Mastech MS8910A User Manual

Smart SMD Tester
1. Int roduc tion
Than k you for p urcha sing a MS 8910A sm art SMD t ester. The MS 8910A sm art SMD t ester i s a profe ssion al inst rumen t for mea surin g induc tance , capac itanc e and resi stanc e. It has m any fea tures , such as a utoma tic iden tific ation , autom atic me asure ment ra nge, hi gh meas ureme nt accu racy an d speed , wide me asuri ng rang e and so on . An ord inary m ultim eter on ly prov ides DC m ode for resi stanc e measu remen t, whil e the MS8 910A pro vides both AC a nd DC mea surem ent mod es. A varie ty of tes t freq uenci es up to 10 0Khz ca n be prov ided fo r induc tance , capa citan ce and re sista nce in AC mo de to mee t the actu al need s bette r. Corr ect usa ge can en sure th at the in strum ent wil l work prec isely f or a long t ime. Pl ease re ad the in struc tions care fully b efore u sing an d opera te the in strum ent str ictly in acc ordan ce with t he inst ructi ons .
01 02
03 04
Test Pin ( Gold- plate d)
Test Pin ( Gold- plate d)
Pin Ho lder
“HOL D” Push B utton
“Hz/ RMS” Pu sh Butt on
“POW ER”Pu sh Butt on
“fun ction ” Push Bu tton
Batt ery cov er
1.2 Pa nel des cript ion
1.2 In spect ion
When y ou get a ne w LCR met er, plea se chec k the inst rumen t and its a ccess ories . If some thing i s damag ed or mis sed, pl ease co ntact t he stor e you bou ght the inst rumen t from fo r adjus tment o r repla cemen t.
2. Saf ety ins truct ions:
Oper ating e nviro nment a nd cond ition :
• Elev ation < 2000 m
• Rela tive hu midit y (RH) 80 %RH
• Oper ating t emper ature 0 – 4 0°C
Note : DO NOT in put vol tage at t he meas ureme nt port . When m easur ing cap acita nce, pl ease di schar ge firs t then m easur e, othe rwise , the met er will b e damag ed. Stor age and m ainte nance : Do not us e alcoh ol or oth er solv ents to c lean th e meter. I f it will n ot be use d for long t ime, pl ease re move ba ttery a nd put th e meter i n a dry an d clean e nviro nment .
3. Des cript ion:
3.1 De finit ion Des cript ion
APO: Au to powe r off H: Dis play ho ld stat e
AUTO: T his cha racte r showi ng on the L CD mean s that the te ster wo rks in LC R autom atic ra nge mod e PAL: par allel c onnec tion me asure ment mo de SER: s eries l conne ction m easur ement m ode C: Cap acita nce ser ies/p arall el conn ectio n measu remen t mode L: Ind uctan ce seri es/pa ralle l conne ction m easur ement mode R: Res istan ce seri es /par allel c onnec tion me asure ment mode DCR: R esist ance DC m easur ement m ode D: Wast age fac tor Q: Qua lity fa ctor 1210 0KHZ: f reque ncy
0.15 VRMS: V RMS
3.1 Im pedan ce para meter d escri ption ( see Fig ure ) Z= R +j X =|Z|θ R =|Z| Cosθ X = | Z|Sin θ
s s s- s
X /R =Tan θ= Q=1/ D
s s
If θ > 0, it m eans th at the me asure d objec t is resi stant , if θ < 0, it m eans th at that t he meas ured ob ject is capa citiv e.
3.2 Se ries- paral lel con necti on mode d escri ption
This m eter ha s serie s and par allel m easur ement m odes. When t he capa citan ce valu e of the me asure d objec t is larg e or indu ctanc e value i s small , use the s eries m ode for mo re accu rate re sults . When th e capac itanc e value o f the me asure d objec t is smal l or indu ctanc e value i s large , use th e paral lel mod e for mor e accur ate res ults. Th is mete r can sel ect the m easur ement m ode aut omati cally acco rding t o the mea sured o bject . When th e measu red impe dance in1 0KΩ belo w is set t o SER(S eries m ode), when t he meas ured i mpeda nce in 10K Ω above se t to PAL (par allel mod e).
