Metrologic Instruments MS2320 User Manual

MS2300 Series StratosH
• 6-sided, 360°-scanning
• DIVA dual interval scale
• Stratos
independent scanning planes
• Stratos
pre-aligned optical scanning modules
• Stratos
operator training software
Optimizes checkout productivity and operator safety by capturing data regardless of bar code orientation to scanner
Legally and accurately weighs items as light as 40 g/0.1 lb and as heavy as 15 kg/30 lb
Maintains productivity and uptime via independent scanning planes
Minimizes downtime and lowers cost of service with field-replaceable optical modules
Increases productivity and efficiency by teaching proper scanning techniques
StratosH ensures checkout efficiency with Stratos
and Stratos
. Both features capitalize on Metrologic’s patented modular scanner configuration of independent vertical and horizontal scanning planes.
The StratosH form factor is available in several lengths and boasts a 4-inch-below counter depth for easy integration into most checkout environments.
The high performance of the Stratos series has been united with the legendary accuracy and ruggedness of the Mettler Toledo dual interval scale.
Specifically designed to withstand the most grueling checkout environments, the DIVA dual interval scale supports both weight-only and price-computing applications. This allows international retailers to easily create global standards for their POS systems.
StratosH also features RS-232 auxiliary port, Flash ROM firmware upgrade capability, MetroSet
2 PC-based configuring and
sapphire or diamonex horizontal window.
MMeettrroollooggiiccss SSttrraattoossHH 66--ssiiddeedd,, 336600°°--bbiiooppttiicc ssccaannnneerr//ssccaallee pprroovviiddeess rreettaaiilleerrss wwiitthh hhiigghh-- tthhrroouugghhppuutt eef
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ssiimmpplliiffyy sseett uupp,, mmiinniimmiizzee ddoowwnnttiimmee aanndd mmaaxxiimmiizzee ccuussttoommeerr ssaattiissffaaccttiioonn..
MS2320 full-size scanner/scale
Light Source Visible Laser Diode 650 nm +
10 nm
Laser Power - (horz/vert) 1.1 mW / 1.5 mW Motor Speed - (horz/vert) 4800 / 4800 RPM Sides Read 6 Decode Capability All standard 1-D bar codes, RSS-14, RSS-Expanded, RSS-14 Limited System Interfaces RS-232, Aux. RS-232, IBM468x/469x, USB, OCIA Number Characters Read Up to 80 data characters Speaker Operation 7 tones or no beep; 3 volume settings Indicators (LED) Blue = ready to scan; White = good read
Operating Temperature 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F) Storage Temperature -40°C to 60°C (-40°F to 140°F) Humidity 5% to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing IP Rating IP 55 Light Levels 4842 Lux (450 footcandles) Contaminants Sealed to resist airborne particulate contaminants Ventilation None required
Length MS2320 (full-size scanner with scale) 508 mm (20”)
MS2321 (full-size scanner only) 508 mm (20”) MS2322 (compact-size scanner only) 420 mm (16.5”)
Width 292 mm (11.5”) Depth (below counter) 100 mm (4”) Height (above counter) 178 mm (7”)
Weight MS2320 (full-size scanner with scale) 11.8 kg (26 lb)
MS2321 (full-size scanner only) 7.7 kg (17 lb) MS2322 (compact-size scanner only) 7.3 kg (16 lb)
Depth of Scan Field - (horz) 0 mm - 152 mm (0” - 6”) for 0.33 mm (13 mil) bar code Depth of Scan Field - (vert) 0 mm - 216 mm (0” - 8.5”) for 0.33 mm (13 mil) bar code Scan Speed 5280 scan lines per second No. of scan lines - (horz/vert) 66 (38/28) Scan Zone 360° Minimum Bar Width 0.152 mm (6 mil) Print Contrast 35% minimum reflectance difference Roll, Pitch, Yaw 360°, 60°, 60°
Product Colors Available
Dark Grey
series is available in a variety of other
colors with minimum quantity purchase
Input Voltage 100 - 240 VAC, 50 - 60 Hz, 0.6A Power 13.5 W (operating); 5 W (standby) Operating Current 900 mA (5V) / 700 mA (12V) DC Transformers Class 1; 5 VDC @ 1.5 A; 12 VDC @ 1.5 A Laser Class CDRH & IEC: CLASS 1 laser product according to IEC
EMC FCC, ICES-003 & EN55022 Class A
MS2300 Series StratosH
292 mm (11.5”)
compact-size scanner only
full-size scanner and scale
full-size scanner only
178 mm
100 mm
508 mm
178 mm
100 mm
508 mm
178 mm
100 mm
420 mm
Capacity 0-6 kg x 0.002 kg; 6-15 kg x 0.005 kg
(0-15 lb x 0.005 lb; 15-30 lb x 0.01 lb)
Minimum legal weight 40 g (0.1 lb) Interfaces RS-232, adapter cables available Communication Protocols included work with most popular POS systems Operating range -10°C to 40°C (14°F to -104°F); 0-85% humidity; non-condensing Automatic zero mainenance Assures a stable zero reading Approvals NTEP, OIML, CE
114 mm
269 mm
70 mm (2.8”)
41 mm
SSuunnrriissee 22000055
Revision: D
AAssiiaann HHeeaaddqquuaarrtteerrss EEuurrooppeeaann HHeeaaddqquuaarrtteerrss TThhee AAmmeerriiccaass HHeeaaddqquuaarrtteerrss Tel. 65.6842.7155 Tel. 49.89.89019.0 Tel. 1.800.ID.METRO
Metrologic Instruments, Inc. |
WWoorrllddwwiiddee HHeeaaddqquuaarrtteerrss
90 Coles Road | Blackwood, NJ 08012-4683 |
Telephone 856-228-8100 | Fax 856-228-6673 |
Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed U.S.A. Copyright January 2008 Metrologic, All rights reserved.