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6.0Flash Program Memory.............................................................................................................................................................. 73
7.08 x 8 Hardware Multiplier............................................................................................................................................................ 83
14.0 Universal Serial Bus (USB) ...................................................................................................................................................... 129
18.0 Special Features of the CPU.................................................................................................................................................... 191
19.0 Instruction Set Summary.......................................................................................................................................................... 213
20.0 Development Support............................................................................................................................................................... 263
22.0 DC and AC Characteristics Graphs and Tables....................................................................................................................... 295
Appendix D: Migration From Baseline to Enhanced Devices ............................................................................................................ 306
Appendix E: Migration From Mid-Range to Enhanced Devices ......................................................................................................... 307
Appendix F: Migration From High-End to Enhanced Devices............................................................................................................ 307
Index ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 309
The Microchip Web Site..................................................................................................................................................................... 317
Customer Change Notification Service .............................................................................................................................................. 317
Customer Support .............................................................................................................................................................................. 317
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This document contains device-specific information for
the following devices:
• PIC18F2450• PIC18F4450
This family of devices offers the advantages of all
PIC18 microcontrollers – namely, high computational
performance at an economical price – with the addition of high-endurance, Enhanced Flash program
memory. In addition to these features, the
PIC18F2450/4450 family introduces design enhancements that make these microcontrollers a logical
choice for many high-performance, power sensitive
1.1New Core Features
1.1.1nanoWatt TECHNOLOGY
All of the devices in the PIC18F2450/4450 family
incorporate a range of features that can significantly
reduce power consumption during operation. Key
items include:
• Alternate Run Modes: By clocking the controller
from the Timer1 source or the internal RC
oscillator, power consumption during code
execution can be reduced by as much as 90%.
• Multiple Idle Modes: The controller can also run
with its CPU core disabled but the peripherals still
active. In these states, power consumption can be
reduced even further, to as little as 4% of normal
operation requirements.
• On-the-Fly Mode Switching: The power-
managed modes are invoked by user code during
operation, allowing the user to incorporate
power-saving ideas into their application’s
software design.
• Low Consumption in Key Modules: The
power requirements for both Timer1 and the
Watchdog Timer are minimized. See
Section 21.0 “Electrical Characteristics” for
All of the devices in the PIC18F2450/4450 family offer
twelve different oscillator options, allowing users a wide
range of choices in developing application hardware.
These include:
• Four Crystal modes using crystals or ceramic
• Four External Clock modes, offering the option of
using two pins (oscillator input and a divide-by-4
clock output) or one pin (oscillator input, with the
second pin reassigned as general I/O).
• An INTRC source (approximately 31 kHz, stable
over temperature and V
oscillator pin for use as an additional general
purpose I/O.
• A Phase Lock Loop (PLL) frequency multiplier,
available to both the High-Speed Crystal and
External Oscillator modes, which allows a wide
range of clock speeds from 4 MHz to 48 MHz.
• Asynchronous dual clock operation, allowing the
USB module to run from a high-frequency
oscillator while the rest of the microcontroller is
clocked from an internal low-power oscillator.
The internal oscillator provides a stable reference
source that gives the family additional features for
robust operation:
• Fail-Safe Clock Monitor: This option constantly
monitors the main clock source against a
reference signal provided by the internal
oscillator. If a clock failure occurs, the controller is
switched to the internal oscillator, allowing for
continued low-speed operation or a safe
application shutdown.
• Two-Speed Start-up: This option allows the
internal oscillator to serve as the clock source
from Power-on Reset, or wake-up from Sleep
mode, until the primary clock source is available.
DD). This option frees an
Devices in the PIC18F2450/4450 family incorporate a
fully featured Universal Serial Bus communications
module that is compliant with the USB Specification
Revision 2.0. The module supports both low-speed and
full-speed communication for all supported data
transfer types. It also incorporates its own on-chip
transceiver and 3.3V regulator and supports the use of
external transceivers and voltage regulators.
for program memory are rated to last for many
thousands of erase/write cycles – up to 100,000.
• Self-Programmability: These devices can write
to their own program memory spaces under
internal software control. By using a bootloader
routine, located in the protected Boot Block at the
top of program memory, it becomes possible to
create an application that can update itself in the
• Extended Instruction Set: The PIC18F2450/
4450 family introduces an optional extension to
the PIC18 instruction set, which adds 8 new
instructions and an Indexed Literal Offset
Addressing mode. This extension, enabled as a
device configuration option, has been specifically
designed to optimize re-entrant application code
originally developed in high-level languages such
as C.
