McQuay RCS015C Parts List

Replacement Parts List No. 057117700
Revision AM 07/12
Applied Rooftop Units
Sizes: 015 - 040
Vintage: C
To find your Daikin McQuay Parts distributor, call 1-800-377-2787 or visit
Parts List Revision History ............................................................................................................................................5, 6
Nomenclature ............................................................................................................................................................... 7- 15
Electrical Legend ....................................................................................................................................................... 16- 20
Section A1- Outdoor/Return Air Section
Notes .........................................................................................................................................................................21
100% Outside Air Damper with Hood- C20= AE or AY and C19= YY No Return Air Plenum ...................................22
Damper Detail ............................................................................................................................................................23
0- 30% Outside Air Section- C20= BE or BY and C19= BY or HY Damper Detail .....................................................24
0- 100% Economizer Section with Barometric Exhaust Damper- Units without Return Air Fans ..............................25
0- 100% Economizer Section with Exhaust Damper- Units with 15" Forward Curved Return Air Fans .....................26
0- 100% Economizer Section with Exhaust Damper- Units with 30" Air Foil Return Air Fans ...................................27
0- 100% Economizer Section with Exhaust Damper- Units with 40" Air Foil Return Air Fans ...................................28
0- 100% Economizer Assembly ...........................................................................................................................29, 30
Return Air Plenum Isolation Damper w/ Actuator ACT6 .............................................................................................31
Design Flow Detail .....................................................................................................................................................32
Return Air Fan Mounting- 15" Forward Curved Fan ...................................................................................................33
Return Air Fan Mounting- 30" and 40" Airfoil Fan- Until 12/04 (original fan design) ..................................................34
Return Air Fan Mounting- 30" and 40" Airfoil Fan- 12/04 and later (current fan design) ............................................35
Return Air Fan Deck- 15" Fans: C21= 15F1, 15F2 or 15F3 .......................................................................................36
Return Air Fan Deck- 30" Fans: C21= 30W or 30B- Until 12/04 ................................................................................37
Return Air Fan Deck- 30" Fans: C21= 30B1, 30B2 OR 30B3- 12/04 & Later ............................................................38
Return Air Fan Deck- 40" Fans: C21= 40W or 40B- Until 12/04 ................................................................................39
Return Air Fan Deck- 40" Fans: C21= 40B1, 40B2 OR 40B3- 12/04 & Later ............................................................40
Return Air Fan Motors ................................................................................................................................................41
Section Mounted Controls- OAE, RAE, LT11, S11, REC11 .......................................................................................42
Section A2- Outdoor/Return/Heat Recovery Air Section
Notes .........................................................................................................................................................................43
100% Outside Air Low Flow - C20= 1E ......................................................................................................................44
100% Outside Air High Flow- C20= 2E ......................................................................................................................45
Economizer - C20= 3E ...............................................................................................................................................46
24" Return Fan Detail .................................................................................................................................................47
24" Return Fan Detail- Fan Motors, Motor Mount ......................................................................................................48
24" Return Fan Detail- Fan Mounts ............................................................................................................................49
Low Leak Damper Detail- MicroTech II Units .............................................................................................................50
Low Leak Damper Detail- MicroTech III Units ............................................................................................................51
Low Leak Bypass Damper Detail- MicroTech II Units) ...............................................................................................52
Low Leak Bypass Damper Detail- MicroTech III Units) ..............................................................................................53
Heat Recovery— Enthalpy— Wheel Detail ................................................................................................................54
AFD60 Frost Protection Inverter (Code 24= F) ..........................................................................................................54
Section Mounted Controls- OAE, RAE, RAT, EAT, LAT ............................................................................................55
Section Mounted Controls- SD2, HUM1, LT11, S11, REC11 ....................................................................................56
Section B- Draw-Thru Filter/Blank Section
Notes .........................................................................................................................................................................57
Section Mounted Controls- PC5, SPS5 ......................................................................................................................57
Filter Section Assembly ..............................................................................................................................................58
Section C- Draw-Thru Blank Access Section or Separate Inverter Section
Notes .........................................................................................................................................................................59
Section D- Draw-Thru Cooling Section
Notes .........................................................................................................................................................................60
Evaporator Coil, Gasket and Drain Pans ...................................................................................................................61
Evaporator Coils Unit Sizes 036 & 040 Only ..............................................................................................................62
Section E- Draw-Thru Blank Access Section
Notes .........................................................................................................................................................................63
Section Mounted Controls- LT17, REC17, S17 ..........................................................................................................63
Section F- Supply Air Section
Notes .........................................................................................................................................................................64
Draw-Thru Evaporator Coil Drain Pans: Unit Sizes 015 thru 030 ..............................................................................65
Contents, Continued
Section F- Supply Air Section- Continued
Evaporator Coils- Unit Sizes 015 thru 030 Only .........................................................................................................66
Fan Assembly- 15" X 6" and 15" X 15" Forward Curved Fans ..................................................................................67
Fan Assembly- 20" Airfoil Fans w/o Variable Inlet Vanes ..........................................................................................68
Fan Assembly- 20" Airfoil Fans with Variable Inlet Vanes..........................................................................................69
Fan Assembly- 24" Forward Curved LP Fans ...........................................................................................................70
Fan Assembly- 24" Forward Curved MP Fans ..........................................................................................................71
Fan Assembly- 24" Airfoil Fans w/o Variable Inlet Vanes ..........................................................................................72
Fan Assembly- 24" Airfoil Fans with Variable Inlet Vanes..........................................................................................73
Supply Air Fan Mounting- 15" x 6" or 15" X 15" Forward Curved Fan .......................................................................74
Supply Air Fan Mounting- 20" Airfoil Fan- Until 12/04 (original fan design) ...............................................................75
Supply Air Fan Mounting- 20" Airfoil Fan- 12/04 and later (current fan design) .........................................................76
Supply Air Fan Mounting- 24" Airfoil Fan- Until 12/04 (original fan design) ...............................................................77
Supply Air Fan Mounting- 24" Airfoil Fan- 12/04 and later (current fan design) .........................................................78
Supply Air Fan Mounting- 24" Forward Curved Fan- Until 12/04 (original fan design)...............................................79
Supply Air Fan Mounting- 24" Forward Curved Fan- 12/04 and later (current fan design) ........................................80
Supply Fan Motors .....................................................................................................................................................81
Inverters & Inverter Bypass Control Box- Until 3/05 ...................................................................................................82
Inverters & Inverter Bypass Control Box- 3/05 to 10/06
Motor HP 1-5 ...................................................................................................................................................83, 84
Motor HP 7.5- 25 ............................................................................................................................................ 85- 87
Inverters & Inverter Bypass Control Box- 1/07 & Later
Motor HP 1-5 ...................................................................................................................................................88, 89
Motor HP 7.5 - 25 (Code 22 or Code 32= K, L, M, N or P) ............................................................................ 90- 92
Inverters .............................................................................................................................................................. 93- 95
Section Mounted Controls- PC7, MAT, EFT, HL22, LT10, S10, REC10, UV Lights ..................................................96
Section G- Blow-Thru Heat Section
Notes .........................................................................................................................................................................97
Option 1: Blank Compartment
Diffusers ................................................................................................................................................................97
Option 2: Hot Water or Steam Heating Coil
Coil and Coil Compartment Components ..............................................................................................................98
Valve ......................................................................................................................................................................99
Option 3: Electric Heat
Diffusers, High Limit HL4, HL14 & HL 31- 50 ..............................................................................................100, 101
Electric Heat Control Box- Until 3/05 ...........................................................................................................102, 103
Electric Heat Control Box- 3/05 & Later- MicroTech II Units or No Controls .............................................. 104- 107
Electric Heat Control Box- 9/08 & Later- MicroTech III Units ..................................................................... 108- 110
Option 4- Gas Heat Code 04= A
Vestibules, Heat Exchangers and Primary Components- 200 or 250 MBH Furnaces .......................................111
Vestibules, Heat Exchangers and Primary Components- 320, 400, 500, 640, 650, 790, 800, 1000 ..................112
Modulating or Single Stage Burner ............................................................................................................. 113- 115
