Mettler Toledo M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH, M400/2H Operation Manual

Operation Manual Multi-parameter Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH
Transmitter Multiparameter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH 30 031 683
© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683
Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH 3
© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683
Operation Manual Multi-parameter Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH
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© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683
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© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683
1 Introduction ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 9
2 Safety instructions _____________________________________________________________________________________ 10
2.1 Denition of equipment and documentation symbols and designations _______________________________________10
2.2 Correct disposal of the unit ________________________________________________________________________ 11
3 Unit overview _________________________________________________________________________________________ 12
3.1 Overview 1/2DIN _________________________________________________________________________________ 12
3.2 Control / Navigation Keys ___________________________________________________________________________ 13
3.2.1 Menu Structure ___________________________________________________________________________ 13
3.2.2 Navigation keys __________________________________________________________________________ 13 Navigating the menu tree _________________________________________________________ 13 Escape _______________________________________________________________________ 14 ENTER ________________________________________________________________________ 14 Menu _________________________________________________________________________ 14 Calibration mode _______________________________________________________________ 14 Info mode _____________________________________________________________________ 14
3.2.3 Navigation of data entry elds _______________________________________________________________14
3.2.4 Entry of data values, selection of data entry options ______________________________________________ 14
3.2.5 Navigation with u in Display ________________________________________________________________ 15
3.2.6 ”Save changes” dialog _____________________________________________________________________ 15
3.2.7 Security Passwords _______________________________________________________________________ 15
3.2.8 Display ________________________________________________________________________________15
4 Installation instruction __________________________________________________________________________________ 16
4.1 Unpacking and inspection of equipment _______________________________________________________________ 16
4.1.1 Panel cutout dimensional information – 1/2DIN models ___________________________________________ 16
4.1.2 Installation procedure _____________________________________________________________________17
4.1.3 Assembly – 1/2DIN version _________________________________________________________________ 17
4.1.4 1/2DIN version – Dimension drawings ________________________________________________________ 18
4.1.5 1/2DIN version – Pipe mounting _____________________________________________________________ 18
4.2 Connection of power supply ________________________________________________________________________ 19
4.2.1 Housing (wall mount) _____________________________________________________________________ 19
4.3 Connector PIN denition ___________________________________________________________________________ 20
4.3.1 Terminal Block (TB) Denitions ______________________________________________________________ 20
4.3.2 TB2 Conductivity 4-E/2-E Analog Sensors ______________________________________________________ 21
4.3.3 Analog Sensors __________________________________________________________________________ 21
4.3.4 TB2 Analog Oxygen Sensors ________________________________________________________________ 22
4.3.5 TB2 – ISM (Digital) Sensors ________________________________________________________________ 22
4.4 Connection of ISM (digital) sensors __________________________________________________________________ 23
4.4.1 Connection of ISM sensors for pH/ORP, Cond 4-e and amperometric oxygen measurement ________________ 23
4.4.2 TB2 – AK9 cable assignment _______________________________________________________________ 23
4.5 Connection of analog sensors ______________________________________________________________________24
4.5.1 Connection of analog sensor for pH / ORP ______________________________________________________ 24
4.5.2 TB2 – Typical wiring for analog pH/ORP sensor _________________________________________________ 25 Example 1 ____________________________________________________________________ 25 Example 2 ____________________________________________________________________ 26 Example 3 ____________________________________________________________________ 27 Example 4 ____________________________________________________________________ 28
4.5.3 Connection of analog sensor for amperometric oxygen measurement ________________________________29
4.5.4 TB2 – Typical wiring for analog sensor for Amperometric oxygen measurement _________________________ 30
5 Placing transmitter in, or out, of service ___________________________________________________________________ 31
5.1 Placing transmitter in service _______________________________________________________________________ 31
5.2 Placing transmitter out of service ____________________________________________________________________ 31
6 Quick Setup __________________________________________________________________________________________ 32
7 Sensor Calibration _____________________________________________________________________________________ 33
7.1 Enter Calibration Mode ____________________________________________________________________________ 33
7.2 Conductivity calibration for two- or four-electrode sensors _________________________________________________ 34
7.2.1 One-point sensor calibration ________________________________________________________________ 34
7.2.2 Two-point sensor calibration (four electrode sensors only) _________________________________________ 35
7.2.3 Process Calibration _______________________________________________________________________ 36
7.3 Calibration of amperometric oxygen sensors ___________________________________________________________ 36
7.3.1 One-point calibration for amperometric oxygen sensors ___________________________________________ 37 Auto mode ____________________________________________________________________ 37 Manual mode __________________________________________________________________ 38
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7.3.2 Process calibration for amperometric oxygen sensors _____________________________________________ 38
