McQuay WDC, WSC Product Manual

Product Manual
Centrifugal Compressor Water Chillers
Group: Chiller Date: October 1999 Supersedes: PM PEH/PFH-1
HFC 134a, The Global Refrigerant of Choice
© 1998 McQuay International
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................ 3
Design Advantages................................. 4
Dual Compressor Design..................................4
Compressor Design...........................................7
Compact Design...............................................11
Heat Exchangers...............................................12
Lubrication System..........................................12
SurgeGard .......................................................13
Pumpdown ........................................................13
Thermal Expansion Valves..............................13
Factory Performance Test...............................14
McQuayService Startup..................................14
Compressor .......................................................31
Relief Valves......................................................31
Pumpout Units..................................................32
Chillers ...............................................................33
Marine Water Boxes ........................................43
Weights .............................................................44
Pumpout Units..................................................46
Electrical Data ...................................... 47
Motor and Voltage Code.................................47
Motor Data........................................................47
Field Wiring.......................................................51
Control Power...................................................52
WDC Design Features .......................... 15
The Redundancy Feature ...............................15
Part Load Efficiency.........................................16
Lower Installed Costs......................................17
Bolt Together Construction...........................17
WDC Chiller Controls......................................17
Control Features...................................19
Building Management Systems .....................22
Multiple Machine Control..............................22
Unit Selection.......................................26
Chiller Identification..............................28
Physical Data and Weights....................29
(Cover picture: Model WDC 126, 2300 ton dual compressor chiller)
Motor Starters......................................53
Application Considerations ..................... 56
Evaporator Water Temperature......................56
System Water Volume .....................................56
Condenser Water Temperature......................56
Oil Coolers.........................................................57
Machine Room Ventilation.............................58
Thermal Storage................................................59
Variable Speed Pumping..................................59
Variable Frequency Drives..............................59
Free Cooling......................................................60
Vibration Mounting.........................................60
Options and Accessories .......................61
Specifications .......................................63
"Illustrations cover the general appearance of McQuay International products at the time of publication and we reserve the right
2 Product M anual PM WSC/WDC
Our facility is ISO9002 Certified
"McQuay" is registered trademarks of McQuay International
to make changes in design and construction at anytime without notice"
Initial Issue September, 1998
1996 McQuay International
As a result of extensive research and development efforts on both heat transfer and compressor components, McQuay will enter the 21st century with a new generation of centrifugal chillers. So advanced that they have been given a new model designation, WSC for single and WDC for dual compressor units. Their new name, the DISTINCTION SERIES, was deemed highly appropriate. Distinction is defined as:
Excellent in performance Recognition of superiority The fact of being different
Alternative refrigerant leadership- Complete HFC-134a centrifugal chiller line
Dual compressors available up to 2,700 tons­(9500kW) Two of all mechanical and electrical components
New generation MicroTech Control A complete chiller plant controller-Open
Bolt together construction at tube sheets Easy disassembly and re-assembly at the job
Pumpdown capability-Entire charge can be valved off and stored in the condenser or in either vessel in dual compressor units
Small footprint Optimizes equipment room space Units performance tested in the factory to job
conditions, within established limits Over 30 years of product refinement and
factory ISO 9002 Certified
The confident choice for the future-Positive pressure-Environmentally safe -Non-toxic- No purge unit
Lower annual energy cost than any single compressor chiller - Dual compressor reliability – Small footprint
protocol-Loaded with customer benefits-See detailed specification
site for those difficult retrofit installations Eliminates the need for a separate pumpout
vessel in most situations
Factory testing assures trouble free startups and reliable operation
Insures consistent quality for long, trouble­free operation
McQuay chillers for specific capacity and component assemblies have been submitted to Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for certification and listing. Their symbol will be affixed only to those units when required by specification or code. Consult the factory for selection on all applications where UL is required.
Full ARI 550 (now ARI 550/590) participation and certification has been an on-going commitment at McQuay International. The ARI label affixed to certified units certifies that the unit will meet the specified performance. This equipment is certified in accordance with ARI Standard 550/590, latest edition, provided the application ratings are within the scope of the certification program. This excludes the following applications: air and evaporative cooled chillers, capacity exceeding 2000 tons (7000 kW), voltages above 5000 volts, brine and special fluids other than water, 50 Hz, and heat recovery.
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Design Advantages
Dual Compressor Design
Dual Compressor Chillers Offer Better Efficiency, Lower Installed Costs, Less Floor Space, And Higher Reliability Than Single Compressor Designs
Note: Building part load data directly from a major manufacturer’s load and energy program
Most buildings operate at their full design cooling load for only a few hours a year, yes, hours. In fact some buildings, schools for example, may never run at full design load. Except for some electrical demand considerations, why be concerned about a chiller’s full load kW/ton (COP) at all? The real question should be "what does it cost to run the chiller in my building, at my loads, and my power costs?"
The answer to this question is in the part load efficiency of the chiller-and no chiller can do as well as the McQuay Dual Centrifugal. These chillers excel when it comes to operating efficiency in the five percent to sixty percent capacity range-where 70 percent of the annual operating occur in most buildings. The building part load curves shown above are from detailed energy studies performed on various building types.
See page 15 for a comprehensive discussion of dual compressor advantages.
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Helping To Keep The Ozone Whole!
McQuay Positive Pressure Design:
No Purge
No Vacuum Prevention System
No Contaminants
HFC-134a operates above atmospheric pressure in the entire refrigerant circuit. Negative (low) pressure systems require a purge unit to remove non-condensables (air, water vapor, etc.) that leak into the chiller during operation and compromise chiller performance. Purge units, even the new "high efficiency" types, regularly have to vent refrigerant to the atmosphere, along with the non-condensables. The 1990 Clean Air Act has prohibited the intentional venting of refrigerant since July 1, 1992. The environmentally responsible positive pressure system eliminates this regular venting of refrigerant.
Great care is taken by manufacturers and service personnel to ensure that refrigeration systems are dry when they are manufactured or serviced. It makes no sense at all to buy a negative pressure HCFC-123 chiller that ingests water vapor during normal operation.
