The installation, including a proper exhaust system, is the responsibility of the owner.
PrintedinU.S.A. 6 2708140-0498
Read this before you start...
• Teflontape or pipejoint • Level
compound (gas) • Screwdriver (standard)
• Cutting knife • Ducttape
• Pipe wrench(gas) • Crescentwrench
TOOLS needed for installation
• Ratchet • 3/8" deepwell socket
___,(_)_1 • 5/16" socket (electric- U.S.only)
• 5/16" nutdriver
Electric Washer/Dryer Only Gas Washer/Dryer Only
Makesure you have everythingnecessaryfor proper installation.
1. GROUNDEDELECTRICALOUTLET isrequired. SeeElectrical Requirementsstartingon page 6.
2. POWERCORDSfor electricdryers (except Canada).
3. GASLINES (if a gasdryer) mustmeet Nationaland LocalCodes.
4. EXHAUSTSYSTEM- use rigid metal or flexible metalexhaust ducting. See Exhaust Requirementsin
this section.
5. UTILITIESSHUT OFFS (electric,gas andwater) mustbe accessibleafterinstallation.
NOTE: Dryerdoor reversalinstructionsare on page 23 items 58 and 59.
I, 69.9 cm • I
Location Location
of Canadian of Canadian
terminal terminal
_5/16" _cationo yer terminal I,
2.4 block on electric models _' ___ L- 3/4"
Gas Manifold (except Canadian)
Connection on gas moaeJs _,'_
395/32" .95 cm
washer drain hose valve connections 69.9 cm
washer water I 27_/2"
(electric 1 _8,:_,._
models) .v _,.,} Dryer
and power supply cord _ I-tl.9 cm
711/2" 2.9 cm
81.6 cm
3/8"rain. Washer
Page 1
--,. . 1_18"
Exhaust Hood Type
90° Turns
4" 2-1/2"
Maximumlength of 4-inchdiameter
rigid metal duct
0 65 ft. 59 ft.
1 54 ft. 48 ft.
2 44 ft. 38 ft,
3 36 ft. 30 ft.
4 28 ft. 22 ft.
Maximumlengthof 4-inchdiameter
flexiblestiff wailedmetal duct
0 36 ft. 28 ft.
1 32ft. 24ft.
2 28ft. 20ft.
3 25 ft. 17ft.
4 23ft. 15ft.
Fordifficultinstallationsrequiringa flexibletransition, multi-layeredthin foil exhaust ductmay be used.
Thinfoil duct:
• must be the type that isapproved fordryer installationsby ULor other comparabletesting agency.
• must conformto allapplicablecodes.
• must only be used as atransition betweenthe dryer and the wallconnection.
• must not exceed8 feet in length when stretched.
• must not interconnectwith otherthin foil flexibleducts.
• must be extendedto the full lengthwith any excessremoved.
• must be installedonly by a qualified and trained installer,
• must not be placed near sharpobjects.
• must be kept as straightas possible.
• must not be used inside the dryer.
• must be inspectedregularlyto be surethat it has not becomecrushedor otherwiserestricted.
Thinfoil ductwill reduce airflow resultingin longer dryingtimes. To reducethe negativeeffecton drying
performancethe thin foilducting:
• shouldbe shaped such that thereare no morethan two 90-degree elbows in the foil duct.
• shouldnot be usedin conjunctionwith rigid duct runsthat are longer than 20 feet.
• shouldnot be usedin duct runsthat includemorethanthree90-degreeelbows.
• shouldbe supportedto minimizesagging.
Seriousblockagecan resultin flexible metal ductif benttoo sharp. Neverinstall anytype of ducting in walls,
ceilings,or otherconcealedspaces.
Keepexhaustduct as straight andshort as possible. Exhaust systemslonger than recommendedcanextend
dryingtimes,affectmachine operationand may collect lint. Securejoints with ducttape.
Donot use screws.
Page 3
Exhaust Hood Type
90° Turns
4" 2-1/2"
Maximumlength of 4-inchdiameter
rigid metal duct
0 65 ft. 59 ft.
1 54 ft. 48 ft.
2 44 ft. 38 ft,
3 36 ft. 30 ft.
4 28 ft. 22 ft.
