 1 (215) 355-4378
Read First vii
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
viii Read First
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
The Micro-PWC™ system is a software product designed to run on an Intel Pentium®-based Personal
Computer running the Microsoft
system. This product provides a process control operator interface for the following Micro-DCI
Windows® 2000 Professional or Windows® XP Professional operating
The heart of this product is a suite of applications that provide easy to use, state -of-the-art displays and
tools to a plant operator . All o f the applications combine a rich se t of default st arting point s with the cap ability to completely customize the applications to meet any operational need.
The Pentium processor is the minimum level processor for acceptable performance. Hardware from several vendors has been qualified and is supported for use with the Micro-PWC system softwa re. The list of
hardware requirements and approved ven dors is contained in Section 2.1, Hardware Requirements, in this
Guide. In addition to the computer, related har dware component s are available for use with the Micro-PWC
system. Several styles of keyboards are available along with a variety of cursor control devices. Interface
cards for Micro-DCI Datalink and Microlink networks are available to provide high performance interfaces
to the Micro-DCI instrument line.
1.1 Overview
Micro-DCI is a distributed process control and information management system which provides the capability to divide process functions among many system components to provide operating flexibility, system
reliability, reduced system costs and ease of implementation. Distribution combined with redundancy also
allows system control and operating functions to be divided among system elements to increase reliability
and flexibility and to reduce risk.
Automation of most processes requires more than control at the unit operations level. The system must
also include an inherent ability to provide process management functions such as scheduling and graphical presentation of plant process conditions as well as reporting functions. The Micro-PWC system is a
human/machine interface to this system, providing the Process Operator, Process Engineer, Instrument
Engineer and Maintenance personnel with global access to all process and system p arameters required by
each to perform their respective tasks.
The Micro-PWC system provides the Process Operator with a window to the process. Using interactive
process graphics and hierarchical displays, the Proce ss Oper ator can mon itor and contr ol all analo g loop s
and discrete devices interfaced to the network, as well as sequential batch operations.
The Micro-PWC system provides the Engineer with an interface through which to configure and change
Graphic and Hierarchical Displays, database I/O, instrument process control functions and sequences,
Log (report) formats, and security fe atures (including access levels for operating personnel). Most changes
Introduction 1
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
are immediate, on-line and network-wide, requiring no compilation time before downloading and therefore
no interruption of the process.
The Micro-PWC system provides Maintenance Personnel with the capability to globally monitor the operating status of any system component on the network, and to diagn ose component failures from any MicroPWC system.
1.2 Intended User
The Micro-PWC Installation and Setup Guide is intended for use by personnel engaged in the installation
of the hardware and software components of the Micro-PWC system (PWC).
It is the job of the Micro-PWC system to communicate with the various Micr o- DCI instrumen ts that may be
connected. It is necessary to have some degree of familiarity with the configuration and operation of the
attached instruments in order to understand the function of the Micro-PWC system.
1.3 Functional Description
1.3.1 User Interface
The Micro-PWC system provides the Process Operator, Engineer and Maintenance Technician with a window-based interface to both the process and the Micro-PWC system itself. The window environment on
the Micro-PWC system is based on the Windows operating system from Microsoft.
1.3.2 Micro-PWC Management Features
The Micro-PWC system allows the user to configure many items which aid in managing use of the system.
These include:
•Security Features
•User Logins
•Network Parameters
•Archival Groups
•Message Routing
•Network Device Assignment
See the Micro-PWC Configuration Guide for further information on these items.
1.3.3 Hierarchical Displays
Hierarchical displays are a set of preconfigured, network-wide graphical representations emulating traditional instrument displays. A three tiered hierarchy of displays exists to provide the user with infor mation
about the process. This hierarchy consists of Summa ry, Group and Point displays.
A Summary Display provides an overview of 24 groups, arranged in 6 rows of 4 blocks. Ther e ar e 10 0 0
Summary Displays available.
A Group Display provides an operation overview of 4, 6 or 8 points simultaneously. All process control
actions and alarm acknowledgment for points within a group can be performed from the Group Display on
a point-by-point basis.