Hi Turn Down Burner .................................................................................................................................. 116- 119
Single Stage or Modulating Burner Controls
MicroTech Controls (Code 12= 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M or YM) ..........................................................................120
MicroTech II Controls (C12= LD, LS, BD, BS, ED, ES, SD, SS) or No Controls (C12= YM, YC) Diagram .....121
MicroTech II or No Controls Components. .......................................................................................................122
MicroTech III Controls (C12= LE, LF, BE, BF, EE, EF, SE, SF) ......................................................................123
Hi Turn Down Burner Controls
MicroTech II Controls (C12= LD, LS, BD, BS, ED, ES, SD, SS) or No Controls (C12= YM, YC) Diagram .....124
MicroTech II or No Controls Components. .......................................................................................................125
MicroTech III Controls (C12= _E or _F) ...........................................................................................................126
Gas Train- Inlet ............................................................................................................................................127, 128
Gas Train- Controls .....................................................................................................................................129, 130
Gas Train- Outlet .................................................................................................................................................131
Gas Train- Damper Linkage ........................................................................................................................132, 133
Cabinet Doors, Gasketing, Hardware, and Flue Box Mounting .................................................................. 134- 136
Section H- Blow-Thru Heat Blank Access Section
Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................137
Contents, Continued
Section I- Blow-Thru Cooling Section
Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................138
Drain Pans ................................................................................................................................................................139
Evaporator Coils .......................................................................................................................................................140
Section J- Final Filter Section
Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................141
Section Mounted Controls- HL23, PC6,SPS6 ..........................................................................................................141
Filter Frame, Filter Gaskets, Filters ..........................................................................................................................142
Section K- Discharge Plenum Section
Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................143
Section Mounted Controls- OAT, DAT, SAT, SD1 ...................................................................................................143
Damper Assembly- w/ Actuator ACT5 ......................................................................................................................144
Section L- Out-of-Airstream Blank Access Section
Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................145
Section M- Condenser Section
Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................146
Section Mounted Controls- PC22, PC12 ..................................................................................................................146
RPS/RCS 018C, 020C, 025C, 030C- Units with Semi Hermetic Compressors ...............................................147, 148
RPS/RCS 015C, 018C, 020C, 025C, 030C- Units with Scroll Compressors .................................................. 149- 153
RPS/RCS 036C, 040C- Units with Semi Hermetic Compressors ....................................................................154, 155
RPS/RCS 036C, 040C- Units with Scroll Compressors .................................................................................. 156- 160
Compressor Mounting ..............................................................................................................................................161
Condenser Control Box- RPS/RCS 018C, 020C, 025C, 030C MicroTech Controls until 1/01
RPS/RCS Units with Semi- Hermetic Compressors ............................................................................... 162- 163
MicroTech Controls Until 3/05- RPS/RCS 015C, 018C, 020C, 025C, 030C
RPS/RCS Units with Scroll Compressors ............................................................................................... 164- 168
MicroTech II Controls 3/05 & Later*
RCS Units with Scroll Compressors ....................................................................................................... 169- 172
MicroTech III Controls- 9/08 & Later
RCS 015C, 018C, 020C, 025C, 030C .....................................................................................................173, 174
Condenser Control Box- RPS/RCS 036C & 040C MicroTech Controls until 1/01
RPS/RCS Units with Semi- Hermetic Compressors ................................................................................175, 176
MicroTech Controls Until 3/05- RPS/RCS 036C, 040C
RPS/RCS Units with Scroll Compressors ............................................................................................... 177- 180
MicroTech II Controls 3/05 & Later
RCS 036C, 040C .................................................................................................................................... 181- 185
MicroTech III Controls 9/08 & Later
RCS 036C, 040C .....................................................................................................................................186, 187
Speedtrol Control Box and Transformer ...................................................................................................................188
F7 Fuse Box- RPS 036C, 040C ...............................................................................................................................188
Control Box- McQuay Supplied Line Voltage Box- T6, DS6, FU6A, FU6B, FU6C ...................................................189
Section N- Main Control Box
Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................190
Control Panel- Units with MicroTech Controls- (C12= 1M, 2M, 4M, 5M)— Until 1/01......................................191, 192
Control Panel- Units with MicroTech II Controls— 1/01 until 3/05 .................................................................. 193- 195
Control Panel- Units without MicroTech Controls ............................................................................................196, 197
Power Panel- Until 3/05 ................................................................................................................................... 198- 210
Control Panel 3/05 and later- MicroTech II Units or Units with No Controller ................................................ 211- 216
Control Panel 9/08 and later- MicroTech III Units with Controller ................................................................... 217- 219
Power Panel 3/05 to 10/06 .............................................................................................................................. 220- 240
Power Panel 1/07 & later ................................................................................................................................. 241- 260
Refrigeration Tubing
Notes .......................................................................................................................................................................261
RPS, RCS- Units with Semi-Hermetic Discus Compressors ....................................................................................262
RPS, RCS- Units with Scroll Compressors ..............................................................................................................263
Parts List Revision History
Rev. Date Description
1st Draft 4/98 Draft Copy 2nd Draft 6/98 2nd Draft Copy - Corrected Compressor part numbers on page 164. 3rd Draft 10/98 3rd Draft Copy-Corrected Compressor part numbers for sizes 036-040 on page 164. New 1/99 Status change from Draft Copy to New. Page 120 Removed Ref. #685 from drawing. Page 150 Corrected part numbers for Horizontal Copper Fin Coils (Ref.# 5). A 2/99 Page 114 Added Codes H, T and U to descriptions. B 4/99 Page 20 Corrected part numbers for Economizer Dampers (Ref.# 11) and Exhaust Louvers (Ref.# 12) on Back Return and Bottom Return units. C 8/00 Page 178 Added Ref. #. #314 & Ref. #. #379 to diagram. Page 180 Added Ref. #. #379 description. D 11/00 Page 77 Ref. #. 25- Bearing P.B. Qty changed from 1 to 2. Page 167 Added Fuses and Fuse Blocks, (Ref. # 410 & 411). Page 169 Added Fuses and Fuse Blocks, (Ref. # 410 & 411). Page 171 Added Fuses and Fuse Blocks, (Ref. # 410 & 411). Page 173 Added Fuses and Fuse Blocks, (Ref. # 410 & 411). E 2/01 Page 164 3 part no.'s were incorrect for Compressor sizes 030-035, 2-step,C42=2; 208AL/PW, 230 AL/PW & 380 AL p/n's all were 049267300 and have been changed to 049267200. F 6/02 Page 177 Added Earthquake Bracket Kit #067794901 and Hurricane Bracket Kit #066320940. G 6/06 Reformatted entire book. Added Inverters, Hi Turn Down Burners, MicroTech II Controls, new Design Fans, UV Lights, Design Flow, Scroll Compressors, new Condenser Control Box, new nomenclature, Electrical Legend. H 07/06 Page 73 Added EFT diagram & table. Page 153 Sensor had schematic designation of ENT corrected to EFT. Page 173 Sensor had schematic designation of ENT corrected to EFT. J 09/06 'Heat Recovery' data' added as follows; Pages 7,8,13-17,113,151-153,156,158-169,171-175,179 - Replaced page. New page added after page 193 of Rev. H. Eleven new pages added after page 39 of Rev. H. Heading changed on pages 18-39 of Rev. H- changed "Section A" to Section A1. K 01/07 Page 77 Replaced page 77 (Inverter information). Page 79 & 82 - Short Circuit Alarm p/n changed from 349933003 to 349933903. Page 85 New page added. Document repaginated. L 01/07 Page 52 Code 25 paragraph was revised. Page 91 Added note to Heater Cross Ref. tables about Ref. Letter U. M 01/07 Page 102 Replaced High Turndown Burner drawing with 'sharpened up' version. Page 109 Ref. #.205 -p/n was changed from 034077301 to 034077300. N 02/07 Pages 113 &115 were replaced with new pages because of artwork changes & additional columns and footnotes. O 12/08 Extensive reformatting, added 35 additional pages including power panel and control panel components "1/07 later", new FSG, new McQuay Inverters, 5% impedance inverters, PC12 & 22 fantrol diagrams, quiet condenser fans & associated components, TEAO condenser fan motors & associated components, new R22 & R407c (7/08 & later) compressors and associated components, 120V unit powered receptacle panel. P 1/09 Page 9 Code 15- added MicroTech III to selection "F". Page 12 Codes 12, 17, 18- added MicroTech III. Code 13- added selection "8". Page 14 Added ACT4 and EXPA, B, D to legend. Page 16 Added SPS3 to legend. Page 17 Added R63 & R81- 88 to legend. Page 18 Added TD20 to legend. Page 19 Added MicroTech III to notes. Page 40 RAT- added p/n for MicroTech III and original MicroTech controls. Page 42 Ref. #12- added p/n 110905009 for MicroTech III. Page 43 Ref. #12- added p/n 110905009 for MicroTech III. Page 44 Ref. #12- added p/n 110905009 for MicroTech III. Ref. #230-added p/n 110919907 for MicroTech III. Page 48 Added MicroTech II to subheading. Page 49 Added new for MicroTech III controls low leak damper. Document repaginated. Page 50 Added MicroTech II to subheading. Page 51 Added new for MicroTech III controls low leak bypass damper. Document repaginated. Page 53 RAT, EAT, LAT- added sensor p/n for MicroTech III controls. Page 54 Added footnote for wall mounted humidistat. Page 55 SPS5- added footnote for MicroTech III controls. Page 102 Amended date range and added "MicroTech II" and "No Controls" to subheading. Page 103 Amended date range and added "MicroTech II" and "No Controls" to subheading. M31- "1/07 & later" p/n 349932322 & 349932323 rows switched. M41- 60KW 208/230V p/n changed to 349932321. Page 104 Amended date range and added "MicroTech II" and "No Controls" to subheading. F31 & F41- 60KW 208/230V p/n changed to 025860514. F33 & F43- quantity changed to "3". Page 105 Amended date range and added "MicroTech II" and "No Controls" to subheading. Pages 106- 108 Added new for MicroTech III units damper. Document repaginated. Page 119 Added date range and "MicroTech II" to subheading. Ref. #32 added p/n 193423703 for units built 9/08 & later. Page 120 Added new for Modulating Burner control box for MicroTech III. Document regaginated. Page 121 Added "MicroTech I" & "MicroTech II" to subheading. Ref. #32 added p/n 193423703 for units built 9/08 & later. Page 122 Added new for High Turn Down control box for MicroTech III. Page 137 SPS6- added MicroTech III to footnote. Page 139 OAT & DAT- added p/n for MicroTech III controls. Page 142 Ref. #12- added MicroTech III to footnote.
Rev. P- Continued on next page.