In addition to the refrigerant loss and maintenance problems of a purge system, negative pressure chillers require a vacuum prevention system. This system heats the refrigerant during off cycles to a positive pressure. Unfortunately, the vacuum prevention system only works when the chiller is off, and cannot prevent vacuum related problems when the chiller is operating. Plus, it’s a heating system requiring energy.
Sustainable Performance
Because of their positive pressure design, McQuay centrifugal chillers offer greater sustainable performance over the life of the chiller. Positive pressure means no intrusion of noncondensable gases that are known as "robbers" of efficiency. These foreign gases compete with refrigerant for heat exchange surface and can reduce efficiency by as much as 14% at full load.
Positive pressure eliminates oil degradation due to non-condensables. Contaminated oil will produce acids that attack and breakdown motor insulation and copper plate shafts and bearings. The contaminant free, extended life lubricant used in McQuay chillers offers a means to gauge the health of your machine over the years. Through diagnostic analysis methods available for synthetic lubricants, preventative action can be taken should a potential problem show itself.
No purge system to...
Attack the ozone,
Escalate operating costs,
Increase annual maintenance,
Chiller systems utilizing negative pressure refrigerants are subject to the continuous introduction of equipment room moisture and non-condensables into the refrigerant circuit. Bolted surfaces, vane operator linkage outlets, motor terminals, control tubing connections and casing porosity all provide points of entry for the introduction of these foreign gases into the circuit. This can be especially destructive in maritime locations where salt laden air is present. These non-condensables must be isolated, collected and purged continuously from the equipment.
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To prolong the useful life of low pressure refrigerant systems, an automatic purge unit is required as a standard accessory. A variety of types of compressor operated and non-compressor purge systems are used. Their efficiencies vary from 50% to 80% on older style units and are over 95% on newer high-efficiency systems. The efficiency is a measure of the quantity of refrigerant pumped to the atmosphere along with the undesirable contaminants. Thus the need for a purge system is accompanied by the periodic release of refrigerant into the atmosphere, and attendant annual refrigerant cost.
All McQuay centrifugal chillers use a positive pressure refrigerant. There is...
No absorption of impurities into the refrigerant circuit
No breakdown of motor insulation, refrigerant or lubricant
No increase in operating cost due to displacement of heat transfer surface by non-condensables
No crevice corrosion and tube failure due to moisture in the system
No annual service expense to maintain and rebuild purge unit
No abnormal annual service expense for oil, filter, and refrigerant replacement
No periodic emissions of refrigerant into the atmosphere
Environmentally and Operator Safe - The Real Facts As the air conditioning industry prepares for the future, HFC-134a stands out as the logical choice when using a
balanced approach. The "balanced approach" takes into account the following facts on environmental concerns:
ODP-Ozone Depletion Potential ; measures the impact of a substance on the depletion of the ozone layer in
the upper atmosphere. With refrigerants, this action is caused by chlorine, the first “C” in HCFC-123. HFC­134a contains no chlorine and has a zero ODP.
GWP-Global Warming Potential ; measures the contribution of a substance to the greenhouse gas effect
which causes global warming. This is a pound to pound comparison, discounting the application of the substance and any other effects caused by its use. The numbers, relative to CO2 for a 100 year integration time horizon are HCFC-123=90, HFC-134a=1300, HCFC-22=1500. Manufacturers utilizing HCFC-123 would have you believe that GWP is the primary measurement of global warming. This is untrue.
TEWI-Total Equivalent Warming Impact; is a combination of the
refrigerant GWP, unit refrigerant emissions rate, and the refrigeration system’s energy efficiency. Science has agreed that a systems approach is necessary to evaluate the real effect of a substance on global warming. This is TEWI. In a chiller, the contribution of the GWP is insignificant when compared to the effect of a unit’s power needs translated to power plant CO2 emissions. There is no meaningful difference between the TEWI of HFC-134a, HCFC-22 or HCFC-123. The percentages shown on the right will vary slightly depending on unit refrigerant loss and on the efficiency of local power generation. Bottom line, equipment operators should keep equipment leak free and operate as efficiently as possible. Since annualized energy consumption (think power plant output) is a basis for measurement, McQuay’s superior part load efficiencies mean lower overall power plant CO2 emissions and lower TEWI.
True System Efficiency (KW/ton or COP); deals with the total power consumption (annual kWh) of a chiller
system including auxiliaries such as pumps, purge units, Pre- Vac heaters and fans---of great importance in determining facility energy cost and ultimate power plant CO2 emissions.
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Toxicity and Flammability Rating; per 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook
HFC-134a A-1
HCFC-123 B-1
Where A=No toxicity identified B=Evidence of toxicity identified 1=No flame propagation in air at 100°C, 50% rh and one atmosphere pressure
A certain future for HFC-134a: The Clean Air Act of November 1990 allows the EPA to accelerate the phase-out schedule of Class I (CFC) and
Class II (HCFC) refrigerants if it deems it necessary. This leaves the future of HCFCs (which includes HCFC-22 and HCFC-123) uncertain. HFC-134a will not be regulated or phased out by the Clean Air Act or the Montreal Protocol. The commercial air conditioning, home appliance, and automotive industries are just a few of the many markets that will be using HFC-134a for years into the future. This large market demand for HFC-134a translates to a readily available and competitively priced product.
Compressor Design
Gear Drive Offers Greater Operating Efficiency Than Direct Drive Centrifugal compressor efficiency is a function of impeller design and application to the refrigeration system.
The increased heat transfer surface and efficiency of modern heat exchangers have changed compressor head and impeller tip speed requirements. Direct drive designs limit the manufacturer’s ability, within a single compressor size, to select impellers at or near peak impeller efficiency. While a unit selected at poor impeller efficiency might produce the required performance at peak load, its operating characteristics over the entire range of part load performance are sharply curtailed, resulting in increased annual operating costs. McQuay gear drive centrifugal chillers provide a variety of tip speed ratios to permit selection of impellers for maximum efficiency over their entire part load to full load range and are ideal for 50 Hz application. Mechanical gear losses are limited by design standards to less than one-half of 1%. The impeller efficiency obtained by alternate gear selections may increase chiller efficiency by as much as 7%. As energy costs continue to rise, the economic advantages of gear drive to obtain maximum efficiencies will be universally sought.
