Cooking Areas Cooking Tips
On Canadianmodelsonly:The surface units willnotop- When cooking delicate foods which easily scorch or
erate during a clean cycle. This is normal, overcook, start with a lower heat setting then gradually
increase the setting until you find the optimum setting.
The four cooking areas on Boilovers aremore likelyto occur ifyou startout on HIGH
your rangeare identified by then reducetothe lower setting. Ifyou do begin cooking
cooktop.permanentpatterns intheThereare two "_/_-- _ afull°nHIGH,reduceto alowersetting beforeliquidscometOboil.
large(8-inch)and two small "_///li_
(6-inch) areas. The pat- ._1/_ Iffood iscooking toofast or if a boilover occurs, remove
terns on your cooktopmay _ _1_ lidorremovecookwarefromcookingarea andreduceto
not look like the cooktop in alowersetting.Allow enoughtime forthe cookingareato
this illustration but your adjust to the new setting.
cooktop will operate as de-
scribed in this manual.
Before using the cooktop forthefirsttime,clean itthor- Aluminum foil will damage the smoothtopif it melts
oughlyas directedonthecleaningchartonpage7. This ontotheglass.Donotuse aluminumfoilorfoil-typedis-
will protectthe smoothtopand will guaranteea clean posablecontainerssuchaspopcornpoppersunderany
cooklopwhentheelementsare turned on. circumstances.They may leavemetalmarksormayper-
manently melt ontothe smoothtop. Do not use cooktopif
Duringthe first few hours of use,you may noticethat the aluminum foil melts onto the smoothtop. Call an autho-
cooktop emits a slightburning odor and a light smoke, rized servicer. Do not attemptto repair cooktopyourself.
Both of these conditions are normal and are caused by
the insulation materialof the heating elements. Aluminum ¢ookware will cause metal marks on the
glass if you slide them across the smoothop. Remove
Whena cookingareaisturnedon,the coilelementunder any metal marks immediately using Ceektop Cleaning
the cooktop will heat up and glow red. To maintain the Creme.
heat settingthe elementwill cycle onand off. It isnormal
to see a red glow through the smoothtop when the ele- Glass ceramic, earthenware, porcelain over metal,
mentcycles on. heat-proof glass or glazed cookware mayscratchthe
smoothtopcooktopif you slide themacrossthetop.
Indicator Lights
Rangesareequippedwithtwoindicatorlightswhichglow TO Protect Smoothtop
whena surfaceelementison.The indicatorlightwillre-
main on untilthe element is turned off.After a cooking • Do not use the top as a work surface or as a cutting
operation, be surethe element and indicator lightare off. board. Do not cook food directly onthe cocktop.
• Donotuse atrivet ormetal stand (suchas a wok ring)
Hot Surface Light betweenthe utensil and thecooktop.These itemscan
Yourrange isequippedwitha HOT SURFACE lightIo- markoretchthe surfaceandaffectcookingefficiency.
caredatthecenter-backofthesmoothtop.Thisredlight • Do notplaceplasticson a warm or hotcookingarea.
willturnontoindicatethatthe smoothtopishotandwill They will melt and adhere to the smoothtop. The
remainon untilthetophas cooled, smoothtopmay chip or pit in attempting to remove
meltedplasticfromthe top.
Retained Heat
• Topreventscratchingordamagetothesmoothtop,do
The smoothtopcookingarea retainsheatfora periodof not leave sugar,salt, sand, soil,shortening orother
timeaftertheelement has been turned off. Turnthe ele- fats on the cooking area. Be sure area is free from
mentoff afew minutes beforefood is completely cooked these before turning on cooking area.
and usetheretained heatto completethe cookingopera-
tion, After 30 minutes, the cooktop may be too cool to • Do notslide metal or glass items across the smooth-
keep foods warm. However, the TOP MAY STILL BE top. They may scratch top or leave metal marks.
TOO WARM TO TOUCH. When the HOT SURFACE • Donotallowapantoboildry.Thiscouldcauseperma-
light turns off, the top will be cool enough to touch, nent damage to the smoothtop.
(continued on next page)