7.4 pH calibration ___________________________________________________________________________________39
7.4.1 One point calibration ______________________________________________________________________ 39 Auto mode ____________________________________________________________________ 39 Manual Mode __________________________________________________________________ 40
7.4.2 Two-point calibration _____________________________________________________________________ 40 Auto Mode _____________________________________________________________________ 40 Manual Mode __________________________________________________________________ 41
7.4.3 Process calibration _______________________________________________________________________ 42
7.4.4 mV calibration (only for analog sensors) ______________________________________________________ 42
7.4.5 ORP calibration (only for ISM sensors) _______________________________________________________43
7.5 Sensor temperature calibration (only for analog sensors) _________________________________________________ 44
7.5.1 One-Point sensor temperature calibration ______________________________________________________ 44
7.5.2 Two-Point sensor temperature calibration ______________________________________________________ 44
7.6 Edit sensor calibration constants (only for analog sensor) _________________________________________________ 45
7.7 Sensor verication ________________________________________________________________________________ 45
8 Conguration _________________________________________________________________________________________ 46
8.1 Enter conguration mode __________________________________________________________________________ 46
8.2 Measurement ___________________________________________________________________________________ 46
8.2.1 Channel Setup ___________________________________________________________________________ 46 Analog sensor __________________________________________________________________ 47 ISM sensor ____________________________________________________________________ 47 Save changes of the channel setup _________________________________________________47
8.2.2 Temperature source (only for analog sensors) __________________________________________________ 48
8.2.3 Parameter related settings __________________________________________________________________ 48 Conductivity temperature compensation ______________________________________________49 Concentration table ______________________________________________________________ 50 pH / ORP parameters _____________________________________________________________51 Parameters for oxygen measurement based on amperometric sensors ______________________ 52
8.2.4 Set averaging ____________________________________________________________________________ 53
8.3 Analog outputs __________________________________________________________________________________ 54
8.4 Set points ______________________________________________________________________________________ 55
8.5 Alarm / Clean ___________________________________________________________________________________ 56
8.5.1 Alarm __________________________________________________________________________________ 56
8.5.2 Clean __________________________________________________________________________________ 57
8.6 ISM set up (available for pH and oxygen ISM sensors) ___________________________________________________ 58
8.6.1 Sensor monitoring ________________________________________________________________________ 58
8.6.2 CIP Cycle Limit ___________________________________________________________________________ 59
8.6.3 SIP Cycle Limit ___________________________________________________________________________ 60
8.6.4 Autoclaving Cycle Limit ____________________________________________________________________ 60
8.6.5 Reset ISM counter / timer ___________________________________________________________________ 61
8.6.6 DLI stress adjustment (only for pH ISM sensors) ________________________________________________ 61
8.7 Display ________________________________________________________________________________________ 62
8.7.1 Measurement ____________________________________________________________________________ 62
8.7.2 Resolution ______________________________________________________________________________ 63
8.7.3 Backlight _______________________________________________________________________________ 63
8.7.4 Name __________________________________________________________________________________ 63
8.7.5 ISM sensor monitoring (available when ISM sensor connected) _____________________________________64
8.8 Hold analog outputs ______________________________________________________________________________64
9 System ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 65
9.1 Set Language ___________________________________________________________________________________ 65
9.2 Passwords _____________________________________________________________________________________ 65
9.2.1 Changing passwords ______________________________________________________________________ 66
9.2.2 Conguring menu access for operator _________________________________________________________ 66
9.3 Set / Clear lockout ________________________________________________________________________________ 66
9.4 Reset __________________________________________________________________________________________ 66
9.4.1 Reset system ____________________________________________________________________________ 67
9.4.2 Reset meter calibration ____________________________________________________________________67
9.4.3 Reset analog calibration ___________________________________________________________________ 67
9.5 Set date & time __________________________________________________________________________________ 67
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10 PID setup ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 68
10.1 Enter PID setup __________________________________________________________________________________69
10.2 PID auto / manual ________________________________________________________________________________ 69
10.3 Mode __________________________________________________________________________________________ 69
10.3.1 PID mode _______________________________________________________________________________ 70
10.4 Tune parameters _________________________________________________________________________________ 71
10.4.1 PID assignment & tuning ___________________________________________________________________ 71
10.4.2 Setpoint & deadband ______________________________________________________________________71
10.4.3 Proportional limits ________________________________________________________________________ 71
10.4.4 Corner points ____________________________________________________________________________ 71
10.5 PID display _____________________________________________________________________________________72
11 Service ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 73