Parts List Revision History, Continued
Rev. Date Description
P 1/09 Page 148 Ref. #1E- added MicroTech III to table and footnote. (Cont.) Page 155 Ref. #1E- added MicroTech III to table and footnote. Pages 169 & 170 Added new for unit sizes 015- 030 condenser control box for MicroTech III controls. Document repaginated. Page 179 Added TB1-8 for "1/07 & later". Pages 182 & 183 Added new for unit sizes 036, 040 condenser control box for MicroTech III controls. Document repaginated. Pages 213- 215 Added new for MicroTech III controls main control box. Page 237 Added MMP61 to drawing. Page 256 Ref. #7- added M61 for HI Flow ERC units (C20= 2). Ref. #8- added MMP61 for HI Flow ERC units (C20= 2). Ref. #8B- changed quantity to 2 for HI Flow ERC units (C20= 2). Q 5/09 Page 40 Ref #7 change RAT sensor p/n from 193414600 to 193414601. Page 53 Ref # 200 change RAT sensor MTIII Controls p/n from 193414600 to 193414601. Ref # 500 change EAT sensor MTIII Controls p/n from 193414600 to 193414601. Ref # 600 change LAT sensor MTIII Controls p/n from 193414600 to 193414601. Page 94 Ref # 36 change EFT sensor p/n from 193414600 to 193414601. Page 139 Ref # 8 change OAT sensor p/n from 193414600 to 193414601. Ref # 7 change DAT sensor p/n from 193414600 to 193414601. Page 215 Change DAT, EFT, OAT, RAT, EAT, LAT sensor p/ns from 193414600 to 193414601. Page 252 Ref #7 change contactor p/n from 349934221 to 349934201. Page 253 Ref #7 change contactor p/n from 349934221 to 349934201. R 6/09 Page 8 Move General Option codes and diagram to page 9. Page 9-14 Arrange Code Index into numerical order. (Added two pages) S 8/09 Page 217- Add Remote Interface p/n 193408001. T 10/09 Page 146- Changed part number 049296800 to 046496800. U 10/09 Page 112- Change Heat Exchanger heading from 650 MBH to 640 MBH. V 12/09 Page 54- Changed Ref # 163, Bearing from 2pc. to 1pc. Deleted invalid p/n 300043253 for "Inner Seal". Changed "Outer Seal" description to "Outer/Inner Seal" and changed quantity from 1pc. to 4pc. Page 222- Added 100A DS1 parts to table. SW= 349935101, lugs- 349935901, handle- 349935501 & gnd lug-
349938001. W 3/10 Page 74- Changed the description of Spring isolator Ref #99C p/n 022611200 from "Black" to "Blue". Y 5/10 Page 2- 4 Corrected various TOC mismatches with document page headers. Page 21, 43, & 64 Clarified note regarding drive information. Removed comment regarding Rapid CD and added note to use online Drive Cross Reference form instead. Page 114, 117 Removed Complete Burner Assembly p/ns. Page 121, 123 (old), 121, 122, 124, 125 (New) Split diagram and table into two pages due to lack of additional room for update of Gas Heat relays R20- R23B. Repaginated document and updated TOC. Page 172, 187, 245 Replaced obsolete 600A disconnect switch p/n 349935332 w/ 193438002, handle p/n 349935631 w/ 193437901, and shaft p/n 349962303 w/ 349962241. Added footnote #3. Page 183 Changed invalid GFR4 P/N 034937502 to 349937502. Page 262 For Sol. Valve- Hot Gas Bypass p/n: 047931304 changed use date from Until 1/01 to 1/01 & Later. Z 6/10 Page 122 Changed p/n 026217000 to 061019403. AA 6/28 Page 96 Added MAT information and updated Electrical Legend and TOC. Page 34, 75, 77, 79 Corrected Code 21 description for Seismic Restraint parts to match listed fan size. Page 143 Added SAT information and updated Electrical Legend and TOC. Deleted Ref #50 Until 2/03 p/n 060016501 and added Ref #51 Sensing Tube p/n 049025005. Deleted SD1 original footnote #1 and added new footnotes #1 , #2,and #3 for Sensing/Sampling Tubes. Page 194, 213 Changed MT battery p/n RB2325 to 049754501. AB 7/10 Page 32- Deleted Ref #110 p/n 098662800 and added footnote: "P/N is unit specific. Contact McQuay Parts with overall length and bolt hole spacing so that the correct part can be identified." AC 10/10 Page 51- Replaced Ref #122 ACT 3 actuator p/n 1131395601 with 113139501. Added footnote #2. Page 218- Replaced COM p/ns: 193408101 with 090016709; 193408201 with 090016711; 193408202 with 090016712, & 193408301 with 090016710. AD 01/11 Various: Corrected misc. spelling and formatting issues. Page 47- Added p/n & quantity for: 10A 010288108, 10B 020648652, 10C 010255211 & 10D 010298937. Changed description for 10D to: Vane Assy w/ Inlet Funnel. Deleted footnote number 2. Page 218- P/ns for LonWorks DAC & LonWorks SCC were reversed. DAC= 090016712, SCC= 090016711. AE 02/11 Page 218- Changed Terminal block p/ns: 193410402 to 193410302, 193410403 to 193410303, 193410405 to 193410305, 193410406 to 193410306, 193410407 to 193410307 & 193410408 to 193410308. AF 06/11 Page 192- Changed MCB1 p/n from 065487311 to 065487306. AG 12/11 Page 218- Changed SPS1-3 p/ns 049545012 to 910124529 & 049545013 to 910124528. Added footnote #2. AH 03/12 Cover, Pg. 6: Updated to current Daikin McQuay logo format. Page 125: Added p/ns for R23A relay 349934764 & adapter 349964702. Changed R20B, R21 & R23B p/n from 193454702 to 193454703. Deleted Ref #34 MicroTech relay p/n 019643000. Changed Ref # 25 FSG from 073300801 to 073300803 and updated description. Added footnote #1. AJ 04/12 Page 153- Added Speedtrol motor 034914500 to Ref # 35. Updated Ref #35 descriptions. AK 06/12 Various- Changed "McQuay Parts" to "Daikin McQuay Parts". Page 93- Added footnotes #1 & 2. Page 94- VTAC9 Inverter p/n 098861454 is 5HP ONLY. Deleted invalid information. Page 146- Rewrote notes. AL 07/12 Page 62, 66, 140: Deleted Evap. Coil p/ns. Added footnote to contact PID.
AM 07/12 Page 96: Changed PC7 from 060015801 to Switch 910115489 & retrofit kit 910122413. Changed Fitting p/n from 049763002 to 910122414. Added tootnote #1 & updated drawing.
McQuay International, 13600 Industrial Park Blvd., P.O. Box 1551, Minneapolis, MN 55440 (763) 553-5330
Plant Identification Abbreviation
FBO = Faribault, MN
U= Unit
Year of Manufacture
99= 1999, 00= 2000, 01= 2001, 02= 2002, 03= 2003, 04= 2004, 05= 2005, 06= 2006, 07= 2007 etc.
Serial Number- until 2/1999
3 7A 12345 01
Serial Number
Year and Month of Manufacture: Factory 3= Faribault,MN
Serial Number- 2/1999 & Later
FBO U 05 10 048
Year Month
6= 1996 A= Jan. G= Jul.
7= 1997 B= Feb. H= Aug.
8= 1998 C= Mar. J= Sep.
9= 1999 D= Apr. K= Oct.
E= May L= Nov.
F= Jun. M= Dec.
Engineering Revision
Month of Manufacture
01= Jan. 02= Feb. 03= Mar.
04= Apr. 05= May 06= Jun.
07= July 08= Aug. 09= Sept.
Serial Number (Build sequence)
10= Oct. 11= Nov. 12= Dec.
Unit Model Number
R P S 018 C S
Heating Medium
A= Natural Gas E= Electric S= Steam W= Hot Water Y= None (cooling only)
Design Vintage
Nominal Capacity (Tons)
ex. 018= 18 Tons
Singlezone Unit
Unit Configuration
P= Heating, mechanical cooling F= Heating, future mechanical cooling C= Condensing section only
Roofpak: R= Roofpak Applied Rooftop
Unit Model Number- Complete
RPS 018C S W Y 1 EY P 27 AL P1 SS 1 1 2 1 H R120 BY AE 15F2 EAY
Code 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50-54
Unit Section Layout RPS 015- 030C
Air Section
RPS 036- 040C
Air Section
Draw-Thru Section Supply Fan
Draw-Thru Section Supply Fan
Blow-Thru Section Final
Blow-Thru Section Final
Blank Ac-
Blank Ac-
Condenser Section
Condenser Section
General Options
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 05, 06, 07, 51- 54
Section A Return/Outside Air/Heat Recovery Options
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 49
Sections B, C, D, E Draw-Thru Cooling Sections
Section B- Filter
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 25
Section C- Draw-Thru Blank Access
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 26
Section D- Draw-Thru Cooling Section
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 27, 28
Section E- Draw-Thru Blank Access
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 30
Section F- Supply Fan Options
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 14, 15, 31, 32, 33, 49
Sections G, H, I Blow-Thru Options
Section G= Blow-Thru Heat/Blank
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 04, 34
Section H= Blow-Thru Blank Access
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 38
Section I- Blow-Thru Cooling Sections
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 35, 36
Section J- Final Filter Section
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 39
Section K- Discharge Plenum Section
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 40
Section L- Blank Compartment Section- Out of Airstream
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 41
Section M- Condenser Section
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 42, 43, 44, 45, 47
Section N- Main Control Panel
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 18
Electric Heat Control Panel
Main Control Panel
Auxiliary Controls/ Remote Sensors
Unit Model Codes that Pertain: 13, 16, 17
Condenser Control
Condenser Control Panel
(036- 040C only)
Code 04= Heat Section- Type of Heat
Y= No Heat A= Natural Gas Heat E= Electric Heat S= Steam Heat W= Hot Water Heat X= Propane Heat or Fuel Oil Furnace (specials)
Code 05= Split Unit (Does Not Apply)
Code 06= Insulation and Liners
1= 1", 3/4# with liners on doors 2= 1½", 1.5# with solid liners on doors & ceilings 3= 1½", 1.5# with perforated liners in plenums, solid elsewhere 4= 1½", 1.5# with solid liners on doors, ceilings and floors 5= 1½", 1.5# with perforated liners in plenums, solid elsewhere (including floor)
Code 07= Approval agency listing
YY- None EY= ETL/MEA, cooling only CY= CSA, cooling only EU= ETL/MEA, w/gas heat EF= FM, w/gas heat EI= EI, w/gas heat CC= CSA w/gas heat CD= CSA w/gas heat
Code 08= Main Control Box Location
P= Discharge Plenum MicroTech I or II (2 panel) D= Discharge Plenum MicroTech II or III (1 panel) C or B= Vestibule H or T= Heat Section
Code 09= Unit Voltage
12= 208/60/3 29= 230/60/3 28= 380/50/3 27= 460/60/3 37= 575/60/3
Code 10= Starting Option
AL= Across-the-Line (std.) PW= Part Winding Start
Code 11= Field Power Connection and Disconnect
P1= Single Power Block: Complete Unit A2= One, thru-the-door Disconnect: Complete Unit
Code 12= Temperature Controls
MicroTech I
1M= MicroTech, CAV, Zone Control 2M= MicroTech, VAV, Discharge Air Cooling Control, Zone/Return Air Heating Control (Constant Volume) 4M= MicroTech, VAV, Disch. Air Cool and Heating Control 5M= MicroTech, CAV, Disch. Air Cooling or Cool & Heat Control
MicroTech II
LD= LonMark w/ Discharge Air Temp. Ctl. LS= LonMark w/ Space or Zone Ctl. BD= BACNet w/MSTP w/ Discharge Air Temp. Ctl. BS= BACNet w/MSTP w/ Space or Zone Ctl. ED= BACNet w/Ethernet w/ Discharge Air Temp. Ctl. ES= BACNet w/Ethernet w/ Space or Zone Ctl. SD= Standalone w/ Discharge Air Temp. Ctl. SS= Standalone w/ Space or Zone Ctl.