2 Introduction
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
A Point Display provides the most detailed information and operation functions about a single instrument
function block in the Hierarchical Display system. From this level the operator can perform regulatory
changes. Hierarchical Display configuration is discussed in the Micro-PWC Configuration Guide.
1.3.4 Graphic Configuration
Up to 10,000 network-wide graphic displays can be configured using the Micro-PWC system. Because
they are network-wide, a graphic display can be configured on any Micro-PWC system; a copy of the file
containing the graphic is then distributed to all Micro-PWC systems on the network whenever a graphic is
saved or installed. Graphic Configuration is discussed in the Micro-PWC Configuration Guide.
1.3.5 Historical Database
The Historical Database provides the means to collect data from the instruments and store it for use by
various other applications on the Micro-PWC system, such as Logging, Trending and Data Archiving. Historical Data collection is an option on the Micro-PWC system. Configuration of Historical Database data
collection is discussed in the Micro-PWC Configuration Guide.
1.3.6 Logging
Logs are used to collect and format data for use in reports and spreadsheet calculations. The three types
of logs available on the Micro-PWC system include Summary Logs, Event Logs and Spreadsheet Logs.
Spreadsheet logs are an optional feature, configured via Microsoft Excel on the Micro-PWC system. Logs
are available network-wide. Log configuration is discussed in the Micro-PWC Configuration Guide.
1.3.7 Trending
Trending functions display the values of from 1 to 8 points in an analog trend format similar to that presented by a conventional strip chart recorder. Three types of trend recording are provided on the MicroPWC system, including Current Trending, Historical Trending and Archival Trending. Trend displays are
network-wide. Trend configuration is discussed in the Micro-PWC Configuration Guide.
1.3.8 System Status Display
The System Status Display provides an overview of the nodes connected to the Micro-DCI console network. The System Status display also provides access to instrument configuration, which is discussed in
Chapter 10 of the Micro-PWC Configuration Guide. The System Status Display is described in the
Micro-PWC Configuration Guide.
1.3.9 Instrument Configuration
The Micro-PWC system can be used to configure the various Micro-DCI instruments, and can also be used
to updump or download the instrument database, as well as F-tran program files. The mechanics of using
the Micro-PWC system to perform these functions and other services such as file management and database structure verification are provided in the Micro-PWC Configuration Guide.
1.3.10 Micro-PWC System Utilities
A number of useful maintenance and information management functions are provided as Utilities.
Utilities available on the Micro-PWC system include: Backup/Restore, Database Maintenance utilities,
Alarm Groups, Release All Configuration Locks, Other Applications, (Micro-PWC) System Help, User
Help, Quick Keys, CRT Context Keys, and CRT Print.
Utilities of use to personnel involved in configuration activities are discussed in the Micro-PWC Configura-tion Guide. Utilities of use to the process operator are discussed in the Micro-PWC Operator's Manual.
Introduction 3
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
(Some utilities which are of use to both the configurer and the operator [e.g., CRT Print, System Help, User
Help, and so on] are discussed in both manuals.)
1.3.1 1 Historical Block Data Collection
The optional Historical Block Database is designed for the efficient collection of data from a large number
of instrument tag.atoms. Like the data collected in the Historical Database, the Historical Block data is
stored for use by other applications, such as Logging, Trending and Data Archiving. Conf iguration of this
item is discussed in the Micro-PWC Configuration Guide.
1.3.12 Process Alarms
A Process Alarm is generated when a process variable is in an abnormal condition. Process Alarms are
displayed in the top two lines of the Mini-Alarm window and in the Alarm Review display, and are accomp anied by audible alarms. Process Alarms are discussed in the Micro-PWC Operator's Manual.
1.3.13 Events
System Events occur when a problem or change of state is detected within the system, as opposed to
abnormal conditions, problems, or changes of state associated with the process which is being monitored.
System Event messages are displayed in the third line of the Mini-Alarm window, the Event Review display, and the Event Historian. Events are discussed in the Micro-PWC Operator's Manual.