• Enhanced Addressable USART: This serial
communication module is capable of standard
RS-232 operation and provides support for the LIN
bus protocol. Other enhancements include
Automatic Baud Rate Detection and a 16-bit Baud
Rate Generator for improved resolution.
• 10-Bit A/D Converter: This module incorporates
programmable acquisition time, allowing for a
channel to be selected and a conversion to be
initiated, without waiting for a sampling period and
thus, reducing code overhead.
• Dedicated ICD/ICSP Port: These devices
introduce the use of debugger and programming
pins that are not multiplexed with other microcontroller features. Offered as an option in select
packages, this feature allows users to develop I/O
intensive applications while retaining the ability to
program and debug in the circuit.
1.3Details on Individual Family
Devices in the PIC18F2450/4450 family are available
in 28-pin and 40/44-pin packages. Block diagrams for
the two groups are shown in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2.
The devices are differentiated from each other in the
following two ways:
1.A/D channels (10 for 28-pin devices, 13 for
40/44-pin devices).
2.I/O ports (3 bidirectional ports and 1 input only
port on 28-pin devices, 5 bidirectional ports on
40/44-pin devices).
All other features for devices in this family are identical.
These are summarized in Table 1-1.
The pinouts for all devices are listed in Table 1-2 and
Table 1-3.
Like all Microchip PIC18 devices, members of the
PIC18F2450/4450 family are available as both standard
and low-voltage devices. Standard devices with
Enhanced Flash memory, designated with an “F” in the
part number (such as PIC18F2450), accommodate an
operating V
designated by “LF” (such as PIC18LF2450), function
over an extended VDD range of 2.0V to 5.5V.
ST = Schmitt Trigger input with CMOS levels I= Input
O= Output P= Power
Typ e
Master Clear (input) or programming voltage (input).
Master Clear (Reset) input. This pin is an active-low
Reset to the device.
Programming voltage input.
Digital input.
Oscillator crystal or external clock input.
Oscillator crystal input or external clock source input.
External clock source input. Always associated with pin
function OSC1. (See OSC2/CLKO pin.)
Oscillator crystal or clock output.
Oscillator crystal output. Connects to crystal or resonator
in Crystal Oscillator mode.
In select modes, OSC2 pin outputs CLKO which has
1/4 the frequency of OSC1 and denotes the instruction
cycle rate.
General purpose I/O pin.
ST = Schmitt Trigger input with CMOS levels I= Input
O= Output P= Power
Note 1:These pins are No Connect unless the ICPRT Configuration bit is set. For NC/ICPORTS, the pin is No
Connect unless ICPRT is set and the DEBUG
Pin Number
Typ e
Master Clear (input) or programming voltage (input).
Configuration bit is cleared.
Master Clear (Reset) input. This pin is an
active-low Reset to the device.
Programming voltage input.
Digital input.
Oscillator crystal or external clock input.
Oscillator crystal input or external clock source input.
External clock source input. Always associated with
pin function OSC1. (See OSC2/CLKO pin.)
Oscillator crystal or clock output.
Oscillator crystal output. Connects to crystal or
resonator in Crystal Oscillator mode.
In select modes, OSC2 pin outputs CLKO which has
1/4 the frequency of OSC1 and denotes the instruction
cycle rate.
General purpose I/O pin.
Devices in the PIC18F2450/4450 family incorporate a
different oscillator and microcontroller clock system
than the non-USB PIC18F devices. The addition of the
USB module, with its unique requirements for a stable
clock source, make it necessary to provide a separate
clock source that is compliant with both USB low-speed
and full-speed specifications.
To accommodate these requirements, PIC18F2450/
4450 devices include a new clock branch to provide a
48 MHz clock for full-speed USB operation. Since it is
driven from the primary clock source, an additional
system of prescalers and postscalers has been added
to accommodate a wide range of oscillator frequencies.
An overview of the oscillator structure is shown in
Figure 2-1.
Other oscillator features used in PIC18 enhanced
microcontrollers, such as the internal RC oscillator and
clock switching, remain the same. They are discussed
later in this chapter.
