Michell Instruments Cermet II Operating Manual

Cermet II
User’s Manual
97049 Issue 25.3
October 2016
Cermet II
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Cermet II
Cermet II
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Cermet II User’s Manual
Safety ................................................................................................................................vi
Electrical Safety ...........................................................................................................vi
Pressure Safety ............................................................................................................vi
Toxic Materials .............................................................................................................vi
Repair and Maintenance ...............................................................................................vi
Calibration ...................................................................................................................vi
Safety Conformity ........................................................................................................vi
Abbreviations .....................................................................................................................vii
Warnings ...........................................................................................................................vii
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................1
1.1 Features ............................................................................................................ 1
2 INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................2
2.1 Unpacking the Instrument ................................................................................... 2
2.1.1 Unpacking the Cermet II Transmitter .............................................................. 3
2.1.2 Unpacking the Cermet II Monitor ................................................................... 4
2.1.3 Accessories Pack .......................................................................................... 4
2.2 Cermet II Components ....................................................................................... 5
2.3 Monitor .............................................................................................................. 6
2.4 Monitor Panel Layout .......................................................................................... 6
2.5 Preparation of the Transmitter Cable .................................................................... 7
2.6 Transmitter Mounting .......................................................................................... 8
2.6.1 Transmitter Mounting - Sample Block and Gas Connections (Optional) .............. 9
2.6.2 Transmitter Mounting - Direct Pipeline Connection ......................................... 11
2.6.3 Transmitter Mounting - With Additional Process Connection Adapter .............. 12
2.7 Monitor Mounting ............................................................................................. 13
2.8 Electrical Connections ....................................................................................... 14
2.8.1 High Voltage Power Supply Input ................................................................. 14
2.8.2 Low Voltage Power Supply Input ................................................................. 15
2.9 Pressure Transducer Connection (Optional) ........................................................ 15
2.10 Transmitter Cable Connection ............................................................................ 16
3 OPERATION - MONITOR ...................................................................................17
3.1 Set-Up Security Feature .................................................................................... 17
3.2 Selecting the Engineering Units ......................................................................... 18
3.3 Changing the Setpoint Values ............................................................................ 18
3.4 Hysteresis, Make/Break delay & delay type ......................................................... 19
3.5 Analog Output Scaling ...................................................................................... 19
3.6 Display Brightness Adjustment .......................................................................... 20
3.7 Digital Communications..................................................................................... 20
3.8 Pressure Compensation ..................................................................................... 21
3.9 Using a Pressure Transducer ............................................................................. 21
3.9.1 Manual Pressure Input Calibration ................................................................ 22
3.10 Automatic Pressure Input Calibration ................................................................. 22
3.11 Using a Fixed Pressure Input in Single Channel Mode .......................................... 23
4 OPERATION - TRANSMITTER ............................................................................24
5 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................25
iv 97049 Issue 25.3, October 2016
Cermet II User’s Manual
Figure 1 Unpacking - Monitor and Accessories ...........................................................2
Figure 2 Transmitter Unpacking Method ....................................................................3
Figure 3 Unpacking - Monitor ...................................................................................4
Figure 4 Unpacking - Accessories Pack ......................................................................4
Figure 5 Components ...............................................................................................5
Figure 6 Control Layout and Functions ......................................................................6
Figure 7 Connector Terminal Block Removal ..............................................................7
Figure 8 Sample Block Gas Connections ....................................................................9
Figure 9 Transmitter Mounting - Sensor Block ..........................................................10
Figure 10 Transmitter Mounting - Pipe or Duct...........................................................11
Figure 11 Transmitter Mounting with Adapter ...........................................................12
Figure 12 Mounting the Monitor ...............................................................................13
Figure 13 High Voltage Power Supply Connections .....................................................14
Figure 14 Low Voltage Power Supply Connections ......................................................15
Figure 15 Electrical Connection Detail .......................................................................15
Figure 16 Cable Connections ....................................................................................16
Figure 17 Connector Installation ...............................................................................16
Figure 18 Location of the Lockout Switches ...............................................................17
Figure 19 Installation Location .................................................................................24
Figure 20 Indication of Dead Space ..........................................................................24
Figure 21 Replacement of HDPE Guard .....................................................................25
Table 1 Cable Connections ..................................................................................... 16
Table 2 Operation Access Levels ............................................................................. 17
Appendix A Technical Specifi cations .............................................................................. 27
Appendix B Setup Codes .............................................................................................30
Appendix C Register Settings Accessible by Digital Communication ................................ 33
Appendix D EU Declaration of Conformity......................................................................36
Appendix E Quality, Recycling & Warranty Information ...................................................38
E.1 Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 97/23/EC ...............................38
E.2 Recycling Policy .......................................................................... 38
E.3 WEEE Compliance ........................................................................ 38
E.4 RoHS2 Compliance ......................................................................39
E.5 Warranty ..................................................................................... 39
E.6 REACH Compliance ...................................................................... 40
E.7 Return Policy ............................................................................... 40
E.8 Calibration Facilities .....................................................................41
E.9 Manufacturing Quality .................................................................. 41
E.10 FCC (EMC REquirements for North America) ..................................41
Appendix F Return Document & Decontamination Declaration ........................................ 43
Michell Instruments v
Cermet II User’s Manual
The manufacturer has designed this equipment to be safe when operated using the procedures detailed in this manual. The user must not use this equipment for any other purpose than that stated. Do not apply values greater than the maximum value stated.
