01 02
1. Safety Information
Use caut io n an d follow all safety guidelines to
preven t el ec tric shock or damage to the meter.
Please r ea dy c arefully all instructions b ef or e use.
Instru me nt m eets GB/T 13 978-92 concerning digital
multim et er s tandards, along with G4B793 .1 -1 995
(IEC-6 10 10 -1,IEC-61010-2-032)sa fe ty s tandards or
electr ic al m easuring instruments with a n ov er-voltage
catego ry o f CAT IV 600V,C AT III 1000V.
Follow a ll s afety instructions to ensure sa fe u se a nd long
life of th e in st rument.
1.1 Prepara tion
1.1.1 Wh en u si ng the meter, follow all standar d sa fe ty
guidel in es :
- For univ er sa l protection again electric s ho ck .
- To preven t th e mi suse of the instrument.
1.1.2 Ch ec k th e meter for damage during trans it .
1.1.3 Test leads must be i n go od c ondition.Check the
insula ti on a nd tips before use.
1.1.4 Sa fe ty c an only be guaranteed with lead s pr ov ided.
If leads n ee d to b e replaced, they must be replac ed
with lea ds o f sa me electrical specificati on s.
1.2 Using the M eter
1.2.1 Alw ay s se t the meter to the proper functio n an d
range fi rs t.
1.2.2 Ne ve r ex ceed protection limits indi ca te d for each
measur em en t.
1.2.3 Ke ep f in gers behind the probe barrier s wh ile
measur in g.
1.2.4 Alw ay s be c areful when working with volt ag es
above 60 V DC o r 30 V AC RMS.
1.2.5 Ne ve r me asure voltages that might exc ee d 60 0V
DC/AC ab ov e ea rth ground.
1.2.6 In m an ua l range, if the circuit value is un kn ow n,
start th e me te r at the maximum range and then
adjust a cc or dingly.
1.2.7 Re mo ve t he leads from the circuit first b ef or e
switch in g be tween functions.
1.2.8 Do n ot p ow er on circuit while measuring r es istance,
capaci ta nc e, diodes and continuity.
1.2.9 Ne ve r co nnect the meter ’s l ea ds across a voltage
source w hi le t he rotary switch is in the resist an ce ,
capaci ta nc e, diode or continuity mode.
1.2.10 D o no t me asure capacitance before ca pa citors
are disc ha rg ed.
1.2.11 Do not operate t he m et er near explosive gas,
vapor or d us t.
1.2.12 S to p us ing the meter if any abnormalit y is o bs erved.
1.2.13 D o no t us e the meter unless the battery co ve r is
secure ly f as tened to the meter.
1.2.14 Avoid direct e xp os ure to sunlight to ensure
extend ed l if e of the meter.