The operation of the oscillator in PIC18F2450/4450
devices is controlled through two Configuration registers
and two control registers. Configuration registers,
CONFIG1L and CONFIG1H, select the oscillator mode
and USB prescaler/postscaler options. As Configuration
bits, these are set when the device is programmed and
left in that configuration until the device is
The OSCCON register (Register 2-1) selects the Active
Clock mode; it is primarily used in controlling clock
switching in power-managed modes. Its use is
discussed in Section 2.4.1 “Oscillator Control
2.2Oscillator Types
PIC18F2450/4450 devices can be operated in twelve
distinct oscillator modes. In contrast with the non-USB
PIC18 enhanced microcontrollers, four of these modes
involve the use of two oscillator types at once. Users
can program the FOSC3:FOSC0 Configuration bits to
select one of these modes:
2.XTPLLCrystal/Resonator with PLL enabled
3.HSHigh-Speed Crystal/Resonator
4.HSPLL High-Speed Crystal/Resonator
with PLL enabled
5.ECExternal Clock with F
6.ECIOExternal Clock with I/O on RA6
7.ECPLL External Clock with PLL enabled
and F
OSC/4 output on RA6
8.ECPIO External Clock with PLL enabled,
I/O on RA6
9.INTHSInternal Oscillator used as
microcontroller clock source, HS
Oscillator used as USB clock source
10. INTXTInternal Oscillator used as
microcontroller clock source, XT
Oscillator used as USB clock source
11. INTIOInternal Oscillator used as
microcontroller clock source, EC
Oscillator used as USB clock source,
digital I/O on RA6
12. INTCKO Internal Oscillator used as
microcontroller clock source, EC
Oscillator used as USB clock source,
FOSC/4 output on RA6
Because of the unique requirements of the USB
module, a different approach to clock operation is
necessary. In previous PIC
and peripheral clocks were driven by a single oscillator
source; the usual sources were primary, secondary or
the internal oscillator. With PIC18F2450/4450 devices,
the primary oscillator becomes part of the USB module
and cannot be associated to any other clock source.
microcontrollers, all core
Because of the timing requirements imposed by USB,
an internal clock of either 6 MHz or 48 MHz is required
while the USB module is enabled. Fortunately, the
microcontroller and other peripherals are not required
to run at this clock speed when using the primary
oscillator. There are numerous options to achieve the
USB module clock requirement and still provide flexibility for clocking the rest of the device from the primary
oscillator source. These are detailed in Section 2.3“Oscillator Settings for USB”.
Thus, the USB module must be clocked from the
primary clock source; however, the microcontroller
core and other peripherals can be separately clocked
from the secondary or internal oscillators as before.
In HS, HSPLL, XT and XTPLL Oscillator modes, a
crystal or ceramic resonator is connected to the OSC1
and OSC2 pins to establish oscillation. Figure 2-2
shows the pin connections.
The oscillator design requires the use of a parallel cut
Note:Use of a series cut crystal may give a fre-
quency out of the crystal manufacturer’s
Note 1: See Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 for initial values of
C1 and C2.
2: A series resistor (R
strip cut crystals.
3: R
F varies with the oscillator mode chosen.
S) may be required for AT
Typical Capacitor Values Used:
XT4.0 MHz33 pF33 pF
HS8.0 MHz
16.0 MHz
Capacitor values are for design guidance only.
These capacitors were tested with the resonators
listed below for basic start-up and operation. Thesevalues are not optimized.
Different capacitor values may be required to produce
acceptable oscillator operation. The user should test
the performance of the oscillator over the expected
DD and temperature range for the application.
See the notes following Table 2-2 for additional
Resonators Used:
16.0 MHz
4.0 MHz
8.0 MHz
27 pF
22 pF
27 pF
22 pF
Osc Type
XT4 MHz27 pF27 pF
HS4 MHz27 pF27 pF
8 MHz22 pF22 pF
20 MHz15 pF15 pF
Capacitor values are for design guidance only.
These capacitors were tested with the crystals listed
below for basic start-up and operation. These values
are not optimized.
Different capacitor values may be required to produce
acceptable oscillator operation. The user should test
the performance of the oscillator over the expected
DD and temperature range for the application.
See the notes following this table for additional
Crystals Used:
Note 1: Higher capacitance increases the stability
of oscillator but also increases the start-up
2: When operating below 3V V
using certain ceramic resonators at any
voltage, it may be necessary to use the
HS mode or switch to a crystal oscillator.
3: Since each resonator/crystal has its own
characteristics, the user should consult
the resonator/crystal manufacturer for
appropriate values of external
4: Rs may be required to avoid overdriving
crystals with low drive level specification.
5: Always verify oscillator performance over
DD and temperature range that is
the V
expected for the application.
An internal postscaler allows users to select a clock
frequency other than that of the crystal or resonator.
Frequency division is determined by the CPUDIV
Configuration bits. Users may select a clock frequency
of the oscillator frequency, or 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 of the
An external clock may also be used when the microcontroller is in HS Oscillator mode. In this case, the
OSC2/CLKO pin is left open (Figure 2-3).