1.3.14 Message Review
Operator Messages are used to provide the operator with information and instr uctions for performing
actions, and can be generated from both the instrument and from the Micro-PWC system. Operator Messages are displayed in the fourth line of the Mini-Alarm window and in the Me ssage Review display, and
can be accompanied by an audible alarm. Message Review is discussed in the Micro-PWC Operator's Manual.
1.3.15 Alarm Groups and External Alarm Annunciation
An Alarm Group is a list of tagname.atoms, each with an associated value, which are downloaded to the
instrument database; this action is triggered by the occurrence of alarm messages which pass through a
user-configurable filter. This feature can be used to trigger external alarm annunciators when the downloaded values are used to change the value of the Discrete Output (DO) modules in the instrument database. See your system administrator for information on use of this feature at your site.
1.3.16 Printer Review
Messages which have been sent to a printer or to a file can be displayed using the Printer Review display.
Printer Review is discussed in the Micro-PWC Operator's Manual.
1.3.17 The @aGlance/IT Application Server interface
The @aGlance/IT server interface is an optional utility which provides a live data link between a node and
a variety of software applications resident on other distributed control systems, supervisory control systems, personal computers, and so on.
There are two aspects to @aGlance/IT Server configuration: external interface configuration and internal
interface configuration. The @aGlance/IT external interface configuration is used to identify tagnames and
attributes (atoms) in the Global Database, and is described in the Micro-PWC Configuration Guide.
4 Introduction
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
The @aGlance/IT internal interface configuration is used to identify the nodes on which @aGlance/IT servers will run. Details on requirements for and configuration of the internal interface for this utility on the
Micro-PWC system are provided in this document, the Micro-PWC Installation and Setup Guide.
1.4 How to Use This Manual
The Micro-PWC Installation and Setup Guide is designed to provide the user with the information necessary to install those hardware and software components of the Micro-PWC system supplied by MicroMod
Automation, Inc.
Section 1.0, INTRODUCTION, describes provides an introduction and overview of the Micro-PWC system.
It also includes a brief glossary, and a list of associated documents.
Section 2.0, REQUIREMENTS, describes the minimum and recommended hardware r equire ment s for the
Micro-PWC system.
Section 3.0, INSTALLATION, describes hardware and software installation procedures.
Section 4.0, START-UP and OPERATION, describes Micro-PWC system operating procedures.
Section 5.0, TROUBLE-SHOOTING, describes trouble-shooting techniques.
Section 6.0, MAINTENANCE, describes the Maintenance Menu subsystem.
Section 7.0, SUPPORT SERVICES, describes support services.
Section 8.0, THE @aGlance/IT SERVER INTERF ACE, describes configuration of the @aGlance/IT Serv er
1.5 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
This Glossary provides definition for terms used in the Micro-PWC Installation and Setup Guide. Where
alternate usage is defined in the Glossary, the first listed term is considered the preferred usage.
Active Window. The active window is the window with keyboard focus, which receives all keyboard input,
regardless of pointer location. What is typed appears in the active window. If there is no active window,
what is typed is lost. There can be only one active window at a time on a Micro-PWC system monitor.
Area. A functional partition of the Process. Each Micro-DCI network can be assigned to an Area. MicroPWC system functions can then be assigned by Area.
Atom. A single data element in the global database. Atoms can exist in various forms, including (but not
limited to) a single bit (e.g., Auto/Manual), a floating point number, a tagname or a multi- character legend;
there is no pre-defined limit to the size of an atom. See also Module.
Banner. A header page which precedes a printout, which contains identifying information. This is especially useful when the user initiating the printout is not in the immediate vicinity of the printer.
Button. A graphical object in a window that has a three dimensional appearance and acts as a pushbutton. When the user selects or "presses" the button (mouse cursor is placed on button and mouse button is
pressed), its three dimensional appearance inverts, giving the illusion that the button has been pressed.
When the user releases the button, the button appearance returns to normal.
Cancel Button. A pushbutton in some windows which closes the window without implementing any
Cascading Menu. A submenu which provides selections that amplify the parent selection on a pull-down
or pop-up menu.
Introduction 5
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
Check Button. A type of graphic control button used to select settings which are not mutually exclusive.
The visual cue to indicate selection is that a selected button is filled in or checked.