Extended Motor Life McQuay’s modern compact compressor design equates to many operating advantages that improve its overall
reliability and durability. One such advantage is prolonged motor life. A motor draws locked rotor current until it reaches break away torque at approximately 80% of its running speed. While drawing locked rotor current the stresses on the motor are over six times that of full load. The McQuay compressors absolutely minimize this stress through the unique gear drive and light weight drive train that allows a 500 ton (1750 kW) compressor to reach running speed in less than three seconds. The owner benefits from a longer motor life.
Safe Compressor Coast Down Another advantage is the short coast down time. Under normal operating conditions the electric driven oil
pump continues to feed oil to the bearings during coast-down. However, if a power failure occurs, the pump is unable to provide positive coast down lubrication. With McQuay’s design, coast down takes less than 15 seconds and this short time allows an internal reservoir to provide positive oil flow to the bearings.
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McQuay’s new million dollar compressor test stand with state-of-the-art data acquisition provides comprehensive information on new compressor designs.
Single Stage Simplicity = Savings Compressor efficiency is NOT a function of multiple impellers. Maintenance of optimum efficiency at peak and,
more importantly, at part load is a function of the total compressor and chiller design. Included are:
Motor efficiency
Refrigerant type
Condenser and evaporator surfaces
Compressor mechanical friction
Impeller and vane design
Refrigerant flow passages
Of these, the least considered performance factor on actual versus theoretical performance is the refrigerant flow passages between the discharge of one impeller and the inlet to the next impeller on multi-stage machine design. The energy loss in a single passage will be greater or equal to the loss in the suction passage between the evaporator outlet and the first stage impeller inlet, depending upon the compactness of the total compressor design. Single stage impeller design eliminates that additional loss, and provides an opportunity for maximum system efficiency.
The primary advantage to multi-stage centrifugal operation, in the pressure and volume ranges characteristic of typical air conditioning systems, is the expansion of impeller head coefficients at reduced volumetric flows or cooling loads. The McQuay backward inclined SINGLE STAGE IMPELLER, combined with the patented movable diffuser at the impeller discharge, provides a stable operating range superior to multi-stage systems. Thus, selection of McQuay chillers permits operation from 100% to 10% capacity (to 5% on WDC dual compressor chillers) without surging and at maximum efficiency, i.e. no hot gas bypass.
Optimum compressor efficiency is designed into each McQuay impeller. Each is cast, fully shrouded, by the lost wax process that provides exact duplication despite a complex configuration of 16 backward inclined, strategically spaced blades. The McQuay designed impeller not only minimizes pressure loss at the inlet and maximizes compression efficiency, but also breaks up pure tone sound to operate at competitively low sound power levels. A simple short diffuser and a volute design passing compressed gas directly into the condenser maintain the compressor efficiency.
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The REAL FACTS On Speed-Rpm and Tip Speed In Centrifugal Compressors
The question: "How fast does it spin?" is a common curiosity when discussing compressors. There is a widespread idea promoted by manufacturers of direct-drive compressors that rpm is the determining factor in the life, reliability and efficiency of the compressor. This is absolutely false. An engineering examination will show that rpm, as an absolute, is not considered in the design of rotating mechanical components. It is the combination of velocity of the outside edge of the impeller (tip speed), mass, and physical size that define the design criteria for these components. Shaft, bearing, and impeller design is based on parameters such as surface velocity, diameter, weight, rotational and torsional critical speed, as well as the type of material and lubrication system used.
Stress on an impeller is proportional to the square of the tip speed. Rotational speed is only part of the equation along with impeller diameter.
In designing a centrifugal compressor, two fundamental parameters, impeller diameter and impeller tip speed, must be determined. Impeller diameter is determined by the required volume flow rate supplied to the inlet of the impeller. Refrigerants which operate at a negative pressure such as HCFC-123 have high cfm/ton (m3/kW) flow rates and require larger diameter impellers and refrigerant lines to keep pressure drop to reasonable levels. Pressure drop reduces refrigeration capacity and increases input power. Systems with refrigerants, which operate at a positive pressure such as HFC-134a, have smaller impellers and gas lines since these refrigerants require lower gas flow rates. HCFC-123 requires approximately six times the gas flow rate in cfm per ton than HFC-134a. At ARI standard conditions, 18.1 cfm (8.54 l/sec) of HCFC-123 is required per ton of refrigeration. Contrast this to HFC-134a which requires 3.2 cfm (1.5 l/sec) per ton. This means that for a given capacity, the cross-sectional area of the impeller inlet "wheel eye" as well as the suction and discharge lines will be six times larger for HCFC-123 than for HFC-134a at equivalent pressure drops. The wheel eye diameter is the major factor in determining the overall impeller diameter and geometry.
In addition to wheel eye diameter, designers of centrifugal equipment must consider the tip speed requirement. To produce the required pressure difference or "lift", a centrifugal impeller must achieve a given "tip speed." Tip speed is the velocity of the "tip" of the impeller relative to its surroundings. Imagine an observer standing on the impeller. The observer sees his surroundings pass by him at a certain velocity. This velocity is the impeller tip speed, usually expressed in feet per second (meters per second). An analogy may be drawn to a car driving down a road. The tip speed of the tire is equal to the speed of the car.
Since all the refrigerants that have been discussed require tip speeds in the range of 670 to 700 ft/sec (204 to 213 m/sec), we see that the impeller angular velocity (rpm) is largely affected by its diameter. It was pointed out earlier that negative pressure impellers must be larger than those in positive pressure machines due to the drastic differences in required gas flow rates. Larger diameter impellers must rotate at slower rpm than smaller diameter impellers. Referring again to the car example demonstrates that different combinations of diameter and rpm produce the same tip speed. Imagine a freeway carrying vehicles with different size tires all traveling at 55 mph. The tip speed of all of the tires is fixed at 55 mph even though the small tires of a utility trailer rotate at a much higher rpm than the large tires of a tractor-trailer.
The relationship of diameter and tip speed can be shown by the following equation:
rpm TipSpeed fps x Diameter in= ( ) . / ( .)2292 rpm TipSpeed m s x Diameter cm= ( / ) / ( . )1910
Again, this indicates that for a given speed requirement, a smaller diameter impeller in a compressor will operate at a higher rpm than a larger diameter impeller. Again:
Stress ∝∝ Tip Speed
Impellers with similar tip speeds have similar stress.
