Hot Water is Essential Loading Your Dishwasher
For good cleaning and drying results, hot water Seldom will households have identical dishes;
is necessary. The water should be 120°-140°F. the number and type of articles used will vary
To check water temperature, turn on the hot daily. Your dishwasher is designed to be flexible
water faucet nearest the dishwasher. Let water and accommodate a wide variety of dishes and
run into a glass in the sink until it is as hot as utensils. The following instructions and pictures
will help you become familiar with your
possible, then check with a candy or meat dishwasher. With experience, you will learn the
thermometer. If the temperature at the faucet is best arrangement for your particular needs.
below 120°F (49°C), have a qualified person
raise the water heater thermostat setting. General Recommendations
Before starting the dishwasher, him on the hot • Place all items on racks so they are separated
water faucet and let it run until the water is hot. and face the center to insure the water spray
will reach the soiled surfaces. Do not allow
Preparing Dishes items to extend out of the racks.
• It is not necessary to rinse dishes before • Make sure the movement o£the upper and
placing them in your Maytag dishwasher, lower spray arms is not blocked by items
Simply scrape off bones and large pieces of hanging below the lower rack or tall a_icles in
food. The food disposer in your dishwasher the upper rack.
can handle a variety of items such as pits, fruit • Insure the free flow of water to the detergent
seeds, popcorn and toothpicks. These items cup by not blocking it with large items.
will be chopped into small pieces during drain • Larger, fiat, lightweight items (such as plastic
and removed with the drain water. If hard covers) may be wedged next to the silverware
items get into the dishwasher module, you basket or along the sides and back of the racks.
may hear chopping noises during drain. These • The wash tower rises through the center of the
sounds are normal, lower rack during the cycle. For the best
• Foods that have been burned onto cooking cleaning results, avoid blocking it or loading
utensils will ueed to be scraped or soaked, tall articles next to it.
• Certain foods, such as mustard, mayonnaise, Avoidblocking
lemon juice, vinegar, salt or dressings may
cause stainless steel flatware to rust and pit if
allowed to remain in contact with the surface
for a period of time. Therefore, it is best to
iinse these food soils off stainless steel flatware
unless the dishwasher is to be operated soon
after loading.
• If your dishwasher drains into a food waste
disposer, make certain the disposer is
completely empty before starting the
dishwasher to provide for proper draining.