01 02
1. Safety Information
1.2 Use
To reduc e the risk of elect ri cal shock, prod uct damage
or per sonal injury, please f ol low the safety in structions
desc ribed in the user m an ual. read the use r manual
befo re using the mete r.
This i nstrument mee ts G B/T 13 978-92 and
GB47 93.1-2007 (IE C- 61010-1,IEC -61010-2-03 2)
stan dards for safety re quirements fo r electronic te sting
inst ruments,pol lu tion degree 2,A nd over voltage r ating
of CAT III 1000V and CAT IV 600V.
Foll ow all safety ins tr uctions to ensu re safe use of the
inst rument.Prop er u se and protecti on of the meter wil l
ensu re long life of the m et er.
1.1 Preparation
1.1. 1
1.1. 2
When u sing the meter, fo ll ow the followin g
safe ty r ules:
Alwa ys take precaut io n to prevent elec trical shock
Neve r misuse the inst ru ment
Chec k to see if the meter or an y components we re
dama ge d during shipme nt.
Chec k the meter and acc es sories thorou ghly
befo re u sing.
Insp ect test leads and pr obes for cracks , breaks or
craz es o n the insulatio n before using th e meter.
Use te st leads provid ed w ith the unit.If n ecessary,
repl ac e test leads with i dentical spec ifications.
1.1. 3
1.1. 4
1.1. 5
1.2. 1
1.2. 2
1.2. 3
1.2. 4
Turn the rotary sw it ch to the require d function and
rang e to b e measured.
When u sing the CAT Ⅳ en vi ronment, if the
meas ur ing voltage bet ween terminal s and earth
grou nd e xceeds 600V, CAT III envir onments or
volt ag e measurement b etween the term inal and
the ea rt h more than 1000V, do not measur e voltage.
Alwa ys be careful whe n wo rking with volt ages above
60V DC o r 30 V AC RMS. Keep finge rs behind the
prob e ba rriers while me asuring.Nev er touch probes
duri ng m easurement.
Choo se the highest ra ng e when the value to b e
meas ur ed is unknown.
1.2. 5 Remove test lea ds b efore switchi ng functions on
the ro ta ry switch.
1.2. 6 Do not perform re si stance, capac itance, diode a nd
cont in uity measurem ents on powered c ircuits.
1.2. 7 Never connect t he t est leads acros s a voltage
sour ce w hile the rotary s witch is in the res istance,
diod e or c ontinuity mod e. Doing so can dam age
the me te r.
1.2. 8 Po wer off the circuit and d ischarge capa citors
befo re t esting capaci tance.
1.2. 9 Do not place the me te r in any environm ent with
high p re ssure, high tem perature, dus t, explosive
gas or v ap or.
1.2. 10 Stop using the m et er if any failure o r abnormal
func ti on is observed.
1.2. 11 Do not u se m eter unless bat tery cover is in pl ace
a secu re d.
1.2. 12 Avoid dire ct sunlight, ex po sing batterie s to
humi di ty, any s trong magneti c field, or high
temp er atures to ensur e the extended li fe of the
mete r.