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Since the impeller shaft must be sized to support the static, rotational and torsional loads applied by the impeller, as impellers become larger , shafts must also become proportionally larger. These factors also come into play in the design or selection of a bearing. The primary criteria used in bearing design are:
1. The load per unit of bearing area.
2. The relative velocity of the two bearing surfaces.
3. The bearing dimensions.
4. The viscosity of the lubricating oil.
Notice that item 2 returns to the phenomenon of tip speed. Surface velocity is simply the tip speed of the inner
bearing surface or shaft with respect to the outer bearing surface as illustrated below.
A bearing is basically two infinite surfaces passing over one another with a velocity equal to the surface velocity.
Bearing design, and consequently bearing life, is determined largely by the above criteria. Rpm, by itself as an absolute, is only one half of the equation in the design process. One can also see that higher rpm and smaller, lighter parts actually reduce the load and wear on bearings.
It is the surface velocity in conjunction with the load to be supported that determines bearing life and therefore bearing selection. Referring to the analogy of the tractor trailer versus the utility trailer, one sees that even though the utility trailer tires operate at a much higher rpm, the tractor trailer wheel bearings must be much more massive due to the much heavier dynamic loading. Shaft rotating speed has little effect on bearing wear.
The smaller rotating mass of a machine will improve the life of the bearing. Before the shaft begins to spin, it rests on the bearing surface. Once the shaft starts rotating, an oil film develops between the shaft and the bearing that supports the shaft. The low mass of a positive pressure machine not only exerts a smaller static load on the bearings, but the fast spin-up enabled by the low inertia of the modern gear drive compressor permits the supportive oil film to build up more quickly. These two characteristics drastically reduce wear on the compressor at the time it is most likely to occur. The same phenomenon, although less extreme, also holds true during coast-down. The quicker, the better.
The table at the right compares refrigerants in common use today in centrifugal compressors. Note that required compressor tip speeds are all within eight percent of each other.
All McQuay centrifugal chillers use refrigerant HFC-134a. The machine design
Condenser Press. (psig @ 100°F) 6.10 124.1 195.9
Evaporator Press. (psig @ 40°F) (Inches
of Mercury Vacuum)
Refrig. Circulated (lbs/min./ton) 3.08 3.00 2.78
Gas Flow (cfm/ton) 18.15 3.17 1.83 Tip Speed (ft./sec.) 656 682 707
Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) 0.02 0.00 0.05
HFC 134a
(18.1) 35.0 68.5
characteristics of this refrigerant (and its predecessor, R-12) such as small moving parts, low mass, low inertia, quick spin-up and coast-down, and simplicity of design, have continuously proven themselves since the first chiller was introduced in 1962. The small and lightweight rotating parts lend themselves to easy servicing of the compressor and its associated parts and piping.
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HFC 134a Impeller Compared to HCFC 123 Impeller
Left: Impeller from a McQuay single stage 300 ton (1050 kW) compressor; diameter = 6.3 in. (16 cm), weight =
3.0 lb (1.4 kg)
Right: One of three impellers from a 300 ton HCFC-123 compressor; diameter = 26 in. (66 cm), weight = 27 lb.
12.2 kg)
Compact Design
Small Footprint Cuts Installation Costs At comparable cooling capacities, HFC-134a requires less than 3.2 cfm (1.5 l/sec) per ton of refrigeration to be
circulated by the compressor. HCFC-123 requires over 18.0 cfm (8.5 l/sec) per ton. The substantial increase in refrigerant volume requires significantly larger suction piping and compressor components in negative pressure designs to maintain reasonable gas velocity, noise levels and refrigerant pressure losses. Conversely, the small physical size of McQuay centrifugal chillers will:
Permit design of smaller equipment rooms.
Cost less to rig and install.
And, in smaller capacities, allow transit through standard equipment room doors, permitting building
construction to proceed on schedule before receipt of the chiller equipment.
Lower joint surface area for lower likelihood of leaks.
Bolted Design Eases Retrofit Installation The major components; evaporator, condenser, and compressor, are bolted together and can be taken apart in
the field to facilitate difficult rigging work. The chillers are shipped assembled from the factory and disassembled and reassembled on site under supervision of authorized McQuay service personnel. Individual component weights are shown in the Physical Data section.
Note: The compressor must be removed if the evaporator is to be rigged in a vertical position.
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Heat Exchangers
High Performance Shell-and-Tube Flooded Evaporators McQuay packaged centrifugal chillers are equipped with new high performance heat exchangers. The unique
design greatly increases heat transfer and reduces unit footprint and refrigerant charge compared to previous designs. In many cases vessel length has been reduced by 40 percent. Chillers are designed, constructed and tested in accordance with ASME Section VIII, ASHRAE Standard 15 requirements and TEMA recommendations.
The replaceable water tubes are integral internally and externally enhanced copper and are mechanically bonded to steel tube sheets. Standard tubes are 0.025 inch wall copper in the evaporator and 0.028 inch wall copper in the condenser. Optional tubes include 0.028 inch evaporator and 0.035 inch on either vessels and 90/10 cupro­nickel, 304 stainless steel or titanium material. Clad tube sheets and epoxy coated heads are included when other than copper tubes are specified.
Vessels are available for 1, 2 or 3 pass water flow. A 3/4" thick vinyl/nitrate polymer evaporator insulation is standard. All seams are glued to form an effective vapor barrier. The entire chiller barrel including non­connection heads and tube sheets are factory insulated. Detailed information on the insulation can be found under “Physical Data” in this catalog.
Lubrication System
A separately driven electric oil pump assembly supplies
lubrication at controlled temperature and pressure to all bearing surfaces and is the source of hydraulic pressure for the capacity control system.
The control system will not allow the compressor to start until oil pressure at the proper temperature is established, and also allows the oil pump to operate after compressor shutdown to assure lubrication during coast down.
Lubricant from the pump is supplied to the compressor through an external brazed-plate heat exchanger and internal single or dual 5 micron oil filter. All bearing surfaces are pressure lubricated. Drive gears are operated in a controlled lubricated mist atmosphere that efficiently cools and lubricates them.
Lubricant is made available under pressure from the compressor oil filter to the unit capacity control system and is used to position the inlet guide vanes in response to changes in leaving chiller water temperature.
