12-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter with EEPROM Memory
in SOT-23-6
• 12-Bit Resolution
• On-Board Non-Volatile Memory (EEPROM)
• ±0.2 LSB DNL (typical)
• External A0 Address Pin
• Normal or Power-Down Mode
• Fast Settling Time of 6 µs (typical)
• External Voltage Reference (V
• Rail-to-Rail Output
• Low Power Consumption
• Single-Supply Operation: 2.7V to 5.5V
• Small 6-lead SOT-23 Package
• Extended Temperature Range: -40°C to +125°C
- Eight Available Addresses
- Standard (100 kbps), Fast (400 kbps), and
High-Speed (3.4 Mbps) Modes
• Set Point or Offset Trimming
• Sensor Calibration
• Closed-Loop Servo Control
• Low Power Portable Instrumentation
• PC Peripherals
• Data Acquisition Systems
Block Diagram
The MCP4725 is a low-power, high accuracy, single
channel, 12-bit buffered voltage output Digital-to-Analog Convertor (DAC) with non-volatile memory
(EEPROM). Its on-board precision output amplifier
allows it to achieve rail-to-rail analog output swing.
The DAC input and configuration data can be
programmed to the non-volatile memory (EEPROM) by
the user using I
memory feature enables the DAC device to hold the
DAC input code during power-off time, and the DAC
output is available immediately after power-up. This
feature is very useful when the DAC device is used as
a supporting device for other devices in the network.
The device includes a Power-On-Reset (POR) circuit to
ensure reliable power-up and an on-board charge
pump for the EEPROM programming voltage. The
DAC reference is driven from V
power-down mode, the output amplifier can be configured to present a low, medium, or high resistance output load.
The MCP4725 has an external A0 address pin. This A0
pin can be tied to V
The MCP4725 has a two-wire I
interface for standard (100 kHz), fast (400 kHz), or high
speed (3.4 MHz) mode.
The MCP4725 is an ideal DAC device where design
simplicity and small footprint is desired, and for applications requiring the DAC device settings to be saved
during power-off time.
The device is available in a small 6-pin SOT-23
† Notice: Stresses above those listed under “Maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device.
This is a stress rating only and functi onal operation of
the device at these or any other conditions above those
Current at Input Pins ....................................................±2 mA
Current at Supply Pins ...............................................±50 mA
Current at Output Pins ...............................................±25 mA
Storage Temperature ....................................-65°C to +150°C
Ambient Temp. with Power Applied ..............-55°C to +125°C
ESD protection on all pins ................ ≥ 6kV HBM, ≥ 400V MM
Maximum Junction Temperature (T
.................–0.3V to VDD+0.3V
) ......................... +150°C
indicated in the operation listings of this specification is
not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for
extended periods may affect device reliability
Electrical Specifications: Unless otherwise indicated, all parameters apply at VDD = + 2.7V to 5.5V, VSS = 0V,
RL = 5 kΩ from V
Parameter Sym Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Power Requirements
Operating Voltage V
Supply Current I
Power-Down CurrentI
DC Accuracy
Resolution n12——Bits Code Range = 000h to FFFh
INL Error INL —±2 ±14.5 LSB Note 1
DNL DNL -0.75±0.2±0.75 LSB Note 1
Offset Error V
Offset Error Drift ΔV
Gain Error G
Gain Error Drift ΔGE/°C —-3 —ppm/°C
Output Amplifier
Phase Margin
Capacitive Load Stability CL ——1000 pF RL = 5 kΩ, Note 2
Slew Rate SR —0.55 —V/µs
Short Circuit Current I
Output Voltage Settling
Note 1:Test Code Range: 100 to 4000.
2: This parameter is ensure by design and not 100% tested.
3: Within 1/2 LSB of the final value when code changes from 1/4 to 3/4 (400h to C00h) of full-scale.
4: Logic state of external address pin (A0 pin).
to VSS, CL = 100 pF, TA = -40°C to +125°C. Typical values are at +25°C.