The EC, ECIO, ECPLL and ECPIO Oscillator modes
require an external clock source to be connected to the
OSC1 pin. There is no oscillator start-up time required
after a Power-on Reset or after an exit from Sleep
In the EC and ECPLL Oscillator modes, the oscillator
frequency divided by 4 is available on the OSC2 pin.
This signal may be used for test purposes or to
synchronize other logic. Figure 2-4 shows the pin
connections for the EC Oscillator mode.
PIC18F2450/4450 devices include a Phase Locked
Loop (PLL) circuit. This is provided specifically for USB
applications with lower speed oscillators and can also
be used as a microcontroller clock source.
The PLL is enabled in HSPLL, XTPLL, ECPLL and
ECPIO Oscillator modes. It is designed to produce a
fixed 96 MHz reference clock from a fixed 4 MHz input.
The output can then be divided and used for both the
USB and the microcontroller core clock. Because the
PLL has a fixed frequency input and output, there are
eight prescaling options to match the oscillator input
frequency to the PLL.
There is also a separate postscaler option for deriving
the microcontroller clock from the PLL. This allows the
USB peripheral and microcontroller to use the same
oscillator input and still operate at different clock
speeds. In contrast to the postscaler for XT, HS and EC
modes, the available options are 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 and 1/6
of the PLL output.
The HSPLL, ECPLL and ECPIO modes make use of
the HS mode oscillator for frequencies up to 48 MHz.
The prescaler divides the oscillator input by up to 12 to
produce the 4 MHz drive for the PLL. The XTPLL mode
can only use an input frequency of 4 MHz which drives
the PLL directly.
Clock from
Ext. System
The ECIO and ECPIO Oscillator modes function like the
EC and ECPLL modes, except that the OSC2 pin
becomes an additional general purpose I/O pin. The I/O
pin becomes bit 6 of PORTA (RA6). Figure 2-5 shows
the pin connections for the ECIO Oscillator mode.
Clock from
Ext. System
The internal postscaler for reducing clock frequency in
XT and HS modes is also available in EC and ECIO
The PIC18F2450/4450 devices include an internal RC
oscillator (INTRC) which provides a nominal 31 kHz output. INTRC is enabled if it is selected as the device clock
source; it is also enabled automatically when any of the
following are enabled:
• Power-up Timer
• Fail-Safe Clock Monitor
• Watchdog Timer
• Two-Speed Start-up
These features are discussed in greater detail in
Section 18.0 “Special Features of the CPU”. Oscillator Modes
When the internal oscillator is used as the microcontroller clock source, one of the other oscillator
modes (External Clock or External Crystal/Resonator)
must be used as the USB clock source. The choice of
USB clock source is determined by the particular
internal oscillator mode.
There are four distinct modes available:
1.INTHS mode: The USB clock is provided by the
oscillator in HS mode.
2.INTXT mode: The USB clock is provided by the
oscillator in XT mode.
3.INTCKO mode: The USB clock is provided by an
external clock input on OSC1/CLKI; the OSC2/
CLKO pin outputs F
4.INTIO mode: The USB clock is provided by an
external clock input on OSC1/CLKI; the OSC2/
CLKO pin functions as a digital I/O (RA6).
Of these four modes, only INTIO mode frees up an
additional pin (OSC2/CLKO/RA6) for port I/O use.
2.3Oscillator Settings for USB
When the PIC18F2450/4450 is used for USB
connectivity, it must have either a 6 MHz or 48 MHz
clock for USB operation, depending on whether LowSpeed or Full-Speed mode is being used. This may
require some forethought in selecting an oscillator
frequency and programming the device.
The full range of possible oscillator configurations
compatible with USB operation is shown in Table 2-3.
The USB clock for Low-Speed mode is derived from
the primary oscillator chain and not directly from the
PLL. It is divided by 4 to produce the actual 6 MHz
clock. Because of this, the microcontroller can only use
a clock frequency of 24 MHz when the USB module is
active and the controller clock source is one of the
primary oscillator modes (XT, HS or EC, with or without
the PLL).
This restriction does not apply if the microcontroller
clock source is the secondary oscillator or internal
The USB module, in either mode, can run
asynchronously with respect to the microcontroller core
and other peripherals. This means that applications can
use the primary oscillator for the USB clock while the
microcontroller runs from a separate clock source at a
lower speed. If it is necessary to run the entire application
from only one clock source, full-speed operation provides
a greater selection of microcontroller clock frequencies.