Should a power failure occur an emergency oil reservoir guarantees adequate lubrication flow under pressure and prevents damage that could occur during the spin down period with the oil pump stopped.
Since the McQuay chillers are positive pressure there is no need to change lubricant or filter on a regular basis. An annual oil check is recommended to evaluate the lubricant condition.
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Protects The Compressor From Surge Damage As centrifugal compressors operate at part load, the volume of refrigerant gas entering the impeller is reduced.
At the reduced flow, the impeller’s capacity to develop the peak load head is also reduced. When inadequate maintenance of condenser tube cleanliness or a cooling tower or control malfunction occurs, artificially elevating the compressor head, a rotating stall or surge condition can occur. Under normal operating conditions, all WSC chillers will operate to 10% capacity without surge and WDC dual compressor chillers to 5% capacity without surge. For abnormal conditions, McQuay compressor designers have developed a protective control system that senses the occurrence of a surge and stops the compressor before any damage is sustained. This protection, called SurgeGard, is provided as a standard on all McQuay centrifugal compressors.
Quiet, stable capacity from 10% to 100% without hot gas bypass Compressor capacity on McQuay chillers is maximized at full load and modulated to 10% load by interlocked
inlet guide vanes and the movable discharge diffuser. This seemingly esoteric and unimportant design detail, like many other McQuay innovations, has real owner benefits. Compressors that do not unload this well, and most don’t, waste energy at low load conditions by unnecessary cycling or use of hot gas bypass.
No leakage at the capacity control mechanism An oil pressure operated guide vane activating piston is internally mounted and powered to eliminate external
linkage and seals. The vanes are positioned in response to variation in leaving chiller water temperature. A built-in compensating control allows automatic override of normal operation to close the vanes for low suction pressure or current limiting duty.
Pumpout systems provide a means to collect and contain the refrigerant charge without loss, when the access
to internal chiller components is required for service.
McQuay condensers are sized to hold the entire unit refrigerant charge when not more than 90% full at 90°F (32°C) ambient temperature. They are equipped with a tight-seating check valve at the hot gas inlet and a manual shutoff valve in the liquid outlet. These valves, coupled with the condenser design, satisfy the stringent requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation for refrigerant shipping containers, as well as ASME vessel codes. When service is required, the refrigerant charge may be pumped down into the condenser by compressor operation and use of a refrigerant transfer unit. All dual compressor units and single compressor units equipped with an optional suction shutoff valve can also be pumped down to the evaporator. Elimination of the cost and space requirements of an external pumpout system is a major McQuay advantage.
Thermal Expansion Valves
Controlled refrigerant flow over the entire capacity range saves energy and dollars Cooling loads and condenser water temperatures change daily. Refrigerant float valves and orifices on
competitive chillers are selected for peak load and peak condenser water temperatures and offer only partial control of refrigerant flow at operating conditions experienced over 95% of the time.
On McQuay chillers a pilot operated thermostatic expansion valve meters refrigerant flow in direct response to the suction superheat, regardless of changing load or condensing temperatures. In doing so, full utilization of compressor, evaporator, and condenser efficiency over the entire operating range is achieved. Intermittent refrigerant flood-back and excessive superheat characteristic of orifices and floats are eliminated.
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Factory Performance Test
Fast and trouble free startup and operation. All WSC and WDC chillers are factory tested on ARI certified microprocessor based test stands. The test stand
microprocessors interface with the chiller MicroTech controls, allowing monitoring of all aspects of the test stand and chiller operation.
The test procedure starts with dehydration and evacuation of the refrigerant circuit and charging with refrigerant and lubricant. This is followed by a run test at job conditions of flow and temperature. Compressors must meet a stringent 0.14 in/sec vibration limit and the entire unit must pass a moisture limit of 30 ppm. The testing ensures correct operation prior to shipment, and allows factory calibration of chiller operating controls.
Optional Certified Test A McQuay engineer oversees the testing, certifies the accuracy of the computerized results, and translates the
test data onto an easy-to-read spreadsheet. The tests can be run at ARI load points between 10% and 100% and are run to ARI tolerance of capacity and power. 50 Hz units are run tested at 60 Hz to their motor maximum power.
Optional Witness Test A McQuay engineer oversees the testing in the presence of the customer or their designate and translates the
test data onto an easy-to-read spread sheet. The tests can be run at ARI load points between 10% and 100%. It takes two to three hours of test time per load point specified. Tests are run to ARI tolerances of capacity and power. 50 Hz units are run tested at 60 Hz to their motor maximum power.
McQuayService Startup
All McQuay centrifugal chillers are commissioned by McQuayService personnel or by authorized McQuay
startup technicians. This procedure assures proper starting and checkout procedures and results in a trouble­free initial startup.
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WDC Design Features
WDC Dual Compressor Chiller
One WDC Dual Compressor Chiller = Two Single Compressor
is greater than 2 when it means:
Lower equipment costs than 2 separate units
Lower installation cost than 2 separate units
Lower annual operating cost than either 1 large or 2 small units
Less equipment room space required than for 2 separate units
Capacity reduction to 5% of design cooling tons
Standby redundancy for 80% of the cooling season
The Redundancy Feature
The McQuay Dual Centrifugal Chillers have two of everything connected to a common evaporator and
condenser. Two compressors, two lubrication systems, two control systems, two starters. Should a failure occur to any component on a compressor system, the component can be removed or repaired
without shutting down the other compressor; an automatic back-up with 60 percent of the chiller design capacity available.
In the unlikely event of a motor burn-out from a lightening strike or any other cause, the chiller refrigerant charge will not be contaminated. This is so well proven that it is guaranteed for five years. In areas supported by McQuayService, should a motor burnout contaminate the refrigerant in the chiller, the charge will be replaced free for a period of five years from start-up.
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Why a Compressor Motor Failure Will Not Contaminate the Common
Refrigerant Circuit
The compressor motor is isolated from the main refrigerant flow circuit so that any contaminants generated by a motor fault will not pass into the main refrigerant circuit. Moisture, acid and/or carbon particles would be automatically trapped within the dedicated coolant feed and exit lines.
