Mastech MS6540A User Manual

Infrared Thermometer
User Manual
1. Product Overview...............................1
2. Safety Precautions.............................1
3. Appearance.......................................4
4. LCD..................................................4
5. Operation Instructions........................5
5.1 Manual Meas urement.. ........... ......... ........5
5.2 Degree Celsius/
Fahrenheit Toggli ng ................. .. ..........5
5.3 View Ma x/Min/ Ave /
Diff Temperature.. .................... ......... ...5
5.4 Emiss ivity Set tings.. ....... ....... ....... ...........6
5.5 Temperature Li mit
Alarming Fun ction...... ......... ........... .....6
5.6 Save /Recal l /Delete A Record.... ......... .......7
6. Distance To Object
Size Ratio (D:S )...............................9
7. Emissivity..........................................10
8. Maintenance......................................11
8.1 Batte ry Replac ement:. ....... ....... ....... .........11
8.2 Lens Cleani ng....... ........... ......... ..............12
8.3 Housing Cle aning.... ........... ......... ........... .12
9. Technical S pecifications...... ...............12
10. Accessories.....................................13
1. Product Overview
This hand-held infrared temperature sensors (hereina fter referred to as “temperature sensor”) can be used for measuring temperatures in a non-contact way, whi ch determines the surface temperature of a test object by measuring the infrared energy radiated from the surface of the object. These ar e high- perfo rmanc e and high-quality instruments which employ micro computer s for data acquisition and processing. The instrument have such advantages as large distance coeff icien t, broa d tempe ratur e measu ring ra nge, hi gh precision, and fast response. Boasting multi functions including emissivity adjusting, maximum temp. readin g, minimum temp. reading, average temp. reading, temp. diffe rence a nd uppe r/low er temp l imit se tting , over- limit alarming, etc., the temperature sensors are nevertheless of small size and light weight, easy to operate, and very reliable. Th e devic es can be w idely u sed in th e indus tries of petroleum, chemical engineering, railway, medica l care, power, metallurgy, tex tile, p lasti cs, met alwor king, energy-saving, etc., where rapid and non-contact surface-temperature measurements are needed.
2. Safety Precautions
Please do not direct laser beam into the eye directly, or indirectly through reflection.
Please check the housing of the temperature sensor before using. Never use a damaged sensor. Check for any damage or any missing plastic/rubber part.
The battery should be replaced immediately in case the batte ry indictor ( ) is s hown on display.
In case t he temperature sensor does not function well, please stop using it. The prot ectin g devic e of the se nsor may have been damaged. If it appears to have any problem, please send the sensor for repairing.
Never use a temperature sensor where there is explosive gas, vapor or dust nearby.
Please do not connect the attached probe to a powered-on circuit.
In order to avoid being burnt, please be noted that the measured temperatures for an object with high refle ctivity are lower than its actual temperature.
In case t he temperature sensor is not operated in accordance with the instructions as stated in this manual, the protecting function provided for the device might not function well.
To avoid damaging the tempera ture se nsor or t he equip ment to be tested, please protect them from the fol lowin g hazar ds or imp roper handling:
Stati c charge
EMF (electromagnetic field) generated by an arc
welder or induction heater, etc.
Heat impact (Heat impact is caused by large or abrupt change of the ambient temperature, in which case one has to wait for 20 minutes to stabilize the sensor before using).
Please do not place the sensor on or close to a high-temperature object.
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