Mazda 4112A-NZLCTHL3 User Manual

Fig. 5
Hold for 2 seconds and release
9. Return to the veh icle and firmly press, hold for 2 seconds and release the programmed HomeLink
10. Repeat Step 9 a second time and
possibly a third t ime (depending on brand of device).
should now activate your
rolling code equipped device.
button. Fig. 5
Auto-Dimming Mirror User Guide
Congratulations! Your n ew Mazda is equippe d with an Automatic-Dimming Mirror, manufactured by Gentex Corporation. During nighttime driving, th is safety feature will automatically detect and eliminate dangerous rearview mirror g lare.
Gate Operator / Canadian Programmin g:
Canadian radio-frequenc y laws require trans mitter signals to “time-out” or quit after several seconds of transmission – which may not be lon g enough for HomeL ink up the signal during programming. Similar to this Canadian law, some U.S. gate operators are designed to “time-out” in the same manner.
If you live in Canada or you are havi ng difficulties progra mming a gate operator by using the “Programming” procedures (regardless of where you live), replace “Programming HomeLink
NOTE: If programming a garage door opener or gate operator, it is advised to unplug the device during the “cycling” process to prevent possible overheating.
step 4 with the following:
4. Continue to press and hold the HomeLink
- every 2 seconds (“cycle”) your hand-held transmitter u ntil the frequency signal has successfully been accepted by HomeLink slowly and then rapidly.)
button while you press and release
. (The indicator light w ill flash
Proceed with “Programming” step 5 to complete.
NOTE: Programmed HomeLink vehicle etc.) by holding the 2 outer buttons (as shown in Fig. 1) for 20 seconds until LED indicator begins to flash. Do not hold buttons for more than 30 seconds .
If you have any questions or are having difficulty programming your
buttons, please refer to or call
codes can be intentionally erased (when selling
Cleaning the mirror:
When cleaning the m irror, use a paper towel or similar material dampened with glass cleaner. Do not spray glass cleaner directly onto the mirror as damage to internal circuitry may result.
Troubleshooting Guidelines:
1. “C” or “CAL” is displayed in the display window
a. Perform calibration procedure.
a. Perform compass zone setting procedure and then calibration procedure b. Vehicle magnetics may have changed.
- Press and h old the “ ” button or the “ ” button (if mirror has) for 9 seconds until a “C” or “CAL” app ears in the display window.
- Perform calibration procedure.
NOTE: Installing items such as a ski rack, antenna, luggage rack or recent body
repair can cause changes to the vehicle’s magnetic field. This may require
that the compass be recalibrated by p erforming the recalibration procedure.
3. The temperature display is reading significantly low
a. The temperature display may have been changed to degrees Cels ius. Refer
to the section of this User Guide pertaining to the temperature feature to correct.
4. The display window shows “SC” or “OC” instead of temperature
a. These problems must be corrected at your authorized Dealer Service Center.
to pick
Your new mirror may or may not have all of the features shown in this User Guide. Please refer only to the sections that pertain to the model mirror you have in your new vehicle.
Auto-Dimming Mirror with Compass
To Operate the Auto-Dimming Feature:
To Operate the Auto-Dim ming Feature:
Push the “ ” switch to turn the mirror on/off. The auto-dimming feature is
Push the “ switch to turn the mirror on/off. The auto-dimming feature is
enabled when the green LED indicator is on.
enabled when the green LED indicator is on.
To Operat e the Compass Feature:
To Operate the Compass Feature:
1. Push the display “ ” switch. The vehicle’s directional heading will be displayed.
1. Push the display switch. The vehicles directional heading will be displayed.
2. Pushing the “
2. Pushing the “
3. If the display reads “C”, calibrate the comp ass by driving the veh icle in up to 3
3. If the display readsC, calibrate the comp ass by driving the veh icle in up to 3
complete circles at less than 5 MPH.
complete circles at less than 5 MPH.
4. To adjust for compass variance: a. Press the “ number appears in the display. b. Find your current location and variance zone number on the z one map below. c. Press the “ After you stop pres sing the button, the display will show a compas s heading within a few secon ds.
” switch a second time will turn off the visua l display.
switch a second time will turn off the visual display.
” button for more than 9 seconds, or until the current zone
” button until the new z one number appears in the display.