Internally, the compressor motor compartment is separated and sealed from the main refrigerant compression chamber. A double shaft seal on the motor side of the gear housing prevents cross flow of refrigerant within the compressor. The motor coolant feed line is equipped with both a solenoid valve and a check valve. These mechanical components, plus the higher pressure of the liquid refrigerant, prevent backfeed into the main refrigerant system. Refrigerant vapor exiting the motor compartment must pass through an undersized combination filter-drier. The filter-drier is sized to immediately plug up and seal off the motor compartment in case of a motor burnout. Both the coolant feed and return lines are equipped with manual shutoff valves to permit component service.
Over 30 years of field experience have proven the reliability of these compressor motors. Despite the reliability intended by the motor design and the protective control, electrical distribution system faults and lightning strikes may occur that are beyond the control of the most conscientious designer. The motor coolant’s protective system protects the system. A motor failure will not contaminate the common refrigerant circuit or prevent normal operation of the second compressor.
Part Load Efficiency
Chillers usually spend 99% of their operating hours under part load conditions, and as illustrated on page 4,
most of this time at less that 60% of design capacity. One compressor of a dual chiller operates with the full heat transfer surface of the entire unit, for example, one 500 ton (1,750 kW) compressor on a 1,000 ton (3,500 kW)
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chiller utilizes 1,000 tons (3500 kW) of evaporator and condenser surface. This increases its capacity and also results in very high efficiency.
Typical efficiencies for a dual compressor chiller, taken from a computer run, look like this:
Full load efficiency 0.550 kW per ton (6.5 COP)
60% load, one compressor 0.364 kW per ton (9.6 COP)
IPLV 0.415 kW per ton (8.5COP)
Lower Installed Costs
The redundancy feature pays off in lower installed costs An example of how to incorporate dual compressor chillers into a system requiring redundancy:
Job requirement: 1,200 tons (4200 kW), 50% Backup Obsolete Single Compressor Method Dual Compressor Method (2) 600 ton (2100 kW) On Line Units (2) 750 ton (2100 kW) Units with + (1) 600 (2100 kW) ton Standby Unit 1,200 (4200 kW) Standby tons * (3) @ 1,800 ton (6300 kW)Installed Capacity (2) @ 1500 ton (5250 kW)Installed Capacity * One 750 ton (2100 kW) chiller running on two compressors for 750 tons (2100 kW), plus one 750 ton (2100
kW) chiller running on one compressor for 60% of 750 tons (2100 kW) = 450 tons (1575 kW) for a total of 1200 tons (4200 kW) on 3 of 4 compressors.
The elimination of the extra pumps, valves, piping, controls, rigging, and floor space can result in as much as a 35% reduction in the installation cost for a chiller plant, plus the savings on the chillers themselves.
Bolt Together Construction
The Replacement Market Advantage
Put 20% or more tons in the same footprint
Add dual compressor redundancy
Greatly reduce chiller energy consumption
Install an unregulated refrigerant
Opens many options for multiple chiller plants
WDC Chiller Controls
Each model WDC dual compressor chiller comes complete with two compressor-dedicated factory mounted and
wired MicroTech control panels. Individual control panels allow the monitoring of each compressor independently from the other. Elapsed time, number of starts, percent RLA; are all monitored separately by each MicroTech control panel. Also individual compressor fault history, setpoint control, loading functions, time of day starts, etc., can be controlled and monitored.
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The lead-lag/load balance function is a standard feature of each MicroTech panel and, therefore, of the WDC chiller. Smart scheduling by the lead-lag/load balance function assigns the compressor with the fewest starts as lead, and will only start the lag compressor when proof of sufficient load has been established. The lead-lag function will stop the compressor with the most hours when the load decreases to single compressor range. During two compressor operation, the load balance function will equalize the load between each compressor, providing optimum unit efficiency.
25% or greater annual kWh savings over the range of 5% to 60% design tons The majority of comfort cooling systems operate at 60% or less of building design tons for most of the year. A
great number of those operating hours occur between 50% and 60% design cooling capacity. For that reason, the Model WDC chiller was designed to produce up to 60% unit capacity with a single
operating compressor, efficiently and reliably. That performance is achieved by a combination of individual component features that include compressor
design, operating control, double heat transfer surface, refrigerant and refrigerant flow control.
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Control Features
All McQuay Chillers Feature MicroTech Controls McQuay has incorporated the latest microprocessor technology into the MicroTech control system to
give you the ultimate in centrifugal chiller control. The control includes many energy-saving features not found in any other microprocessor system on the market today. MicroTech’s innovative design will keep your chiller running efficiently. . . day in, day out, for years to come.
Easy integration into Building Management System via OPEN PROTOCOL.
Remote PC monitoring available via direct connection or modem
Easy to read 4 line by 40 character backlit display in plain English (metric)
Precise ± 0.2 °F chilled water control Provides stability in chilled water system Proactive pre-alarm correction of “off-
condition” upset-chiller stays online Automatic control of chilled water and
condenser water pumps Controls up to four stages of tower fans
and modulation of tower fan or bypass valve
Internal 7-day,14-holiday clock with programmable duration
Designer open to select any BMS supplier
and MicroTech will interface with it.
Provides central remote control and
monitoring of any MicroTech panel
Operators can observe operation at a
glance and easily select various menus
Activates alarm and modifies chiller
operation to provide maximum cooling
Integrated lead/lag and automatic
engagement of backup pump
Optimum integrated control of cooling tower
water based on system conditions
Enables unattended starting and stopping
of entire chiller plant
Eight previous alarms and attendant operating conditions in memory
Designed with the system operator in mind Reliable, economic use of centrifugal chillers depends on easy operator interface. That’s why
operation simplicity was one of the main considerations in the development of MicroTech. For example, all the system’s status messages are shown in plain English on a 4-line by 40-character liquid crystal display (LCD). The display is backlit for easy viewing in all light conditions. Metric units are available at no extra cost.
In addition to the display, 18 individual, touch sensitive membrane key switches provide easy access to
data. MicroTech’s keypad is separated into four distinct functional areas; Category, Menu Item, Action, and Quick Access.
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Invaluable assist in trouble shooting
By constantly monitoring chiller status, MicroTech will automatically take proactive measures to relieve
abnormal conditions or shut the unit down should a fault occur. For example, should a problem occur in the cooling tower and discharge pressure start to rise, MicroTech will automatically hold the load point and activate an alarm signal . A further rise in pressure will initiate compressor unloading to maintain the setpoint pressure. Should the pressure continue to rise, the unit will shut off at the cutout pressure setting.
