Process Analyzers
Condumax II Transportable
Hydrocarbon & Water Dew-Point Analyzer
Transportable natural gas dew-point analyzer system for operation in the eld. Suitable for IEC
Zone 1 or 2 hazardous area, NEC Class I, Division 1 Groups B, C, D.
A complete transportable natural gas dew-point analysis system for eld spot-check measurements. Periodic online operation
when located in a temperature maintained analyzer house. Measurements and functionality are instantly accessible through
integrated alphanumeric display and touch-glass HMI interface including log of dew-point readings for operator review.
• Field transportable self-contained dew-point
analyzer system
• Simultaneous HC and water dew-point
measurements in a single analyzer
• Automatic objective measurements by industry
proven principles
• Parameter specic sensors ensure continuity of
HC and water dew-point readings
• Self-contained sample handling, conditioning and
analysis package
• 0.5°C HC dew-point accuracy
• Fundamental cooled mirror principle
• Spot-check measurements of HC and water dew
• Field verication of installed on-line dew-point
• Flexibility for periodic measurements at any gas
• Producer process stage proling to optimize
Process Analyzers
The Industry Standard HCDP/WDP
The Condumax II fullls the demands of natural gas
producers and pipeline transmission companies for reliable
on-line monitoring of natural gas hydrocarbon and water
dew point.
Condumax II is the industry’s analyzer of choice to
ensure conformance of these key gas quality parameters,
from production processing, through trans-continental
pipeline networks into nal distribution and utilization by
major consumers such as power generators. Throughout
the midstream industry Michell hydrocarbon dew-point
analyzers are installed as permanent analyzers, providing
measurements six times every hour 24/7/365.
Transportable Condumax II for Field
The Condumax II Transportable addresses the further
needs of natural gas users as the industry evolves. With
an increased proportion of alternative fuel sources such
as biogas, and greater reliance on LNG imports into gas
networks which traditionally received gas solely from
xed upstream producers, the attention to ensuring
accurate measurement of dew point has never been more
critical. This increased complexity of supply chains has
expanded the number of potential measurement points
each requiring conformity to specication. The Condumax
II Transportable oers the exibility to make investigative
spot-check measurements at any location, to even the
smallest and most remote gas source. Furthermore, for
the gas producer, the Condumax II Transportable can be
used to prole individual process stages to ensure optimum
Quality Assurance with a New Transfer
The Condumax II Transportable also enables established
users of permanent on-line dew-point analyzers to carry
out periodic comparative measurements in the eld to
verify measurement performance against the certied
factory laboratory calibration of the Condumax II to all
The Condumax II Transportable oers automatic
measurements of high sensitivity and objectivity wherever
they are needed in a simple to use, self-contained, sample
handling, conditioning and analysis package.
Sample Conditioning System
• Complete integration of Condumax II Main Unit
• System conguration for connection direct to
transmission pipeline natural gas at typically 70 barg
• Simultaneous water dew-point measurement at process
pressure. Integration of water dew-point sample ow in
series for analysis at full line pressure
• Process pressure gauge, 100 barg scale
• Coalescing lter with by-pass needle valve and system
• Sample gas pressure reduction via electrically-heated
regulator for analysis of HC dew point at intermediate
pressure (cricondentherm condition), adjustment range
up to 35 barg tted (analysis pressure indicated by
Condumax II Main Unit)
• Sample ow control with armored rotameter
*To assure correct measurement performance of
this system in outdoor eld use, the ambient air
temperature must be at least 5°C above both the
hydrocarbon dew-point temperature of the process
gas sample at the cricondentherm condition,
typically 27 barg, and water dew-point at full
process line pressure.