MicroTech III
LE= LonMark w/ Discharge Air Temp. Ctl. LF= LonMark w/ Space or Zone Ctl. BE= BACNet w/MSTP w/ Discharge Air Temp. Ctl. BF= BACNet w/MSTP w/ Space or Zone Ctl. EE= BACNet w/Ethernet w/ Discharge Air Temp. Ctl. EF= BACNet w/Ethernet w/ Space or Zone Ctl. SE= Standalone w/ Discharge Air Temp. Ctl. SF= Standalone w/ Space or Zone Ctl.
No Controls
YM= No Temperature Controls YC= No Temperature Controls w/6 to 9 volt DC modulating gas heat actuator
Code 13= Air Flow Controls
Y= None 1= 1 duct sensor 2= 2 duct sensors 3= 1 duct &1 space sensor 4= 1 space sensor 5= Duct Hi Limit (DHL) sensor for no controls unit- VAV units only 8= 2 duct &1 space sensor
Code 14= Inverters
Y= None
Separate Section
1= SA Fan only w/bypass 2= SA & RA Fans w/bypass 4= RA only w/bypass
No Separate Section
3= SA Fan only w/bypass 5= SA & RA Fans w/bypass 6= SA Fan only no bypass 7= SA & RA Fans no bypass 8= RA Fan only w/bypass 9= RA Fan only no bypass
Code 15= Inlet Vane/Damper Actuators or Inverter Type
Y= None 1= Supply Fan Only 2= Supply and Return Fan 4= Return Fan Only A= ABB Inverter G= Graham Inverter R= Reliance Inverter S= McQuay MD2, MD3 or MD6 Inverter F= Field Installed Inverter controlled by MicroTech II or III
Code 16= Smoke Detectors, with Shutdown Control
Y= None 1= Return Air Only 2= Supply Air Only 3= Supply and Return Air
Code 17= Misc. Aux. Controls
Y= None F= Freezestat (Steam or HW Heat only) P= Phase Failure G= Ground Fault Protection L= Line Reactors (Inverter w/ separate section only) A= Freezestat & Phase Failure (Steam or HW Heat only) B= Freezestat & Ground Fault (Steam or HW Heat only) C= Phase Failure & Ground Fault D= Freezestat, Phase Failure & Ground Fault (Steam or HW Heat only) E= Freezestat & Line Reactors (Steam or HW Heat & Inverter w/separate sect. only) H= Phase Failure & Line Reactors (Inverter w/ separate section only) J= Freezestat, Phase Failure & Line Reactors (ST or HW Heat & Inverter w/separate sect. only) K= Ground Fault, Phase Failure & Line Reactors (ST or HW Heat & Inverter w/separate sect. only) 1= UV Lights 2= UV Lights & Freezestat (Steam or HW Heat only) 3= UV Lights & Phase Failure 4= UV Lights & Line Reactors (Inverter w/ separate section only) 5= UV Lights, Freezestat & Phase Failure (Steam or HW Heat only) 6= UV Lights, Freezestat & Line Reactors (ST or HW Heat & Inv. w/ sep. sect. only) 7= UV Lights, Phase Failure & Line Reactors (Inverter w/ separate section only) 8= UV Lights, Freezestat, Phase Failure & Line Reactors
(ST or HW Heat & Inv. w/separate sect. only)
C= Differential Enthalpy Y= None (includes Mechanical Enthalpy on units w/ MicroTech II or MicroTech III & 0-100% Econ w/ actuator)
Code 18= Misc. Controls/ Unit Length
YYYY= None MicroTech I KYYY= Unit mounted keypad BYYY= Unit mounted keypad and modem
MicroTech II or MicroTech III
W___= Wireless Modem (___= Air Handler Length [in.]) M___= Phone Modem (___= Air Handler Length [in.]) R___= Remote Keypad (___= Air Handler Length [in.]) K___= Remote Keypad (___= Air Handler Length [in.]) U___= Unit Powered Receptacle (___= Air Handler Length [in.]) V___= K + U (___= Air Handler Length [in.])
Code 19= Return Air Plenum
BY= Bottom Return BB= Bottom Return w/Burglar Bars BE= Bottom Return w/VAC damper HY= Back Return YY= None (No RA section)
Code 20= Outdoor Air Options
YY= None AE= 100% Outside air damper w/hood & actuator AY= 100% Outside air damper w/hood/no actuator BE= 0- 30% Outdoor air section w/actuator BY= 0- 30% Outdoor air section w/o actuator DE= 0- 100% Econ. w/barometric exhaust damper w/act. DY= 0- 100% Econ. w/barometric exhaust damper w/o act. EE= 0- 100% Econ. w/power closure exhaust damper w/act. EY= 0- 100% Econ. w/power closure exhaust damper w/o act. FE= same as DE + Design Flow FY= same as DY + Design Flow GE= same as EE + Design Flow GY= same as EY + Design Flow 1E= Heat Recovery 100% OA Low Flow 2E= Heat Recovery 100% OA High Flow 3E= Heat Recovery Economizer
Code 21= Return Air Fan
YYYY= No Return Air Fan 15F()= 15" X 15" Forward Curved 30B()= 30" Airfoil w/o vanes 30W()= 30" Airfoil w/vanes 40B()= 40" Airfoil w/o vanes 40W()= 40" Airfoil w/vanes ()= Isolator type: 1= rubber in-shear 2= spring 3= spring w/seismic restraints
Code 22= Return Air Fan Motor
YYY= No Return Fan E A Y
Always Y
A= Open Drip-proof motor E= High Eff. ODP motor F= High Eff. VAV motor G= Totally- Enclosed motor H= High Eff. Totally-Enclosed J= Premium Eff. ODP K= Premium Eff. Totally- Encl.