Child Window. A sub-window opened from a parent window. Easily recognized examples are pop-up
menus and help screens. Also known as a pop-up window.Click. The act of pressing and releasing a mouse button without moving the pointer. The term comes from
the fact that pressing and releasing the mouse buttons produces a clicking sound.
Close Button. The Close button is used to close a window when there are no changes and no data to
Combo Box. See Drop-down Combo Box.
Control Key. The keyboard key labelled CONTROL or <C
TRL> and used as a modifier key.
CRT (Cathode Ray Tube). The Micro-PWC system monitor. The terms CRT and terminal are sometimes
used interchangeably in the documentation.
Cursor. A graphical image, usually an I-beam, arrow, or rectangle, that shows the location where text will
appear on the screen when keys on the keyboard are typed, or where a selection will be made when using
the Select mouse button or <E
NTER> key on the Micro-PWC system Keyboard.
Database. A set of information that resides in a n ode on the network. Several data bases may reside at a
node. See also Global Data Base.
Data Dictionary. A table containing all the rules required to access and configure a data base. The Data
Dictionary resides in the node with the data base.
Dialog Box. A secondary window which is displayed as a result of a user action and contains graphical
controls such as toggle buttons, radio buttons or other pushbuttons.
Digital I/O. Input/output data which is encoded in a digital format (as in ser ial or parallel bytes or words).
See also Discrete I/O.
Discrete I/O. Used to designate two state process input/output types. See also Digital I/O.
Drag. A type of interaction in which the mouse Select button is pressed and held. The mouse is then
moved so that the pointer is "dragged" to the desired location on the screen; the Select button is then
released to complete the action.
Drop-down Combo Box. A drop-down combo box consists of a text entry box and drop-down pushbut-
ton; clicking on the pushbutton provides access to a drop-down list box of selections.
Entry Box. An area used for text entry. An entry box is typically part of a dialog box.
Full Travel Keyboard. A keyboard with separate and distinct keys; each key is capable of complete and
independent travel.
GDBA (Global Data Base Access). See Global DBA.
Global Data Base. The set of all data bases which are accessible by the Micro-PWC product. A foreign
data base joins the Micro-PWC Global Data Base through the mechanisms of Global DBA.
Global DBA (Global Data Base Access, alternate usage is GDBA). The convention for providing access
to data base atoms.
GMS (Graphical Modeling System). A application program licensed from SL Corporation. GMS is used
to create graphical displays on the Micro-PWC system. Each Micro-PWC system incorporates an R T (run time) license to utilize GMS models.
Highlight. An item selected from the list in a list box will be highlighted by a background color different
from the rest of the list box. To highlight an item, position the pointer on that item and click the left mouse
6 Introduction
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
ISO (International Standardization Organization). A worldwide federation of national member bodies
providing guidelines for the development of standards.
Icon. An icon is a representation (in miniature), on the monitor screen, of a larger entity, such as a window.
To iconify a window (change it from full size to a small visual representation), the user presses an iconify
button located in the upper right corner of the window's frame. The procedure is rever sible.
Keyboard Focus. The Micro-PWC system uses the "explicit" or "click-to-type" model of keyboar d focus ;
that is, the user must position the pointer (also known as the "mouse cursor") somewhere on the window
which is to receive input from the keyboard (or other input device), and press the lef t mouse butto n once to
select the window. The color of the title bar of the selected window will then change, and that window will
become the active window. The active window receives all keyboard and mouse input.
License. See Software License.
List Box. A list box is an area within a window which provides the user with a scrollable list of options from
which to choose.
Lower. To move a window to the bottom of the window stack in the work area.
Maximize. To enlarge a window to its largest allowable size.
Menu Bar. An area located below the title bar on an Operator Window, which provides the user with sev-
eral options, including Exit, Select and Help.
Menu Pushbutton. A pushbutton on the System Window, which causes a pull-down menu to appear.
Message Box. Message box is the generic name for any dialog box that provides information, gives the
current state of a work in progress, asks a question, issues a warning, or draws attention to an error.