Maximumlengthof 4-inchdiameter
flexiblestiff wailedmetal duct
0 36 ft. 28 ft.
1 32ft. 24ft.
2 28ft. 20ft.
3 25 ft. 17ft.
4 23ft. 15ft.
Fordifficultinstallationsrequiringa flexibletransition, multi-layeredthin foil exhaust ductmay be used.
Thinfoil duct:
• must be the type that isapproved fordryer installationsby ULor other comparabletesting agency.
• must conformto allapplicablecodes.
• must only be used as atransition betweenthe dryer and the wallconnection.
• must not exceed8 feet in length when stretched.
• must not interconnectwith otherthin foil flexibleducts.
• must be extendedto the full lengthwith any excessremoved.
• must be installedonly by a qualified and trained installer,
• must not be placed near sharpobjects.
• must be kept as straightas possible.
• must not be used inside the dryer.
• must be inspectedregularlyto be surethat it has not becomecrushedor otherwiserestricted.
Thinfoil ductwill reduce airflow resultingin longer dryingtimes. To reducethe negativeeffecton drying
performancethe thin foilducting:
• shouldbe shaped such that thereare no morethan two 90-degree elbows in the foil duct.
• shouldnot be usedin conjunctionwith rigid duct runsthat are longer than 20 feet.
• shouldnot be usedin duct runsthat includemorethanthree90-degreeelbows.
• shouldbe supportedto minimizesagging.
Seriousblockagecan resultin flexible metal ductif benttoo sharp. Neverinstall anytype of ducting in walls,
ceilings,or otherconcealedspaces.
Keepexhaustduct as straight andshort as possible. Exhaust systemslonger than recommendedcanextend
dryingtimes,affectmachine operationand may collect lint. Securejoints with ducttape.
Donot use screws.
Page 3
DONOT exhaustdryer into any wall, ceiling, crawl spaceor a concealedspace of a building,gas vent,
or any other common ductor chimney. This could createa fire hazardfrom lint expelled by the dryer.
The exhaustductshould end withan exhaust hoodwith a swingout damperto prevent backdraftsand entry
of wildlife. NEVER use an exhausthood with a magneticdamper. The hood should haveat least 12inches
of clearance betweenthe bottom of the hood andthe groundor otherobstruction. The hoodopeningshould
pointdown. NEVERinstall a screenoverthe exhaustoutlet.
Whenpossible,do notexhaust the dryer directly intoa windowwell in orderto avoid lint build-up. Do not
exhaustundera houseorporch.
If exhaustductworkmust run through an unheated area,the duct shouldbe insulated and slope slightlydown
towardsthe exhaust hoodto reducecondensationand lint build-up.
If an existingexhaust system is to be used withyour dryer(s)you must be sure:
• The exhaustsystem meetsall local,state and national codes.
• That plasticflexibleduct is not used.
• To completelyinspect and cleanall lint accumulatingfrom the interiorof the duct.
• The ductis not kinkedor crushed.
• The exhaust hooddamperopens andcloses freely.
Inspectand cleanthe interiorof the exhaust system at leasttwice a year. Disconnectelectricservice priorto
cleaning. Check gas line on gasdryers anytimethe dryer is moved.
Frequentlycheckto be sure the exhausthooddamper opensand closes freely.
Waterpressureof 20to 120 p.s.i,is requiredto correctlyfill the washerto the proper levels.
Recommendedheightof the stand pipe is 36 inches. Ifthe stand pipe is less than 36 incheshigh,the drain
hoseshould be routedthroughthe clip to raise the hoseto the properheight. Standpipe must be large
enoughto acceptthe outsidediameterof the drain hose.
Without the 36 inches high elevation, water may run out of the washer prematurely. Shouldthe washer
fill and drain atthe sametime could indicatethat the drain hosehas notbeen elevatedto the properheight.
Thedrain hose is attachedat the factory.
For bestperformancethe washer must be installedon a solidly constructedfloor. Wood floors may needto
be reinforcedto minimizevibration and/or unbalancedloadsituations. Carpeting and softtile surfacesare
contributingfactorsin vibration and/ortendency for awasher to moveslightly during the spin cycle. Never
installthe washer on a platform or weak supportedstructure.
