Products with a (_) label have been listed with 8. Be careful not to touch tile heating element on
Underwriter's Laboratories, Ink. those ,Mth a CSA tag the bottom of the tub during ol-at the coinpletion
have been listed with Canadian Standards Association. of a cycle. It m_' be hot.
Nevertheless, as ,_4th any other equipment using elee- 9. Use only detergents and rinse additives designed
trieity and moving parts, there is a potential hazard, tbr an automatic dishwasher. Never use soap,
laund D' detergent, or hand washing detergent in
WARNING - When using your dishwasher, follow your dishwasher. Keep these products ont (if _"
basic precautions, including the following: reach of children.
1. Read all instructions before using tbe dishwasher 10. Do not sit, stand oil or abuse the door or disll
'2. Use the dishwasher only for its intended function, racks of tile dishwasher. BI
3. Disconnect electrical power to dishwasher before 11. Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may be _]
attempting to service, prodneed in a hot water system that has not been
4. To avoid electrical shock hazard, the sides and explosive. If the hot water system has not been
back must be enclosed and the front panels nmst used _br such a period, turn on all hot water
be attached before electrical power Js applied to faucets and let the water flow from each for sev-
the dishwasher. Refer to the installation instrue- era] minutes. This will release an}" acctmmJated _'_
lions for proper grounding procedures, hydrogen gas. As the gas is t'Jammable, do not *'I
5. Connect to a properly rated, protected and sized smoke or use an open flame during this process.
power supply circuit to avoid electrical overload. 1'2. Do not wash plastic items unless marked "dish- t_
6. Children should never be permitted to operate,
or play in, with, or around this dishwasher, not so marked, check the manufacturer's recom-
7. To reduce the risk of"injury when loading items to
be washed sharp or pointed items should be 13. Do not tamper with controls.
located witla the hm_dles up. Also, load sharp 14. Always remove the door to the washing eompart-
items so they are not likely to damage the door ment when removing an old dishwasher £com set-
seal. vice 05"discarding it.
used for t_vo weeks or more. Hydrogen gas is
washer safe" or the equivalent. For plastic items

Before Washing Upper Rack
Typie_dly,the majority of loads contain items of va_?dng
size and tvpe. That's why your new Maytag dishwasher The upper rack is designed with great flexibility and
is designed to accommodate a varie_7 of dishes, glasses, versatility. Glasses, cups, stemware, light-weight" plas-
stemware, utmlsils and pots and pails, tics, small plates, bowls, pans, long-handled utensils
The following illush'ations and intormation _.qll help etc. can be loaded inthis rack.
you become more talniliar with vonr dishwasher rack
ing system. After a few dishloads, you _411be able to
determine the best arrangement fbr your items.
• Don't Prerinse. Simply serape off any bones or
large food particles. The disposer in your dish-
washer ;_,illhandle the occasional pits, fruit seeds and
popcorn. These items will be chopped into small
pieces during drain and removed with the drain
wa_er. You may hear a chopping noise dnring drain.
This is normal.
• If connected to a {bod waste disposer, make certain
the disposer is empty before starting the dish-
washer. This allows proper draining.
• Remove certain foods (such as mustard, inavon Items can he centered behind a single fine or loaded at
naise, lemon juice, vinegar, salt or dressings) from an angle to m_ndmize space. For best results, leave a
stainless steel flatware as soon as possible. These small space between pieces so they do not touch during
fooits may cause rusting and pitting if allowed to the cycle.
remain in contact _qth the snr_ce for an extended
period of time.
(Features vary depending on model)
• Serape or soak items with burnt on foods as they
require more energy than the rest of the load to clean
• Soak or wipe a starchy film from utensils used to
cook Cbods such as potatoes, pasta, rice, oatmeal,
etc.., as they req_fire more energy tha_i the rest of the
load to clean satisfactorily.
General Recommendations Glasses, tumblers, stemware and cups can be placed in
• Place all items in the racks so tlley are separated and the top rack. Do not load these items over the tines.
f_cing center. This ensures the water spray can reach It makes them more dil}_cult to rinse.
soiled surfaces for good washing and rinsing results. Correct Incorrect
• Wedge fiat, ]ightw_%llt itenis (such as plastie lids)
next to the silverware basket or along the sides and
back of the racks.
• Load items so they do not rest over the top of the
wash tower. This water spray is needed to properly
clean items in the upper rack. fine
• Avoid blocking the upper and lower spray arms by not in
allo_4ng items toextend beyond the racks.
• Place glasses in mayrow of the racks for proper clean-
ing and rinsing. Do not load glasses over the tines.
Page 2