This manual contains operating and safety instructions, which must be followed to ensure the safe operation and to maintain the equipment in a safe condition. The safety instructions are either warnings or cautions issued to protect the user and the equipment from injury or damage. Use qualifi ed personnel and good engineering practice for all procedures in this manual.
Electrical Safety
The instrument is designed to be completely safe when used with options and accessories supplied by the manufacturer for use with the instrument.
Pressure Safety
DO NOT permit pressures greater than the safe working pressure to be applied to the instrument. The specifi ed safe working pressure is 45 MPa (450 barg / 6500 psig). Refer to the Technical Specifi cations in Appendix A.
Toxic Materials
The use of hazardous materials in the construction of this instrument has been minimized. During normal operation it is not possible for the user to come into contact with any hazardous substance which might be employed in the construction of the instrument. Care should, however, be exercised during maintenance and the disposal of certain parts.
Repair and Maintenance
The instrument must be maintained either by the manufacturer or an accredited service agent. Refer to www.michell.com for details of Michell Instruments’ worldwide offi ces contact information.
The recommended calibration interval for the Cermet II transmitter is 12 months unless it is to be used in a mission-critical application or in a dirty or contaminated environment in which case the calibration interval should be reduced accordingly. The instrument should be returned to the manufacturer, Michell Instruments Ltd., or one of their accredited service agents for re-calibration.
Michell Instruments can offer a variety of re-calibration and exchange transmitter schemes to suit your specifi c needs. A local representative will be pleased to provide detailed, custom advice.
Safety Conformity
This product meets the essential protection requirements of the relevant EU directives.
vi 97049 Issue 25.3, October 2016
Cermet II User’s Manual
Shock Risk
The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
AC alternating current atm pressure unit (atmosphere) barg pressure unit (=100 kP or 0.987 atm) (gauge) DC direct current EU European Union
grams per cubic meter
g/m Hz Hertz lb pound lbs/MMSCF pounds per million standard cubic feet Nl/min liters per minute mA milliampere Nm nanometer ppm psig pound(s) per square inch (gauge) sec second(s) °C degrees Celsius °F degrees Fahrenheit V Volts
The following general warnings listed below are applicable to this instrument. They are repeated in the text in the appropriate locations.
parts per million (by volume)
Where this hazard warning symbol appears in the following
sections, it is used to indicate areas where potentially
hazardous operations need to be carried out.
Where this symbol appears in the following sections it is used to
indicate areas of potential risk of electric shock.
Michell Instruments vii
Cermet II User’s Manual
The Cermet II hygrometer is an instrument designed for the continuous online measurement of moisture content in non-corrosive gases, over an operational range of -100 to +20°C (-148 to +68°F) dew point and equivalent units (see Technical Specifi cations, Appendix A).
The system comprises a programmable monitor confi gured to accept a unique Michell data string from the Cermet II transmitter. The zero and span of the monitor are set to cover the dew-point range -100 to +20°Cdp (-148 to +68°Fdp) at operating pressures up to 45 MPa (450 barg / 6500 psig).
