1. Preface
5. Measurement Operation
5.1 DC Voltage and
AC Voltage Measurement
5.2 Resistance Measurement
5.3 Diode Test
5.4 Continuity Measurement
5.5 Capacitance Measurement
5.6 Transistor Measurement
5.7 Frequency Measurement
5.8 Current Measurement
5.9 Temperature Measurement
2. Safety Information
3. Product Overview
3.1 Product Outline and its Description
3.2 Function Keys
4. Technical Indicators
4.1 General Characteristics
4.2 Electrical Technical Indicators
6. Maintenance
6.1 Battery Replacement
6.2 Fuse Replacement
6.3 Others
1. Preface
This dig ital mu ltime ter (he reinafter referred to a s
the “m eter” ) is a pock et-si zed multifunction ins trume nt
that uses 4 x1. 5V SIZE AA ba tteri es.
This ser ies of pr oduct s is desi gned with beautiful
appearanc e, firm s truct ure and excellent durability.
It use s elast ic ABS mat erial a nd double-injection
molding des ign, an d has goo d shock -resistant
performan ce.
The mete r meets G B/T 13978 -92 dig ital multimeter
general tec hnolo gy stan dards a nd GB4793.1-1995
(IEC -6101 0-1: 20 01) ele ctron ic measurement
instrumen t safet y requi rements, with class-I I
pollution a nd over -volt age sta ndard CAT III 600V.
Its fu ll func tion pr otect ion ensures the safe and
proper use of t he mete r.
As a gene ral ele ctric al meas uring a nd testing device,
this meter ca n be wide ly used i n the social electronic
fields such a s schoo ls, res earch institutes and fa ctori es.
2. Safety Information
The user shou ld obse rve to th e following safety tips i n
Plea se part icula rly not e that inappropriate use may
cause shock o r damag e to the me ter. The user
should comp ly with c ommon s afety procedures and
completel y follo w the saf ety measures stated in th is
operation m anual .
In order to mak e full us e of the me ter's functions
and ensure sa fe oper ation , pleas e carefully follow
the procedu res des cribe d in this s ection.