It is recommendedthewasher never be installedin areaswhere water may freeze sincethe washer will
always maintainsome water in the watervalve, pumpand hose areas. This can cause damage to belts,
pump, hosesand other components. Operatingtemperatureshould be above60°F.
Useonly Naturalor LP (liquidpropane) gases.
A gas dryer is equippedwith a burner orifice for operation on NATURALgas. If the dryer is to be operated
on LPgas, it mustbe convertedfor safe and proper performanceand mustbe converted by a
qualifiedservice technician. Conversionkits from NATURALto LP,or LP to NATURALareavailable
through your localdealer (seeAccessories). If other conversionsarerequired,check with the localgas utility
for specific informationconcerningconversionrequirements.
Eachdryerwill provide an input of 22,000 B.T.U.per hour.
A 1/2inchgassupply lineis recommendedandmust be reducedto connectto the 3/8 inchgas line onthe
The internal gas shut-off isaccessedby removingthe access panel on the dryer. The shut-offis positioned
for easy accessnear the gasvalve.
The NationalFuelGas Code requiresthat an accessible,approvedmanual gas shut offvalve be installed
within 6feet of the dryer.
Additionally,a 1/8 inch N.P.T.(NationalPipeThread) pluggedtapping, accessiblefor test gaugeconnection,
mustbe installedimmediatelyupstreamof the gas supplyconnectionto the dryer.
Thedryermustbe disconnectedfromthegassupply pipingsystemduringanypressuretestingofthesystem.
DO NOT re-useold flexible metalgas line. Flexiblegas line mustbe design certifiedby AmericanGas
Association(CGAin Canada). NOTE: Any pipejoint compoundused must be resistantto the actionof any
NOTE: Asa courtesy,most local gas utilitieswill inspect a gas applianceinstallation.
Thedryeruse anautomaticignitionsystemto ignitethe burner. There is no constant burning pilot.
• Improperconnectionof the equipment-groundingconductorcan resultin a risk of
electricalshock. Checkwith a qualifiedelectricianor servicemanifyou arein
• Do not modifythe plug providedwith the appliance- ifit will not fitthe outlet,
havea properoutletinstalledbya qualifiedelectrician.
• Toprevent unnecessaryriskof fire, electricalshock or personalinjury,all wiring
and groundingmust be done in accordancewith the NationalElectricalCode
I 1_0 I doubtas to whetherthe applianceis properlygrounded.
the personalresponsibilityand obligation of the applianceowner to provideadequateelectrical services
forthis appliance.
• All gasinstallationsmustbe done in accordancewith the NationalFuelGas CodeANSI/Z223.1-Latest
Revision(forthe U.S.) orthe CAN/CGA-B149InstallationCodes-LatestRevision(forCanada) and local
codesand ordinances.
ANSI/NFPA,No.70-Latest Revision(for U.S.)or the CanadianElectricalcode
CSAC22.1-LatestRevision (for Canada)and localcodes and ordinances. It is
Page 5
unnecessaryrisk of fire,
NOTE: Wiring diagram is located inside the access panel, electricalshock or
personalinjury,all wiring
Export models (not U.S. or Canada): and grounding must be
See Additional Instructionsfor Export Modelson the following done in accordance
pages, with local codes, with
the National Electrical Code,
GROUNDING ANSl/NFPA(for the United States)
or the Canadian Electrical Code
Eachdryer must be grounded. In the eventof malfunctionor CSAC22.1 (for Canada).
breakdown,the ground will reducethe risk of electricalshock by
providing a pathof leastresistancefor electricalcurrent.
Eachapplianceisequippedwitha cordhavinganequipment-grounding
conductoranda groundingplug. Theplug mustbe pluggedintoan
appropriateoutletthatis properlyinstalledandgroundedinaccordance
withall localcodesandordinances.
Do notmodifythe plugprovidedwith theappliance- if it will not fit the
outlet,have a properoutlet installedby a qualified electrician.
