Meyer Sound LD-2 User Manual

80Hz between the Mid-Bass and Sub outputs. With the switch out, a full range signal is sent to both sections. Polarity switches in both the Mid-Bass and Sub sections allow quick correction of any polarity reversal or allignment optimization problems. If only full range and subwoofers are used in the main system, the Mid-Bass/AUX section is available for auxiliary systems such as front-fill, down-fill or delays.
A Master section includes a gain control, a master Mute switch with LED, and a signal presence/clip LED. The compact, single rack space cabinet is made of 16-gauge steel to provide magnetic isolation from nearby devices, EMI immunity and protection from accidental impact damage.
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The LD-2 provides an alternative to the larger LD-1A line driver in applications where coverage is supplied primarily by the main Left and Right systems, with or without subwoofers, and few (if any) fill or auxiliary subsystems are used. Typical systems using the LD-2 could include concert halls and performing arts centers, nightclubs, houses of worship, corporate presentations, and touring systems for small to mid-sized venues.
The LD-2 is a compact, one rack space device designed specifically for integrating different types of Meyer Sound self-powered loudspeakers into an optimized full-range system. As a line driver, the LD-2 can connect to cable runs of up to 1000 feet without introducing instability or distortion. In addition, the LD-2 incorporates a number of switching and filter options to facilitate quick set­up and accommodate a variety of different system configurations.
Each channel of the LD-2 includes three output/control sections, designated Mid-Hi, Mid-Bass/AUX and Sub. Each section provides a gain control (-12 to +6dB) and Mute switch with LED. In addition, the Mid­Hi section has an Array EQ filter to minimize the low-mid rise caused by horizontal arrays of three to five MSL-4 speakers; and Low Cut filter which performs a crossover function by either sending a full range signal to the Mid-Hi output or rolling off at 160Hz (12dB/octave). The Mid­Bass/AUX section also includes a low cut filter (160Hz, 12dB/octave). A separate Mid­Bass and Sub Crossover switch enables the LD-2 to accommodate either Mid-Bass or Subwoofers or both Mid­Bass and Subs, in the same system. With the switch engaged, the signal divides at
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The line driver shall be a two channel device with one input and three outputs for each channel (Left and Right). Each channel shall provide dedicated control sections and outputs for Mid-Hi powered loudspeakers, Mid-Bass powered loudspeakers or an auxiliary system, and powered Subwoofers. The Mid-Hi control section shall provide gain control over a -12 to +6dB range, a Mute switch, a Low cut filter (160Hz) and an Array EQ filter (-6dB at 220Hz, 0.6 octave bandwidth). The Mid-Bass or Aux section shall provide gain control over a -12 to +6dB range, a Mute switch, Low cut filter (160Hz), and polarity switch. The Subwoofer section shall provide gain control over a -12 to +6dB range, Mute button, and polarity switch. A Mid-Bass & Sub Crossover Switch at 80Hz shall allow use of either Mid-Bass or Sub for LF reproduction, or both. Each channe shall include a master gain control over a -12 to +6dB range, a signal presence/clip LED indicator, master Mute button, and an LED mute indicator. All outputs shall be on XLR-M connectors, and each shall have an output impedance of 10
and provide
a maximum output voltage of ±22.5Vpk. Inputs shall be XLR-M connectors with a 10k impedance. An internal power supply shall be switchable for 120V or 230V nominal operation on 50 or 60Hz line current. The line driver shall be housed in a 16-gauge steel, 1U rack mount chassis. The line driver shall be a Meyer Sound LD-2.
Superior engineering for the art and science of sound.