Electrical Specifications: Unless otherwise indicated, all parameters apply at VDD = + 2.7V to 5.5V, VSS = 0V,
RL = 5 kΩ from V
Parameter Sym Min Typ Max Units Conditions
Power Up Time T
DC Output Impedance R
Dynamic Performance
Major Code Transition
Digital Feedthrough —<10—nV-sNote 2
Digital Interface
Output Low Voltage V
Input High Voltage
(SDA and SCL Pins)
Input Low Voltage
(SDA and SCL Pins)
Input High Voltage
(A0 Pin)
Input Low Voltage
(A0 Pin)
Input Leakage I
Pin Capacitance C
EEPROM Write Time T
Data Retention—200—YearsAt +25°C, (Note 2)
Note 1:Test Code Range: 100 to 4000.
2: This parameter is ensure by design and not 100% tested.
3: Within 1/2 LSB of the final value when code changes from 1/4 to 3/4 (400h to C00h) of full-scale.
4: Logic state of external address pin (A0 pin).
to VSS, CL = 100 pF, TA = -40°C to +125°C. Typical values are at +25°C.
—2.5 — µsV
—5 — µsV
—1 — ΩNormal mode (V
—1 — kΩPower-Down Mode 1
—100 — kΩPower-Down Mode 2
—500 — kΩPower-Down Mode 3
—45 —nV-s 1 LSB change around major
——0.4 V IOL = 3 mA
VIH 0.7V
— —0.3VDDV
——±1 µA SCL = SDA = A0 = V
—— 3 pF Note 2
WRITE—2550msEEPROM Write time for 14
—— V
——Note 4
= 5V
= 3V
Coming out of Power-down
mode, started from falling
edge of ACK pulse in I
Note:The graphs and tables provided following this note are a statistical summary based on a limited number of
samples and are provided for informational purposes only. The performance characteristics listed herein
are not tested or guaranteed. In some graphs or tables, the data presented may be outside the specified
operating range (e.g., outside specified power supply range) and therefore, outside the warranted range.
The descriptions of the pins are listed in Table 3-1.
Pin No.
6A0Device Address Selection pin. This pin can be tied to V
Analog Output Voltage
Ground Reference
Supply Voltage
C Serial Data
C Serial Clock Input
driven by the digital logic levels. The logic state of this pin determines what the A0
bit of the I
C address bits should be.
or VDD, or can be actively
3.1Analog Output Voltage (V
is an analog output voltage from the DAC device.
DAC output amplifier drives this pin with a range of V
to VDD.
3.2Supply Voltage (VDD, VSS)
VDD is the power supply pin for the device. The voltage
at the V
DAC reference input. The power supply at the VDD pin
should be clean as possible for a good DAC
This pin requires an appropriate bypass capacitor of
about 0.1 µF (ceramic) to ground. An addi tional 10 µF
capacitor (tantalum) in parallel is also recommended to
further attenuate high frequency noise present in
application boards. The supply voltage (V
maintained in the 2.7V to 5.5V range for specified
device. The user must connect the V
plane through a low impedance connection. If an
analog ground path is available in the application PCB
(printed circuit board), it is highly recommended that
the V
within an analog ground plane of the circuit board.
pin is used as the supply input as well as the
) must be
is the ground pin and the current return path of the
pin to a ground
pin be tied to the analog ground path or isolated
3.4Serial Clock Pin (SCL)
SCL is the serial clock pin of the I2C interface. The
MCP4725 acts only as a slave and the SCL pin accepts
only external serial clocks. The input data from the
Master device is shifted into the SDA pin on the rising
edges of the SCL clock and output from the MCP4725
occurs at the falling edges of the SCL clock. The SCL
pin is an open-drain N-channel driver. Therefore, it
needs a pull-up resistor from the V
pin. Refer to Section 7.0 “I
C Serial Interface Com-
munication” for more details of I
line to the SCL
C Serial Interface
3.5Device Address Selection Pin (A0)
This pin is used to select the A0 address bit by the user.