Micro-PWC system. The Micro-PWC system is a Windows-based system which provides the process
control operator with an interface to the distributed control system.
Mini-Alarm Window. The Mini-Alarm Window is located to the right of the System Window on the Micro-
PWC monitor screen. The Mini-Alarm Window automatically appears upon system start-up and is visible at
all times. The Mini-Alarm Window provides a title bar, an alarm display area, an event display area, Alarm
Acknowledge buttons to acknowledge alarms and events, and a Filter button and More Alarms indicator.
Modal Pop-up Window . A pop-up window which require s input from the user. Until the user responds and
closes the modal pop-up window, the parent window will reject any user input.
Model. When used in the graphical context of GMS, a model is an object or group of objects. Models can
be used as objects in other models.
Modifier Key. A key which, when pressed in conjunction with another key, changes the meaning of the
other key. <C
TRL>, <ALT>, and <SHIFT> are modifier keys.
Module. An atom or group of atoms which are combined into a data base structure.
Mouse. A small device with three buttons on top, connected by a cable to the PC on which the Micro-
PWC system software resides. When moved on the surface of a desk or table, the mouse allows the user
to point to locations on the monitor screen and to issue commands by pressin g buttons. The user point s to
a screen location by controlling the position of an image on the screen known as a pointer or mouse cur-sor. By positioning the pointer on an item and pressing the app ropriate mouse button, the user can select
the desired option. The left mouse button is used for most operations on the Micro-PWC system.
Mouse Button. One of the buttons on the mouse.
Mouse Cursor. (See Pointer.)
Node. A node is a unit or system on the Micro-PWC system Ethernet.
Object. When used in the graphical context of GMS, an entity such as a circle, rectangle, or text field.
Introduction 7
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
Operator Window. Located on the Micro-PWC system monitor screen below the System window and
Mini-Alarm window, the Operator Window provides the operator interface to the process, and displays program output from Operator Window applications such as hierarchical displays, trends, graphics, alarm
review, etc. The Operator Window is composed of a title bar, a menu bar, and a display area. Up to four
Operator windows may be present simultaneously on a Micro-PWC system display terminal.
Option Menu. A list of items selectable via associated check or toggle buttons.
Parent Window. The top level window placed on the screen when a new application is started. When a
parent window is closed (removed from display), all child windows are also closed. The Micro- PWC system
keyboard (alphanumeric keys, mouse, etc.) is focused on one parent window, with the color of the parent
window border indicating the focus.
PEM. Process Event Message.
Pointer. A small, mobile image on the monitor screen, controlled by the mouse, which allows the user to
point to specific locations on the monitor screen. The user positions the pointer by moving the mo use on a
desk or tabletop. Also known as the mouse cursor.
Pop-up Menu. A menu which provides no visual clue to its presence, but simply "pops up" when a particular action is performed.
Pop-up Window. A sub-window opened from a parent window. Easily recognized examples are pop-up
menus and help screens. See also Modal Pop-up Window and Child Window.
Pull-down Menu. A menu that is "pulled down" from a window's menu bar.
Pushbutton. A pushbutton is an area of the screen surrounded by a border shadow. When the pushbutton
is selected, the shadow moves to give the illusion that the pushbutton has been pressed in. When the
pushbutton is unselected, the shadow moves to give the appearance that the pushbutton has been
released. Pushbuttons can contain text, numbers, colors or symbols such as directional arrows. For example, the company logo appears on a button in the System Window.
Quick Key . A menu item a ccessed via the SELECT item on the Operator Wind ow menu bar, which, when
pressed, provides the user with the ability to vector directly to one of 64 possible displays.
Radio Button. A graphic control button that simulates the buttons found on an actual car radio. Each button represents a mutually exclusive selection. Radio buttons are typically used to set states or modes.
Redraw Button. A selection on the Operator Window menu bar which allows the user to redraw the
screen on demand.
Resize Handles. The function of resize handles is to resize a window and the display it contains. The
resize handles form a frame which consists of eight separate pieces: the top, bottom, two sides and the
four corners of the frame.
Screen. The monitor screen of a Micro-PWC system monitor.