LD-2Line Driver
Integrates different self-powered speakers
φ φ
Mid-Bass or AUX
0 180
LD-2 Front Panel
LD-2 Rear Panel
Maintains signal integrity over long cable paths
Separate Mid-Hi, Mid-Bass/AUX and Subwoofer output controls
Optimized filters to accommodate specific array configurations
Master Left and Right Gain Controls
Mid-Hi, Mid-Bass/Aux, Sub Gain Controls
Low-cut Filter for Mid-High & Mid-Bass/Aux Output
Array EQ Filter for Mid-Hi Output
RF Filter
Common Mode Rejection Ratio
Signal Presence/clip LED
LED Threshold
LED Full Intensity
RF Filter
Maximum Current
Cables and Load
Operating Voltage
Maximum Power
Frequency Response
Phase Response
Dynamic Range
Noise Floor
Gain Accuracy
Mute Attenuation
GAIN RANGE Each Channel
Auxiliary Channels
Meyer Sound Laboratories, Inc.
2832 San Pablo Avenue Berkeley, CA 94702 tel: 510.486.1166 fax: 510.486.8356 e-mail: http:
© 2000 Meyer Sound Laboratories, Inc.
All rights reserved
Meyer Sound reserves the right to alter any specification without notice.
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Meyer Sound Laboratories
has devoted itself to
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and refining components
that deliver superb sonic
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every component is
designed and built to
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comprehensive testing
in the laboratories.
Research remains an
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behind all production.
Meyer strives for sound
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across an extended range.
LD-2 –
Audio Inputs
Audio Outputs
AC Power
–12 to +6 dB –12 to +6 dB 160 Hz high-pass, –12 dB/octave, Q = 0.8 6 dB cut at 220 Hz, 0.6 octave bandwidth Mute switches for Master, Mid-Hi, Mid-Bass/Aux, and Sub outputs Toggles for Sub and Mid-Bass/Aux outputs
1 female XLR per channel Differential balanced input circuit 10 kΩ differential (between pins 2 and 3) Pin 1: chassis/earth ground; Pin 2: signal; Pin 3: signal Common Mode: 425 kHz low-pass; Differential Mode: 142 kHz low-pass > 80 dB (typically 90 dB); measured in the range 50 Hz – 1 kHz (Variable intensity; monitored at the input for each channel) –26 dBV (50 mVrms) pink noise or sinewave –10 dBV (300 mVrms) pink noise or sinewave
Balanced, cross-coupled simulated transformer topology 10Ω balanced (between pins 2 and 3) Pins 2 and 3 shunted to chassis via 500 pF capacitance
1 female XLR/channel Pin 1: chassis/earth ground; Pin 2: signal; Pin 3: signal
1600 Ω Load: ±22.5 Vpk (+24 dBV, +26.2 dBu sinewave) No Load: ±25.0 Vpk (+25 dBV, +27.2 dBu sinewave) ±70 mApk (10 Vrms into 200 Ω) Drives > 100,000 pF (> 1000 ft cable) without instability or distortion
IEC 320 (line, neutral/line, earth) 90 – 125 VAC / 180 – 250 VAC (selectable with rear panel switch); 50/60 Hz 25 Watts; Fuse: 5 x 20 mm, T 250 mA, 250 V, time-lag
< ±0.2 dB 20 Hz – 20 kHz DC to 60 kHz (–3dB)
< ±3° from pure 3 µsec delay (DC – 20 kHz) > 120 dB > –95 dBV A-weighted; > –90 dBV un-weighted < 0.005% (typically 0.002%) < ±0.15 dB at +6 dB gain; < ±0.25 dB at 0 dB gain > 80 dB
–12 to +6 dB
Height: 1.75” (1 rack space); Width: 16.75”; Depth: 6.96”
13.5 lb (6.1 kg); shipping: 15 lb (6.8 kg) Black 16-gauge steel chassis; 1/8” aluminum rack ears
1. 0 dBV = 1Vrms; 0 dBu = 0.775 Vrms; 0dBm = 1 mWrms
2. Ratio of maximum sinewave to A-weighted noise floor
3. Level set to unity gain (0 dB)
4. 0 dBV, 1 kHz sinewave input. Gain at +12 dB main channel