11.1 Diagnostics _____________________________________________________________________________________ 73
11.1.1 Model / Software revision ___________________________________________________________________ 73
11.1.2 Digital input _____________________________________________________________________________73
11.1.3 Display ________________________________________________________________________________74
11.1.4 Keypad ________________________________________________________________________________ 74
11.1.5 Memory ________________________________________________________________________________ 74
11.1.6 Set OC _________________________________________________________________________________ 74
11.1.7 Read OC _______________________________________________________________________________ 75
11.1.8 Set analog outputs ________________________________________________________________________ 75
11.1.9 Read analog outputs ______________________________________________________________________ 75
11.2 Calibrate _______________________________________________________________________________________ 75
11.2.1 Calibrate meter (only for channel A) __________________________________________________________ 76 Temperature ___________________________________________________________________ 76 Current _______________________________________________________________________ 76 Voltage _______________________________________________________________________ 77 Rg diagnostic __________________________________________________________________ 77 Rr diagnostic ___________________________________________________________________ 78 Calibrate analog output signals ____________________________________________________ 78
11.2.2 Calibrate unlock __________________________________________________________________________ 79
11.3 Tech Service ____________________________________________________________________________________ 79
12 Info _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 80
12.1 Messages ______________________________________________________________________________________ 80
12.2 Calibration data _________________________________________________________________________________80
12.3 Model / Software revision ___________________________________________________________________________ 81
12.4 ISM sensor info (available when ISM sensor connected) __________________________________________________ 81
12.5 ISM sensor diagnostics (available when ISM sensor connected) ____________________________________________81
13 Maintenance __________________________________________________________________________________________ 84
13.1 Front panel cleaning ______________________________________________________________________________84
14 Troubleshooting _______________________________________________________________________________________ 85
14.1 Cond (resistive) Error messages / Warning- and Alarm list for analog sensors __________________________________ 85
14.2 Cond (resistive) Error messages / Warning- and Alarm list for ISM sensors ____________________________________ 86
14.3 pH Error messages / Warning- and Alarm list ___________________________________________________________ 86
14.3.1 pH sensors except dual membrane pH electrodes _______________________________________________ 86
14.3.2 Dual membrane pH electrodes (pH / pNa) _____________________________________________________ 87
14.3.3 ORP messages _________________________________________________________________________ 87
14.4 Amperometric O
Error messages / Warning- and Alarm list ________________________________________________ 88
14.4.1 High level oxygen sensors __________________________________________________________________ 88
14.4.2 Low level oxygen sensors __________________________________________________________________ 88
14.4.3 Trace oxygen sensors _____________________________________________________________________ 89
14.5 Warning- and Alarm indication on the display __________________________________________________________ 90
14.5.1 Warning indication________________________________________________________________________ 90
14.5.2 Alarm indication __________________________________________________________________________ 90
15 Accessories and Spare Parts _____________________________________________________________________________ 91
16 Specications _________________________________________________________________________________________ 92
16.1 General specications ____________________________________________________________________________ 92
16.2 Electrical specications ____________________________________________________________________________ 95
16.3 Mechanical specications __________________________________________________________________________ 95
16.4 Environmental specications _______________________________________________________________________96
17 Default table __________________________________________________________________________________________ 97
18 Warranty ____________________________________________________________________________________________102
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19 Buffer tables _________________________________________________________________________________________103
19.1 Standard pH buffers _____________________________________________________________________________ 103
19.1.1 Mettler-9 _______________________________________________________________________________103
19.1.2 Mettler-10 _____________________________________________________________________________ 104
19.1.3 NIST Technical Buffers ____________________________________________________________________104
19.1.4 NIST standard buffers (DIN and JIS 19266: 2000–01) __________________________________________ 105
19.1.5 Hach buffers ___________________________________________________________________________105
19.1.6 Ciba (94) buffers ________________________________________________________________________ 106
19.1.7 Merck Titrisole, Riedel-de-Haën Fixanale _____________________________________________________ 106
19.1.8 WTW buffers ___________________________________________________________________________ 107
19.1.9 JIS Z 8802 buffers _______________________________________________________________________107
19.2 Dual membrane pH electrode buffers ________________________________________________________________ 108
19.2.1 Mettler-pH/pNa buffers (Na+ 3.9M) __________________________________________________________108
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© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683
1 Introduction
Statement of Intended Use – The 2-wire M400 multi-parameter transmitter is a single- channel online process instrument with HART® communication capabilities for measuring various proper­ties of fluids and gases. These include Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, and pH / ORP. The M400 is available in two different levels. The level indicates the amount of measurement parameters which can be covered. The parameters are indicated on the label on the back of the system.