E= 1.0 HP F= 1.5 HP G= 2.0 HP H= 3.0 HP J= 5.0 HP K= 7.5 HP L= 10.0 HP
Code 23= Return Air Fan Drive Selection
YYYY= No Return Air Fan _ _ _ _ A
Service Factor/Pitch Type A= Std. SF/Fixed Pitch
B= 150% SF/Fixed Pitch C= Std. SF/Variable Pitch D= 150% SF/Variable Pitch
Code 24= Frost Protection (Heat Recovery Only)
Y= None F= Frost Protection Inverter
Code 25= Draw-Thru Filter Section
AA= Angular/Throwaway AB= Angular/30% Throwaway AC= Angular/30%/Intersept AY= Angular/No Media DB= Angular w/LO CFM Blender/30% Throwaway DC= Angular w/LO CFM Blender/30%/Intersept DY= Angular w/LO CFM Blender/No Media EB= Angular w/HI CFM Blender/30% Throwaway EC= Angular w/HI CFM Blender/30%/Intersept EY= Angular w/HI CFM Blender/No Media FD= Low Flow Flat/65% Cartridge FE= Low Flow Flat/95% Cartridge FG= Low Flow Flat/95% Cartridge/Intersept FY= Low Flow Flat/Rack Only GD= Low Flow Flat w/LO CFM /65% Cartridge GE= Low Flow Flat w/LO CFM /95% Cartridge GG= Low Flow Flat w/LO CFM /95% Cartridge/Intersept GY= Low Flow Flat w/LO CFM /Rack Only HD= Low Flow Flat w/HI CFM Blender/65% Cartridge HE= Low Flow Flat w/HI CFM Blender/95% Cartridge HG= Low Flow Flat w/HI CFM Blender/95% Cartridge/Intersept HY= Low Flow Flat w/HI CFM Blender/Rack Only BY= Blank 22" Section- less filters and rack CY= Blank 28" Section- less filters and rack
Code 26= Blank Draw-thru Section
Y= None S= Blank 40" Section
T= Blank 52" Section
Code 27= Draw-Thru Drain Pan/Cooling Coil Section
YYYY= None (036- 040C) CYYS= Cooling coil section w/stainless steel sloped drain pan CYYY= Cooling coil section w/galvanized steel sloped drain pan DYYS= Stainless Steel Drain Pan only (40" blank section) (036- 040C) DYYY= Galvanized Steel Drain Pan only (40" blank section) (036- 040C) Note: When CYYY/CYYS is selected for unit sizes 018- 030C, the coil is located in section F)
Code 28= Draw-Thru DX Cooling Coil (until 7/97) YYYYYY= No Cooling Coil 5Z 08 3 H
H= Aluminum Fin C= Copper Fin
3= 3 Row 4= 4 Row 5= 5 Row
08= 8 Fins-per-inch 10= 10 Fins-per-inch 12= 12 Fins-per-inch
5Z= Type 5EZ
Code 28= Draw-Thru DX Cooling Coil (7/97 & later) YYYYYY= No Cooling Coil 4Z 08 3 H
H= Aluminum Fin C= Copper Fin D= Lanced Aluminum
3= 3 Row 4= 4 Row 5= 5 Row 6= 6 Row
08= 8 Fins-per-inch 10= 10 Fins-per-inch 12= 12 Fins-per-inch
4Z= Type 4EZ 5Z= Type 5EZ
Code 29= N/A to RPS/RFS/RCS- Always YYYYYY
Code 30= Draw-Thru Blank Access Section
YYYYYY= None BBBBBB= Blank access section- 40"
Code 31= Supply Air Fan
06F()= 15" X 6" Forward Curved, w/o vanes, Class I 15F()= 15" X 15" Forward Curved, w/o vanes, Class II 20A()= 20" Airfoil, w/o vanes, Class II 20V()= 20" Airfoil, w/vanes, Class II 24F()= 24" Forward Curved, w/o vanes, Class I 24M()= 24"Forward Curved, w/o vanes, Class II 24A()= 24" Backward Curved, w/o vanes, Class II 24V()= 24" Backward Curved, w/vanes, Class II ()= Fan Isolators: 1= RIS 2= Spring 3= Spring w/Seismic Snubbers
Code 32= Supply Air Fan Motor
Always Y
A= Open Drip-proof motor E= High Eff. ODP motor F= High Eff. VAV G= Totally Enclosed motor H= High Eff. Totally-Enclosed J= Premium Eff. ODP Motor K= Premium Eff. Totally-Enclosed
E= 1.0 HP K= 7.5 HP F= 1.5 HP L= 10.0 HP G= 2.0 HP M= 15.0 HP H= 3.0 HP N= 20.0 HP J= 5.0 HP P= 25.0 HP
Code 33= Supply Air Fan Drive Selection
_ _ _ _ A
Service Factor/Pitch Type A= Std. SF/Fixed Pitch
B= 150% SF/Fixed Pitch C= Std. SF/Variable Pitch D= 150% SF/Variable Pitch
Code 34= Blow Thru Heat Section
YYYYYY= No section, cooling only BBBBBB= Blank 40" section, no heat, cooling only Gas Heat Breakdown: 020 A A A
A= Low CFM Baffle Position B= Medium CFM Baffle Position C= High CFM Baffle Position
A= One Stage Heat/Maximum gas pressure= 0.5 psi P= One Stage Heat/ with H.P. Regulator Range= 2- 3 psi Q= One Stage Heat/ with H.P. Regulator Range= 5- 10 psi E= Modulating Burner/Maximum gas pressure= 0.5 psi R= Modulating Burner/with H.P. Regulator Range= 2- 3 psi S= Modulating Burner/with H.P. Regulator Range= 5- 10 psi H= Hi Turn Down Burner 20:1 T= Hi Turn Down Burner 20:1/with H.P. Reg. Range= 2- 3 psi U= Hi Turn Down Burner 20:1/with H.P. Reg. Range= 5- 10psi
A= Aluminized Steel Secondary Heat Exchanger S= Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger
MBH (in 10's) ex. 020= 200 MBH [020,025,032,040,050,064,065,079,080,100]
Electric Heat Breakdown: E 020 1 Y
Always Y
1= 1 Stage 2= 2 Stage 3= 3 Stage
KW (ex. 020= 20 KW)
E= Electric Heat
Hot Water or Steam Heat Breakdown: W 11 D 3 E
Y= No Actuator E= Electric Actuator
Y= No Valve 2= 2- Way Valve (ST) 3= 3- Way Valve (HW)
Y= No Valve D= 1.00" Valve E= 1.25" Valve F= 1.50" Valve G= 2.00" Valve
11= 9 FPI 1 Row (HW) or 6 FPI 1 Row (ST) 12= 12 FPI 1 Row (ST) 22= 9 FPI 2 Row (HW) or 12 FPI 1 Row (ST)
W= Hot Water Heat S= Steam Heat
Code 35= Draw-Thru Drain Pan/Cooling Coil Section
YYYY= None CYYS= Cooling coil w/SS sloped drain pan (036- 040C) CYYY= Cooling coil w/galvanized sloped drain pan (036- 040C) DYYS= Stainless Steel Drain pan only (40" blank section) DYYY= Galvanized Steel Drain pan only (40" blank section)
Code 36= Blow-Thru DX Cooling Coil (until 7/97) YYYYYY= No Cooling Coil 5Z 08 3 H
H= Aluminum Fin C= Copper Fin
3= 3 Row 4= 4 Row 5= 5 Row
08= 8 Fins-per-inch 10= 10 Fins-per-inch 12= 12 Fins-per-inch
Always 5Z
Code 36= Blow-Thru DX Cooling Coil (7/97 & later) YYYYYY= No Cooling Coil 4Z 08 3 H
H= Aluminum Fin
3= 3 Row 5= 5 Row 4= 4 Row 6= 6 Row
08= 8 Fins-per-inch 10= 10 Fins-per-inch 12= 12 Fins-per-inch
4Z= Coil Type 4EZ 5Z= Coil Type 5EZ
Code 37= N/A to RPS/RFS/RCS- Always YYYYYY
Code 38= Blow-Thru Blank Access Section
Y= None- no section B= Blank Section after Heat Section- 40" section D= Blank Section after Heat Section- 52" section
Code 39= Final Filter Section
Y= None A= Flat filter section, 95% cartridge, 28" B= Flat filter section, 95% cartridge, 52" C= Blank- 28" section D= Blank- 52" section E= Flat filter section, 95% cartridge, 28" with Intersept F= Flat filter section, 95% cartridge, 52" with Intersept
Code 40= Discharge Plenum
BY= Bottom Discharge BB= Bottom Discharge w/Burglar Bars BE= Bottom Discharge w/Discharge Damper (VAV) FY= Front Discharge (RFS only) SY= Side Discharge (opposite control panel)
Code 41= Blank Compartment Section- Out of Airstream
Y= None- no selection required 2= 40" Blank Section only- out of airstream
Code 42= Compressor Capacity Control
2= 2 steps 3= 3 steps 4= 4 steps
Code 43= Condenser Options
AY= Aluminum Fin Air Coil w/ Scroll Comp. AG= Aluminum Fin Air Coil w/ Scroll Comp. & Coil Guards AS= Aluminum Fin Air Coil w/ Scroll Comp. & Seal Tite Conduits AB= Alum. Fin Coil w/ Scroll Comp. & Coil Guards & STC HY= Aluminum Fin Air Coil w/ Semi Herm. Comp. HG= Aluminum Fin Air Coil w/ Semi Herm. Comp. & Coil Guards CY= Copper Fin Air Coil
Code 44= Compressor Type
H= Semi Hermetic R22 K= Semi Hermetic R407C Z= Scroll R22 T= Scroll R407C
Code 45= Compressor Isolation
1= Resilient rubber-in-shear 2= Spring isolation 3= Seismic
Code 46= Piping Options
1= Hot Gas Bypass, circuit #1 only 2= Hot Gas Bypass, circuits 1 & 2 3= Replaceable Filter Drier Core 4= 1 + 3 5= 2 + 3 Y= None
Code 47= Low Ambient Operation
1= Fantrol 2= Speedtrol (036,040 only) 3= Quiet Fans- Fantrol 4= Quiet Fans- Speedtrol (036,040) 5= Fantrol Std CFM Fans w/TEAO Motor 6= Speedtrol Standard CFM Fans w/ TEAO Motor 7= Fantrol High CFM Fans w/ TEAO Motor 8= Speedtrol High CFM Fans w/ TEAO Motor
Code 48= N/A to RPS/RFS/RCS
Code 49= Supply and Return Fan Options
Y= None A= SA Fan Belt Guard B= SA Fan Section Light C= A & B D= SA & RA Fan Belt Guard E= SA & RA Fan Section Light F= D & E
Code 50= Misc.