Place stemware in the Stem-Lock area(s) for added Lower Rack
support. The curved design on the \_ari-Lock Support (Features vary depending on model)
(left) and Stack-Rack (right) holds stemware in place.
Taller stemware will fit better on the right side as the Tile lower rack is designed to accommodate a variety of
rack is deeper there, large items such as dinner plates, mixing bowls, pots
and pans, baking dishes, etc. __
The Vari-Lock Snugger on the left (select models) cad
be adjusted by grasping the u_re and rotating it left or
right as needed. Simply move the wire to the left to
snug items against the rack or to the right anti rest it on
top of lightweight cups or plastics. Do not load items Front
on top of the wire.
Tall items such as bakeware and large platters can be
)laced on the left side or across the back of this rack,
The Stack-Rack design on the fight side of the upper
rack folds up or down for loading flexibility"of avariety of
items. Fold it do\_mto hold long-handled knives, spatu-
las and spoons or short items like cups or juice glasses.
Fold it up for taller items like glasses, bowls, plates, etc. Front
Page 3

With the Stack-l_ack shelf (select models) raised, thin Removable Utensil Basket
items like cookie sheets or pizza pans may be placed (Design varies depending on model)
along the le}} side. With the shelf down, v,vo levels of
glasses and cups can also be loaded. The basket can be removed for ease in loading and
unloading items. Place items in the basket _dth some
handles up and some down. This prevents them from
nesting together and improves cleaning results. (Most
knives or sharp, pointed items should be placed in the
basket with tile handles up. Be sure tbin, finely pointed
items do not extend through the basket and block the
lower wash arm.)
Use the covered section of the basket for small, light-
weight items like baby spoons, plastic measnring
spoons, small plastic items, etc. Close the covet:
Convertible tines can be positioned to pro_dde narrow
spacing for leading dinner plates or x_dde spacing for
loading deep howls, pots or pans.
Create A-Space tines across the center of the lower Use a detergent designed specifically for use in an auto-
rack allow small saucers and bowls to be loaded matic dishwasher. Be sure it is fresh and stored in a
between rows of plates, cool, d_" place (not under the sink).
Never use laundry detergent or hand dish-
washing detergent in your dishwasher as it
will cause severe oversudsing and possible
Recommended Amount
The amount of detergent to use depends on the water
hardness (measured in grains per gallon -- gpg) and
tile amount of soil on tbe dishes. Too little detergent
results in poor cleaning, hard water filming and spot-
Create- ting and poor dlMng. Too much detergent causes per-
Space manent etehing/ck)udiness.
Page 4

As a rule, use l teaspoon of detergent per grain of water se md.lraproves drying and
hardness. Use a n_inimum of 3 teaspoons in soft water.
cups tbr Normal and longer cycles, Do not divide the
Place the recommended amount of detergent in both _i
recommended amount between the cups. t
The following chart includes specific recommenda-
tions. (Refer to the package directions on colmentrated The clear window in the cerJter of the dispenser cap
detergents.) allows you to see if there is rinse aid in the reservoir.
Water Hardness ° Detergent Use When the window is colored, there is rinse aid in the
Soft (0-3 gpg) 3 teaspoons dispenser. When the window becomes clear, it is time
Medium (4-9 gpg) 4-9 teaspoons monthly.) _l_
ttard (10 12 gpg) I0-12 teaspoons
to refill the disperJser. (As a guide, check the dispenser
°lbur localwater utility or .stateuniversity extension service
cal_tell you the degree of water hardness in yaur area,
For water hardness of 13-14 gpg add more detergent (1 '_
teaspoon for each gqog) to the beginning of the main _"
wash portion of the cycle, Unlatch the door. Open it , _'I
slowly and add detergent to the bottom of the tub. The , • _ o
dishwasher will continue through the cycle.
If water hardness is 1,5 gpg or harder, it is virtually
impossible to get good results a_ith any dishwasher.
Tire only solution is a mechanical water softener to To add rinse aid to the dispei_ser turn tire cap counter-
improve water quality and detergent effectiveness, clocG_dse to open. Remove the cap and pour liquid
Detergent Placement rinse aid into the opening. Replace tbe cap and tnr_ it
Add detergent just before starting the cycle.
For Normal & Heavy" Wash cycles place the recom-
mended amount of detergent in both the PBE WASH
and MAIN WASH cups. Close the eo_r. The dish-
washer automatie_dly releases detergent.
A Light/China cycle reqnires detergent in the main
wash cup (right side) only. Close the cover after addi_g
Rinse & Hold does not use detergei_t.
Page 5