The M400 is a unique mixed mode transmitter who can handle conventional sensors (analog) or ISM sensors (digital).
M400 parameter fit guide
Parameter guide M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Parameter M400/2(X)H M400G/2XH
Analog ISM Analog ISM pH / ORP • Conductivity 2-e – Conductivity 4-e • Amp. DO ppm/ppb/trace •*/•/•/ •*/•/• •/•/•/ •/•/• Amp. O2 gas ppm/ppb/trace •/–/– •/•/• * THORNTON and INGOLD sensors
A large four line backlit Liquid Crystal Display conveys measuring data and setup information. The menu structure allows the operator to modify all operational parameters by using keys on the front panel. A menu-lockout feature, with password protection, is available to prevent the un­authorized use of the meter. The M400 Multi-parameter transmitter can be configured to use its two analog and / or two open collector (OC) outputs for process control.
This description corresponds to the firmware release, version 1.0 for transmitter M400/2(X)H and M400G/2XH. Changes are taking place constantly, without prior notification.
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© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683
2 Safety instructions
This manual includes safety information with the following designations and formats.
2.1 Denition of equipment and documentation symbols and designations
CAUTION: possible instrument damage or malfunction.
NOTE: Important operating information.
On the transmitter or in this manual text indicates: Caution and/or other possible hazard includ-
ing risk of electric shock (refer to accompanying documents)
The following is a list of general safety instructions and warnings. Failure to adhere to these instructions can result in damage to the equipment and/or personal injury to the operator.
– The M400 Transmitter should be installed and operated only by personnel familiar with the
transmitter and who are qualified for such work.
– The M400 Transmitter must only be operated under the specified operating conditions (see
section 16 “Specifications”). – Repair of the M400 Transmitter must be performed by authorized, trained personnel only. – With the exception of routine maintenance, cleaning procedures or fuse replacement, as de-
scribed in this manual, the M400 Transmitter must not be tampered with or altered in any
manner. – Mettler-Toledo accepts no responsibility for damage caused by unauthorized modifications to
the transmitter. – Follow all warnings, cautions, and instructions indicated on and supplied with this product. – Install equipment as specified in this instruction manual. Follow appropriate local and na-
tional codes. – Protective covers must be in place at all times during normal operation. – If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection pro-
vided by it against hazards may be impaired.
Installation of cable connections and servicing of this product require access to shock hazard voltage levels. Main power and OC contacts wired to separate power source must be disconnected before ser­vicing. Switch or circuit breaker shall be in close proximity to the equipment and within easy reach of the OPERATOR; it shall be marked as the disconnecting device for the equipment. Main power must employ a switch or circuit breaker as the disconnecting device for the equipment. Electrical installation must be in accordance with the National Electrical Code and/or any other applicable national or local codes.
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Because process and safety conditions may depend on consistent operation of this trans­mitter, provide appropriate means to maintain operation during sensor cleaning, replace­ment or sensor or instrument calibration.
NOTE: This is a 2-wire-product with two active 4–20 mA analog output.
2.2 Correct disposal of the unit
When the transmitter is finally removed from service, observe all local environmental regulations for proper disposal.
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3 Unit overview
The M400 models are available in 1/2DIN case size. The M400 models provide an integral IP66/NEMA4X housing for wall- or pipe mount.
