Safe Working Habits
To avoid el ectric shock or personal inj ury, please
read “saf ety information” and “w arning and
rela ted n otes” carefully befor e using the meter.
The MS 823 9A is a small hand-held , saf e and reliable
3.5” d igi tal multimeter with sta ble p erformance and
novel str ucture. It can be used to mea sur e DC
voltage , DC current, resistanc e, di ode forward
voltage d rop, circuit continui ty an d to test batteries.
It is an i dea l maintenance tool easi ly ca rried by a
large num ber of users.
To avoid possible electric s hock or personal injury as
well as dam age to the meter or measure d obj ects,
please us e the meter according to th e fol lowing
procedu res:
Safety Instructions
The MS 823 9A digital multimet er ha s been designed
acco rdi ng to International Ele ctr o Safety Standard
IEC- 101 0 (61010-1@IEC: 2001) conc erning safety
require ments for electronic me asu ring instruments
and hand- held digital multimeters . It meets the
require ments for CAT.III 600V of IEC1010 and g rad e
2 for po llu tion.
• Users sho uld use the meter strictl y acc ording to
the pr ovi sions of this manual. Oth erw ise, the
warr ant y for the meter may become in val id.
• The wa rni ngs in the user manual are used to r emind
user s of po ssible dangers or dange rou s actions.
• The no tes i n the user manual are to remi nd us ers
of con dit ions or actions that may ca use d amage
to the m eas ured object.
• Check the c ase before using the mete r. Don't use the
mete r wit h damaged case. Check to se e if th e case is
crac ked o r lacks plastic parts. Pl eas e pay special
atte nti on to the joint insulatin g lay er.
• Check to se e if the test wire has insula tio n damage or
bare m eta l. Check test wire contin uit y. If the wire is
dama ged , please replace it with a ne w one b efore
usin g the m eter.
• Measure k nown voltage with the met er to v erify that
the me ter i s working properly. If the met er is working
abno rma lly, stop using it immediate ly. A protec tiv e
devi ce ma y be damaged. If there is any d oub t, please
have t he me ter inspected by a qualif ied t echnician.
• Do not test v oltage exceeding rate d vol tage marked
on the m ete r.
• When t est ing voltage exceeding 3 0v AC voltage RMS,
42v AC pe ak or 60v DC, be particular ly careful to
avoi d ele ctric shock.
• When m eas uring, use correct jack , and s elect the
prop er fu nction and measuring ra nge .
• Do not use th e meter in explosive gas, v apo r or dusty
envi ron ments.
• When u sin g the probe, fingers shou ld be b ehind the
prob e pro tection device.