Code 51= Packaging
Code 52= Parts Warranty
Code 53= Compressor Warranty
Code 54= Heat Exchanger Warranty
Units with optional vanes
(No longer offered)
Control Locations
Not Shown: Final filter section (Position I), Contains: HL23- Gas Hi Limit SP6- Clogged Filter Transducer PC6- Clogged Filter Pressure Switch
Electrical Legend
Schematic Sym. Description Location
ACT1 Actuator Motor, Supply Fan Vanes Supply Air Section ACT2 Actuator Motor, Return Fan Vanes Return Air Section ACT3, 4 Actuator Motors, Economizer Dampers Economizer Section ACT5 Actuator Motor, Discharge Isolation Damper Discharge Section ACT6 Actuator Motor, Return Air Isolation Damper Return Air Section ACT7 Actuator Motor, Heat Face/Bypass Coil Section, Heat ACT8 Actuator Motor, Cool Face/Bypass Coil Section, Cool ACT 10, 11 Actuator Motors, Exhaust Dampers Return Air Section ACT12 Actuator Motor, Energy Recovery Bypass Damper Return Air Section ADI ADI Board Main Control Box AFD10 Adjustable Frequency Drive (Inverter), Supply Fan AFD or Supply Fan Sect. AFD20 Adjustable Frequency Drive (Inverter), Return Fan AFD or Supply Fan Sect. AFD60 Adjustable Frequency Drive (Inverter), Heat Wheel Energy Recovery Section AS Blower Air Switch Furnace Section BM Burner Blower Motor Furnace Section C1, 5 Power Factor Capacitors, Compressor #1 Condenser Section C2, 6 Power Factor Capacitors, Compressor #2 Condenser Section C9, 10 Power Factor Capacitors, Supply Fan Supply Air Section C11 Capacitor, Speedtrol (Circuit #1) Cond. Bulkhead C19, 20 Power Factor Capacitors, Return Fan Return Air Fan C21 Capacitor, Speedtrol (Circuit #2) Cond. Bulkhead CB10 Circuit Breaker, Supply Fan Main Control Box CB20 Circuit Breaker, Return Fan Main Control Box CB60 Circuit Breaker, Heat Wheel Main Control Box CCB1, 2 Compressor Control Boards Main or Cond. Ctl. Box COMPR.1-4 Compressors Condenser Section CPC Circuit Board, Main, MicroTech Controller Main Control Box CPR Circuit Board, Expansion, Main Controller Main Control Box CS1, 2 Control Switches, Refrigerant Circuits Condenser Control Box DAT/SAT Discharge/Suppply Air Temperature Sensor Discharge/Supply Section DFLH Design Flow Sensor, Left Hand Return Section DFRH Design Flow Sensor, Right Hand Return Section DHL Duct High Limit Main Control Box DS1 Disconnect, Total Unit or Condenser/Heat Main Control Box DS2 Disconnect, SAF/RAF/Controls Main Control Box DS3 Disconnect, Electric Heat Electric Heat Section DS4 Disconnect, Condenser Cond. Control Box DS6 Disconnect, Unit Supplied Voltage Bulkhead EAT Exhaust Air Temperature Sensor Return Air Section EFT/MAT Entering/Mixed Air Temperature Sensor Supply Fan Section EHB1 Staged Electric Heat Board Main Control Box ERM1,2 Energy Recovery Wheel Motors Energy Recovery Section EXPA, B, D Expansion Board Main Control Box F1, 1A Fuse, Control Circuit, T1 Primary Main Control Box F1C Fuse, Control Circuit, T1 Secondary Main Control Box F2 Fuse, Control Circuit Condenser Control Box F3 Fuse, Burner Motor Main Control Box F4 Fuse, T4 Transformer Main Control Box FB1,2 Fuseblocks, Compressor #1 & #2 Condenser/Fuse Ctrl Box FB8 Fuseblock, Main Transformer Main Control Box FB9, 10 Fuseblocks, Supply Fan Main Control Box FB11-18 Fuseblocks, Condenser Fans Cond. Control Box FB19, 20 Fuseblocks, Return Fan Main Control Box
Electrical Legend
Schematic Sym. Description Location FB31-40 Fuseblocks, Electric Heat (Top Bank) Electric Heat Section
FB41-50 Fuseblocks, Electric Heat (Bottom Bank) Electric Heat Section FD Flame Detector Furnace Section FLC Fan Limit Control Furnace Section FS1 Freezestat Coil Section, Heat/Cool FS2 Freezestat Control Heat Section FSG Flame Safeguard Furnace Section GCB1 Generic Condenser Board Main Control Box GFS1/GFR1 Ground Fault Sensor/Relay, RPS Unit Main Control Box GFS2/GFR2 Ground Fault Sensor/Relay, RCS Unit Cond. Control Box GFS4/GFR4 Ground Fault Sensor/Relay, RCS Unit Cond. Control Box GRD Ground All Control Boxes GV1 Gas Valve, Pilot Furnace Section GV2, 3 Gas Valves, Main Furnace Section GV4-8 Gas Valve, Hi-Turn Down Furnace Section HL 1-10 High Limits, Elec. Heaters, Power (Top Bank) Electric Heat Section HL 11-20 High Limits, Elec. Heaters, Power (Bottom Bank) Electric Heat Section HL22 High Limit, Gas Heat (Prefilters) Supply Air Section HL23 High Limit, Gas Heat (Final Filter) Final Filter Section HL31-40 High Limits, Elec. Heaters, Control (Top Bank) Electric Heat Section HL41-50 High Limits, Elec. Heaters, Control (Bottom Bank) Electric Heat Section HP1-4 High Pressure Controls, Refrigerant On Compressors HP5 High Pressure Control, Gas Furnace Section HS1 Heat Switch, Electric, Shutdown Main Control Box HTR1-4 Crankcase Heaters On Compressors HUM1 Humidistat Sensor Energy Recovery Section IT Ignition Transformer Furnace Section LP1,2 Low Pressure Controls, Refrigerant On Compr. LP5 Low Pressure Control, Gas Furnace Section LT2 Light, Furnace On Furnace Section LT3 Light, Pilot Gas Valve On Furnace Section LT4 Light, Main Gas Valve On Furnace Section LT10 Light, Supply Fan Supply Air Section LT11 Light, Return Fan Return Air Section LT12 Light, Heat Section Heat Section LT13 Light, Filter Section Filter Section LT14 Light, Final Filter Section Final Filter Section LT15 Light, Discharge Section Discharge Section LT16 Light, Blow-through Coil Section Blow-thru Coil Section LT17 Light, Evaporator Coil Section Evaporator Coil Section LT18 Light, Preheat Section Preheat Section LT19 Light, Blank Section Blank Section LT20 Light, Blank Compartment Blank Compartment LT22 Light, Condenser Section Condenser Section M1-6 Contactors, Compressors Main/Cond. Control Box M9, 10 Contactors, Supply Fan Main Control Box M11-18 Contactors, Condenser Fans, Circuit #1 Cond. Control Box M19,20 Contactors, Return Fan Main Control Box M21-28 Contactors, Condenser Fans, Circuit #2 Cond. Control Box M29 Contactor, Burner Motor Furnace Section M30 Contactor, Supply Fan Inverter Inverter Bypass Box
Electrical Legend
Schematic Sym. Description Location M31-39 Contactors, Elec. Heaters (Top Bank) Electric Heat Section M40 Contactor, Return Fan Inverter Inverter Bypass Box M41-50 Contactors, Elec. Heaters (Bottom Bank) Electric Heat Section MAT Mixed Air Temperature Sensor Supply Air Section MCB Microprocessor Control Board Main Control Box MCB1 Microprocessor Control Board #1 Main Control Box MJ Mechanical Jumpers Terminal Blocks MMP1-6 Manual Motor Protectors, Compressors Main/Cond. Control Box MMP10 Manual Motor Protector, Supply Fan Main Control Box MMP11, 12 Manual Motor Protectors, Condenser Fans Ckt. 1 Main/Cond. Control Box MMP20 Manual Motor Protector, Return fan Main Control Box MMP21,22 Manual Motor Protectors, Condenser Fans Ckt. 2 Main/Cond. Control Box MMP60 Manual Motor Protector, Energy Recovery Wheel Energy Recovery Section MP1-4 Motor Protectors, Compressors On Compressors NB1, 2 Neutral Blocks Main Control Box NB3 Neutral Block Cond. Control Box OAE Outside Air Enthalpy Control Economizer Section OAT Outside Air Temperature Sensor Discharge Bulkhead OBA Output Board A, Standard Main Control Box OBB Output Board B, Cooling Main Control Box OBC Output Board C, Heating Main Controi Box OL9, 10 Overload Relays, Supply Fan Main Controi Box OL 19,20 Overload Relays, Return Fan Main Control Box OP1-4 Oil Pressure Controls, Compressors Condenser Section PB1 Powerblock, Total Unit or Cond./Heat Main Control Box PB2 Powerblock, SAF/RAF/Controls Main Control Box PB3 Powerblock, Electric Heat Electric Heat Section PB4 Powerblock, Condenser Cond. Control Box PC5 Pressure Control, Clogged Filter Filter Section PC6 Pressure Control, Clogged Final Filter Final Filter Section PC7 Pressure Control, Proof of Airflow Supply Air Filter PC8 Pressure Control, Minimum Airflow Evaporator Coil Section PC12, 22 Pressure Control, FanTrol Cond. Bulkhead PM1 Phone Modem Main Control Box PS1, 2 Pumpdown Switches, Refrigerant Circuits Cond. Control Box PS3 Pumpdown Switch, Unit Main Control Box PVM1 Phase Voltage Monitor, RPS Unit Main Control Box PVM2, 4 Phase Voitage Monitor, RCS Unit Cond./Fuse Ctrl Box R1, 2 Relays, High Pressure Reset Main/Cond. Control Box R3, 4 Relays, Hi Presssure Delay Main/Cond. Control Box R5- 8 Relays, Compressor, Safety/Cool Fail Main/Cond. Control Box R9, 10 Relays, Compressor Lockout Main/Cond. Control Box R11, 12 Relays, Low Ambient Main/Cond. Control Box R19, 20 Relays, Cool Failure Indicator Main Control Box R20 Relay, Gas, Steam, Hot Water Heat Main Control Box R21, 22 Relays, Gas Heat Furnace Section R23 Relay, Gas Heat, Modulating Valve or Electric Heat Furnace Sect./Elec. Ht. CB R24 Relay, Gas Heat Alarm Main Control Box R25 Relay, Gas Heat Start, Supply Fan Inverter Main Control Box R26 Relay, Occupied/Unoccupied Main Control Box R27 Relay, Exhaust Dampers Main Control Box
Electrical Legend
Schematic Sym. Description Location R28 Relay, Isolation Dampers Main Control Box
