MFJ MFJ-704 User Manual

MFJ-704 In st ructi on Manu al
Thank you for purcha sing the MFJ-704 HF Low Pass
Filter. This low pass filter is designed to accept up to
1.5 K W of power a t a frequency of 1.8 to 30 MHz (with 52 ohm inp u t and looking into 52 ohms non-reactive impedance).
The purpose of the Low Pass Fi lter is to reduce possible interference from your transmitter to television or other services above 30 MHz. This 9-pole Chebyshev filter
has a low insertion loss (not more than .5 dB from 1.8 to 30 Mhz.) and has high attenuation above 30 Mhz.
1. Connect the output of your transmitter to the input of the MFJ-704 Filter. Use as short a cable as possible between the transmitter and filter. Use 52 ohm coax such as RG-8 or RG-58 depending on the power level being transmitted. D O NOT USE ANYTH ING BUT 50 or 52 OHM COAX.
2. Connect the outpu t of the MFJ-704 Low Pass Filter to a 52 ohm load. This can be a linear amplifier, an antenna tuner, or a well match ed antenna (52 ohms with no reactance via coax). See Figures 1, 2, a n d 3 on the following page for vari ous hook-up diagrams.
NOTE: The input and output impedances should be 50 or 52
ohms with no reactance. If the output of the filter is looking into any reactance, the power handling capability of the filter is reduced. This is due to the high reactive voltages which can develop.
NOTE: Care should be taken when constructing RF cables. CAUTION: Do not operate the filter with a high
Cold solder joints can actually cause rectification harmonics which will defeat the purpose of the filter. Take steps to insure good solder connections at all RF connectors.
The filter should be well grounded. If you have a good RF connection to the transmitter, and the transmitter is well grounded, that is sufficient.
3. Mount the filter in a convenient location. There are four mounting holes p rov ided f or mount ing if desir ed or the MFJ-704 can be placed on a desk behind the equipment.
Page 1
Figure 1 - MFJ-704 with XMTR and Antenna only.
Figure 3 - MFJ-704 with XMTR, Linear, and Antenna Tuner Page 2