3.1 Overview 1/2DIN
1: Hard Polycarbonate case 1: TB1 – Input and Output Analog Signal 2: Five Tactile-Feedback Navigation Keys 2: TB2 – Sensor Signal 3: Four-line LCD Display
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© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683
3.2 Control / Navigation Keys
3.2.1 Menu Structure
Below is the structure of the M400 menu tree:
Mode M400
CalMenu Info
Quick Setup Configure System PID Setup Service Messages
ISM Sensor
Analog Outputs
Set Points
ISM Setup*
Set Language
Set/Clear Lockout
Tune Parameters
Tech Service
Hold Outputs
Set Date & Time
Channel Select
Set Points
PID Display Setup
Calibration Data
* Only available in combination with ISM sensors
3.2.2 Navigation keys
Menu Cal
ESC Navigating the menu tree
Enter the desired main Menu branch with the c or keys. Use the and . keys to navi­gate through the selected Menu branch.
NOTE: In order to back up one menu page, without escaping to the measurement mode,
movethe cursor under the UP Arrow character (u) at the bottom right of the display screenandpress [ENTER].
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© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683 Escape
Press the and c key simultaneously (escape) to return to the Measurement mode. ENTER
Use the e key to confirm action or selections. Menu
Press the key to access the main Menu. Calibration mode
Press the c key to enter Calibration mode. Info mode
Press the . key to enter Info mode.
3.2.3 Navigation of data entry elds
Use the c key to navigate forward or the key to navigate backwards within the changeable data entry fields of the display.
3.2.4 Entry of data values, selection of data entry options
Use the key to increase or the . key to decrease a digit. Use the same keys to navigate within a selection of values or options of a data entry field.
NOTE: Some screens require configuring multiple values via the same data field (ex: configuring
multiple setpoints). Be sure to use the c or key to return to the primary field and the or
. key to toggle between all configuration options before entering to the next display screen.
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3.2.5 Navigation with u in Display
If a u is displayed on the bottom right hand corner of the display, you can use the c or the
key to navigate to it. If you click [ENTER] you will navigate backwards through the menu (go
back one screen). This can be a very useful option to move back up the menu tree without hav­ing to exit into the measuring mode and re-enter the menu.
3.2.6 ”Save changes” dialog
Three options are possible for the ”Save changes” dialog: Yes & Exit (Save changes and exit to measuring mode), ”Yes & u” (Save changes and go back one screen) and ”No & Exit” (Don’t save changes and exit to measuring mode). The ”Yes & u” option is very useful if you want to continue configuring without having to re-enter the menu.
3.2.7 Security Passwords
The M400 transmitter allows a security lock-out of various menus. If the security lock-out feature of the transmitter has been enabled, a security password must be entered to allow access to the menu. See section 9.3 for more information.
3.2.8 Display
NOTE: In the event of an alarm or other error condition the M400 Transmitter will display a flash-
ing a a in the upper right corner of the display. This symbol will remain until the condition that caused it has been cleared.
NOTE: During calibrations (Channel A), clean, Digital In with Analog Output / OC, a flashing ”H”
(Hold) will appear in the upper left corner of the display. During calibration on Channel B, a flashing ”H” (Hold) will appear in the second line. Change to B and flash. This symbol will remain for 20 sec., after end of calibration. This symbol will remain for 20 seconds until after the calibration or clean is completed. This symbol will also disappear when Digital In is deactivated.
NOTE: Channel A (A is shown on the left side of the display) indicates that a conventional
sensor is connected to the transmitter.
Channel B (B is shown on the left side of the display) indicates, that an ISM Sensor is connected to the transmitter.
The M400 is a single input channel transmitter, and only one sensor can be connected at the same time.
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4 Installation instruction
4.1 Unpacking and inspection of equipment
Inspect the shipping container. If it is damaged, contact the shipper immediately for instructions. Do not discard the box.
If there is no apparent damage, unpack the container. Be sure all items shown on the packing list are present.
If items are missing, notify Mettler-Toledo immediately.
4.1.1 Panel cutout dimensional information –
1/2DIN models
1/2DIN Model transmitters are designed with an integral rear cover for stand-alone wall mount installation.
The unit may also be wall mounted using the integral rear cover. See installation instructions in Section 4.1.2.