If a separateground is requiredby local codes,anaccessorygroundwire and ground clamp isavailable. Con-
nectgroundwireto backof unitwiththecabinetgroundscrew and washertheground screwand washerar
foundinthe partspackage. Secureotherend of groundwire to a suitableexternalgroundconnection. The
wire maybe securedwith the clampto a groundedCOLDmetalwater pipe. NEVER CONNECTGROUND
If a powercordis notused andtheelectricdryer isto be perma-
nentlywired,thedryer must beconnectedto a groundedmetal, WARNING: Improper
permanentwiringsystem;oran equipmentgroundingconductor connectionof the
mustbe run withthe circuitconductorsandconnectedto the equipmentgrounding
equipmentgroundingterminal, conductorcan result in
U.S.Electricmodelsareshippedwith a groundstrap connected
fromthe neutralterminalblockpostto theframeof eachdryer. If Checkwith a qualified
localcodesprohibitstheuse ofthe groundstrap,the dryer mustbe electricianor servicemanif youare in
groundedinaccordancewith localcodes, doubt asto whether the applianceis
Eachelectricdryermustbe connectedto a groundedmetal,
permanentwiringsystem;oran equipmentgroundingconductor
mustbe runwith the circuitconductorsandconnectedtothe
a riskof electric shock.
BEFOREOPERATINGOR TESTING,follow all groundinginstructionsin GroundingSectionabove.
An individualbranch (or separate)circuit servingonly thisappliance is recommended. DO NOT USEAN
GAS MODELS - U.S. and Canada
A 120volt,60 HzAC,approvedelectricalsupply,witha 15amperefuse orcircuitbreakerisrequired.
Page 6
A 120/240volt, 60 HzAC approvedelectricalservice fusedthrougha 30amperefuseor circuitbreakeronboth
sidesofthe lineis requiredforthe dryeranda 120volt60 HzACapprovedelectricalsupplywith a 15ampere
fuseor circuitbreakerforthe washer.
Ifa powercord is used,the cord should be pluggedinto a 30 ampere receptacle.
The power cord is NOTprovidedwith U.S. electric model dryers.
IMPORTANT: Whenpermittedby localcodes, the dryerelectrical supply may be connectedby meansof a
newpowersupply cord kit, markedfor usewith clothesdryer, that is U.L.listed, ratedat 120/240volts
minimum,30 ampereswith three No. 10copperwire conductorsterminatedwith closedloop terminals,
open-endspade lugs with turnedup ends orwith tinned leads.
Donot reuse a power supplycordfrom an olddryer. The powercord electric supplywiring mustbe retained
at the dryercabinet with a suitable ULlisted strain relief.
Ifthe dryer is to be installedin an area where local codesdo not permitgroundingthrough neutral, onlya 4
conductorpower cord, ratedand terminatedas above,may be used.
120/208Volt Electrical Systems:
A U.S.electricwasher/dryermustbe convertedif it is to operateon a 120/208volt electricalsystem. A heating
elementconversionkitis availableforthe dryer along with a transformerforthe washer (seeAccessories).
All Canadian models are shipped with the power cord attached.
It is not permissible to convert a dryer in Canada to 208 volts,
Additional Instructions for Export Models
(not U.S. or Canada)
Contactthe distributorthat sold the appliance or: Maytag International,8700W. Bryn MawrAvenue,Chicago,
IllinoisUSA 60631,773-714-0100, for informationon product,shippingdamage,replacementpartsand
Maytagmodels manufacturedfor operationon 60 HzAC are not designedfor useon 50 HzAC
electricalservice and conversionof the productfrom 60to 50 Hz operationis not recommended. For
additionalinformationon 50 Hz products,contact Maytag International.
The electricservice requirementscan befound on the data labellocated onthe front of the dryer behindthe
Exportelectricmodelsare manufacturedfor operationon either 230/240volt, 50 Hzor 220 volt, 60 Hz
approvedelectricservice. A two-wireapprovedelectricalservicewith a30 amperefuse or circuit breakeris
required. The dryer must be properlygroundedwith a groundwire.
IMPORTANT:When permitted by local codes,the dryer electricalsupply maybe connectedby meansof a
newpowersupply cord kit, markedfor use with clothes dryers, that is agencylisted, ratedat 240 volts
minimum,30 ampereswith two No. 10copper wire conductorsterminatedwith closedloop terminals,
open-endspade lugs with turnedup ends orwith tinned leads.
Donot reuse a power supplycordfrom an old dryer. The powercord or electricsupplywiring must be
retainedat the dryer cabinetwith a suitable agencylisted strain relief.