Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Package Includes
2. Product Description
2.1 Front Panel
2.2 Rear Panel Connections
3. On-Screen Menu
3.1 Main Menu Categories
3.2 Sub-Menu Descriptions
3.2.1 Video
3.2.2 Audio
3.2.3 Setting
3.2.4 OSD (On-Screen Display)
4. Dimensions
5. Parameters
6. Network Controls

1. Package Includes
• One M-LYNX-702 Monitor
• One universal AC power adapter
• One AC power cord
• Information card
2. Product Description
2.1 Front Panel
M-LYNX-702 V.3 Manual
Headphone jack (one per screen). Monitor channels 1 and 2 of embedded audio from HDMI or
SDI source.
RATIO: Aspect ratio button provides quick selection of Full Screen, 16:9, and 4:3.
INPUT: HDMI/SDI button switches between HDMI or SDI inputs.
MENU: Accesses the on-screen menus. Press the menu button a second time to clear the screen
or wait 10 seconds and it will clear itself.
: Short cut key to change Brightness. When menu is on screen, moves selection up.
: Short cut key to change Contrast. When menu is on screen, moves selection down.
: Short cut key to decrease Volume. Use after or short cuts to decrease brightness or
When menu is on screen, use to change selected parameter.
: Short cut key to increase the Volume. Use after or short cuts to increase brightness or
When menu is on screen, use to change selected parameter.
Power button. Press to turn screen on or off.

2.2 Rear Panel Connections
Power Input
The M-LYNX-702 V.3 monitor can be powered using either the included 12-Volt power supply
plugged into the small coaxial connector or standard 12-Volt camera-type power supply connected
to the 4-pin XLR connector. It is recommended to connect only one type of power supply at one
USB Port
The USB port is used for service functions only.
HDMI Input and Loop Out
Connect a standard HDMI source here. For details, see the Compatible Input Formats section
below. Active loop out allows “daisy-chaining” to other devices. (Loop out continues to function
when the screen is turned off.)
3G/SDI Input and Loop Out
Connect a serial digital source here. It is compatible with SDI, HD SDI, or 3G SDI sources. Active
loop out allows “daisy-chaining” to other devices. (Loop out continues to function when the screen
is turned off.)
The 15-pin D-Sub connector on the back panel is used to control the on-screen colored tally
indicators. The Red, Green, or Yellow border color can be turned on by connecting the appropriate
pin on this connector to the ground pin via “dry contact” or “open collector” type source. Refer to
the table printed next to the connector for wiring information. Note: External power should not be
applied to this connector.

M-LYNX-702 V.3 Manual
LAN Port
Ethernet LAN “RJ-45” Connector. The monitor can be operated from a PC using the application
provided with the unit.
3. On Screen Menu
Access the main menu by pressing the Menu button on the front panel.
Use the / keys to move within the main menu.
Use the key to access a sub-menu.
Once in a sub-menu, use the / keys to select an item to adjust and use the / keys to
change values or choices within their range.
Use the “Menu” key to return to main menu from the sub-menus.
To exit from the on-screen menus, press the “Menu” key again.
3.1 Main Menu Categories
Video – Contrast, Brightness, Saturation, Sharpness, Color Temp., Picture Mode, Aspect Ratio,
Check Field (selection of individual color), H/V delay (Only available on SDI signal), Scan Mode.
Continued on Next Page