The user can tie this pin to VSS (logic ‘0’), or VDD (logic
‘1’), or can be actively driven by the digital logic levels,
such as the I
“Device Addressing” for more details of the address
C Master Output. See Section 7.2
3.3 Serial Data Pin (SDA)
SDA is the serial data pin of the I2C interface. The SDA
pin is used to write or read the DAC register and
EEPROM data. The SDA pin is an open-drain N-chan
nel driver. Therefore, it needs a pull-up resistor from the
line to the SDA pin. Except for start and stop
conditions, the data on the SDA pin must be stable
during the high period of the clock. The high or low
state of the SDA pin can only change when the clock
signal on the SCL pin is low. Refer to Section 7.0 “ISerial Interface Communication” for more details of
I2C Serial Interface communication.
voltage difference between two
adjacent input codes.
The resolution is the number of DAC output states that
divide the full-scale range. For the 12-bit DAC, the
resolution is 212 or the DAC code ranges from 0 to
The least significant bit or the ideal voltage difference
between two successive codes.
4.3Integral Nonlinearity (INL) or
Relative Accuracy
INL error is the maximum deviation between an actual
code transition point and its corresponding ideal
transition point (straight line). Figure 2-5 shows the INL
curve of the MCP4725. The end-point method is used
for the calculation. The INL error at a given input DAC
code is calculated as:
FIGURE 4-1:INL Accuracy.
4.4Differential Nonlinearity (DNL)
Differential nonlinearity error (Figure 4-2) is the
measure of step size between codes in actual transfer
function. The ideal step size between codes is 1 LSB.
A DNL error of zero would imply that every code is
exactly 1 LSB wide. If the DNL error is less than 1 LSB,
the DAC guarantees monotonic output and no missing
codes. The DNL error between any two adjacent codes
is calculated as follows:
In the MCP4725, the gain error is not calibrated at the
factory and most of the gain error is contributed by the
output op amp saturation near the code range beyond
4000. For the applications which need the gain error
specification less than 1% maximum, the user may
consider using the DAC code range between 100 and
4000 instead of using full code range (code 0 to 4095).
The DAC output of the code range between 100 and
4000 is much linear than full-scale range (0 to 4095).
The gain error can be calibrated by software in applications.
4.7Full-Scale Error (FSE)
Full-scale error (Figure 4-4) is the sum of offset error
plus gain error. It is the difference between the ideal
and measured DAC output voltage with all bits set to
one (DAC input code = FFFh).
4.5Offset Error
Offset error (Figure 4-3) is the deviation from zero voltage output when the digital input code is zero. This
error affects all codes by the same amount. In the
MCP4725, the offset error is not trimmed at the factory.
However, it can be calibrated by software in application
FIGURE 4-3:Offset Error.
4.6Gain Error
Gain error (see Figure 4-4) is the difference between
the actual full-scale output voltage from the ideal output
voltage on the transfer curve. The gain error is
calculated after nullifying the offset error, or full scale
error minus the offset error.
The gain error indicates how well the slope of the actual
transfer function matche s the slope of th e ideal transfe r
function. The gain error is usually expressed as percent
of full-scale range (% of FSR) or in LSB.
Gain error drift is the variation in gain error due to a
change in ambient temperature. The gain error drift is
typically expressed in ppm/oC.
4.9Offset Error Drift
Offset error drift is the variation in offset error due to a
change in ambient temperature. The offset error drift is
typically expressed in ppm/
4.10Settling Time
The Settling time is the time delay required for the DAC
output to settle to its new output value from the start of
code transition, within specified accuracy. In the
MCP4725, the settling time is a measure of the time
delay until the DAC output reaches its final value
(within 0.5 LSB) when the DAC code changes from
400h to C00h.
4.11Major-Code Transition Glitch
Major-code transition glitch is the impulse energy
injected into the DAC analog output when the code in
the DAC register changes state. It is normally specified
as the area of the glitch in nV-Sec. and is measured
when the digital code is changed by 1 LSB at the major
carry transition (Example: 011...111 to 100... 000, or
100... 000 to 011 ... 111).
4.12Digital Feedthrough
Digital feedthrough is the glitch that appears at the
analog output caused by coupling from the digital input
pins of the device. It is specified in nV-Sec. and is
measured with a full scale change on the digital input
pins (Example: 000... 000 to 111... 111, or 111... 111 to
000... 000). The digital feedthrough is measured when