Scroll Bar. A scroll bar is a feature which allows the user to view data that is too large to be viewed in its
entirety in the associated work area. (The work area typically contains data such as a list or block of text.)
A scroll bar consists of two arrows pointing in opposite directions at each end of a small rectangle. The
rectangle is called the scroll region. A smaller rectangle called the slider is located within the scroll region.
Scroll bars can be located both horizontally and vertically. Horizontal scroll bars are located at the bottom
edge of a work area; vertical scroll bars appear at the right edge.
Scroll Region. The rectangular portion of a Scroll Bar that contains the two arrows and the slider. See
Scroll Bar.
SL-GMS (SL Corporation Graphical Modeling System). See GMS.
Slider. See Scroll Bar.
8 Introduction
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
Software License. A software license conve ys to th e purchaser the right to use a defined software prod-
uct. Software licenses are enforced with a Software Licensing Manager program.
Stippling. The technique of displaying items in a lighter shade (typically gray) to denote some special
characteristic. This method is employed in the Micro-PWC system to display items which reside on a particular menu, but which are not currently available to the user (typically, because of access level considerations).
System Window. A small window located at the top left corner of the Micro-PWC system monitor display.
It appears automatically upon system start-up, an d is visible at all times (unless deliberately covered by the
user). The System Window provides a date/time indicator and a menu button for access to other system
features and utilities.
Title Bar. An area located at the top of a window, which provides information to identify the window.
Touchscreen. A monitor with a screen that is sensitive to touch, allowing selections to be made without
the use of a keyboard, mouse or trackball.
Trackball. A ball, movable about its center, that is used to position the pointer on the monitor screen.
(Synonymous with control ball.)
Window. A rectangular section of the screen, which has a background color and a border. Windows may
also incorporate scroll bars, title bars, an d other hig her-level u ser interface comp onent s. See also System Window, Mini-Alarm Window, Operator Window, Parent Window, and Child Window.
1.6 Reference Documents
•The Micro-PWC Configuration Guide, which provides information for the person configuring
the Micro-PWC system.
•The Micro-PWC Operator's Manual, which provides information for the operator of a
configured Micro-PWC system.
1.7 Notation Conventions
Window titles, menu items, and labels on tabs are shown in italic type.
The labels on keys and pushbuttons are shown in bold type.
Text that the user types in, computer responses, and example text are shown in constant width type.
The term pushbutton refers to video buttons with a three-dimensional appearance; selecting such buttons
via the cursor positioning device (mouse or trackball) or keyboard causes them to appear "pushed in".
Many of the windows which appear on the Micro-PWC system contain buttons labelled Ok, Cancel and
Close. The Ok button is used to save data and close the window in which it app ears. The Cancel button is
used when data is not to be saved, and the current window closed. The Close button is used when there is
no data to be saved, and the current window is to be closed (except in the case of dialog pop-up windows,
which are closed using an Ok button).
Introduction 9
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
10 Introduction
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
2.1 Hardware Requirements
2.1.1 Minimum Hardware Requirements
The following minimum hardware requirements must be met to successfully load and run the Micro-PWC
system software. These include:
•A personal computer (PC) that meets the minimum requirements for running the Windows
operating system. (See Section 2.2, Software Requ irements.)
•512 MB of memory.
•A 4 GB disk drive.
•A CD-ROM drive. (The Micro-PWC system software is distributed on CD-ROM.)
•A video board and monitor which support 256 colors (8 bit mode) at 1024 x 768 pixel
resolution. A video board and monitor which suppor t 65 K colo rs (1 6 bit mode ) ar e
•A single Ethernet communication channel.
•A parallel port or USB port for printing and hardware key installation.
•A DAT tape drive is required on Micro-PWC systems on which large backup and restore
operations will be performed.
•A full size ISA bus slot is required for each installed Supervisor card.
2.2 Software Requirements
The software versions required for the Micro-PWC system are discussed in this sub-section, as well as
requirements for compatibility between the Micro-PWC system and other Micro-DCI products.