Below are cut-out dimensions required by the 1/2DIN models when mounted within a flat panel or on a flat enclosure door. This surface must be flat and smooth. Textured or rough surfaces are not recommended and may limit the effectiveness of the gasket seal provided.
Optional hardware accessories are available that allow for panel- or pipe-mount. Refer to Section 15 for ordering information.
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4.1.2 Installation procedure
– Orient the transmitter so that the cable grips face downward. – Wiring routed through the cable grips shall be suitable for use in wet locations. – In order provide IP66 enclosure ratings, all cable glands must be in place. Each cable gland
must be filled using a cable, or suitable Cable Gland Hole Seal.
For Wall Mount:
– Remove rear cover from front housing. – Start by unscrewing the four screws located on the face of the transmitter, in each corner. This
allows the front cover to swing away from the rear housing. – Remove the hinge-pin by squeezing the pin from each end. This allows the front housing to
be removed from the rear housing – Mount rear housing to wall. Secure mounting kit to the M400 according to the supplied
instructions. Attach to wall using appropriate mounting hardware for wall surface. Be sure it
is level and securely fastened and the installation adheres to any and all clearance dimen-
sions required for transmitter service and maintenance. Orient the transmitter so that the
cable grips are facing downward. – Replace the front housing to the rear housing. Securely tighten the rear-cover screws to
ensure that IP66/NEMA4X enclosure environmental rating is maintained. The unit is ready to
be wired.
For Pipe Mount:
– Use only manufacturer-supplied components for pipe-mounting the M400 transmitter and
install per the supplied instructions. See section 15 for ordering information.
4.1.3 Assembly – 1/2DIN version
1. 3 M20X1.5 cable glands
2. Plastics plugs
3. 4 screws
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4.1.4 1/2DIN version – Dimension drawings
90 mm
43 mm
136 mm / 5.35"
150 mm / 5.9"
114 mm / 4.49"
150 mm / 5.9"
28 mm
27 mm
90 mm / 3.54"
90 mm / 3.54"
75 mm / 2.95"
6 mm/
80 mm / 3.15"
5.39” 0.02”
5.39” 0.02”
137mm 0.5mm
137mm 0.5mm
4.1.5 1/2DIN version – Pipe mounting
40 ... 60 mm1.57... 2.36"
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4.2 Connection of power supply
All connections to the transmitter are made on the rear panel of all models.
Be sure power to all wires is turned off before proceeding with the installation.
A two-terminal connector on the rear panel of all M400 models is provided for power connec­tion. All M400 models are designed to operate from a 14–30 VDC power source. Refer to specifications for power requirements and ratings and size power wiring accordingly (AWG 16 – 24, wire cross-section 0.2 mm2 to 1.5 mm2).
The terminal block for power connections is labeled ”Power” on the rear panel of the transmitter. One terminal is labeled – N for the Neutral wire and the other + L for the Line (or Load) wire.
The terminals are suitable for single wires and flexible leads 0.2 mm2 to 2.5 mm2 (AWG 16 –
24). There is no earth ground terminal on the transmitter. For this reason the internal power wir­ing within the transmitter is double insulated and the product label designates this using the d symbol.
4.2.1 Housing (wall mount)
1: TB1 – Input and Output Analog Signal 2: TB2 – Sensor Signal
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4.3 Connector PIN denition
4.3.1 Terminal Block (TB) Denitions
Power connections are labeled – N for Neutral and + L for Line, for 14–30 VDC.
1 9 10 15
Power connections are labeled A01+ / HART and A01– / HART resp. A02+ and A02– for 14 to 30 VDC.
1 DI1+
2 DI1–
3 DI2+
4 DI2–
5 Not used
6 OC1+
7 OC1–
8 OC2+
9 OC2–
10 AO1+/HART 11 AO1–/HART 12 AO2+ 13 AO2– 14 Not used 15
OC1, 2 =
Open collector output 1, 2.
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4.3.2 TB2 Conductivity 4-E/2-E Analog Sensors
TB2 – Analog Sensors
Cond 4-E or 2-E
Terminal Function Color
A Cnd inner1* white B Cnd outer1* white/blue C Cnd outer1 – D Not used – E Cnd outer2 – F Cnd inner2** blue G Cnd outer2 (GND)** black H Not used – I RTD ret/GND bare shield J RTD sense red K RTD green L Not used – M Not used – N Not used – O Not used – P Not used – Q Not used
* For third party Cond 2-E sensors may be jumper between A and B has to be installed. ** For third party Cond 2-E sensors may be jumper between F and G has to be installed.