Two alarm outputs are provided for connection to external systems which are user­confi gurable both in terms of setpoint and operating mode. Current output is standard and factory set at 4-20 mA (or optionally set at 0-20 mA or 0-10 V).
The monitor has a pressure input channel for any industry standard 2-wire pressure transmitter. In addition to providing a pressure measurement, the pressure signal can be used to provide real-time pressure compensation on the primary channel when displaying ppm values. The customer can also set a fi xed pressure compensation value. The pressure input only affects the ppmV (parts per million by volume), lbs/MMSCF (pounds per million standard cubic feet) and g/m3 (grams per cubic meter) units. For dew point, the displayed value is a pressure dew point.
1.1 Features
Wide measurement range, calibrated -100 to +20°Cdp
±1°Cdp measurement accuracy
Pressure sensor input
Up to 4 alarm relays
User selectable units of measurement
Easy to read display
Analog and digital outputs
Michell Instruments 1
It is essential that the connection of electrical and gas supplies
2.1 Unpacking the Instrument
The Cermet II hygrometer and accessories are packed in a box and the method of unpacking is shown as follows:
to this instrument be undertaken by competent personnel.
Cermet II User’s Manual
Figure 1
2 97049 Issue 25.3, October 2016
Unpacking - Monitor and Accessories
Cermet II User’s Manual
2.1.1 Unpacking the Cermet II Transmitter
On delivery, check that all the following standard components are in the packing tube:
Cermet II Transmitter
• Bonded Seal
• Certifi cate of Calibration
Unpack the dew-point transmitter tube as follows:
7653 421
Figure 2
1. Unscrew the cap (1) from the packing tube (7).
2. Remove the foam block (2).
3. Pull out the transmitter (4) from the tube, complete with the two foam covers (5) and (6) and the red protective cap (3).
4. Remove the foam covers from the transmitter but leave the blue plastic protective cover (4) and the red cap (3) in place until ready for installation.
NOTE: The transmitter sensing element is protected while in transit by a blue cover containing a small desiccant capsule. The connection pins are protected by a red plastic cap. None of these plastic items are required for the operation of the transmitter.
Transmitter Unpacking Method
Michell Instruments 3
2.1.2 Unpacking the Cermet II Monitor
The monitor (2) is packed, together with its fi xing clamps (1) as shown below.
Cermet II User’s Manual
Cermet II
Advanced Online
2.1.3 Accessories Pack
The accessories pack is shown below:
Figure 3
Unpacking - Monitor
Figure 4
Unpacking - Accessories Pack
4 97049 Issue 25.3, October 2016
Cermet II User’s Manual
Cermet II Hygrometer User’s Manual
97049 Issue 25.1
June 2015
°C dp
° F dp
C e r m e
t I I
Ad v
an c e
d O nl
in e
2.2 Cermet II Components
On delivery, please check that all the following standard components are present in the packing box. Report any shortages immediately.
Cermet II
Advanced Online
Figure 5
1. Cermet II Monitor
2. Clamps
3. Transmitter cable assembly
4. Cermet II Transmitter
5. Screwdriver
6. Power cable
7. User’s manual
8. Calibration certifi cate
9. Sample block
Michell Instruments 5
2.3 Monitor
The monitor has a 5-digit display, set-up on delivery to display a dew-point temperature range of -100° to +20°Cdp (-148° to +68°Fdp).
Dew-point temperature units are displayed by the last LED located to the far right of the display. On delivery, °Cdp is set-up. If required, the units can be changed to °F. The method of confi guring the unit for °F is described in Section 3.2.
Optionally, the instrument can be set-up to read moisture content in parts per million (ppmV), pounds per million standard cubic feet (lbs/MMSCF) or grams per cubic meter (g/m3). This option requires the hygrometer to be set-up as detailed in Section 3.2.
Four alarm indications are provided by four LEDs located on the bottom of the display. These are marked SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4. Access to the alarm relay contacts is provided on the rear panel. The connection for these alarm relay contacts is shown in
NOTE: Every monitor is factory fi tted with 2 alarm relays as standard.
Cermet II User’s Manual
Figure 15
2.4 Monitor Panel Layout
Figure 6
shows the layout of these controls and their respective operational functions.