2.2.1 Requirements
The following software versions are required for the Micro-PWC system, Release 4.0:
•Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional
•53MC5000 Firmware, Rev. 5
•53SL6000 Firmware, Rev. 1 Requirements for Optional Software Packages
Optional software packages supported on the Micro-PWC system require the following software versions:
•Microsoft EXCEL
•@aGlance/IT, Version 3.2 (or later)
•Loopmaster, Version 4.0
•Micro-Tools, Version 4.0
Requirements 11
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
2.3 Micro-DCI Instrument Compatibility
In order to use Release 4.0 of the 53SU6000 Micro-DCI Com munication Se rvices system so f twa re, th e following changes or upgrades must be made to any Micro-DCI instruments to be used with the new software:
•Supervisor cards require an upgrade to REV5 of the firmware
•53MC5000 units with firmware levels of REV0 through REV4 generate pre-acknowled ged
alarms. REV5 firmware is available that enables ala rm s to be ack no wle dg e d by the op er at or.
•53SL6000 units with REV0 firmware generate pre-acknowledged alarms. REV1 firmware is
available that enables alarms to be acknowledged by the operator.
•The following control modules can only be used in Hierarchical Displays by connecting them to
CON modules on the Supervisor Card:
12 Requirements
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
Micro-PWC is composed of several hardware and software components integrated into a base personal
computer (PC). This section provides information on installing these hardware and software components.
Some of the instructions for this installation will be included with the hardware or software components and
are not addressed in this Installation and Setup Guide. The installation order of these component s is significant, and should be done in the following sequence:
1. Set up the base PC. (See Section 3.1.)
2. Ve rify that the base PC is running the Windows 2000 Professional W orkstation or Windows XP
Professional Workstation operating system.
3. Determine the available I/O addresses that can be used when installing a supervisor board.
(See Section 3.3.)
4. Install the optional Micro-DCI network interface board. This can be either a Datalink
Supervisor board, Microlink Supervisor board, or Redundant Microlink Supervisor board pair.
These Supervisor boards enable multiple instruments to be networked together and
connected to this base PC. (See Section 3.4.1.)
5. Install the Ethernet network interface board. This board enables the base PC to connect to an
Ethernet network. (See Section 3.4.2.)
6. Install the drivers and any related software for the Ethernet network interface board(s). A
diskette containing drivers for each of the network interface board(s) will come with the
network board(s). These drivers will enable the base PC to recognize which network board(s)
have been installed. (See Section 3.4.3.)
7. Verify that the TCP/IP network protocols have been installed on the base PC. If TCP/IP has
not been installed on this PC, install it. (See Section 3.4.4.)
8. Install the Micro-PWC system hardware key. (See Section 3.4.5.)
9. Connect the Micro-DCI instruments to the base PC. (See Section 3.4.6.)
10. Verify that the pr oper Windows operatin g system software h as been properly configur ed to run
the Micro-PWC system. (See Section 3.4.7.)
11. Install the Micro-PWC system software. (See Section 3.5.)
3.1 Setting Up the Base PC
Connect all peripheral hardware units to the base PC, including the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and CDROM unit. Connect the base PC and all peripheral units to a power source. See the instructions that are
included with the PC for setting up these components.
Section 2.1 lists all of the Micro-PWC system hardware requirements. Verify that all of the hardware com-
ponents of the base PC meet or exceed these hardware requirements. You can refer to the base PC's documentation to verify these hardware requirements.
3.2 Verifying/Installing the Windows Workstation Software
The Micro-PWC system requires that the base PC is running Windows 2000 Professional Workstation or
Windows XP Professional Workstation software.
This section provides the procedure for che cking which operating system is running on your base PC.
Installation 13
Micro-PWC™ Installation & Setup Guide
3.2.1 Verifying Windows Version
Follow these steps to determine which version of Windows is running on the PC:
•Locate the icon labeled My Computer on the Windows Desktop. With the mouse, right-click
on this icon. The drop-down menu should appear as shown below.
•From the drop-down menu, select the Properties item. The System Properties window will
appear as shown in the following figure:
•If the General tab is not selected, select it. The operating system version appears as shown in
the above figure. Verify that Windows Windows 2000 Professional Workstation or Windows
XP Professional Workstation software is installed.
14 Installation
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