4. Fun ction al char acter istic s descr iptio n:
1. 600 0 count
2. LC au tomat ic rang e measu remen t
3. R ana lytic al meas ureme nt
4. DCR m ode of re sista nce mea surem ent
5. D/Q d ispla y:The a utoma tic sel ectio n for the C+D/ L+Q/R +Q
6. Mea surin g volta ge : 0.5V RMS/0 .1VRM S
7. The te st freq uency AC m ode :10 0/120 /1k/1 0k/10 0k
8. Bat tery el ectri c power d ispla y : Long ti me not to o perat e the po wer off au tomat icall y
9. See t able 1- 3 for mea surem ent acc uracy a nd scop e
Rema rks: Th is accu racy is t he meas ureme nt stan dard. I n DUT jac k, the me ter-s pecif ic prob e shou ld be use d if requ ired. M easur ement w ith pro be may be i nflue nced by e xtern al envi ronme nt. To avoi d inacc urate m easur ement s, plea se keep a way from s trong m agnet ic sour ces.
12100kHz 0.15VRMS
12100kHz 0.15VRMS LCR DCR
μmH pnμF
6 8
12100kHz 0.15VRMS LCR DCR
Meas uring v oltag e Rang e Acc uracy
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
60.0 0Ω
600. 0Ω
6.00 0KΩ
2.0% +10d
1.0% +5d
1.0% +5d
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
60.0 0KΩ
600. 0KΩ
6.00 0MΩ
1.0% +5d
1.0% +5d
2.0% +5d
0.5V RMS
0.1V RMS
0.1V RMS
20.0 0MΩ
60.0 0Ω
600. 0Ω
2.0% +5d
2.0% +10d
1.5% +5d
0.1V RMS
0.1V RMS
0.5V RMS
6.00 0KΩ
60.0 0KΩ
600. 0KΩ
1.5% +5d
1.5% +5d
15%+ 5d
0.1V RMS
0.1V RMS
6.00 0MΩ
20.0 0MΩ
3.0% +5d
3.0% +5d
07 08 09 1 0
00- 05-38 54
Table 1 Re sista nce mea surem ent sco pe
Note : The acc uracy o f Q< 0.1 as sessm ent cri teria Meas ureme nt Freq uenci es
(100 HZ/12 0HZ/1 KHZ/1 0KHZ: 60.00 Ω~6MΩ p ositi on) (100 HZ/12 0HZ/1 KHZ/1 0KHZ: 20MΩ po sitio n) mini mum res oluti on:0. 1Ω mini mum tes t range :>0.1 Ω
Table 2 Ca pacit ance me asure ment sc ope
Meas uring v oltag e Rang e Accur acy
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
600. 0pF
6.00 0nF
60.0 0nF
2.0% +8d
1.0% +5d
1.0% +5d
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
600. 0nF
6.00 0uF
60.0 0uF
1.0% +5d
2.0% +5d
2.0% +5d
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
0.1V RMS
600. 0uF
6.00 0mF
600. 0pF
2.0% +10d
2.0% +5d
2.0% +5d
0.1V RMS
0.1V RMS
0.1V RMS
6.00 0nF
60.0 0nF
600. 0nF
1.5% +5d
1.5% +5d
1.5% +5d
0.1V RMS
0.1V RMS
6.00 0uF
60.0 0uF
1.5% +5d
3.0% +5d
0.1V RMS
0.1V RMS
600. 0uF
6.00 0mF
3.0% +5d
3.0% +5d
when D < 0.1, if D > 0.1, it s hould b e multi plied b y the extr actio n of a root o f 1.5Me asure ment Fr equen cies:
(100 HZ/12 0HZ:6 0.00n F~600 .0nF~ 6.000 uF~60 .00uF ~
600. 0uF~6 .000m F posit ion) (1KH Z:60. 00nF~ 600.0 nF~6. 000uF ~60.0 0uF~6 00.0u F posi tion, In 600u F posit ion max imum te st rang e<300 uF) (10K HZ:60 0.0pF ~6.00 0nF~6 0.00n F~600 .0nF~ 6.000 uF posi tion) mini mum res oluti on:0. 1pF mini mum tes t range :>0.8 pF
Note : This ac curac y is the me asure ment st andar d
Table 3. I nduct ance me asure ment sc ope
Meas uring v oltag e Rang e Accur acy
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
600. 0uH
6000 uH
60.0 0mH
2.0% +5d
2.0% +5d
1.0% +5d
