McQuay WMM 145S Parts List

Replacement Parts List No. 700008900
Revision A 12/2008
Magnetic Bearing Compressor
Modernized Chiller
Parts List Revision History........................................................................... 3
Model Nomenclature and Electrical Legend ................................................ 4
Unit Components......................................................................................... 5
Magnetic Bearing Compressor ............................................................... 6 - 7
Piping - Discharge ....................................................................................... 8
Piping - Liquid Line and Motor Cooling........................................................ 9
Unit Controls....................................................................................... 10 - 11
Control Box Components........................................................................... 12
NOTE: For replacement components on the original chiller, please see Replacement Parts Lists 571112 (PEH 046-050) or 7000000 (WSC 048-050).
Magnetic Bearing Compr. Chiller; WMM 145S Rev. A 12/2008 RPL 700008900 / Page 2
Parts List Revision History
Revision Date Description
NEW 09/2007 New
A 12/08 Page 7 - Ref. #15 add ‘Cavity’ to description.
13600 Industrial Park Blvd., P.O. Box 1551, Minneapolis, MN 55440 (763) 553-5330
Magnetic Bearing Compr. Chiller; WMM 145S Rev. A 12/2008 RPL 700008900 / Page 3
Model Nomenclature and Electrical Legend
Model Nomenclature
WMM 145S SC 15R /// 134
134 = HFC-134a
Packaged Water Cooled, Magnetic Bearing Compressor, Modernized Chiller
145 = 145 ton
Electrical Legend
B1-B10 .......................... Analog Input Connections
CB ................................. Circuit Breaker
CBX...............................Compressor Box
CC ................................. Compressor Controller
CF .................................Condenser Flow Switch
CO.................................Compressor Off Relay
CP1 & CP2 .................... Condenser Pump Cycling Relay
CR ................................. Compressor Relay
CT .................................Control Transformer
CWI ............................... Condenser Water Interlocks
C1 ................................. Cooling Tower Fan Relay (Stage 1)
C2 ................................. Cooling Tower Fan Relay (Stage 2)
C3 ................................. Cooling Tower Fan Relay (Stage 3)
C4 ................................. Cooling Tower Fan Relay (Stage 4)
EF ................................. Evaporator Flow Switch
EP1 & 2.........................Evaporator Pump Cycling Relay
EWI ...............................Evaporator Water Interlocks
EXV ...............................Electronic Expansion Valve
GDB .............................. Guardistor Board
GFP...............................Ground Fault Protector
HG.................................Hot Gas Solenoid
HR1 & 2 ........................Heater Relay
ID1 thru 18 ....................Digital Input Connections
IR2 thru 4 ......................Isolation Relay for T2 thru T4
L1 ..................................Liquid Injection Solenoid
Motor Voltage Code
S = Single Compressor
LR .................................... Latch Relay
MA.................................... Contactor Auxillary
MC ................................... Motor Cooling Solenoid
MCR ................................. Motor Contactor Relay (Starter)
MHP ................................. Mechanical High Pressure Switch
NO1-18, NC1-18.............. Digital Output Connections
OC.................................... Oil Cooler Solenoid (120 or 24 VAC)
OL .................................... Overload
OP .................................... Oil Pump Contactor
PTB .................................. Pressure Transducer Board
RL .................................... Reactor, Line Side
SA(Unload), SB(Load) ..... Vane Control Solenoids
SC .................................... Signal Converter
SW1 ................................. Unit Start/Stop Switch
SW2 ................................. Compressor Manual Stop Switch
SW3 ................................. Remote Start/Stop Switch
SW4 ................................. Mode Switch
SW5 ................................. Emergency Stop Switch
T1 ..................................... Transformer (120VAC)
T2 ..................................... Transformer (24VAC)
T3 ..................................... Transformer (24VAC)
T4 ..................................... Transformer (24VAC)
T5 ..................................... Transformer (24VAC) / Isolation
VC .................................... Vane Close Switch
VO .................................... Vane Open Switch
VR .................................... Voltage Relay
UC .................................... Unit Controller
Magnetic Bearing Compr. Chiller; WMM 145S Rev. A 12/2008 RPL 700008900 / Page 4
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