MicroTech’s memory retains a snapshot of any fault, all the operating conditions at the time of the shutdown, and the time/date stamp. The MicroTech memory (no batteries required) can retain and display the cause of the current fault and the last eight fault conditions. This method for retaining the fault, and operating conditions at the time of the fault, is extremely useful for trouble shooting and maintaining an accurate record of unit performance and history.
To complete the local interface, MicroTech features a two level password security system to provide protection against unauthorized use.
MicroTech increases chiller operating economy Many standard features have been incorporated into MicroTech in order to improve the operating economy of
McQuay centrifugal chillers. In addition to replacing normal relay logic circuits, we’ve enhanced MicroTech’s energy saving capabilities with the following features:
Direct control of water pumps. Optically isolated digital output relays provide automatic lead-lag of the
evaporator and condenser pumps, permitting pump operation only when required.
User-programmable compressor soft loading. Prevents excessive power draw during pull down from high
chilled water temperature conditions.
Chilled water reset. Can be accomplished directly on the unit by controlling from return water temperature
or from a remote 4-20ma or 1-5 VDC EMS signal.
Demand limit control . Maximum motor current draw can be set on the panel or can be adjusted from a
remote 4-20ma or 1-5 VDC EMS signal. This feature controls maximum demand charges during high usage periods.
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Condenser water temperature control. Capable of four stages of tower fan control plus an optional analog
control of either a three-way tower bypass valve or variable speed tower fan motor. Stages are controlled from condenser water temperature. The three way valve can be controlled to a different water temperature or track the current tower stage. This allows optimum system performance based upon specific job requirements.
Lead-lag and load balance. The standard MicroTech is capable of compressor lead-lag decisions and
balancing compressor loads between two McQuay compressors, whether on separate chillers or mounted on a WDC Dual Compressor unit. This feature assures optimum efficiency under any load condition.
Auto-logging. This feature takes a snapshot of the operating conditions at the peak conditions each week
and retains this data in memory.
Nonvolatile Memory
Since MicroTech’s memory is nonvolatile, battery backup to protect the programs and settings in case of power loss is unnecessary.
Versatile Communications Capabilities Give You Even More Control
For complete flexibility there are four ways to interface with the MicroTech controller:
1. Direct entry and readout locally at the panel on the unit
2. (1) plus digital and analog input/output signals for certain functions such as:
Enable run input
Alarm signal output
4-20ma or 0-5 VDC input for reset and load limiting
Pump and tower fan control.
Analog output for variable speed fan or tower bypass
3. Remote monitoring by PC-hard wired or via modem-local control still in effect
4. Interfaced with Building Management System, open protocol, with full read and write capability
PC Communications
Not only can you operate MicroTech from the keypad/display or via interconnection to the BMS, but an optional software package lets you control it from any IBM MS/DOS compatible personal computer. Communicating with the MicroTech is accomplished using a single twisted pair RS-232 or RS-422/485 communications protocol. Operators can monitor chiller information remotely on a personal computer. By adding an optional modem interface, all chiller operations can be controlled from a remote location through standard telephone lines. The modem communication can be added to the unit control at any time.
MicroTech can also handle multiple unit installations with the optional Chiller System Control (CSC) panel. This feature allows communications with the individual unit controllers to permit sophisticated sequencing control strategies. In addition, the System Controller can control and access all information available at the unit controllers. The end result is optimum operating efficiency.
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Building Management Systems
All MicroTech unit controllers and system controllers are capable of Open Protocol communications providing seamless integration and comprehensive monitoring, control and two-way data exchange with virtually all Building Management Systems.
Here are just a few of the 220 points on a WDC chiller that are available remotely through one simple, low cost twisted-pair interface.
Operating Parameters Safety/Cycling Conditions
Entering/leaving water temperatures High and low refrigerant pressures Refrigerant temperatures and pressures Oil pressure differential Motor amps as a percent of FLA Motor condition from embedded sensors Hours of operation and number of starts System water pump failures Chilled water and demand limit setpoints High discharge temperatures Cause and conditions for last eight shutdowns Starter fault
Multiple Machine Control
Two WSC Units or One WDC Dual Compressor Unit
The lead-lag/load balance function is a standard feature of each MicroTech panel. It provides sequencing control, load balancing and single point control for BMS interface for reset or demand limiting of either compressor.
Lead-lag can be selected as manual or automatic. In automatic, the compressor with the least starts will start first and the compressor with the most hours will stop first.
Load balance equalizes the load between the two compressors providing optimum efficiency and preventing short cycling of the lag compressor.
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Three or More Units
In the past, it has been difficult to control multiple machines for optimum operating economy and comfort. MicroTech Chiller System Controllers (CSC) allow coordinated control of multiple machines, from load balancing and sequencing, to control of the cooling tower and water pumps. All this is accomplished via twisted pair communications between the Chiller System Control panel and the chillers, and via standard control wiring between the chillers and auxiliary control points.
The optional Chiller System Controller is a separate panel that controls up to12 MicroTech panels, optimizing the entire central plant operation. All CSC panels have the following features:
Multiple compressor programmable sequencing.
12 stages of tower control.
Pneumatic or electric control of a three-way tower bypass valve.
Secondary pump control including lead-lag and sequencing.
Single point BMS interface for reset and demand limiting of all machines.
Expanded time clock for multiple machine control.
Temperature monitoring of primary and secondary chilled water loop, outside air temperature and tower
water supply and return temperature.
Central on/off control point for all machines.
Optimized morning start-up to insure full cooling at a specified time.
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Condenser water pump control relay
Water flow through the condenser should be discontinued when the chiller is inoperative. Continuous flow through a cooling tower, without inclusion of building heat in the water, will overcool condenser water if tower bypass is not employed and will unnecessarily depress the chiller’s refrigerant pressure. Where energy conservation is desirable, cessation of condenser water flow when the chiller is not operating provides a practical, inexpensive method of saving power.
Alarm circuit
Terminals are provided in each unit control panel to supply 24 volt AC power to an external alarm circuit. A 25 VA relay coil may be connected to these terminals. The coil will be deenergized when any of the unit’s or system’s protective controls function. The alarm is not included.