4.3.3 Analog Sensors
TB2 – Analog Sensors
pH Redox (ORP)
Terminal Function Color* Function Color
A Glass transparent Platinum transparent B Not used – C No used – D Not used – E Reference red Reference red F Reference** Reference** – G Solution GND** blue*** Solution GND** – H Not used – I RTD ret/GND white – J RTD sense – K RTD green – L Not used – M Shield (GND) green/yellow Shield (GND) green/yellow N Not used – O Not used – P Not used – Q Not used
* Grey wire not used. ** Install jumper between F and G for ORP sensors and pH electrodes without SG. *** Blue wire for electrode with SG.
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© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683
4.3.4 TB2 Analog Oxygen Sensors
InPro6800(G) InPro6900 InPro6950
Terminal Function Color Color Color
A Not used – B Anode red red red C Anode –* –* – D Reference –* –* blue E Not used – F Not used – G Guard grey grey H Cathode transparent transparent transparent I NTC ret (GND) white white white J Not used – K NTC green green green L Not used – M Shield (GND) green/yellow green/yellow green/yellow N Not used – O Not used – P + input 4/20 mA signal – Q – input 4/20 mA signal
* Install jumber between C and D for InPro6800(G) and InPro6900
4.3.5 TB2 – ISM (Digital) Sensors
pH, amp. Oxygen, Cond 4-e
Terminal Function Color
A Not used – B Not used – C Not used – D Not used – E Not used – F Not used – G Not used – H Not used – I Not used – J Not used – K Not used – L 1-wire transparent (cable core) M GND red (shield) N Not used – O Not used – P Not used – Q Not used
Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH 23
© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683
4.4 Connection of ISM (digital) sensors
4.4.1 Connection of ISM sensors for pH/ORP,
Cond 4-e and amperometric oxygen measurement
NOTE: Connect the sensor and screw the plug head clockwise (hand tight).
4.4.2 TB2 – AK9 cable assignment
* 1-wire data (transparent) ** Ground/shield
Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH 24
© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683
4.5 Connection of analog sensors
4.5.1 Connection of analog sensor for pH / ORP
NOTE: Cable lengths > 20 m can worsen the response during pH measurement. Be sure to
observe the sensor instruction manual.
Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH 25
© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683
4.5.2 TB2 – Typical wiring for analog pH/ORP sensor Example 1
pH measurement without Solution Ground
Combination pH electrode
Temperature probe
NOTE: Jumber terminals G and F
Wire Colors only valid for connection with VP caple; blue and grey not connected. A: Glass E: Reference I: RTD ret/GND K: RTD M: Shield/GND
Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH 26
© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683 Example 2
pH measurement with Solution Ground
Combination pH electrode with RTD and SG
Temperature probe
NOTE: Wire colors only valid for connection with VP cable, grey not connected.
A: Glass E: Reference G: Shield/Solution GND I: GND/RTD ret K: RTD M: Shield(GND)
Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH 27
© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683 Example 3
ORP (redox) measurement (temperature optional)
ORP electrode
Reference electrode
Sensing electrode
NOTE: Jumper terminal G and F
A: Platinum E: Reference I: RTD ret/GND K: RTD M: Shield(GND)
Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH 28
© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683 Example 4
ORP measurement with pH solution ground electrode (e.g. InPro 3250, InPro 4800 SG).
Combination pH electrode with RTD and SG
Temperature probe
Not connected
NOTE: Jumper terminal G and F
A: Platinum E: Reference I: RTD ret/GND K: RTD M: Shiled(GND)
Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH 29
© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683
4.5.3 Connection of analog sensor for amperometric
oxygen measurement
NOTE: Be sure to observe the sensor instruction manual.
Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH 30
© 12 / 2011 Mettler-Toledo AG, CH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland Transmitter M400/2(X)H, M400G/2XH Printed in Switzerland 30 031 683
4.5.4 TB2 – Typical wiring for analog sensor for
Amperometric oxygen measurement
NOTE: Wire colors only valid for connection with VP cable, but not connected.
M400 connector: B: Anode G: Reference H: Cathode I: NTC ret/Guard K: NTC M: Shield (GND)
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