Increases the value of the displayed parameter; moves through each displayed parameter
Decreases the value of the displayed parameter; moves through each
displayed parameter 3 LED annunciations for Setpoints 1 - 4 4 Saves programming settings, moves between programming steps
Cermet II
Advanced Online
Figure 6
Control Layout and Functions
6 97049 Issue 25.3, October 2016
Cermet II User’s Manual
2.5 Preparation of the Transmitter Cable
The transmitter cable is supplied as standard. Replacement of additional cables can be obtained by contacting your local distributor or Michell Instruments (see www.michell. com for details).
The cable is pre-wired so no user wiring is required. If the cable needs to be re-wired, see below:
Cable connection to the Cermet II transmitter is made via the removable connector. Removing the central screw enables the connector terminal block to be removed from the outer housing by using a small screwdriver to prise it clear.
and washer
Figure 7
Caution: When removing the central screw ensure that the
small sealing O-ring and the washer are retained on the screw
Connector Terminal Block Removal
and are present during re-installation.
Michell Instruments 7
2.6 Transmitter Mounting
Prior to installation of the transmitter, unscrew and remove the blue plastic cover and retain for future use. Take care to prevent any contamination of the transmitter before installation (handle the transmitter by the main body only, avoiding contact with the sensor guard).
The transmitter can be mounted into either a fl ow-through sampling block (optional) or directly inserted into a pipe or duct and can be operated at pressures of up to 45 MPa (450 barg / 6500 psig) when fi tted with the bonded seal provided.
The recommended gas fl ow rate, when mounted in the optional sampling block, is 1 to 5 Nl/min (2.1 to 10.6 scfh). However, for direct insertion applications, gas fl ow can be from static to 10 m/sec (32.8 fps).
NOTE: Pass the bonded seal over the 5/8”- 18 UNF mounting thread and assemble into the sampling location by hand using the wrench fl ats only. DO NOT grip and twist the transmitter cover when installing the transmitter.
When installed, fully tighten using a wrench until the seal is fully compressed and to the following torque setting:
Cermet II User’s Manual
5/8” - 18 UNF 30.5 Nm (22.5 ft-lbs)
8 97049 Issue 25.3, October 2016
Cermet II User’s Manual
2.6.1 Transmitter Mounting - Sample Block and Gas Connections (Optional)
Sample gas connections are made to the Gas In and Gas Out ports on the sample block see
Figure 8.
Either port on the sample block may be used as the Gas Input port (i.e.
for connection purposes the ports are interchangeable).
Normally, connections are made via stainless steel pipework, in which case the sensor block/transmitter assembly will be self supporting. If Tefl on tubing is used it may be necessary to support the assembly with a body clip.
Figure 8
Sample Block Gas Connections
Both the Input and Output gas connections are ” NPT. It is recommended that both the Gas Input and Output connections are made made via ” NPT to 6mm or ” NPT to ¼” stainless steel tube adaptors (2 to 5 -
Figure 8)
. The method of connection to the
sensor block (6) is as follows:
NOTE: The following description relates to 6mm tube fi xings. The sample block ports are both ” NPT female process connections. Tube adaptors are not supplied with the equipment but can be obtained by contacting your local distributor or Michell Instruments (see www.michell.com for details).
1. Cut a suitable length of 6mm (¼” U.S.) stainless steel tubing (1) to the correct length and, if necessary, bend to shape to suit the location of the sensor block assembly. NOTE: To facilitate ease of connection to the
port, at least 75mm (3”) of the tubing coming out of the Gas In port must be straight.
2. Clean off any burrs or metal shavings adhering to the tubing.
3. Screw the ⅛” NPT (¼” U.S.) NPT Swagelok adaptor (5) into the ” NPT (¼” U.S.) NPT inlet port in the sensor block (6) and tighten to a torque setting of 35 Nm (25 lbf-ft).
4. Pass the stainless steel tubing (1) through the locking nut (2). NOTE:
Threads towards the gas port.
5. Fit the back ferrule (3) over the stainless steel tubing (1) with the bevelled end facing the back of the front ferrule (4).
6. Place the front ferrule (4) over the stainless steel tubing (1), bevelled end towards the adaptor (5).
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