550-0351 B
Auto-Dimming Mirror with Compass and HomeLink
Auto-Dimming Mirror with Compass, HomeLink
and Temperature
(Larger w indow for
(Larger w indow for
Temp. model)
To Operat e the Auto-Dimming Feature:
To Operate the Auto-Dimming Feature:
Push th
when the green LED indicator is on.
To Operate the Compass Feature:
To Operate the Compass Feature:
1. Push the display “ ” switch. The vehicle ’s directional heading will be displayed.
1. Push the disp lay switch. The vehicles directional heading will be displayed.
2. Pushing the “ ” switch a second time will turn off the visual display.
2. Pushing the switch a second time will turn off the visual display.
3. If the display reads “C” or “CAL”, calibrat e the compass by driving the vehicle in
3. If the display reads C or CAL”, calibrate the compass by driving the vehicle in
up to 3 complete circles at less than 5 MPH .
4. To adjust for compass variance:
e “ ” switch to turn the mirror on/off. The auto-dimming feature is enabled
Push the switch to turn the mirror on/off. The aut o-dimming feature is enabled when the green LED indicator is on .
up to 3 complete circles at less than 5 MPH.
a. Press the “ ” button for more than 9 seconds, or unt il the current zone
number appears in the display. b. Find your current location and variance zone number on the zone map below. c. Press the “ ” button until the new zone number appears in the display. After
you stop pres sing the button, the display will show a com pass heading within
a few seconds.
To Operate the Temperature Feature:
1. Push the “ ” switch. The vehicle’s directional hea ding and outside temp erature will be displayed.
2. Pushing the “ ” switch a second time will turn off the visual display.
3. The temperature display can be changed to Celsius by depressing the “ ” switch for 3 seconds, until a “°C” appears by itself in the disp lay window. Pushing the “ ” switch again will toggle the display between Celsius and Fahrenhe it. Five seconds of no switch activity returns the display to its normal directional and temperature reading.
HomeLink®and the HomeLink®house are registered trademarks of Johnson Controls, Inc.
Temp. model)
To Operate the HomeLink®Feature:
Please refer to the programming instructions outlined in this User Guide or:
a. visit the HomeLink b. call the HomeLink®customer sup port line at 1-800-35 5-3515
website at www.
HomeLink®Programming Instructions:
operator, make sure that people and o bjects are out of th e way of the device to prevent potential harm or da mage. When programming a garage d oor opener, it is advised to park outside of the garage. Do not use HomeLink lacks safety stop and reverse features as required by U.S. fe deral safety stand ards (this includes any garage d oor opener model manufactured before April 1, 1982). A garage door that cannot det ect an object – signaling the door to stop and reverse – do es not meet current U.S. federal safety standards. For more information, contact HomeLink
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Before programming HomeLink®to a garage door opener or gate
with any garage door opener that
or by calling 1-800-355-3515.
1. To begin, press and hold the 2 outer HomeLink the indicator light (LED) blinks slowly (approximately 20 seconds). Fig. 1
buttons (to clear memory) until
2. Release both buttons.
NOTE: Do not hold the buttons for longer than 30 seconds. Do not repeat this step when
Press an d Hold for 20 sec onds… LED blinks slowly … Release but tons
Press and holdboth… LED blinks fa st… Release bot h buttons
Press button… Fast blink for 2
seconds then c onstant = rollingcode…
Contin ue programmi ng
Press “Learn” button…
programming addit ional devices to remaining buttons.
3. Position the en d of the hand-held transmitter 1-3 inches away from the HomeLink you wish to program while keeping the the indicator light in view.
4. Simultaneously press and hold both the chosen HomeLink buttons. Fig. 2
Do not release the buttons until step 5 has been completed.
NOTE: Some gate operator and garage door
openers may require you to replace this Programming step 4 with procedures noted in the “Gate Operator / Canadian Programming” section.
5. After the Hom eLink from a slow to a ra pidly blinking light, release both the HomeLink buttons.
6. Press and hold the just-trained HomeLink button and observe the indicator light.
If the indicator light blinks rapidly for 2 seconds and then turns to a constant light, the device being programmed utilizes rolling code and programming is not complete until the following steps are completed. Fig. 3
7. On the garage door opener receiver (motor-head unit) locate the “learn” or “smart” button. This can usually be found where the hanging antenna wire is attached to the motor-head unit.
8. Firmly press and release the “learn” or “smart” button. Fig. 4
NOTE: You have 30 seconds to initiate step 9.
and hand-held transmitter
indicator light changes
and hand-held transmitter