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
600. 0mH
6.00 0H
60.0 0H
1.0% +5d
1.0% +5d
1.0% +5d
0.5V RMS
0.1V RMS
200. 0H
600. 0uH
1.0% +5d
3.0% +5d
0.1V RMS
0.1V RMS
0.1V RMS
6000 uH
60.0 0mH
600. 0mH
3.0% +5d
1.5% +5d
1.5% +5d
0.1V RMS
0.1V RMS
6.00 0H
60.0 0H
1.5% +5d
1.0% +5d
0.1V RMS
200. 0H
1.0% +5d
Note : This ac curac y is the me asure ment st andar d when D < 0.1, if D > 0.1, it s hould b e multi plied b y the extr actio n of a root o f 1.5 Meas ureme nt Freq uenci es:
(100 HZ/12 0HZ:6 0.00m H~600 .0mH~ 6.000 H~60. 00H~
200. 0H posi tion) (1KH Z:600 0uH~6 0.00m H~600 .0mH~ 6.000 H~60. 00H posi tion) . (10K HZ:60 0.0uH ~6000 uH~60 .00mH ~600. 0mH~6 .000H posi tion) mini mum res oluti on:0. 1uH mini mum tes t range :>1.6 uH
Table 4: DCR res istan ce meas ureme nt scop e
Meas uring v oltag e Rang e Accur acy
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
60.0 0Ω
600. 0Ω
6.00 0KΩ
2.0% +10d
1.0% +5d
1.0% +5d
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
0.5V RMS
60.0 0KΩ
600. 0KΩ
6.00 0MΩ
1.0% +5d
1.0% +5d
2.0% +5d
0.5V RMS 20.0 0MΩ
2.0% +5d
mini mum res oluti on:0. 01Ω
4 Meas ureme nt oper ation d escri ption :
4.2 Pa ramet er sele ction f uncti on
In AC mod e, each p ress th e "Hz / RMS " key for a s hort time , you wil l switc h the tes t frequ ency to 1 KHz-> 1 KHz­> 120H z-> 100 Hz-> 1K Hz, pre ss the "H z / RMS" ke y for one se cond, y ou will s witch t he meas ure vol tage to
0.5V RMS-> 0 .1VRM S -> 0.5V RMS .
4.3 Me asuri ng func tion
When t he met er aft er star tup, t he defa ult is LC aut omati c meas ureme nt rang e, sho rt pres s the "f uncti on" ke y, then ente r the R si ngle m easur ement m ode, t hen pre ss the " func tion" key, the n LC aut omati c range me asure ment, cycl e. Lon g press the "func tion" ke y,then en ter the DC R mode res istan ce meas ureme nt, sh ort pre ss the "f uncti on"
key, th en LC a utoma tic ran ge mea surem ent .
4.1 Po wer on/ off fun ction : Shor t press t he “POW ER” key t o activ ate the m eter an d long p ress fo r one sec ond to sh ut it dow n.
4.4 Da ta Hold f uncti on: pres s H but ton to st op read ing mea surem ent val ue and show t he curr ent mea surem ent val ue on the m ain dis play cont inuou sly.
5. Addi tiona l funct ions
5.1 Aut o power o ff func tion: To pr olong b atter y life,
when t he exte rnal po wer sup ply is no t used, AP O will disp lay on th e LCD, wh ich mea ns that a uto pow er off is ava ilabl e. The ins trume nt will a utoma tical ly powe r off wit hout an y opera tion fo r 5 minut es.
5.2 Ba ttery p ower de tecti on func tion
The me ter has a b atter y power d etect ion fun ction . Batte ry powe r inclu des fou r level s and dis plays o n the LCD scre en. Whe n displ ays for b atter y, please r eplac e batt ery. This m eter us es 3V*1 C R2032 b utton b atter y. Batt eries w ith the s ame mod el shou ld be use d for bat tery repl aceme nt. Ple ase rem ember t hat you c an’t us e the mete r until t he rear c over is t ighte ned.