R29 Relay, Remote Fire Alarm Main Control Box R30 Relay, Cool Valve w/ F&B Main Control Box R45 Relay, UV Lights Main Control Box R46, 47 Relays, Supply Fan Inverter increase/decrease Main Control Box R48, 49 Relays, Return fan Inverter increase/decrease Main Control Box R58, 59 Relays, Energy Recovey Wheel- Inverter Main Control Box R60 Relay, Energy Recovery Wheel- Enable Main Control Box R61 Relay, Smoke Detector- Discharge Air Main Control Box R62-64 Relays, Special Main Control Box R63 Relay, Duct Hi- Limit Main Control Box R66 Relay, RA Smoke Detector Main Control Box R67 Relay, Supply Fan Enable Main Control Box R68 Relay, Return Fan Enable Main Control Box R69 Relay, Inverter Bypass VAV Box Interlock Main Control Box R81- 88 Relay- Smoke Main Control Box RAE Return Air Enthalpy Sensor Return Air Section RAT Return Air Temperature Sensor Return Air Section REC1 Receptacle, Main Box Main Control Box REC2 Receptacle, Condenser Box Cond. Control Box REC3 Receptacle, Field Power, 115V Discharge Bulkhead REC10-23 Receptacles, Cabinet Section Cabinet Sections S1 Switch, System On/Off, RPS Unit Main Control Box S2 Switch, System On/Off, RCS Unit Cond. Control Box S3 Switch, Furnace On/Off Furnace Section S4 Switch, Inverter Bypass On/Off Main Control Box S6 Switch, Return Fan Vanes Adjustment Main Control Box S7 Switch, Local On/Off/Auto to Controller Main Control Box S10-22 Switches, Cabinet Section Lights Cabinet Sections S40-45 Switches, Door Interlock, UV Lights Cabinet Sections SAT Supply Air Temperature Sensor Discharge Section SB1 Staging Board #1, Cooling Main Control Box SB2 Staging Board #2, Heating Main Control Box SC11 Speed Control, Circuit #1 Cond. Bulkhead SC21 Speed Control, Circuit #2 Cond. Bulkhead SD1 Smoke Detector, Supply Air Discharge Section SD2 Smoke Detector, Return Air Return Air Section SPS1, 2, 3 Static Pressure Sensors, Duct or Building Main Control Box SPS5 Static Pressure Sensor, Clogged Filter Filter Section SPS6 Static Pressure Sensor, Clogged Final Filter Final Filter Section SR1-3 Sequence Relays, Electric Heat Electric Heat Section SV1,2 Solenoid Valves, Liquid Discharge Bulkhead SV5, 6 Solenoid Valves, Hot Gas Discharge Bulkhead T1 Transformer, Main Control Main Control Box T2 Transformer, Unit 24V Main Control Box T3 Transformer, Controller, 18V Main Control Box T4 Transformer, Exhaust Dampers Main Control Box T5 Transformer, Electric Heat Electric Heat Section T6 Transformer, Unit Supplied Voltage Bulkhead T7 Transformer, Gas Pilot Valve Furnace Section T8 Transformer, Gas Main Valve Furnace Section T9 Transformer, 24V Refrigerant Circuit Main Control Box
Electrical Legend
Schematic Sym. Description Location T10 Transformer, SpeedTrol, 24V Cond. Control Box
T11 Transformer, Speedtrol, 230V Cond. Control Section TB1 Terminal Block, 115V, Field Main/Cond. Control Box TB2 Terminal Block, 24V, Field Main/Cond. Control Box TB3,4 Terminal Blocks, Condenser Cond. Control Box TB5 Terminal Block, 115V, Factory Main/Cond. Control Box TB6 Terminal Block, 115V/24V, Factory Main Control Box TB7, 8 Terminal Block, 24V, Factory Main Control Box TB10 Terminal Block, Heating Main Control Box TB11 Terminal Block, Heating Electric Heat Section TB12, 13 Terminal Blocks, Electric Heat, Power Electric Heat Section TC1, 2 Temperature Controls, FanTrol Cond. Control Box TC12 Temperature Control, Fantrol Cond. Control Box TD1, 2 Time Delays, Compressor Lockout Main/Cond. Control Box TD3, 4 Time Delays, High Pressure Main/Cond. Control Box TD5, 6 Time Delays, Compr. #1, #2, Part Winding Cond. Control Box TD9 Time Delay, Supply Fan Part Winding Main Control Box TD10 Time Delay, Hi-Turn Down Burner Furnace Section TD11, 12 Time Delays, Low Ambient Cond. Control Box TD19 Time Delays, Return Fan Part Winding Main Control Box TD20 Time Delay, Return Air Fan Start Main Control Box TR1, 2 Transducer, Pressure Main Control Box U1,2 Unloaders, Compressors On Compressors VM1 Valve Motor, Heating Heating Section VM5 Valve Motor, Cooling Coil Section, Cool VV1 Vent Valve Furnace Section ZNT1 Zone Temperature Sensor, Control Field Installed ZNT2-5 Zone Temperature Sensors, Special Field Installed
Section A1- Outdoor/Return Air Section
Primary Codes that pertain: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 Additional Codes that pertain: 06, 09, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 49
Codes 19 and 20 determine the base section. Code 19 is the Return Air Plenum, and determines if the unit has back (a.k.a. horizontal) return air or bottom return air. The plenum is required for any outdoor air application with an economizer (Code 20= BE, BY, DE, DY, EE, EY, FE, FY, GE or GY). The only case in which a plenum is not required is when a 100% outdoor air damper and hood are ordered (C20= AE, AY).
Codes 21, 22, 23 determine the return air fan, motor and drives. These codes only pertain to units with a 0-100% economizer (C20= DE, DY, EE, EY, FE, FY, GE or GY). The fan section parts, the fans, and the motors are listed in this section. The drive components (fan sheave, motor sheave, belt, and fan bushing) are not listed as
they are unique to the unit. If a drive component is required you may use the number from the part and cross reference it with the Drive Components Cross Reference form number: 571006, or contact Daikin McQuay Parts to ensure that the needed part(s) are correctly identified. The motors range anywhere from
1- 10 horsepower, and the fan wheels range from 15" FC to 40" AF.
Code 06 determines the panels used in final cabinet assembly (return air units only).
Code 09, the voltage, is part of the motor part number identification.
Code 12, the control system comes into play when an economizer is present. The economizer comes with an actuator motor on any MicroTech unit (C12= 1M, 2M, 4M, or 5M [original MicroTech] or L*, B*, E* or S* [MicroTech II or MicroTech III]), but may not have a motor if the unit has controls by others (C12= YC or YM).
Code 14 determines if the return fan has an inverter, or variable frequency drive. If code 14 equals 1-9 (or X for units built prior to 2000) , then the unit has inverters, and cannot, therefore have wheels with variable inlet vanes (which haven't been used on production units since 2003).
Code 15, determines if Variable Inlet Vanes (VIV) are present (these haven't been used on production units since
2003). If code 15= 2, they are present on the return fan. VIV is only available on units with 0- 30% economizers (C20= BE, BY).
Code 16 determines the smoke detector which is located in the return air cabinet. C16= 1 or 3 if a smoke detector (SD2) is present.
Code 17 determines the Enthalpy Control. If C17= Y* and the unit has an economizer there is a mechanical enthalpy control (OAE). If C17= C*, there is a differential enthalpy control (OAE + RAE).
Code 49 determines if the return air cabinet has a light, switch and receptacle (C49= B), fan belt guards (C49= D) or both (C49= F).
Section A1- Outdoor/Return Air Section
100% Outside Air Damper with Hood
C20= AE or AY and C19= YY
No Return Air Plenum
Section B
100% Outdoor Air Damper w/ Hood (C20= AE, AY)
Ref Part Actuator No. Description C20= AE C20= AY Qty.
4 Damper Assy Complete * 058440301 058440302 1 Damper Assy Only 098313601 098313601 1 6 Hood 058440303 058440303 1 14 Channel 058436501 058436501 1
* Complete assy. includes the damper assy. and linkage (no actuator) or actuator assy. Note: The outdoor air damper with actuator (C20= AE) must have MicroTech controls. Dampers without actuators (C20= AY) must have controls by others (C12= YM, YC). For Damper components see the following page.
Section A1- Outdoor/Return Air Section
100% Outside Air Damper with Hood
C20= AE or AY and C19= YY
Damper Detail
Damper Assy Detail
13 25
C20= AY
C20= AE
Ref Part Actuator: ACT 3
No. Description C20= AE C20= AY Qty.
1 Damper Assy 098313601 098313601 1 4 Linkage Rod 067012700 067012700 1 6 Crank Arm Operator 046448600 not used 1 Arm Shaft not used 065371301 1 7 Linkage Rod 067012800 067012800 1 13 Damper Blade 044195101 044195101 12 14 Damper Seal 055616401 055616401 4 16 Damper Stop 065779801 065779801 2 18 Linkage Bar 047149800 047149800 2 20 Crank Arm 023680400 025072600 1 21 Ball Joint 000887000 000887000 4 22 Actuator Motor: ACT3 066534807 not used 1 23 Bushing 046098300 046098300 12 24 Bushing 043730400 043730400 24 25 Gasket 044193114 044193114 12 26 Gasket 045655714 046555714 1 27 Damper End Plug 041003501 041003501 12 28 Damper End Plug 041003502 041003502 6 29 Damper End Plug 041003503 041003503 6 31 Lock Collar not used 049115902 2
Section A1- Outdoor/Return Air Section
0- 30% Outside Air Section
C20= BE or BY and C19= BY or HY
Damper Detail
Without Actuator C20= BY
With Actuator C20= BE
Damper Detail
Ref Part Actuator: ACT 3 No. Description C20= BE C20= BY Qty.
