We, SOOC AS (Shenzhen) Techno logy Co., Ltd., here by, declare that this
equip ment is in complian ce with the applicable Directive s and
Europ ean Norms, and ame ndments. The full text of the EU declara tion
of confor mity is available at th e followi ng internet address:
All prod ucts bearing this symbol are waste ele ctrical and ele ctronic
equip ment (WEEE as in directive 2012/19/EU) wh ich should not be
mixed wit h unsor ted household waste. Instead, you sh ould protect
human health and env iroment by handi ng over your waste elec trical
and elec tronic equipment, appoin ted by the governmen t or local
autho rities. Corre ct disposal and recyclin g will help pr event
potential nega tive conseque nces to the environm ent and
human health. Please cont act the installer or local au thorities
for more info rmation abou t the locat ion as well as terms and
condi tions of such colle ction points.
For fur ther informati on, please go to www.m i.com
Manufa ctured by: SOO CAS (Shenzhen) Techn ology Co., Ltd.
Addres s: Room 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 401 & 40 2, Building 2, Cho ngwen
Area, Nanshan iP ark, No. 3370 Liux ian Avenue, Nanshan District,
Shenz hen, China
(a Mi Ecosystem com pany)

Safety Instructions
1. The body of the shave r can be cleaned with wat er only after bein g disconnecte d
from the cha rging cable.
2. Do not disass emble the body to rep lace the batter y.
3. Always hol d the plug when pluggi ng in or unpluggin g the charging cabl e. Never
direct ly pull the cable.
4. Do not charg e this shaver for exten ded periods of time wh ile leaving it unat tended,
and do not char ge it longer than 24 hou rs.
5. This shave r contains a built- in rechargea ble battery, an d should never be expos ed to
fire, no r charged, used , or stored in high- temperatur e environment s.
6. Do not place or in sert any foreign ob jects into this shav er.
7. Do not modify or repa ir this shaver yourse lf.
8. Detach th e hand-hel d part from the suppl y cord before clean ing it in water.
1. Immediat ely stop using the cha rging cable if it is damag ed or working impr operly.
2. If the charg ing cable is damage d, it must be replac ed with a genuine char ging cable
purcha sed from the manufac turer or after -sales serv ice departme nt.
3. Keep this shav er out of reach of childre n.
4. Make sure the ch arging port is dr y when charging .
5. Use a 5 V charger wh en charging.
6. Fully char ge the shaver at least onc e every six months , if it will not be used for an
extend ed period of time.
1. This shaver is inte nded for indoor use on ly.
2. This shave r is intended for use by a singl e individual onl y.
3. When trave ling, make sure to inst all the protecti ve cover and enable the tr avel lock to
protec t the shaver.
4. It is recom mended to charge , use, and store this shave r at temperatur es between 5°C
to 35°C.
5. Do not wrap the ch a rging cable a roun d the shave r to avoid damage to the cable .
6. This shave r is only suitable for fac ial hair, and is not recomm ended to be used to shave
one's head o r other parts of the bod y.
7. This s haver meets the IPX 7 s tan d ards for waterproo fin g and can be clean ed with
water. Howeve r, it s hould not be im mersed in water for an ex ten d ed period of time.
8. It is normal fo r water to drip through the ga ps of the body when rinsi ng the shaver.
However, thi s poses no danger sinc e all electronic co mponents are en closed in an
indepe ndent waterp roof compart ment inside the shav er. Standing it upr ight can help get
rid of the water qu ickly.
9. This shaver is not in tended for use by peop le (including ch ildren) with redu ced
physica l, sensory, or men tal capabiliti es, or a lack of experien ce and knowledg e, unless
they are und er the supervis ion of or have been given ins truction s conc erning the use of
the shaver by a per son responsib le for their safety.

Product Overview
Travel Lock
Batte ry Level
Illustratio ns of the prod uct, accesso ries, and user inte rface in this user
manual ar e for refere nce purposes on ly. The actual product and
funct ions may vary due to prod uct enhancem ents.
User manual Cleaning
Info Card
Charging Port
(keep dr y)