Maxtor STM31000528AS, STM3750528AS, STM3500418AS, STM3320418AS, STM3250318AS Data Sheet

Data Sheet
DiamondMax® 23
Maxtor Value With Seagate Quality and Reliability
1 TB, 750 GB, 500 GB, 320 GB, 250 GB, 160 GB •
7200 RPM • SATA 3Gb/s with NCQ
Key Advantages
Support popular entry and mainstream desktop PCs
Capacities of 160 GB to 1 TB
3.0-Gb/s Serial ATA interface enables use of features such as Native Command Queuing
Sustainable technology for a green world:
– Typically 70 percent or more of the materials used to build the drive can be recycled.
– Complies with RoHS Directive and several non-regulatory restrictions
125-MB/s sustained data rate
Up to 3 Gb/s instantaneous burst
Designed for
Home desktop PCs
Office and business PCs
General, non-PC, SATA storage applications
DiamondMax® 23
Maxtor Value With Seagate Quality and Reliability
Model Number
Transfe r Rate, Ma x Ext (MB /s)
Susta ined Data Rate , Max Ext (M B/s)
Cache, M ultisegment ed (MB)
Average L atency (ms )
Spin Spe ed (R PM)
Configuration/Or ganization
Byte s per Sec tor
Reliability/ Data Integrity
Contact Start-Stops
Nonrecovera ble Read E rrors p er Bits Read
Annua lized Fai lure Rat e (AFR)
Limite d Warranty ( years )
Power Management
Star tup Current +12V P eak (A , ±10%)
Opera ting, Ave rage (W)
Idle, Ave rage (W)
Temperature Opera ting ( °C) Nonoperatin g (º C)
Shock Opera ting, 2 ms ( Gs) Nonoperatin g, 2 ms (G s)
Acous tics (bels —soun d power) Idle Seek
Height ( in/mm)
Width ( in/mm)
Depth ( in/mm)
Weight ( lb/g)
* One gigab yte, or GB, equ als one billion by tes and one tera byte, or TB, equ als one trillion b ytes when ref erring to hard dr ive capacity.
1 TB
STM31000528AS STM3750528AS STM3500418AS STM3320418AS STM3250318AS STM3160318AS
SATA 3Gb /s NCQ SATA 3G b/s NCQ S ATA 3Gb /s NCQ SATA 3G b/s N CQ SATA 3Gb/ s NCQ SATA 3Gb /s NCQ
300 300 300 300 300 300
125 125 125 125 125 125
32 32 16 16 8 8
4.17 4 .17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4 .17
7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200
512 512 512 512 512 512
50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14
0.34% 0.34% 0.34% 0.34% 0.34% 0.34%
3 3 3 3 3 3
2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
<9.4 <9.4 <8.0 <8.0 <8.0 <8.0
<5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 < 5.0 <5. 0
0 to 60 –40 t o 70
70 300
1.0 2/ 26 .1 1.0 2/ 26 .1 0.78/ 20 0.78/ 20 0.78/ 20 0.78/ 20
4.00/101.6 4.00/101.6 4.00/101.6 4.00/101.6 4.00/101.6 4.00/101.6
5.87/146.99 5.87/146.99 5.87/146.99 5.87/146.99 5.87/146.99 5.87/146.99
1.4/0.64 1.4/0.64 1.2 /0. 54 1.2/ 0.5 4 1.2 /0. 54 1. 2/0 .54
750 GB1500 GB1320 GB1250 GB1160 GB
0 to 60 –40 t o 70
70 300
0 to 60 –40 t o 70
70 350
0 to 60 –40 t o 70
70 350
0 to 60 –40 t o 70
70 350
0 to 60 –40 t o 70
70 350
Maxtor DiamondMax 23 hard drives follow the Maxtor tradition of delivering well-engineered, reliable value solutions for applications needing good performance and mainstream storage in capacities from 160 GB to 1 TB. DiamondMax 23 drives are ideal for home and business PCs and general storage applications.
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolo gy LLC 920 D isc Dri ve, Scot ts Valle y, Califor nia 950 66, Un ited St ates, 83 1-438 -655 0 ASIA /PACIFI C Seagate Tech nolog y Intern ation al Ltd. 700 0 Ang Mo K io Avenue 5 , Singa pore 56 9877, 65- 6485 -38 88 EUROPE, M IDDLE E AST AND A FRICA Sea gate Techno logy SA S 130–136, r ue de Sill y, 92773, Bo ulogne -Billancou rt Ced ex, Fran ce 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2009 Seagate Techn ology LLC. A ll rights r eserv ed. Printe d in USA. Seagate, S eagate Techn ology an d the Wave logo a re registe red trademark s of Seagate Tech nology LLC in the Unit ed States a nd/or other co untries . Maxto r, the Maxtor l ogo and Diamond Max are ei ther trademark s or registered tr ademar ks of Seaga te Technolog y LLC or one of it s affilia ted compa nies in the United St ates and/or oth er countr ies. All other tra demark s or regist ered tradem arks are th e property of the ir respective own ers. Whe n referring to hard d rive capacity, one gi gabyte, or GB, equa ls one billion byte s and one terabyte, o r TB, equals one tri llion byte s. Your com puter’s ope rating system may us e a differ ent standard of me asurem ent and re port a lowe r capacity. In addit ion, some o f the listed c apacity is used f or formatting an d other functions , and thus will not be ava ilable fo r data stor age. Seag ate reserves the r ight to change, without n otice, product of ferings or spec ificatio ns. DS1669.3-09 05US, May 20 09
DiamondMax 23 drives conform to the requirements of the European Union Directive in Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS).
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)