Complete Assembly* 058440321 058440322 1 1 Damper Assy Only** 098314101 098314101 1 8 Damper Blade 044193213 044193213 2 9 Gasket 055940213 055940213 1 10 Gasket 044193132 044193132 2 11 End Seal 058456701 058456701 2 13 Motor Support 058456501 1 Rod Support Angle 055608601 1 14 Linkage Bar 058456601 058456601 1 15 Shaft Linkage 055536606 055536606 1 26 Exhaust Louver 096170531 096170531 1 Screen Only 058434301 058434301 2 30 End Plug 041003505 041003505 2 31 End Plug 041003506 041003506 2 32 Bushing 043730400 043730400 4 33 Bushing 046098300 046098300 4 34 Ball Joint 000887000 000887000 2 35 Actuator Motor ACT3 066534807 not used 1 36 Damper Crank Arm 023680400 not used 1 42 Screw- .19-24 x .75 046093803 046093803 4 43 Screw- .25-20 x 1.00 046296600 046296600 4
* Complete assy. includes the damper assy. and linkage (no actuator) or actuator assy. ** Damper only, no linkage or actuator components.
Section A1- Outdoor/Return Air Section
0- 100% Economizer Section with Barometric Exhaust Damper
Units without Return Air Fans
C20= DE, DY, EE, EY, FE, FY, GE, or GY, C21= YYYY
Back Return (C19= HY) shown.
Ref Part Part Qty.
No. Description Number
11 Economizer Damper 1 w/Act.(C20= *E) 058440311 1 w/o Act. (C20= *Y) 058440312 1 12 Exhaust Damper Assy 058440341 1 Damper Only 030049300 1 N/S Exhaust Louver 096170531 1 Louver Screen only 058434301 1
N/S= Not Shown on diagram.
Economizer with actuator (C20= *E) requires MicroTech Controls. Without actuator (C20= *Y), requires controls by others (C12= YM, YC). Economizer detail follows four pages after next.
Section A1- Outdoor/Return Air Section
0 - 100% Economizer Section with Exhaust Damper
Units with 15" Forward Curved Return Air Fans
C20= DE, DY, EE, EY, FE, FY, GE, or GY, C21= 15**
Unit Sizes 015C- 030C only
Until 12/04
Bottom Return
(C19= BY or BB or BE) shown.
Ref Part Part
No. Description Number Qty.
11 0- 100% Economizer
w/act. (C20= DE) 058440311 1 w/o act. (C20= DY) 058440312 1 12 Exhaust Louver
Until 5/00 058440331 1 5/00 & Later 096170531 1 Louver Screen Only 058434301 1 54 Gasket 023530463 1 55 Gasket 023530416 1
56 Gasket 020717911 1 57 Gasket 020717984 1 58 Exhaust Damper 058440353 1 150 Deflection Screen 046446600 1 166 Flange Bearing 001113500 2 N/S Isolation Damper
Code 19= BE only 058400861 1 N/S Belt Guard- LH 3 058440381 1 N/S Belt Guard- RH 3 058440382 1
N/S= Not Shown on diagram.
Economizer with actuator (C20= DE) requires MicroTech Controls. Without actuator (C20= DY), requires controls by others. Economizer detail after 40" fan section detail.
Isolation Damper detail follows Economizer detail.
Code 49= D or F.
12/04 and later
Ref Part Part
Bottom Return
(C19= BY or BB) shown.
No. Description Number Qty.
11 0- 100% Economizer
w/act. (C20= DE) 058440311 1 w/o act. (C20= DY) 058440312 1 12 Damper Assy Barometric (C20= DE,DY,FE,FY) 058440310 1
Power (C20= EE,EY,GE,GY) 058440320 1 Damper Only 112039627 1 54 Gasket 023530463 1 55 Gasket 023530416 2 124 Belt Guard- LH 2 058876301 1
125 Belt Guard- RH 2 058876302 1 150 Deflection Screen 046446600 1
N/S= Not Shown on diagram.
Economizer with actuator (C20= DE) requires MicroTech Controls. Without actuator (C20= DY), requires controls by others. Economizer detail after 40" fan section detail.
Code 49= D or F.
Section A1- Outdoor/Return Air Section
0- 100% Economizer Section with Exhaust Damper
Units with 30" Air Foil Return Air Fans
C20= DE, DY, EE, EY, FE, FY, GE, or GY, C21= 30**
Until 12/04
Back Return (C19= HY) shown.
Ref Part Part
No. Description Number Qty.
11 0- 100% Economizer
w/act. (C20= DE) 058440311 1 w/o act. (C20= DY) 058440312 1 12 Exhaust Damper Assy 058440361 1 Damper Blade only 058497701 1 Grille- Damper Hood 058560701 1
Gasket- Blade 020717938 1 16 Gasket- Retainer 2 058582004 1 17 Gasket- Retainer 2 058582003 1 44 Gasket- Retainer 2 058582006 1 45 Gasket- Retainer 2 058582005 1 124 Belt Guard- LH 3 059864401 1 125 Belt Guard- RH 3 059864402 1
Economizer with actuator (C20= DE) requires MicroTech Controls. Without actuator (C20= DY), requires controls by others (C12= YM, YC). Economizer detail on page after next.
Not applicable for units with Bottom Return (Code 19= BY or BB)
Code 49= D or F.
12/04 and later
Bottom Return (C19= BY or BB) shown.
Ref Part Part
No. Description Number Qty.
11 0- 100% Economizer
w/act. (C20= DE) 058440311 1 w/o act. (C20= DY) 058440312 1 12 Damper Assy Barometric (C20= DE,DY,FE,FY) 058440310 1 Power (C20= EE,EY,GE,GY) 058440320 1 Damper Only 112039627 1 50 Belt Guard 2 058400888 2 55 Gasket 055921422 2
Economizer with actuator (C20= DE) requires MicroTech Controls. Without actuator (C20= DY), requires controls by others (C12= YM, YC). Economizer detail on page after next.
Code 49= D or F.
Section A1- Outdoor/Return Air Section
0- 100% Economizer Section with Exhaust Damper
Units with 40" Air Foil Return Air Fans
C20= DE, DY, EE, EY, FE, FY, GE, or GY, C21= 40**
Until 12/04
Bottom Return (C19= BY or BB) is only option for 40" RF.
Unit Sizes 036C- 040C only
Ref Part Part No. Description Number Qty.
11 0- 100% Economizer w/act. (C20= DE) 058440311 1 w/o act. (C20= DY) 058440312 1 12 Exhaust Damper Assy 058440371 1 Damper Blade only 058451901 1 Grille- Damper Hood 038238001 1 Gasket- Blade 020717987 1
Gasket- Blade Ends 020717920 2 48 Gasket- Retainer 058594701 1 49 Gasket- Retainer 058594601 1 55 Gasket 055582601 2 57 Gasket 055582601 1 150 Deflection Screen 046446600 1 N/S Belt Guard- Small 2 058440383 2 N/S Belt Guard- Large 2 058400888 2
N/S= Not Shown on diagram.
Economizer with actuator (C20= DE) requires MicroTech Controls. Without actuator (C20= DY), requires controls by others (C12= YM, YC). Economizer detail on page after next.
Code 49= D or F.
12/04 and later
Bottom Return (C19= BY or BB) is only option for 40" RF.
Ref Part Part
No. Description Number Qty.
11 0- 100% Economizer
w/act. (C20= DE) 058440311 1 w/o act. (C20= DY) 058440312 1 12 Damper Assy Barometric (C20= DE,DY,FE,FY) 058440314 1 Power (C20= EE,EY,GE,GY) 058440324 1 Damper Only 112039627 1 50 Belt Guard 2 058400888 2 55 Gasket 055921422 2 124 Fan Guard 2 058440384 2
Economizer with actuator (C20= DE) requires MicroTech Controls. Without actuator (C20= DY), requires controls by others (C12= YM, YC). Economizer detail on page after next.
Code 49= D or F.
Section A1- Outdoor/Return Air Section
0- 100% Economizer Assembly
C20= D*, E*, F*, G*
Shown with Actuator
C20= DE, EE, FE, GE
All parts shown apply to economizers
without actuators except for those in the
dotted line box. Units with Actuator must
have MicroTech Controls.
13 25 27 28
Without Actuator
C20= DY, EY, FY, GY
C12 must= YM or YC
Section A1- Outdoor/Return Air Section
0- 100% Economizer Assembly
C20= DE, DY, EE, EY, FE, FY, GE, GY
0-100% Economizer Detail
Ref Part Actuator: ACT 4 No. Description C20= DE C20= DY Qty.
Complete Assembly 058440311 058440312 1 3 Channel 058440313 058440313 1 4 Linkage Rod 067012700 067012700 1 6 Crank Arm Operator 046448600 1 Arm Shaft 065371301 1 7 Linkage Rod 067012800 067012800 1 8 Bottom Support 058448201 058448201 1 9 Top Support 058448401 058448401 1 10 Block Off 058449601 058449601 1 11 Motor Mount 060063301 1 Rear Bearing Support 066002101 1 12 Side Support 058448301 058448301 2 13 Damper Blade 044195101 044195101 12 14 Outside Seal 043734500 043734500 4 15 Center Seal 043734400 043734400 2 16 Damper Stop 065779801 065779801 4 17 Motor Support Brkt. 058411302 1 Front Bearing Supp. 066002201 1 18 Linkage Bar 044194800 044194800 2 19 Linkage Bar 044194900 044194900 2 20 Crank Arm 023680400 025072600 1 21 Ball Joint 000887000 000887000 4 22 Actuator Motor ACT4 066534807 1 23 Bushing 046098300 046098300 12 24 Bushing 043730400 043730400 24 25 Gasket 044193114 044193114 12 26 Gasket 045655714 045655714 2 27 End Plug 041003501 041003501 12 28 End Plug 041003502 041003502 6 29 End Plug 041003503 041003503 6
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