Operating Sequence
With the control panel "Stop-Auto" switch in the "Auto" position, the unit will start, provided that:
1. The chilled water sensor is calling for cooling.
2. No time delay is restraining operation.
3. A remote start-stop switch is not open, preventing unit operation.
4. No safety switch has been tripped and not reset.
5. Compressor is unloaded and lubricant temperature and pressure are within prescribed limits. The statement "Waiting to load", and the countdown period in seconds assigned to it, assumes that the water
temperature sensed by the chilled water temperature sensor may not represent the entire chilled water system temperature if the chilled water pump has been shut off. This delay interval provides time for the chilled water pump to circulate system water and impart a valid system water temperature to the chilled water sensor.
Temperature control operation
Temperature sensors are negative coefficient thermistors selected for extended accuracy and close control. During compressor operation from 10% to 100% capacity, chilled water temperature will be held to within ±0.2 degrees F (0.12 degrees C). As building cooling load is decreased, the compressor inlet vanes will close as required to match building load down to 10% of full capacity. A further decrease in the cooling load will lower the leaving chilled water temperature. The control system will permit a total of 3 to 10 degrees F (1.6 to 5.5 degrees C) (user adjustable) overcooling of the chilled water, preventing rapid restarting and/or elevation of the chilled water temperature above the setpoint. When the chilled water temperature is depressed to the shutoff differential setpoint, the compressor motor is de-energized. The oil pump motor continues to run during the compressor coast-down period and is timed off automatically.
If there is still some load on the chilled water, its temperature will rise until it reaches the cycle-on temperature setting. At this point the compressor will initiate its start cycle and commence operation.
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Sound Levels -- One Of The Quietest Centrifugal Chillers In The Industry
McQuay centrifugal chillers are one of the quietest units available in the marketplace. It is easy to make this type of claim !! For us, it is just as easy to support!!
Unique!! --- Quiet full load sound levels and QUIETER part load sound levels.
The highest noise levels for McQuay chillers are at FULL load. As McQuay chillers unload, noise levels reduce. Other chillers on the market are typically the opposite, with higher sound levels at part load. Be certain to compare noise levels at several load conditions.
Unique!! --- Liquid refrigerant injection into compressor discharge
Although this sounds complex, this feature is quite simple. Most of the noise in all centrifugal compressors results from high gas velocity in the discharge line.
The McQuay liquid injection system injects liquid refrigerant into the discharge gas through a radial array of ports. This refrigerant mist absorbs sound energy (much like a foggy day) and the flash gas cools the discharge gas leaving the compressor. The net result is significant noise reduction.
ADDITIONALLY !! By removing superheat from the discharge gas, the condenser becomes more efficient, improving unit efficiency.
Unique!! --- Moveable Discharge Diffuser
The other unique feature to reduce noise and increase stability at low loads is the unique moveable discharge diffuser. Less refrigerant is circulated as the chiller capacity reduces. The left drawing shows the operation at full load of a unit with a fixed compressor discharge section. At full load, a large quantity of gas is discharged with a fairly uniform discharge velocity as indicated by the arrows.
The middle drawing shows a fixed compressor discharge at low capacity. Note that the velocity is not uniform and the refrigerant tends to reenter the impeller. This is caused by low velocity in the discharge area and the high pressure in the condenser, resulting in unstable surge operation and with noise and vibration generated.
The right side drawing shows the unique McQuay moveable discharge diffuser. As the capacity reduces, the moveable diffuser travels inward, maintaining the refrigerant velocity, and allowing reduction to 10% load.
Discharge Line Sound Packages
For the extremely sensitive projects, an optional discharge line sound package is offered consisting of sound insulation installed on the unit’s discharge line. An additional 2 to 4 dbA reductions normally occurs.
ARI Standard 575 Sound Ratings
Sound data in accordance with ARI 575 for individual units are available from your local McQuay representative. These ratings are in accordance with ARI Standard 575. Due to the large number of component combinations and variety of applications, sound data is not published in this catalog.
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Unit Selection
Many combinations of compressor configuration and condensers and evaporators are available for a given capacity. The units range from low first cost and relatively high kW per ton (COP) to high first cost and low kW per ton (COP). A graphic display of the optional performance available is shown at the right. The COP curve would be mirrored and is not shown for clarity. Optimum unit selection for maximum operating return on the invested first cost is identified as point X.
Actual optimum unit selection will vary with building application and system design. Applications with minimal hours of operation may not justify a very low kW per ton (COP) unit. Applications with high hours of operation will justify high part load as well as full load efficiency units. For optimum selection an energy analysis is recommended through your local McQuay Sales Representative.
Basic unit selections
All McQuay centrifugal chillers are computer selected to optimize the cooling output and total kW. Computer selection allows for the specification of leaving chilled water temperature, entering condenser water temperature, evaporator and condenser flow rates, number of passes, and fouling factors. Glycol applications may also be specified.
Glycol operation
The addition of glycol to the chilled water system for freeze protection may be required for special applications. Glycol solutions are required where the evaporating temperatures are below 33°F (1°C).
ARI Certification
McQuay International has an on-going commitment to supply chillers that perform as specified. To this extent, McQuay centrifugal chillers are part of the ARI Certification. On-going performance verification of chiller capacity and power input plus ARI certified computerized selection output assure the owner of specified performance in accordance with ARI Standard 550/590.
All chillers that fall within the scope of the certification program have an ARI certification label at no cost to the owner. Equipment covered by the ARI certification program include all water-cooled centrifugal and screw water chilling packages rated up to 2000 tons at ARI standard rating conditions, hermetic or open drive, 60 Hz, with electric driven motor below 5000 volts, cooling water (not glycol).
Published certified ratings verified through testing by ARI include:
Capacity, tons (kW)
Power, kW/ton (COP)
Pressure drops, ft. of water (kPa)
Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) or Non-Standard Part Load Value (NPLV)
As part of the ARI certification program, ARI has approved the McQuay computer selection program used to select and rate chillers. The certified computer program version number and issue date for all manufacturers is listed in the ARI Directory of Certified Applied Air-Conditioning Products published biannually.
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+ 58 hidden pages