Mastech MS8238G User Manual

User's Manual
Digital Multimeter
2.1 Safety S tandards................................1
1.Overview .................................................1
2.2 Pre cau tions......................................2
1.Over view
To avoi d electrical shoc k or pe rsonal injur y, pleas e rea d all safety inform ation,warning s and preca uti ons before using th e meter.
The MS8 238 G is a small, safe a nd re liable 3 1/2 dig it handh eld m ultimeter. This meter can me asu re AC/DC volta ge, D C current, res ist ance, diode, c ont inuity and batte ry te st and non-con tac t voltage test s. This tool is ideal f or pr ofessional s and h obbyists ali ke.
2. Safet y Informati on
2.1 Saf ety S tandards
2.3 Ele ctr ical Symbols ..............................3
3. ....... ........... .........4Descr iption and Usage
3.1 Front Pa nel.......................................4
3.2 Dis pla y ...........................................5
3.3 Usi ng th e Meter..................................6
4. ....... ........... ................ ....10Spe cifications
4.1 Gen era l Specificat ion s........................10
4.2 Techn ica l Specificat ion s ......................11
5. ....... ........... ................ .......13Maintena nce
5.1 Gen era l Maintenanc e .........................13
5.2 Rep lac ing the Batter y and F uses.............14
5.3 Rep lac ing the Probe ..........................14
The MS8 238 G meets the safe ty st andards UL CSA C22. 2 No. 61010-1, CAT II 600V and a p oll ution degre e 2.
61010 -1,
• The pr otection pro vid ed by the meter ca n onl y be ensured if a ll safety proc edu res are strict ly fo llowed.
• The sa fety symbols o n the m eter are to advi se of potentia l dangerous si tua tions.Caut ion i s required when me asu ring close to th e met e’s safe ty li mits.
• Never e xce ed the protect ion l imit values in dic ated in the specif ications for e ach r ange of measur eme nt.
The sp ecial a ttent ion s hould b e paid wh en usin g the met er beca use the i mprop er us age may c ause el ectri c shock a nd
dama ge the me ter . Th e saf et y mea sures i n commo n safet y regu latio ns an d op era ting in struc tion sh ould be c ompli ed wi th when u sing. I n order t o mak e fu lly u se of its f uncti ons and
ensu re safe o perat ion s pleas e compl y with th e usage i n this sect ion car efull y. If t he e qui pment i s used in a m anner n ot spec ified b y the man ufa cture r, the pro tecti on prov ided by t he
equi pment m ay be i mp air ed.
2.2 Pre cau tions
• To avoid e lec trical shock o r per sonal injury, observe and fol low a ll safety prec aut ions
• Check t he me ter for damage b efo re use. Do not use i f any dam age i s observed.
• Check t he te st leads for cra cks o r exposed wire s bef ore using the me ter. Replace if n ece ssary.
• Ensur e the m eter works pro per ly by testing a kn own voltage so urce first.If not w orking prope rly, the prote cti ve equipment m ay be d amaged; have t he me ter serviced b efore using.
• Never m eas ure voltages t hat m ay exceed the pr ote ction limit i ndi cated on the met er.
• Always b e car eful when work ing w ith voltages a bov e 60V dc or 30V ac r ms. Keep finge rs be hind the probe barri ers w hen making vol tag e measuremen ts.
• Make su re th e test leads are i n the c orrect input j ack s before mea surement.
• Do not ex pos e the meter to exp los ive gas, dust or v apo r.
• When co nne cting the test l ead s to a measureme nt circu it, c onnect the com mon l ead first, the n the l ive lead. Rever se wh en disconnec tin g.
• Turn off power to circu it an d discharge al l cap acitors before mak ing resistan ce, c ontinuity or d iod e measu rem ents.
• In orde r to av oid incorrec t DC vo ltage readin gs, c heck the circui t for AC voltage fi rst , then put the meter in t he appro pri ate DC voltage r ang e.
• Turn off circuit powe r and c heck fused bef ore c onnect the lea ds wh en measuring c urr ent.Turn circuit po wer on after mak ing connecti on.
• Never u se th e meter unless t he ba ck cover is in pla ce and fasten ed securely.
• When th e low b attery indic ato r“ ”is display ed, r eplace the batter y.The accura cy of the meter canno t be guara nte ed while the low b att ery indicato r is on .
• Befor e ope ning the case, a lwa ys disconnec t tes t leads from all ene rgized circu its .
• For con tin ued protecti on ag ainst fire, re pla ce fuse only with the spe cified volta ge an d current rati ngs l isted in the manual .
2.3 Electr ical Symbols
Important safety information. Read the manual.
High voltage with danger.
Double Insulation (Class II safety equipment).
Fuse m ust be re place d as pe r th e spe cific ation h erein .
Acco rd with t he rela ted E U laws an d regul ation s
AC (Al terna ting Cu rre nt)
DC (Direct Current)
Conf orms to U L STD 61 010 -1 ; Cert ified t o CSA STD C2 2.2 N O. 610 10-1
This p roduc t has bee n tes te d to th e requi remen ts of CAN /CSA C22 .2 NO.6 101 0-1,s econd e ditio n, incl uding Am end me nt 1.
CAT II (Measurement category ll): it is for measurements performed on circuits directly connected to the low voltage installation.
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